Leather and Sand (Riding the Line Series) (28 page)

Dax Jamison is going to—spank me.
Holy Jesus.

Her body obeyed even as her head tried to convince it to do otherwise. Rhee was in a position she had never been in before, with her ass in the air, displayed for him submissively. Dax was silent. She could feel him position himself behind her on the bed. She closed her eyes, waiting for a painful smack. But, it never came.

He ran his long fingers over the globes of her ass slowly, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. He edged closer and closer to her hot center. Rhee heard a wanton moan float from her lips as she rocked her hips. This was his idea of a spanking?

I could get used to this kind of punishment….

“Christ, you’re so ready for me, sweetheart.” His fingers toyed with the hem of her panties. He lifted the material away and the rush of cool air against her slit made Rhee gasp. “Like the idea of a spanking, do you?”

Did she? Oh, God, Rhee didn’t care what he did any more as long as he kept touching her. “Please, Dax…”

“I like it when you beg, Rhiannon,” he admitted, his voice as silky as the feel of his hands on her hot flesh.

“Think I’ll give you three. One for every year you were gone. How’s that sound?”

She could do nothing but nod.

“Let’s get rid of these, shall we?” With a swift movement, Dax ripped her panties clean off. Rhee heard a soft plop as he tossed the scrap of satin to the floor.

So much for my good pair.

“Ready, sweetheart?”

Oh, God, was she ever. She was in a place where desire seemed to override logical reason. Rhee arched her back, displaying herself to him in what must surely be the most obscene manner. She yelped as his hand made contact with her bare behind. Gentle, at first, he rubbed her bottom, heating it with his palm.

“Get on with it, Dax!” she cried out, in frustration. The low, sexy chuckle her outburst elicited caused another pulse of heat to throb through her. She opened her mouth to scream her frustration. But she never got the chance.


Rhee was hardly aware of her throaty cry. It wasn’t a hard blow at all. In fact, she wouldn’t mind at all if he did it harder…


“Oh, God!” Rhee cried out, the aching sensation inside of her expanding. Her bottom heated up, sending tendrils of fire shooting down between her legs. Her nipples felt swollen and distended. She literally burned for him, to feel him, inside her once more. It had been so long…

His voice was in her ear, his warm breath ghosting down her neck. “How was that?”

It seemed as though her capacity for simple speech was gone. All that came out was a strangled moan.

A finger swiped lazily down her slit. “You’re so wet.”

The finger pressed into her and Rhee gasped, her muscles clenching around the questing digit.

“And tight.” His voice had become huskier.

Something hot and hard rubbed against her. “Ready for me, baby?”

“God, yes!”

Dax slammed his hips forward, taking her from behind. It was a sensation she wasn’t totally prepared for. Rhee squealed with surprise as he stretched her small passage to the limit and then a little beyond it.

“Fuck!” Dax’s guttural groan floated to her ears. “You feel even smaller than I remember,” he ground out. He drew himself out, inch by agonizing inch. “Am I hurting you?”

“A little,” she admitted. But, the initial stretching sensation was rapidly giving way to pleasure.

There was a pause. “Rhiannon. Have you—ever done it this way?”

“I’ve only done it one way,” she gasped. “You were there. Remember?”

Dax made a sound that she couldn’t quite identify. Then, his lips were at her neck. His large hand found her breast, kneading it possessively. Then, he was pushing his huge, hard organ inside her snug channel. Gently at first, then harder. Rhee felt like she was on fire as he thrust deeper, roughly, as though he could hardly control himself. She was climbing higher and higher.

“Please, Dax!”

“Come for me, sweetheart,” he growled, slamming his hips against her ass with an audible slap.

Rhee broke apart at his command, letting out a loud, keening cry. Pure sensation ripped through her body like a shockwave. It felt like it lasted forever, the waves of pleasure pulsating through her body, tugging at her heart and soul like a riptide. With a groan, she was aware of him pulling out of her body even as her tunnel gripped him like it didn’t want to let him go.

Dax roared, then gasped something that was almost unintelligible. Almost but not quite. His words sent another shiver through her, touching her somewhere she had never been touched. Hot droplets of liquid splattered across her bottom. Rhee fell forward onto her stomach feeling like her bones had just melted into a puddle.

Dax collapsed next to her, breathing heavily. “Are you okay?”

He sounded hesitant. Like he had done something wrong. Or said too much. Rhee turned to gaze into his eyes. His face blurred behind her tears. She traced the line of his jaw with one finger.
I won’t waste another minute lying to myself.
Or to him.

“I love you, too Dax.”

Chapter Thirty

“So…there’s been no one else?”

Rhee smiled. He sounded so proud about that. What was it with men, anyway? Still, something about Dax’s possessiveness made her feel all warm and tingly inside.



Why was she blushing? After what had just transpired, the heat filling her cheeks seemed silly. Even though his question was posed in a playful manner, there was a hint of seriousness Dax’s deep blue eyes. Rhee knew that he was trying to puzzle something out.

“I didn’t want anyone else,” she admitted, and for the first time, telling the truth seemed so honest and gratifying—so right.

He exhaled a breath she hadn’t been aware he was holding. Then, he literally puffed his chest out, the tension receding from his countenance.

“Is that so hard to believe, Daxter Jamison?” Rhee queried softly.

“It’s never happened before,” he remarked gruffly. “One day, I’ll let you read that.” He gestured to a tattered, black notebook that lay next to his jeans.

He writes?
Another surprise. There were so many layers to this sexy, damaged man.

“Come here.”

When she hesitated, Dax commanded again, in a low, gravelly whisper, “Come here, Rhiannon Blake.”

Is this really happening?
Hearing her name from his mouth sent a shockwave of desire rocketing through her core. His arms went around her, and then his lips were at her neck, nibbling the sensitive spot behind her ear. At her breathy sound of pleasure, a self-satisfied rumble went through his chest.

“I still remember how much you like that.”

This time, it was slow, sensual. He brought her to a tender climax with his magical lips and fingers before fitting his huge, hard length inside her, ever so slowly, stretching her to a place where pleasure and pain overlapped, until pleasure won out. The way he looked at her afterwards, like she was the most cherished thing on earth—Rhee had never been looked at like that before. It made her go hot and cold inside, the way he gazed at her with such pure, unadulterated passion. Rhee stared at the ceiling, relishing the soreness between her legs, wondering if she would ever get enough of the man.

As they lay entwined, soaked in the aftermath of their passion, unbidden questions nagged at her mind. Rhee couldn’t stop herself from asking, “The coffee deal? Hawk is fine with it?” It just didn’t make sense that the
would be cool with their vice president chilling on the island while they did all the dirty work back home.

“Well, he wasn’t exactly fine with it.”

“What?” she breathed.
Oh shit, what did he do?

“I’m done riding the line.”

“What does that mean?” she was almost afraid to ask.

“It means that I won’t be needing this.” Dax sat up and pulled his leather cut into the bed with them. He traced the stitching on his patch. “You’ll look better in it anyway.”

Rhee gasped, throwing her hands up to catch it as he tossed the vest at her. “I don’t understand.”

“I’m done riding the line, darlin,’” Dax shrugged. “I guess you could say I traded my leather for sand.”

“Does—does that mean you’re staying here?” Rhee could hardly breathe. Dax was giving up the club—
his family
—for her?
For us?

That famous lop-sided grin made her toes curl against his hard, bare thigh. “Yup.”

“But—won’t they want to jump you out or something?” Gruesome images ran through her head. Rhee knew that Hawk ordered a guy to choose knife or flame when he wanted out. He had barely survived when they burned the club tattoos off his back, arms, and chest. The thought of them doing anything like that to Dax…even blacking his ink out with cover-up tattoos would take part of his personal history away from the man.

“Nah. Hawk gave me a pass. As long as I cut the club into our coffee profit, I’m good.”

“It’s not just coffee, is it, Dax?”

He grinned. “The less you know, stowaway…”

Dax and Turtle working together? She could probably guess what was going to be shipped along with their coffee. Now that the
were running
Mako Shipping,
it seemed they had a failsafe plan to increase their profit margin by a landslide.

Rhee couldn’t keep the grin off of her face even as she asked, “Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Oh, hell yes.”

Dax reached for her with a growl that inspired a wave of heat to wash through her core. He was on her, and in her, before Rhee could comment, other than to gasp with pleasure and elation. As he took her to nirvana and back, just before her second climax, an image appeared in Rhee’s mind, so sharply in focus that she opened her eyes wide in surprise.

She and Dax, walking on the beach at sunset, swinging Sirena between them, the light reflecting off the water in a halo around them…


“That good, darlin’?’ Dax ground out, as he arched his back, hitting that tender spot deep inside her. He let out a guttural groan as he poured out his essence into her welcoming body. A single tear slipped from the corner of her eye as Rhee whispered, more to herself, than to Dax.

Da kine
,” she whispered, more to herself than to him.

Dax looked at her quizzically before falling onto his back and pulling her half onto his hard chest. “One day, you’ll have to tell me what that means.”

“Oh, I think you’ll figure it out.”

Rhee buried her face into the space between his shoulder and neck. Even if he wasn’t wearing his cut, Dax would always smell like leather to her. A lazy smile graced her lips as she joined Dax in a light doze before their daughter awoke. Dax hadn’t had much face time with Sirena due to his injury and hospital stay, but the way his face lit up when he saw her told Rhee all she needed to know about what kind of father the man would be.

He’s ours.
For now.


Michaela Blake huddled in the corner of a low-budget motel room. For the umpteenth time, she thought of Rhee. Her sister was probably still looking for her. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to confess her sins.

And the sins of my stepfather.

But what kind of life would she have, then? She’d go to jail. Probably forever.

She was so tired of running. Sometimes, she wasn’t sure what she was running from any longer. Mickey never thought she would live to see the day that she pined for the life she had back home. But, she couldn’t go back there. Not ever. Not after what she’d done. Mickey sighed, staring at the small pile of bills on the table. She couldn’t run forever, but she couldn’t stay here, either. Her sins were always one small step behind her. They’d find her, soon enough.

They always did.

Author’s Note

I enjoyed writing during my childhood. The craft has served me in many ways: as an escape from troublesome experiences, as artistic expression, and as an outlet for my own fantasies and those of others. I re-discovered writing during a traumatic time in my life. My foray into self-publishing began as a total coincidence. When I wrote and released
Satin and Steel
on a whim, I truly had no idea that anyone would ever read it, let alone that it would garner so much support that I would end up creating the
Riding the Line
series. I wrote the series prequel,
Earning the Cut
, as a tribute to the strangers who have become friends and supporters from across the miles. Our family faced many setbacks and also numerous joys as I wrote
Leather and Sand.
These experiences are reflected in the book.

I anticipate that there will be at least one more book in this series. I have a few other works that I am excited to get out there as well. My creative well springs eternal, so if you have enjoyed my work, there will always be more coming!

My work goes through several rounds of independent edits, but sometimes things sneak past us. I am an indie author, who self-publishes my writing. Please help me out by emailing me if you find an error.

If you enjoyed this work, please consider leaving a review. Reviews help indie authors like me get our work out there.

I am so thankful to the Foxxx Club, my Facebook/Twitter Fan Club. Your support means the world to me. It feels like I have my own crew. (Next, we need pink and black cuts!) Thank you for reading, reviewing, commenting, and encouraging along the way. Now, get out there and enjoy yourselves. What lines are you riding? What truths are you afraid to admit to yourself? Or someone else? As Rhee and Dax have learned, life is too short and too precious to waste…


About the Author

By day, Jayna Vixen is a doctoral-level consultant, supermom, wife, and freelance writer. When night falls, she transforms into a sultry, sexual seductress with a flair for pole dancing and eroticism. No one knows that beneath the crisp, pressed suit and the many awards and degrees lies a temptress who lures you in with her masterful storytelling. Let Jayna Vixen lure you in too…read on and become addicted to Jayna Vixen Erotica!

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