League of Denial (61 page)

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Authors: Mark Fainaru-Wada


A proposal:
The section on Gary Huber’s dealings with Big Tobacco is drawn from Dan Zegart,
Civil Warriors
, 2000; and Robert N. Proctor,
Golden Holocaust
, 2011.

50 confirmed cases:
Ann C. McKee et al., “The Spectrum of Disease in Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy,”
, 2012.

43 percent:
Associated Press, Aug. 7, 2012.

“No genius”:
Matt Chaney e-mail to authors, 2013.

Dispensed paid advice:
“Researchers consulted with law firms,”
, April 6, 2013.

Had given way:
“Concussion Kickoff: Oral Arguments Held in NFL Concussion Litigation,”
, April 10, 2013.

“Guiding strategists”:
United States of America v. Philip Morris USA Inc.
, District Court for the District of Columbia Judge Gladys Kessler, Aug. 17, 2006, p. 97.

Directed litigation:
Ibid., p. 68.

Robert Proctor,
Golden Holocaust
, p. 545, and “Proposal for the Organization of the Whitecoat Project,” Bates 3990006961/3990006964, at the University of California, San Francisco Legacy Tobacco Documents Library. See

“Deep shit”:
Golden Holocaust
, p. 303, and “Project Down Under: Conference Notes,” June 24, 1987, Bates 2021502102-2134 (p. 4). See

When he first arrived:
Jim Otto interview, 2012.

Descendant of the Roman gladiators:
Jim Otto with Dave Newhouse,
Jim Otto: The Pain of Glory
, p. 7.

A gash:
Jim Otto with Dave Newhouse,
Jim Otto: The Pain of Glory
, p. viii.

“Looking at a gargoyle”:
Jim Otto with Dave Newhouse,
Jim Otto: The Pain of Glory
, p. 143.

“Middle-aged horror show”:
Jim Otto with Dave Newhouse,
Jim Otto: The Pain of Glory
, p. 2.

Probably end up killing him:
Otto interview, 2012.

“I’m not a wimp-out”:
Jim Otto with Dave Newhouse,
Jim Otto: The Pain of Glory
, p. 6.


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