Let It Go (8 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Tags: #romance

She swallowed hard.

“I just need something temporary, a deterrent. Although, I think it won’t happen again.”

He slowly released her hand and then bent to pick up a different lock.

“What makes you think the person who broke into your office won’t try it again?” He stared at her lips and then over her breasts that peeked out beneath the V-neck black T-shirt she wore. She inhaled and looked away from him and toward Antonia, who looked like she was smirking. She gained back some control of the situation and looked up at Aero.

“There’s nothing for you to worry about. I got it covered, so if you don’t mind?” she said and raised one of her eyebrows up at him.

“I told the Chief that Jesse and I would come by and give you some ideas for security.”

“I have some companies interested in bidding, that is, if your brother ever shows up at the zoning committee meeting.”

He crossed his arms in front of his wide, muscular chest and she felt her nipples harden.
What the hell? I’ve had numerous men flirt with me and hit on me since I arrived in town and none of them affected me like this guy, or even his brothers
. She felt sick to her stomach instantly.

She looked at Antonia.

“Are you ready to go?”

“Whenever you are,” she said and Brooklyn glanced at Aero.

“He’ll come to the meeting you have coming up. I have no problem giving you some advice about the security system and other ideas to ensure a safe business for your customers, your employees, and for yourself, Brooklyn. I’m being honest,” he added and she felt bad for some stupid-ass reason.

“I appreciate that, especially the honesty part. I’ll be over there within the hour, if you have time to stop in. I do have a guy from another company coming, too, though.”

“I’m only there to offer advice, it’s your place and you get the final decision, but it can be confusing. I can answer any questions you may have,” he said and stared at her.

She wondered how he could come across so kind yet still be intimidating and hard. Maybe it was just her and that fear she always had with men?

“Okay, I’ll see you later then.”

He gave her a wink and then smiled at Antonia.

“See you later, Antonia.”

“Bye,” Antonia said and they went to the register to purchase the deadbolt.

“So, what was that all about?” Antonia asked her.

Brooklyn paid for the deadbolt and Mr. Murphy the hardware store owner asked her if she would need help installing it. She told him no thank you, and then he looked at Antonia, who Brooklyn introduced.

By the time they got back to the car Antonia was tired of meeting people, and probably feeling uncomfortable for wearing the dark sunglasses and hiding her bruises.

“I hope that wasn’t too terrible? I hadn’t planned on staying in town so long. I usually make it quick and try to bypass people.”

“I could see that, but it’s like they can’t wait to talk with you. Especially Aero. He tracked you right back down,” Antonia said and looked out the window.

“Yeah, well, like you saw with the Chief, it’s another example of how the men around here watch over the women and help when needed. I can totally install a deadbolt. Had to do it twice when we lived in the apartment.”

“Oh, I remember, and Owen was pissed off.”

“You were safe when I was at work, that was my focus,” Brooklyn said, and that memory was one of many that haunted her to this day.

“We took so many precautions. How did we wind up with men who were worse than Owen?” Antonia asked as she slid her finger along the leather on the door frame.

“I guess we were blinded by what we wanted to see in them and not who they actually are. You can’t change a person.”

“We can’t change ourselves, either.”

“What do you mean?” Brooklyn asked.

“I mean change to appease someone to get them to be who we want them to be, or to be perfect. You know we’re both guilty of it.”

Brooklyn felt that instant pain in her chest. She sure was guilty of it. To the point that she trusted Kevin with everything and it had nearly cost her life. She never wanted to feel that way again. She glanced at Antonia, who looked tired and depressed.

“Can you drop me off at the house? I’ve got a headache and I don’t think I’m up to visiting the restaurant just yet.”

“Are you sure?” she asked her, but she knew why. Antonia was embarrassed about the bruises and about people, strangers, knowing her business. She could understand that. It was one of the reasons why she would never share what happened to her. Brooklyn would be embarrassed, too. She’d learned a lot on the battlefield of life so far. Never show weakness and vulnerability, because the enemy could be in disguise.


* * * *


Aero walked into the Filling Station along with Jesse Cortland. Jesse and his brother Milton owned and operated a security system company after working for the government for years. Jesse’s brother, Jack, was a police officer with Zeke, and his other brother was Nevin, one of the town physicians.

“I don’t get to hang out too often, so this is great that I can finally see the place,” Jesse said to Aero as they made their way through the bar area. It wasn’t too crowded and appeared that the lunch crowd was thinning out.

“Well, remember what I said about Brooklyn. She doesn’t accept help or advice too easily and she is looking to get some bids from other security companies and construction companies,” Aero told him.

“Like who? We do most of the surrounding area.”

Aero smiled. “I haven’t a clue.”

“Wow, who is that?” Jesse asked and looked straight at the bar. A blonde was standing there talking to Ledger. Aero knew that Ledger had been working here for a long time. In fact, he had heard from the Chief that Brooklyn hired him on the spot when he was down and out with no job or income. He was an amputee, too.

They walked over as Ledger saw them and gave a wave. The blonde turned around and her eyes landed on Aero and then Jesse. Jesse smiled.

“Hey, Ledger, how are you, man?” Jesse reached out to shake his hand and then Aero did the same thing.

“I’m good. What are you guys doing here?” Ledger asked.

“We came to see Brooklyn and talk about security and things for the new construction,” Aero told him.

“Oh, she did mention something about that. I think she’s in the office trying to put in the deadbolt,” the blonde told them.

“I’m Jesse,” Jesse said to her and reached his hand out to shake hers.

“Carina, meet Jesse Cortland,” Ledger introduced them.

“Nice to meet you,” she said and then Aero looked toward the hallway.

“I’ll go see if Brooklyn is ready to meet you guys.”

“I can go. You stay here and I’ll see if she needs help with that lock,” Aero said. Jesse was just staring at Carina.

“I’ll wait here with Ledger and Carina and they can tell me more about this place,” Jesse said and winked. Aero chuckled.

“Good luck, she’s not in a great mood,” Ledger told him and Aero wondered what had her so upset. He headed toward the hallway and saw Brooklyn squatting down on the floor. Her jeans were tight and hanging low on her hips.

“Need any help?” he asked as he approached.

“I almost have it. I’ll be with you in a minute,” she said and then gasped and dropped the screwdriver.

“Son of a bitch, for crying out loud! God damn it to hell,” she exclaimed and held her hand against her chest and paced inside of her office.

“Are you okay? Let me see.”

“No, no, it’s fine,” she said and clenched her teeth and held her hand against her chest.

“Let me see,” he said to her again and took her arm and tried to make her release her hand to show him the damage. He saw the blood and his eyes widened.

“Shit,” he said.

“I’m fine, Aero, really. It’s okay. Just let the throbbing pass,” she said and he walked her to the chair and had her sit down. He squatted down in front of her and looked at her hand. She had a nice gash along her palm and blood was getting on her shirt and her jeans.

“First aid kit?” he asked.

“In the cabinet there. I can get this. Just give me a minute,” she said and went to stand up. He gripped her hips and stared down into her eyes.

“Sit your ass down. I got this,” he said firmly. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and sat back down. He hadn’t meant to be so firm, but it seemed the woman needed that. The cut was kind of bad. He walked over to the cabinet and pulled out the first aid kit. He heard her rummaging through the desk drawer, and when he turned, she was pulling out paper towels and wrapping her hand to stop the bleeding. She was bent over and holding her hand between her legs.

“I can’t believe this. I need this right now?” she said aloud.

“Shit happens when you’re doing work with your hands all the time,” he said and opened up the first aid kit and started getting what he needed.

“I can do that,” she said.

He held her gaze, locking onto her gorgeous green eyes. “Not a chance in hell. I’m here, and I’ll take care of you,” he said to her, holding her gaze. He lifted her hand and began to wipe away the blood. “I hope you don’t need stitches. It’s deep.”

“No. Not that deep.”

“How do you know? You’re not a doctor. Maybe we should go see Nevin.”

“No. I don’t need to,” she stated and started pulling away.

“Jeez, you’re stubborn. I thought my brothers were pretty damn bad, but shit, you can give them a run for their money.” He continued to wipe away the blood and then got the ointment ready. He still wasn’t certain if she needed stitches or not.

“Which one?” she asked in a low voice.

“Which one what?” he asked.

“Your brothers. Out of the four of you, who is most stubborn?”

“You can’t figure that one out?” he teased and winked. She chuckled and he loved the sound of her laugh. Her smile was spectacular. She had bright white teeth but one eye-tooth was slightly cocked. It was adorable.

He couldn’t believe he was thinking something so stupid like that.

“Is Finnian over it yet, or will he be a no-show at the meeting again?”

“I think it’s safe to say that he’ll be there and he’ll give the approval for the construction. He just needed to get over a few hang-ups.”

“You mean the fact that he wanted to turn the gas station into something but he never did and I come along, a stranger in this town, and turn it into a great place? Sure, that makes sense to me,” she said sarcastically.

He stared down into her eyes as he held her hand and prepared to apply the bandage.

“He’s not a bad guy. He’s just been through a lot in his life. He used to work for the government. We served in the Army together for a few years and then he continued on with engineering and specialized units and I went into security systems, counterterrorism, training, and things. Just crazy shit,” he said and began to wrap her hand.

“Well, that explains his ‘my way or the highway’ kind of attitude and tone. You know I didn’t come here to gain enemies.”

“What made you come to Repose, anyway? I mean, how did you hear about the town and find out about the gas station, which wasn’t even for sale?” he asked her.

She looked at him as he held her hand still. “Would you believe I took a wrong turn off the highway and wound up down the dirt road and right into Repose? The welcome sign got me immediately and then wham, I see that old abandoned gas station all covered with weeds and looking about ready to fall down and I get out of the car and just stare at it until this car pulls up. Now I know it was your mom and one of your dads, Roman I believe it was, and we start talking. They’re telling me about the town and all about the gas station, and I’m looking at the place thinking what I could turn it into.”

“They just stopped the car, started talking to you, and you’re telling them about renovating the station?”

She smirked.

“It was really that simple and that strange. They were so nice and easy to talk to. I was telling them about how I left New York for a new start. That I was looking into opening up my own place, a bar and restaurant. Roman asks me if I want to look inside and of course I’m thrilled to and as we go inside I just start…dreaming,” she said and he could see the emotion in her eyes. He didn’t know why, but he ran his palm up her arm and she turned to look at him, appearing shocked.

“I think I’m glad they stopped and that you took the wrong turn off the highway, too.”

She pulled her hand away and then went to stand up. He didn’t move and he placed his hands on her hips and her lips parted. She felt the attraction. He knew she did, and damn, was the woman fucking gorgeous.

“Um, thanks for the first aid. Maybe we should grab your friend and go over any ideas you have?” she asked him. He caressed her hips and she tightened up as if she was scared. He squinted at her. He also was at least six inches taller, so maybe his height intimidated her.

“Don’t be scared of me,” he told her.

“I’m not.”

“You seem to be.” He slid his hand higher and started to move it around her waist. He wanted to kiss her, to taste her sweet, plump, pink lips and find out if they were as delicious as they looked. As he inched closer, she pushed away from him and stepped away.

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