Legally Bound 2: Against The Law (5 page)

“But she was having a good time. I don’t want to ruin the prom for her,” Rita said anxiously.

Bobby snorted. “This night is over,” he said with finality.

“It’s okay Rita; I belong with you. You need me,” Marie said as she reached for Rita’s hand and squeezed it.

“I think we can get out to the parking lot from that way. I don’t want to go through the crowd,” Rita looked up into Marcus’s eyes and said.

He just nodded turning for the way she pointed out. Marcus stopped after a few steps and turned back. “Jas, you need a ride?”

“No, I want to stay here. I’ll ride back with Nate,” Jasper scowled.

Marcus walked the girls back up the hill where they had left the cars. They had been sitting for at least an hour watching the girls with surveillance equipment. They were going to leave just before Marcus noticed Rita walking off with that punk.

His gut told him something was wrong. They’d moved in closer and when the two cowards came running back to the party looking like they were being chased by the hounds of hell Marcus took off running without taking a second thought.

Marie climbed into the back seat of the car, and Rita waited to follow. Marcus caught her by her arm and turned her to face him. He searched her face not knowing what he was looking for.

Rita reached up and touched his face as she stared into his grey eyes. “I’m alright,” she murmured.

Marcus shook his head to clear it before he did something stupid. The knowledge that she was only covered by his dress shirt was enough to fog his brain. She didn’t need that right now; she needed to feel safe. He pressed his lips to her forehead in what would look like an innocent gesture to anyone else but was a reassuring one for his girl.

A smile tugged at her lips, and she turned to slide into the back seat with Marie.


“Don’t tell dad what happened tonight until Bobby gets things sorted out,” Marcus said to Marie as he walked her to the door.

“What were you guys doing there in the first place,” Marie asked and narrowed her eyes at her brother.

“I had, um, Nate had a feeling about Rita’s date,” Marcus murmured.

“Well, this once I’m glad you guys were around. You all didn’t have to beat them up like that but,” Marie shrugged. “I guess they deserved it.”

Marcus furrowed his brows at his sister. Then it dawned on him that she wouldn’t think that Rita could handle those guys on her own like that. He’d been impressed to see Rita’s handy work himself. Marcus chuckled and ran a hand over Marie’s hair.

“They got exactly what they deserved,” Marcus smiled.

“Good night Marc,” Marie beamed.

“Night brat,” Marcus said and kissed his sister’s forehead.

Marcus was still chuckling when he got in the car. He put the car in gear and started out of his parent’s driveway. The scent of her perfume was the first thing to engulf him.

“I don’t want to go home yet,” Rita said from the back seat as she sat on its edge and placed her face against the side of the driver’s seat.

“We need to talk. I wasn’t planning on taking you home yet,” Marcus said over his shoulder.

Rita smiled and fell back against her seat. She brought the collar of his dress shirt to her nose and inhaled. It smelled just like him, delicious, a combination of musk, vanilla and something she couldn’t put her finger on.

Her smile broadened as she watched the muscles in his arm work as he drove. His t-shirt strained against his muscles causing her to lick her lips. Marcus Mairettie has only gotten sexier with time.

Rita started to panic when the car became too silent. At first, she thought Marcus wanted to talk about them being together. Now it was setting in that he may want to tell her that his words were a mistake.

When they pulled up to the old Mairettie lake house, Rita suddenly felt really nervous. If he broke her heart here tonight, it would be a long and embarrassing ride back home. She wouldn’t be able to face him ever again.

Marcus had no idea what he was doing. He knew he needed to talk to Rita. She couldn’t go around putting herself in situations like tonight just to get his attention. He had to let her know how he felt and make sure she understood.

He just hadn’t known where the best place to have this conversation would be. He didn’t want to risk one of his brothers or Nate showing up at his place and finding them together. It would cause too many questions that neither of them were ready to answer.

He also wanted to get her somewhere where she could change and get comfortable. He was sure the ripped dress was a reminder of what she’d been through tonight. Making her feel safe was his main priority.

So here they were at the lake house. It was the only place he could think of. No one was coming here tonight, and he could find her some of Marie’s old things. They may be snug, but anything was better than that dress.

Marcus helped her from the car and into the house before heading to Marie’s room. The family hadn’t been here in a while, but he knew his parents kept all their rooms the same. After rummaging for a little while, he found a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

“Here you can put this on,” Marcus said as he returned to the living room area where Rita was sitting, waiting.

“Thank you,” she murmured not looking him in the eyes.

Marcus groaned internally; she was uncomfortable. He should have thought of something better. Being out here alone with him may not have been the best idea after all. He cursed under his breath, what was he doing? He only had to wait three more years, why was that so hard to do?

He flopped down on the couch and ran his hands through his hair. Blowing out a heavy sigh, he put his head back and closed his eyes. He just needed to get his thoughts and emotions together. Coming out of that maze into that garden and seeing Rita with her dress ruined and the tears flowing from her eyes the moment she saw him had his chest twisted in knots.

“Marcus,” Rita whispered.

He opened his eyes and lifted his head. She was still in his dress shirt and the shorts that would have met Marie’s high thigh were riding up her crotch like underwear. Marcus quickly looked at her face to avoid the thoughts that assaulted him with the image of her long brown legs.

“Yeah,” he said huskily and stopped to clear his throat. “Come sit.”

“Thanks for the clothes. Marie is a little smaller than me,” she said with a shy smile.

“I think those are really old anyway,” Marcus couldn’t look at her as she sat on the opposite end of the couch.

“Listen, Marcus, it’s been a long night. Are you sure you want to talk tonight,” Rita said nervously.

“We need to talk sometime Rita,” Marcus sighed. “But if you are uncomfortable here alone with me then we can go.”

Rita looked at Marcus and frowned. He thought she was uncomfortable; this was the safest she’d ever felt. She wanted to be in his arms again.

“Why would I be uncomfortable being alone with you,” Rita asked pushing her hair out of her face.

“I don’t know,” Marcus sighed. “You look nervous. I don’t want to push you to be here after what happened tonight.”

“I am nervous Marcus. You said we need to talk, and I’m afraid of what you might say,” Rita admitted and bit her lip. “Are you tired of waiting? Did you change your mind?”

Rita couldn’t take the suspense she just wanted it over with; she needed to know if he didn’t want her. She had enough disappointment for one night. She sat fidgeting with the hem of his shirt she was wearing.

Marcus moved closer to her and reached for her chin lifting those beautiful eyes for him to look into. It wasn’t just the color that drew him in. It was the warmth and the sparkle in them. Her eyes always spoke to his soul.

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. It seems you are under the impression that I don’t care for you or that I don’t want you. You don’t have to put yourself in danger to get my attention, love. If you want me, you call me,” Marcus breathed.

Rita sat searching his grey eyes for the truth behind his words. Her lower lip began to tremble. It wasn’t just a dream or a promise he hadn’t meant. He really wanted to be with her.

“Marcus, I…I thought you were just saying those things before because of my mom,” Rita said through sobs. “I didn’t think you meant…”

Marcus cut her words off with his lips. He couldn’t stand to see his beautiful girl cry or for her to think that he didn’t care for her. A part of him knew he should wait a little longer, but his heart wouldn’t let him.

Marcus groaned against her lips when she wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed her hand into his hair. Her lips were so much softer than the last time they kissed. He cupped her face and pushed one hand into her long locks of hair.

As her, sweet scent rushed his senses his walls crumbled. There was no turning back. She was his, and he wanted her to know that more than anything.

His tongue swiped the seam of her lips drawing a little moan from her. It was so sweet he wanted to hear more. He teased her lower lip with his teeth before drawing it into his mouth.

Rita gasped and clutched his hair tighter pulling his face closer to hers. Marcus took her sharp intake of air as an opening to taste her mouth. His tongue dove into her mouth and swept around exploring before he found her tongue and teased it with care, love, hunger and a passion he didn’t know could exist.

Her mouth was so sweet he never wanted to stop tasting her. He felt like a man that had been denied pleasure all his life until this very moment. He didn’t know how he was supposed to walk away after this.

Rita gave as good as she was getting. She had waited so long for him to kiss her like this. Off of instinct, she drew his tongue into her mouth and sucked on it. Marcus growled and reached for her waist drawing her into his lap and wrapping his arms around her not breaking their kiss once.

Rita could feel her temperature rising. She wanted him to touch her. She wanted his hands everywhere, but he kept a tight hold of her waist. She broke the kiss and looked him in the eyes.

“Marcus, I’m…I’m on the pill,” she said breathlessly.

He pressed his forehead to hers and groaned. “Baby, we are not taking this that far,” he panted.

“But,” she could feel the bulge in his pants. She wanted to kick herself. Why had she blurted that out? “I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Marcus said as he pecked her lips then her nose. “We don’t have to rush things. I’m yours. When the time is right, you will have all of me.”

Rita squealed and let out a giggle as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed the side of his face. “You’re really mine,” she asked looking him in the eyes. “I don’t have to wait anymore.”

“Yeah baby, I’m yours. I always have been,” Marcus sighed as he rubbed her back. “But Rita, this doesn’t mean that we are ready to tell anyone about us.”

“Okay, you can be my little secret,” Rita chirped, “as long as I get to do this.”

Rita tipped his head back and straddled his lap. She kissed his lips grabbing his biceps. Marcus groaned as her tongue slid into his mouth. His hands slid up her sides and crushed her against his chest.








Chapter 6

arcus remembered making out like two teenagers that night. They’d only come up for air because Nate started to text Marcus asking for Rita’s whereabouts. Marcus couldn’t help feeling guilty.

He felt so guilty he started to avoid Nate and Bobby whenever he could. Sam was a different story. He wouldn’t let Marcus brush him off as easily, but he did give Marcus the feeling that he knew something was going on with him.

And there
something going on with him. He was in love with the girl next door. The one that was seven years younger than him but made him feel like he was on top of the world.

It had been a year since that night, and they had been together ever since. If he ever questioned his relationship with Rita or if it was wrong to promise her he would come for her at the right time it had all melted away.

A year of her laughter and smiles sealed the love he had for her in his heart. She lit up his world whenever she walked into the room. He loved coming home to find her in his apartment lounging on his couch.

He had given her a key a few weeks after they became official. It was hard enough for her to get away to come and see him without anyone knowing. They both knew her car was fitted with a tracking system.

At first just to be able to be around each other they had to use Marie. Rita would talk Marie into visits to his place, and they would spend the entire time sneaking looks of longing or sneaking off for stolen kisses. That got old fast.

When Rita signed up for classes to do makeup and hair, it helped a lot. The school wasn’t that far from Marcus’s apartment. She would leave her car at the school and Marcus would pick her up not far from the school or she would take a cab to his place.

She would just tell her dad and Nate that she was hanging with friends. Marie covered for her sometimes. She’d told Marie she was seeing someone; she just didn’t tell her it was Marcus.

As he moved around his apartment, his thoughts drifted to one of those nights he’d come home a little late to find Rita fast asleep on his couch. She was sprawled out over the couch with one hand on her chest and the other up over her head. Marcus stood watching her.

He was entranced by her long locks fanned out around her shoulders. Her long lashes rested on her high cheekbones. She was wearing a sundress that bared her long toned legs to his view. In his mind, he could only think one thing,

She was his angel, and he didn’t know how he got so lucky to have her. When he could stand to watch her sleep no more, he gently gathered her legs and lifted them to slide onto the couch. He placed her legs on his lap. Rita began to stir sleepily, and Marcus leaned in to kiss her sweet lips.

It was a gentle kiss to let her know he was there. Rita’s smile took over her lips as she pressed back into it. Becoming fully awake she reached to put her arms around his neck pulling him in close. Marcus deepened the kiss until Rita moaned in response. Breaking the kiss, he looked into her eyes with a smile on his face. God, he was so in love with her.

“Hey, I missed you. How was work?” Rita asked coyly.

“It was work. The best part of my day is always this part when I get to see you. I missed you too. How was school?” Marcus replied running a hand across her cheek.

“It was great, but I don’t want to talk about school,” Rita said with a grin.

“Then what would my girl like to talk about?” Marcus crooned into the crook of her neck.

Rita laughed and feigned thinking of a subject to talk about. When Marcus started to tickle her and nip at her neck, she gave in, in a fit of laughter. Marcus pulled away to sit up, and Rita moved to straddle his lap.

“Well, we could talk about this guy I am crazy about. I think I am totally in love with him,” Rita laughs.

Marcus wrapped his arms around her waist. “Is that right,” he says and lifts a brow while tilting his head. “He must be one good looking guy.”

“Oh, he is absolutely gorgeous, but that’s not why I love him,” Rita beams at him and cups his face giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

“Oh…is that, right? Well, why is it that you love this lucky man,” Marcus squeezes her waist drawing her in closer.

“Well, you see he has this interesting idea that he needs to protect me. Seriously… I could probably kick his ass, but he insists on doing reckless and ridiculous things. I know he means well, but it makes no sense,” Rita says with a hint of a smile.

“So you’re going to kick my ass, huh,” Marcus chuckled.

“That is what you pull from what I just said?” Rita threw her head back and laughed.

Marcus groaned. “Rita, we both know how important you are to me. I’m always going to protect you,” he sighed.

“Marcus,” Rita dropped her smile and glared at him. “Gary is your guard. He is supposed to be with you, not following me home. I caught him tailing me twice this week alone. Baby, you have to know that daddy asks for a report from everyone at the end of the night.

“You want to keep us a secret. Well, that isn’t going to happen when my father starts asking why your detail is following me home from your apartment,” Rita huffed.

“He is not going to ask anything. Gary and I have an understanding. I guarantee you if it is important then he will loyally report to your dad. But he and I have talked, and he knows that your visits are not to be reported.”

Rita’s face flushed. “You told him,” she gasped.

“No, I did not tell him,” Marcus smirked. “Why do you look so worried I thought you wanted to tell everyone about us?”

“I want nothing more than to tell everyone about us so we can stop sneaking around, but since you want to wait. I wouldn’t want the first person to know to be someone that works for my dad and not my dad himself,” Rita says with a small pout and places her forehead to his.

“Don’t worry about it I’ve got this,” Marcus breathed and sucked her lower lip into his mouth.

Rita moaned and forgot the fact that she wanted to talk more about actually telling everyone about them. Marcus always knew when she was headed there and like now he would head her off.

Marcus started to devour her mouth and cupped her waist over her sundress.
Always over her clothes
, Rita thought in the back of her mind. She quickly forgot the thought as one of Marcus’s hands tugged at her hair. His other hand slid up under her breast, and his thumb gently stroked the underside. Rita wiggled in his lap against his growing erection.

He groaned deep in his throat and broke the kiss. “Let’s eat something so I can get you home,” Marcus said knowing he needed to cool things down before he did something he would regret.

Rita folded her arms over her chest and gave him the cutest pout. God, he was so in love with her and that beautiful face. Not having her was killing him, but he had made up in his mind they needed to wait. It would just be better that way.


He laughed at the memory. Marcus was excited about tonight. It was her birthday, and he had a whole evening planned. He loved spoiling her with gifts. The smile on her face when he gave her the charm bracelet for her eighteenth birthday was priceless. Since then he wanted to shower her with gifts just to see her eyes light up that way all the time.

It had been a long day at the office, but nothing was going to keep him from spoiling his girl tonight. He had left Bobby and Paige combing over a new case. Those two would be there all night and would have had him there too if he didn’t head out when he did.

Marcus was just placing the bread in the oven to warm when he heard Rita’s keys in the door. He was still barefoot and shirtless as he rushed for the door to greet his girl. Marcus’s grin grew wider when Rita stepped in the door wearing a light peach silk shirt dress and a black belt around her trim waist.

“Hey Baby,” he crooned as he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly to him. “You look and smell amazing.”

Rita dropped the bags in her hand and jumped onto his waist. Marcus chuckled, catching her by her thighs to keep her from falling. Rita ran her hands up his bare chest as she crushed her lips to his.

Marcus Mairettie with no shirt on, displaying that chiseled chest and ripped abs that tapered into a trim waist was the best birthday present ever. Marcus groaned into her sweet mouth as his hands tightened on her thighs. Rita locked her fingers in his hair and pushed her breasts against his chest.

“Mmm, I missed you too,” Marcus purred.

“Yeah,” Rita breathed against his lips. “I really did miss you, and you look and smell amazing yourself.”

Marcus laughed, placing her back on her feet and looked over at the overnight bag she dropped on the floor. His brows furrowed and he turned to her. He could see the sparkle and mischief in her eyes.

“What’s with the bag,” he asked amused.

Rita moved back into his arms and wrapped hers around his waist. “Marie is covering for me. I thought I could stay the night since it’s my nineteenth birthday,” she purred and pulled his lips to hers.

Marcus groaned into her mouth trying to keep his wits about him. Rita ran her fingertips up his back, pressing in closer to his chest. Marcus gripped her waist trying to stay her for a moment so he could gain control again.

“You know that is not going to happen, Baby,” Marcus said gently, kissing her chastely on the neck to soften the blow.

“But Marcus, I’m nineteen. I thought we could,” she bit her lip and looked up at him through her lashes. “You know. I want you to make love to me for my birthday.

Marcus threw his head back and really laughed this time. Rita stiffened in his arms and put her hands on her hips. He was so infuriating. Rita was tired of waiting; if he loved her, then he should want her.

“I’ve already told you, Rita. You will not be sleeping over, and we will not be making love until everyone knows the truth. So get whatever you had planned out of that pretty little head of yours.”

“Ugh, Marcus it has been almost a year now. Why are we still hiding? We can just tell everyone, and we can finally have sex,” Rita growled.

“What has gotten into you,” Marcus chuckled.

“Not you,” she murmured.

“Babe, we’ve talked about this before. Why is this a problem now,” Marcus said with real concern.

“Because we have been together for a year now, why can’t we just tell them?” Rita pouted.

“Because in two years you will be twenty-one and I will be twenty-eight and that will sound a hell of a lot better than nineteen and twenty-six,” Marcus sighed and pressed his lips to her forehead.

“I don’t see the difference. Either way, it’s hey guys we were sneaking around for a year or hey we’ve been sneaking around for three years,” She whined back. “I don’t want to hide anymore. I love you.”

Marcus moved to nuzzle her neck. “You know I love you. I’m crazy about you, but I just need you to trust me. Why can’t I just have a nice evening with my girl and celebrate her birthday?”

“Because if you’re not getting it from me you have to be getting it from somewhere else. And because I’m not your girl, I’m your woman, and your woman wants to fuck,” Rita huffed.

Marcus’s head whipped back as if he were slapped. He was both pissed and turned on at the same time. He knew Rita could have a temper, and she could be feisty when she wanted, but he had never heard her talk like this. The words alone invoked images of her beneath him crying out his name.

Without thinking, Marcus reached for her thighs and lifted her onto his waist. Within seconds, he had her back pressed against the door, with his mouth crushing hers. He was devouring her full luscious lips and her candy sweet mouth.

“First, you’re right you are my woman, but the first time I’m inside of you I will be making love to you not fucking,” he growled against her lips. Holding her thighs tight in his palms, he ground his arousal into her heat. “Second, you are the only one that does this to me. You are the only one I want, so I’m making this sacrifice to have you and only you when the time is right. I don’t want any other woman and never will.”

Rita reached for the buttons on her dress and started to loosen them. “Then why wait? I want you and you want me, Baby please,” Rita pleaded.

Marcus dropped his head onto her shoulder. “Sweetheart, stop…you’re killing me. Neither of us will forgive me if I let this happen.”

“Please,” Rita breathed running her fingers through his hair.

“Rita, just stop,” Marcus strained out.

“Fine, then I’m leaving,” Rita said pushing at his chest.

“You can go if you are going to act like this. Call me when you are done having your tantrum,” Marcus grunted as he narrowed his eyes and released her. He paced away to reign in his own temper.

“No Marcus, you don’t understand. I’m leaving, I accepted my assignment. I’m going to Europe. I thought that maybe you would give me a reason to stay,” Rita murmured.

“What,” Marcus bit out.

“I’m going with Marie,” she replied in almost a whisper.

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