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Letters to Penthouse XIV (36 page)

Paul turned out to be a lot of fun and we all had a great time partying together. We took turns dancing with my wife, who loved the opportunity to hold the attention of two men. She was unusually outgoing toward our new friend, too, and seemed taken by him. I noticed during one slow song that Paul took my wife to the far corner of the dance floor, where they seemed to be doing a slow grind against one another. It occurred to me that maybe all this male attention and being on vacation in this exotic locale would make my wife hornier than ever. At least I hoped it would.

When we bid good-night to Paul and returned to our suite, we had a nightcap and recounted what had been a great day. I teased my wife that I thought Paul had the hots for her and asked her what she thought of him. She would only acknowledge that she thought he was nice but downplayed any sexual attraction between them (at least on her part) and quickly changed the subject.

I awoke the next morning thinking that I had died and gone to heaven. My wife was kneeling over me, sucking my tremendously horny cock to full life. I had always fantasized about my wife waking me up that way, but in all our years together she had never done so. When she noticed I was awake, she told me to go freshen up and come back to bed fast because she needed a good fucking. I couldn’t believe my ears—or the sudden change in my usually straight-laced wife—but I was excited as hell and not about to complain.

While brushing my teeth it occurred to me that my wife’s unusual behavior might have been fueled by Paul’s attention to her the previous evening. Since I had always fantasized about my conservative wife being naughty and unfaithful—at least once—I decide to test the waters. My wife sometimes played into my fantasy to get me excited by saying that yes, she would like a different lover, but never agreed to do it for real. Something was different this time, though. We were far from home and I knew she had a real candidate.

When I got back to bed, my wife was anxious to resume sucking my cock, but I stopped her and shyly asked what had come over her. She said she just had a serious case of the hots for me, but I said I thought that the previous night out dancing with Paul had made her that randy. She said to shut up, what difference did it make and repeated her desire for a hot fucking. As she tried to grab my cock, I pulled back and told her that I thought she should go to Paul’s room and give all three of us a thrill we’d never forget.

Before she could tell me I was out of my mind, I stressed that we were in another world far from home and knew an attractive single guy who was undoubtedly horny as hell. The opportunity would never be better. At that point she asked me if I had lost my desire for her and was I trying to push her off on a stranger. I responded that since we were out to enjoy ourselves for a few days maybe we should indulge some fantasies, and I admitted that the thought of her having sex with Paul was a tremendous turn-on. I spent the next several minutes explaining my desire for her to be with another man, admitting that I didn’t know why but that it aroused me to unbelievable heights. Finally a devilish grin appeared across her face and she agreed to do it.

Since she’d already showered, all she had to do was put on some makeup and pick out a sexy outfit. As she was preparing herself and babbling about how she couldn’t believe she was doing this, she suddenly had a panic attack wondering how she would approach him. She asked what to do if he wasn’t interested. I assured her that there was no doubt he would want her. All she had to do was knock on his door and tell him that she found him very attractive and nature would take care of the rest. If he had the least bit of interest in my whereabouts, I told her to tell him I was taking a walk along the beach.

That seemed to settle my wife down, and she was actually brimming with confidence when she slipped on a wicked black teddy and matching black heels. In order to conceal her wear from the other guests, she put on a white terrycloth robe just as she was ready to leave. I told her to have a good time and said I’d be waiting to hear all the naughty details and have some fun myself. We kissed and off she went.

I have to admit that the two hours my wife was gone were exhilarating. I was practically climbing the walls, imagining what must be taking place in Paul’s suite as I sat alone in our room with a raging hard-on. Were they going down on each other? Was Paul licking and sucking on my wife’s big, sexy breasts? Were the sight and feel of another man’s hard cock thrilling my wife? Was Paul’s cock bigger than mine? Was Paul, with great self-control and the ability to last long, driving my wife to one orgasm after another? The thoughts going through my mind were thrilling.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, my wife entered our room. Her quiet demeanor—combined with a shit-eating grin on her face—told me all had gone as hoped for. She laid down next to me on the bed and slowly recounted all the lusty details. It turned out that what I had imagined might have taken place did, and then some. She admitted that the sex had been incredible, partly due to Paul’s prowess and partly due to the naughtiness of being with another man. She anxiously asked if I still loved her and I assured her that I did, more than ever. In fact I told her that at that moment I had more desire than I had ever had for her. With that we began making love, although my wife was merely accommodating me, as she was clearly satiated. In spite of that, I was filled with lust as I visualized their tryst. I came almost immediately.

The rest of the vacation went along in a similar pattern, with my wife getting together with Paul two other times. He always thought I was walking the beach totally unaware of what was going on, but that didn’t matter to me.—
L.F., New York, New York


In college my frat brother Nat was one of those men that women just couldn’t resist. His ability to seduce the opposite sex was legendary, and he usually wound up bedding two or three new coeds every week.

I always thought his exploits were great, because he fucked most of these women in his room, where I could watch by sneaking through our adjoining bathroom and peeking around his door. I can’t tell you how many times I beat off watching him pile driving some sexy young thing. Giving credit where it’s due, Nat really was a stud. He was tall, trim and handsome, and he definitely knew his way around a woman’s body. Then there was the matter of his sexual prowess: being hung like and having the stamina of the proverbial horse.

After graduation we parted ways and fell out of touch. That could have been the end of the story, except that after three years my new bride, Sandy, and I ran into him at a telemarketing seminar we were attending.

When I introduced them I couldn’t help but notice that familiar old look of lust in Nat’s eyes as he checked out Sandy’s luscious body. She stands just over five-foot-six and has a 36C-24-35 figure. Just like I’d seen him do hundreds of times before, Nat turned on the charm and started flirting with her. He wormed his way into joining us for dinner, where he continued to work on Sandy during the entire meal.

Seeing him in action again reminded me of watching him fucking all those coeds. I couldn’t help but wonder about him seducing her. After dinner I asked her what she had thought of him, and she replied, “He’s sweet, and so good-looking, too.”

The next morning Nat walked with me to the opening session, but he left right after the first speaker got up to talk. I had a sneaking suspicion that my wife was going to be his agenda for the morning, but since I was sitting there with my boss, I couldn’t follow him. I also couldn’t get the image of him fucking Sandy out of my head.

She and I had made arrangements to meet for lunch. When Sandy arrived Nat was with her. They had been together the entire morning. Sandy’s nervous energy and Nat’s typically cocky demeanor made me suspect that he had indeed gotten into her panties.

There was no session that afternoon, so Sandy and I played some miniature golf then went swimming. She was being more like her old self again until Nat showed up. Her reaction to him was very apprehensive, like she was afraid of what he might say or do.

She seemed in a hurry to get away from him, and she asked if we could go to a concert that one of her favorite groups was giving. I said sure, so she took a shower while I went to buy the tickets. Unfortunately, when I asked the desk clerk where to purchase them, he told me that the concert had been sold out for weeks.

After I returned to the pool area I noticed Nat hanging around outside the sliding glass patio door to our room. My heart skipped a beat when he slowly opened the door and stepped inside. With mixed emotions clouding my brain, I ran to the patio and peeked in. I could hear the shower running and saw Nat standing at the open bathroom door. He was casually undressing while watching Sandy take a shower.

That was my moment of truth, and the voyeuristic part of me won out. I just stood there anxiously waiting for Nat’s next move. When he joined Sandy, I quickly took his place outside the bathroom door.

He had waited for her to lather up her hair and face, then slipped into the shower with her. Since she and I frequently shower together, I’m sure she thought that I was the one standing behind her. While she continued washing her hair, I got an instant hard-on watching Nat’s hands roaming freely over all my wife’s feminine charms.

It wasn’t until he snuggled up against her and pushed his big horse dick into the crack of her ass that Sandy became suspicious. Nat’s erection is a good three inches longer and considerably thicker than mine. When Sandy noticed the obvious difference, she froze and reached back to feel the invading appendage in an inquisitive way. She then hastily rinsed the soap from her face and swung around trying to cover her breasts and pussy. But even as she was saying, “Nat, what are you doing? You’ve got to get out of here!” he was nudging his pole between her legs.

Sandy reached for his head, but he took hold of her hands and guided them down to his cock. She tried to maintain control, saying, “Please Nat, I can’t believe I’m doing this. I love my husband.” But I knew Sandy was his when Nat released her hands and she kept rubbing up and down his manhood. She was almost pleading when she said, “What happened this morning was beautiful.”

Nat smiled back at her and replied, “Yes, I know. It was three hours of unbelievably incredible sex.” Knowing Nat, I could tell that they would soon pick up where they had left off, but I didn’t mind. I can’t describe what a turn-on it was watching the master at work again. The forbidden fruit of my old friend working on my beautiful bride only made it more exciting. My confined dick was so hard that it throbbed.

Sandy’s resolve evaporated as she said, “It was the best, but I don’t know how you can top it.” With that she raised one foot onto the edge of the tub and drew Nat’s tremendous totem toward her love tunnel.

Nat put his hands around Sandy’s waist and slowly pulled her forward, sinking his dick into her as the space between them closed. He then lifted her and pressed her against the shower wall, driving his cock all the way inside her wet, yearning pussy. Sandy wrapped her arms and legs around him, squeezing him close, surrendering her body to him completely.

Nat wasted no time pounding her hard and fast. He was slamming it to her with such force that her entire body jerked each time he thrust in. It definitely was not lovemaking, it was pure, unadulterated, animal lust. It didn’t take long for him to get his rocks off, but as he erupted deep into her, blasting her full of his seed, Sandy shuddered, literally shaken by a much stronger orgasm than I had ever given her.

They finished showering in silence. I went back onto the patio when the water was off, but I knew old Nat well enough to realize he wasn’t finished pleasuring my wife’s body yet.

They came out of the bathroom together, both wrapped in towels. Sandy was visibly turned on, and it was obvious that she couldn’t keep her hands off him. Nat had his arm around her, chatting her up, saying, “All right baby, I’m ready for another round any time you are. I could spend all day fucking you. What do you want to do?”

He steered her in front of the dresser mirror then nuzzled and kissed her neck and ears from behind. Sandy loves that, so when she started to relax Nat reached around, loosened her towel and let it fall to the floor, saying, “Look at you. You’re the epitome of femininity, of womanhood itself. The most beautiful of all creation.” He then cupped and squeezed her breasts, tweaking and rolling her ultra-sensitive nipples. As a hand slowly drifted down her body and slipped between her legs, he continued, “Look at how she reacted to intimacy, to being touched. See how her nipples are erect and proud, and how wet and wanton her pussy is. Give in to your needs and desires, babe. Let yourself go. Let yourself go completely. You’ll be glad you did.”

I thought Nat was being corny as hell, but Sandy absolutely melted. Almost in a trance, she closed her eyes and laid her head back onto his shoulder, then opened her stance, giving him easy access to her pussy. Nat swirled two fingers around inside her vagina and rubbed his thumb across her clit while Sandy reached back and wormed her hand inside his towel to stroke his cock. In an instant she had him erect and ready to go again. I watched with amazement as my bride bent forward and again guided Nat’s pole into her steamy pussy.

Sandy gasped loudly as Nat flexed his hips and thrust his tool all the way inside her in one smooth motion. It was then that I realized why Nat always did so well with the ladies. As he began plunging in and out of her with long, powerful strokes, he grinned and said, “Yeah, babe, you’ve loosened up nicely. I told you your pussy would stretch out after having me a few times. Let’s see, if I haven’t lost count, this is number seven, isn’t it? But there’s going to be many, many more times between the two of us, aren’t there?”

I could tell that the effect of watching herself in the mirror getting fucked by Nat’s super shlong was turning Sandy on beyond belief. She was being rocked by orgasm after orgasm as Nat’s cock probed way up inside her, stimulating places I had never been able to reach. Sandy was so out of control with passion and excitement that she could only answer Nat’s question by blurting out between moans and sighs, “Oh, God. Yes, anything. …”

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