Learning to Trust: Sweet Temptation (15 page)

wasn’t like they had slept in the same bed for the last week because he had always
ventured out to the sofa at the condo while she remained in the bedroom. Lucie
hadn’t had the luxury of waking up in his arms, and she wondered whether she
ever would.

she had been in the shower, she had resigned herself to listening to everything
he had to say. She wasn’t going to argue, nor was she going to beg. Instead,
she had decided that she would take what he could give her. If that meant he
came over, and they stole a few hours alone in the dark in her bed each night,
so be it. It was more than she felt she deserved.

moving,” she blurted out before she thought better of it. Clearly she had an
issue with the silence because she felt the need to fill it with random


I found a nicer apartment, and it’s in a great neighborhood with good schools.
I’ve been saving up so that Haley and I could move before she started

didn’t say anything more, he just pulled her closer and Lucie listened to the
sound of his heart beating beneath her ear. After a few minutes of silence, she
figured he’d fallen back asleep. She knew she should try to sleep too.

love you.”

with the complete silence, Kane’s words were barely audible, but Lucie figured
that was because her heart had begun to pound like she’d just run a marathon.
And that was after he spoke. He didn’t move, and he didn’t say anything more.
She was beginning to think she had imagined it, when finally he repeated the

love you, Lucie. I’ve loved you for a long time.”

fingers dug into the warm skin beneath her fingertips as a single tear slid
down her cheek landing on his chest.

cry, baby,” Kane whispered, pushing her off of him as he maneuvered so that he
was above her, resting on his arm.

couldn’t see his face in the dark, but she could feel his presence above her and
the weight of his body against her side. She had no idea what to say. She
didn’t know if her voice would even work because there was a lump the size of a
basketball in her throat.

sorry I didn’t say it before,” Kane began, but Lucie immediately silenced him
by pressing her fingers against his lips.

don’t apologize, Kane. If anyone should say they’re sorry, it should be me.”
She’d hurt him so badly by keeping her secret and Lucie considered herself
lucky that he would even speak to her, much less tell her that he loved her.

don’t want you to be sorry either,” Kane whispered, his breath closer to her
mouth. “I just want you to love me back. I want you to love me forever, Lucie.”
His mouth pressed gently against hers, “Please just love me forever.”

peered up at him, trying her best to see him in the dark. Her eyes had finally
adjusted somewhat, and she could see his profile, but not the pained look she
sensed on his handsome face. “I already love you, Kane. And you don’t have to
worry about forever, I can’t go back now. I’ve never been able to go back.”

warm hands came up and cupped her face, his mouth insistently pressing against
hers, his tongue sliding through her lips until she opened wider, letting him
in. Letting all of him in.

Chapter Thirteen

*** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***


rolled over onto his back, pulling Lucie along with him so that she was perched
on top of him, her breasts crushed against his chest, her mouth melded with
his. His hands roamed down her sides, gliding over the rounded curves of her
breasts, her ribs, her waist, then over her sweet ass covered in a soft, loose
material. Boxer shorts? He gripped her ass firmly, pressing her against his
insistent, throbbing cock, wanting to feel smooth, hot skin against his.

gone without her the night before, Kane felt as though he’d been deprived of
her sweetness for a lifetime. Now that he was with her, holding her, kissing
her, he knew there was no chance he was ever letting her go again.

she pulled back, he could see the outline of her face staring down at him.
“Make love to me,” she whispered into the darkness and his heart jolted in his
chest. He wanted nothing more than to express what this woman made him feel,
and the easiest way to do that was when their bodies came together.

the hem of her tank top, Kane lifted until he could feel the softness of her
breasts against his chest. Sliding his hands down the gentle curve of her
spine, he slipped them into the shorts she had on, pushing them down over the
rounded globes of her ass, down her thighs until she managed to push them off
with her feet.

the only thing between them was his jeans. When Lucie moved, taking her warmth
with him, he realized what she was doing. With deft movements, she managed to
unbutton and unzip him before sliding the denim down his hips. He tried not to hurry,
although the desperate need to be inside of her, to hold her to him, was

her body was again flush with his, Kane gripped her hips, grinding his erection
between her warm, wet folds. “You’re wet,” he told her as he tilted his head
while she placed scorching hot kisses against his neck. God, the woman was
driving him insane.

around,” he demanded and he felt her hesitation, knew she was questioning his
motives. He needed to taste her, to inhale her sweet, musky scent and devour

pushed up to her knees and then climbed over him, but she stopped as she knelt
beside him.

your pussy on my mouth,” he instructed, wondering what her reaction was going
to be. He wasn’t fond of the dark, wished like hell he’d left the light on so
that he could see her, but this way he’d be able to feel her.

she straddled his chest, her bottom close to his face, he slid his arms beneath
her legs and pulled her hips backward until her sweetness was perched above his
mouth. Without hesitation, he pulled her down so that his mouth was buried in
her pussy, his tongue sliding between the slick folds until he found her clit.

fuck!” Kane damn near came up off the mattress when Lucie took his cock into
her mouth, sucking feverishly as she bathed his dick with heat. Trying to focus
solely on her, he once again sought her clit with his tongue, circling slowly
at first, then increasing the pressure and speed as she returned the favor with
her mouth.

The position
they were in was too much, she was zapping his concentration with her wicked
mouth and those subtle moans were sending jarring vibrations to his balls. He
wasn’t ready to come. Not until he was inside of her. But, fuck it felt so damn

out the intense sensations, Kane speared her pussy with his tongue, driving as
deep as he could until Lucie was rocking her hips against his mouth, her moans
increasing, and now her hand was stroking his cock in a rhythm that matched her
soft, warm mouth.

he wasn’t going to last like this.

one gentle motion, he managed to flip them so that he was on top, where he
could get a better handle on the situation. He needed the control or this woman
was going to send him into hyperspace. He fully intended to get there, but not
until she was going right along with him.

he was once again on top of her, their heads at the foot of the bed, his body
covering hers. The head of his cock pressed against her warm, wet opening, and
he paused.

their lips touched, their tongues twined together in a deep, soul wrenching
kiss, Kane slid inside of her, the walls of her sex closing around his dick,
scalding him with her heat. It was the only place he ever wanted to be. Right
here, with this woman, buried inside of her until there was no way to decipher
that they were two.

they were one in this moment. One for always.

began rocking his hips slowly, going deep, then pulling back. Going deeper with
each shallow thrust of his hips until their pelvis’s touched. Continuing the
motion over and over, Kane tried to keep it slow, to show Lucie just what she
did to him. She made him soar, she made his heart pound, and more importantly,
she made him feel things he never thought he’d feel.


woman completed him in ways he’d never expected.

me, Lucie,” he pleaded with her. Going slow was the only way he knew to show
her just what it meant to him to have her like this. Savoring every movement,
feeling every gentle plunge of his cock into her depths.

love you forever, Kane,” she whispered back, her fingers sliding into his hair,
gripping it harder than he expected. “But, now I want all of you. No holding

knew what she was saying. Lucie accepted him for who he was. All that he was.
This gentle lovemaking was foreign to him, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want
it. There’d be plenty of time for more, plenty of time to take her in all of
the ways he had dreamed. But right now, this was perfection.

not holding back, baby. Not this time.” And it was the truth.

began driving into her harder, but never separating their bodies. He closed his
mouth over hers, penetrating her deeper with his hips and his tongue at the
same time until they were panting, sweat beading on his forehead.

God, Lucie. You don’t know what you do to me, baby.”

me,” she murmured against his mouth. “Show me, Kane. Come for me.”

pulled back, slammed into her once, twice until he felt the walls of her sex
clenching around his cock, her muscles tightening, her legs wrapped around his
hips while her heels pressed into his ass. Leaning up on his forearms, he
stared down at her, knowing they couldn’t see one another with their eyes, but
that didn’t matter. Their hearts were all that mattered right then, and when
she squeezed him tightly, Kane slammed into her one final time as she screamed
his name, pulling his release from him in a rush as she came around his cock.

wasn’t sure whether he deserved a woman as perfect for him as Lucie and despite
her flaws – and his – Kane knew they were meant for each other. It’d just taken
a long time to get to this point. But now that they were here, there was no way
he was letting her go.

ever again.




lay in the darkness, running her fingers through Kane’s silky dark hair as his
head rested against her chest. He was heavy, but the weight of him had never
felt quite so good. Knowing that he was right there with her, holding her made
her heart sigh in relief. This was what she had always longed for.

way their bodies spoke to one another was unlike anything Lucie had ever known.
But the way their hearts connected, was more than she felt she deserved. She
was flawed, she knew that. She made mistakes in her past, and she was pretty
sure she’d make more in her future. She wasn’t perfect. Neither was Kane. And
as far as she was concerned, there had never been two people better suited for
one another than the two of them. After all, look what happened when two flawed,
imperfect people came together. They created perfection. And her name was

me,” Kane breathed out roughly, lifting his head from her chest. The early
morning sun was peeking in through the small window in her bedroom, and she
could see his face clearly now. What she saw there, stole her breath.

had no idea what to say. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. She knew what to say.
Yes. It was the only answer if he actually was asking the question. She didn’t
respond, her brain working feverishly to determine whether her ears had
actually heard him correctly.

marry me,” he repeated. “Marry me and let’s make more perfect babies together.
I want to spend my life with you. I want to fall into bed with you each night
and wake up with you each day.”

She definitely
couldn’t have imagined that. Lucie felt the smile that split her face, the ray
of sunshine that penetrated her heart. “Yes,” she whispered, the word barely
escaping. “Yes, Kane. Yes, I’ll marry you.” That time they came out more easily,
and she knew in that moment that the smile was now permanent.

love you, Lucie. Forever and always, I love you.”

love you, too, Kane. Now and forever.”

Chapter Fourteen

*** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***


wanted to see me?” Kane questioned Luke as he made his way through the office

the door, please,” Luke replied, not bothering to look up from his computer.

closed the door behind him, then moved to the single chair sitting opposite Luke’s
large desk.

his boss continued with what he was working on, Kane admired the changes to the
office. Before Luke had met Sierra, his office had been just short of a supply
closet, although some designer had attempted to give it a personable feel, but
had only managed to make it worse. If that had even been possible.

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