Read Legally Bound Online

Authors: Rynne Raines

Legally Bound (13 page)



This would not be their last night together,
Donavan silently vowed. He wouldn’t let it be. Although uncertain of what the
future held for them, Eve belonged at his side for more than a mere weekend.
Maybe she didn’t think so now, but tonight he would do everything in his power
to convince her. Even if that meant pushing the boundaries.

“Oh my God.” He heard Eve mutter from inside the
bathroom. “I can’t wear this out in public!”

Donavan grinned and shrugged into a black
button-up shirt.

“Just come out here and let me see you,” he
hollered back.

“No,” she refused. “No, I…I think it’s too small.”

The hell it is, Donavan thought, eyeing the
bathroom door as he worked the last button on his shirt through its hole. If
there was one thing he knew it was a woman’s lingerie size, and Eve was undoubtedly
a divine size six.

“If you’re not coming out, I’m coming in.” He
went to the door and gripped the knob. Locked. “Eve, open this door.”

“I don’t want to.” Though a solid oak panel
separated them he knew by the sound of her voice that her beautiful lips were
puckered in a pout. “I’m telling you it’s
too small.

“Trust me, you could be wearing a handkerchief
and it still wouldn’t be too small.”

She said nothing. Sighing, he rested the palm of
one hand against the door. “Eve, if I have to jimmy this lock to get in there,
you’re gonna have trouble sitting for at least a week.”

There was silence.

One heartbeat passed. Then two. On the third, the
lock clicked and then the door slowly creaked open.

Sweet Jesus.

Donavan arched an eyebrow as his eyes made the
visual climb from her three inch, red stilettos and up a pair of stockings
secured to dainty black garters. At the apex of her legs a deep-scarlet lace
thong stretched snugly over her pussy. Absolutely amazing.

Though he could have stared at her lower half for
the remainder of the evening and been a happy man, his gaze wandered higher.
The classic, French-boned corset suited her perfectly. The fit wasn’t so tight
that it took away from her hour glass figure, yet it enhanced all her womanly curves.
He skimmed up her cinched waist and froze on the generous swell of milky white
breasts spilling out the top of two silk cups. He wasn’t sure where the blood
rushed quicker, into his head or his cock. Donavan cringed and swore under his

“See! See! I knew it was too small.” Eve slammed
the door, but Donavan wedged his booted foot between the jamb before it closed
all the way.

“For Christ’s sake woman, it’s not too small.” He
grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her out of the bathroom.

“Don’t lie to me. I saw the look on your face.

Frustrated by her dramatics, he dragged her hand
down and cupped her palm over his crotch.

“The only thing in this room too small right now
is the crotch of these pants.” He angled his stare down at her as his cock
pulsed violently against her fingers. He could’ve taken her then—bent her over
the bed, jerked those panties aside and shown her just how good she looked in
the lingerie. That wasn’t part of plan, though. He needed to stick to the plan.

Finally her eyebrows quirked and the hint of a
grin touched her lips. “That does seem to be quite a tight fit down there.”

“You don’t say,” he drawled sarcastically. “It’s
your damned fault. I’ll have you know I happen to really like these pants. If
the zipper goes, expect a bill in the mail.”

Her grin spread into a full out smile. A
breathtaking smile.

“Now that we’ve got that settled, let’s get a
better look at you.” He leaned back until he could see her from head to toe
then gestured for her to spin. She did so without hesitation. Still smiling,
Eve twirled in a three-sixty rotation that ended with her sending him a heated

“So?” she prompted.

“Yeah, I’m thinking I should dress you more

“It is exquisite.” She lovingly stroked her hands
down the front of the corset. “But, it’s still unacceptable to wear in public.”

“I disagree.”

“Donavan, I’ll come off looking like a whore.”

“Correction—a beautiful whore—ah,” he held up a
hand when she opened her mouth to speak, “You’ll come off looking like

Closing her eyes on a sigh, she visibly shuddered
and shook her head. “How do you manage to always do that? How do you take a
term that’d be used as a insult by ninety-nine percent of the population and
somehow turn it into an endearment?”

“Maybe because I don’t consider it an insult.
Sexual promiscuity is a plus in my books.” He stroked the backs of his knuckles
down her cheek. “Trust me, you’ll blend in just fine. If you should be
concerned about anything, it’s that you’re wearing too many clothes. You look
beautiful, Eve.”

She turned her face into the palm of his hand and
let out a light laugh. “You really do know how to make a woman feel attractive.”

He flexed his jaw and locked eyes with her. “It’s
not quite as hard when they actually are attractive.”

Tension swirled between them. The type that
warned they were both getting in over their heads, but couldn’t stop it even if
they wanted to.

Eve was the first to redirect her gaze and speak.
“Should we…um…get going then?”

“Not yet,” he said, forcing himself to stick to
the plan. “Remember how I told you not to come without permission earlier and
you didn’t listen? As a good Dom I have to punish you for that.”

A thrill swept through Eve and her knees nearly
knocked together.
He really is big on the punishment thing.
God, that
turned her on.

“You can’t spank me again—I might have to sit
down tonight.” She tried to hide her smile.

“I have no intention of spanking you again. At
least not this second,” said Donavan, a hint of the devil in his gray eyes. “I
was thinking more along the lines of a punishment that suits the crime.”

He rested his hands on her bare shoulders. The
heat of his skin burned into hers as he traced his thumbs lightly over her
collarbone. A punishment suiting the crime, Eve thought dizzily. What exactly
was her crime again? Oh yes, she climaxed without permission.

“You’re not exactly blameless,” she reminded him.
“I’m fairly certain there’s not a woman on the planet who could withstand what
you did to me without…finding satisfaction. I had a moment of weakness.”

“I’m not punishing you for finding satisfaction.
It’s my responsibility to ensure you’re satisfied.” His fingers wandered lower,
skimming the border of lace encasing her breasts. “The punishment is for finding
that satisfaction without permission.”

He tugged down the cups of her corset and her
breasts spilled out from the top, naked and heaving. Cool air kissed her
nipples. Instantly they drew taut and hard under the weight of his penetrating
stare. If Donavan had taken such liberties twenty-four hours ago, her cheeks
would have flushed fire engine red from embarrassment. Now, her cheeks flushed
purely from arousal.

“If you want to come tonight, you’ll ask
permission.” His large hands closed over her breasts and squeezed. Eve bit down
on her lower lip just in time to stifle a moan but when he began toying with
the pebbled buds under the pad of his thumbs, a weak sigh tumbled out. She had
an idea of where this was going. Donavan meant to punish her with another round
of his heavenly torture. But, for how long this time?

“Well,” she started in a breathy tone, “thankfully
I’m still quite satisfied from this afternoon. So I don’t think we’ll run into
the same problem we did earlier.”

“I thought you might say something like that.” He
dipped his head and caught one of her aching nipples between his teeth. He
sucked it into his mouth and swirled his tongue over the tip. Eve’s knees
buckled. Her breasts had always been ultra sensitive, but because they weren’t
overly large they were often overlooked. Donavan, however, left no leaf

He raised his head. “Don’t move.”

Move? She couldn’t move right now. Her legs were
practically liquid.

He circled to the opposite side of the bed,
leaving her knees time to re-solidify. He returned to her with a scarlet bag
then set it on the bed. Knowing where the bag came from, Eve fought off a
shiver while her imagination ran wild. Whatever the bag contained would not
help her cause. It was hard enough trying to steel herself against Donavan on
his own but with an arsenal of sex toys…she was done for.

“Won’t we be late for the gala?” Eve asked,
folding her arms over her naked breasts.

“We have a little time,” he answered over his
shoulder while fishing through the bag. “Getting nervous?”

He straightened then turned to her but she couldn’t
see what he was holding in his hand. That meant it was small. What could he
have gotten from the sex shop that would fit in his hand? Eve swallowed. The
possibilities were endless. Whatever it was instilled further confidence in his
eyes. Not good.

“Should I be nervous?”

“That depends,” he answered, roaming her face
with a searching gaze. “Are we talking good nervous or bad nervous?”

“A combination of both,” Eve admitted, frowning
down at his closed fist.

“Look at me, Eve.”

She reluctantly lifted her eyes and became lost
in the intensity of his gaze.

“I want you to do something for me tonight,” he
said, and the weight of his tone kicked the butterflies in her stomach into
high gear.

“You mean something other than let you parade me
around the club half naked on the end of your leash?”

“First off, I don’t use a leash and yes,
something other than that.” He grazed his knuckles up and down her arm and Eve
tensed. His request must be something horrible considering he was prematurely
trying to soothe her.

“I’m listening.” She met his gaze and tried not
to think the worst.

“Whether you’d like to admit it or not, I know
what it is you want. I want to give it to you but I won’t be able to if you
question my actions or hold back even the slightest amount. Before we leave
this room, you’ll put your mask and your wig back on and no one will know who
you are. Tonight, there are no consequences but I need you to trust me.
Unconditionally.” There was an edge in his tone that contradicted his words. In
the back of her mind, she knew that if she did exactly as he asked the
repercussions of tonight would stay with her the rest of her days.

“Can you do that for me?” he asked, searching her

The need for his domination temporarily trumped her
fears. “I can try.”

He leaned in and brushed his mouth lightly over
hers. She felt him smile against her lips and the nervous tension drifted out
of her body.

“Try hard, Eve.”

I will
, she vowed and became lost in
his kiss.

She would give this to him. She would give this
to herself. If only for tonight, she would surrender to him…completely.

Donavan eased her back by the shoulders and his
eyes roamed her with appreciation.

“God, I love these tits,” he whispered. “Even
more so, when you’re nipples are stiff and aching to be touched. I want to keep
them this way throughout the entire evening.”

He opened his closed fist and Eve’s eyes widened.

“Do you know what this is?”

“It’s…it’s some sort of suction device,” she
answered, cursing the tremor in her voice.

“You’re right,” he confirmed. “Tell me, does the
thought of me using it on you make you wet?”

Warmth crept into her cheeks and she quickly
diverted her eyes from him.

“Answer me,” he demanded.

“Yes.” Her whisper came so quietly it was barely

“Good. Tell me how wet you are thinking about it.”

“Donavan, this is ridicu—”

“If I slide my hand between your legs will I find
your panties already soaked?” He circled the tip of his middle finger around
one of her stiff nipples and a shiver rolled through her. She swung her gaze to
the small glass cylinder and then shut her eyes against the onslaught of
sensation just seeing it evoked. Goosebumps prickled over her breasts and her
pussy clenched.

He didn’t wait for an answer to his rhetorical
question. He obviously knew how wet she was. Instead he cupped one breast and
set the opening of the tube over her nipple. The temperature of the glass was
like ice against her fiery skin and the simple contact made her tense.
Anticipation dried her mouth yet curiosity opened her eyes to watch him as he
began his divine torment.

“Relax,” he told her. “You’ll like this part.”

She believed him. If there was one thing Donavan
could be confident of it was knowing what turned her on.

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