Read Letters to Penthouse XIV Online

Authors: Penthouse International

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Letters to Penthouse XIV (44 page)

“Why not?” I whispered back.

“Because he’s got his finger in my ass,” Jeanette said.

I eased back from her a bit. Jeanette pulled Lou’s face to hers and they kissed passionately. She pulled away from him, then turned around and pushed him back against the wall of the tub, moving in against him. Reaching down, she grabbed his hard cock and lowered herself slowly onto it. She started to ride him with long, steady strokes. Soon she increased her pace and kept going faster and faster, until water was flying everywhere and she was grunting and squealing. After a minute she came violently, gasping and panting.

Now Jeanette lifted herself off Lou’s cock and urged him up onto the edge of the tub, as she’d done earlier with me. His rather large cock stood straight up, pulsing and throbbing from the wild fuck she’d just given him. Jeanette lowered her mouth to him and took him in all the way to the balls with one deep suck that took his breath away. She then went into a wild, hair-flouncing blowjob.

The guy named Greg now moved in behind Jeanette and started to push his cock against her. She didn’t pause or slow down her cocksucking, but she spread her legs apart invitingly. But because of the angle and the water, Greg had some trouble getting into her. I reached down between her legs and spread her cunt lips open, then grabbed his cock with my other hand and guided it into her. “Oh God, he’s putting me in her cunt!” Greg moaned. He was so turned on that he started coming after about six hard, fast strokes in Jeanette’s pussy.

He slumped back into the water as Jeanette went on sucking on the cock in her mouth as if she was starved for come. In another minute Lou let out a groan, grabbed her head in both hands and came so massively that she couldn’t swallow it all. Some of it ran back down over his cock and balls, and after she had gulped down all she could, Jeanette carefully licked every remaining drop off his softening cock and his scrotum, until they were clean.

Jeanette turned to me now, pushing me against the tub wall and immediately mounting me. Her face was flushed, her nostrils flaring, and there was a fire in her eyes I’d never seen. At that moment she was pure sexual animal, and I had never been so turned on in my life. The water hadn’t yet washed Lou’s come out of her cunt, and I could feel it bathing my cock as she pumped up and down. She rode me slowly, but the excitement that had built up in me at seeing her with the other guys, combined with the feeling of my cock sliding in and out of her slick, come-filled cunt, had me blasting a load up inside her in no time.

Jeanette eased off me, kissed me and moved over to Stan, the one guy she hadn’t done yet. He tilted himself up to sit on the edge of the tub, and Jeanette said, “Oh my God!” I looked over and saw her reach out to grab a cock that was longer than any I’d ever seen, and nearly as thick as her wrist. She put both hands around it and started to stroke it, then lowered her head to it and got as much of it in her mouth as she could manage. Apparently, watching her had had its effect on him too, because in no time he was coming. Jeanette seemed surprised at the suddenness of his orgasm; she pulled away just in time to take a huge glob of his come squarely on her tits. She quickly got him back in her mouth and swallowed the rest of his load.

When he was done Jeanette eased back into the water between Lou and me. Immediately we each started sucking on one of her tits. Greg now came over and put his hands under her ass, pulling her toward him until she was floating on her back, supported by the three of us, two of us sucking her tits and Greg eating her cunt. She gave a long, low moan and said, “Oh fuck, I don’t believe this!” And then she was coming, thrashing and squirming so hard we had trouble holding on to her.

Finally we all settled back and had another drink. It was close to dawn when we all thanked each other and went back to our condos. The next day Jeanette couldn’t believe what we’d done, but we agreed it had been fantastic. We even thought of having a repeat performance, but the firemen must have gone back home, because we never saw them again.—
D.R., Boise, Idaho


I lay on the bed, naked except for the red satin blindfold that covered my eyes. The room was warm, yet I felt cool, quivering with anticipation, my nipples hardened by the gentle sweep of air from the ceiling fan.

The three of them had slowly and deliberately removed all my clothes after slipping the blindfold on me. The touch of their hands, lingering teasingly on my gradually bared body as each garment was removed, was thrilling. The last thing to go was my satin panties, but only after each one of them had taken their turn stroking my moist folds through the thin material. I was already aroused, even though they hadn’t yet begun to truly please me.

I could hear soft sounds as they shed their own clothing. I restrained myself from reaching out to touch them, because this was their time to pleasure me. Suddenly I felt the soft, gentle pressure of fingertips, first on my tummy, then on my thighs, then on my face. I realized then that all three of them were teasing me, first with gentle flutters, then with full, sensual caresses. I tried to distinguish the two men from the lady who was with them, but I could not. They were all so gentle.

The hands continued moving over my skin, driving me totally crazy with anticipation. No one was stroking my intimate parts yet, the ones that were by that time screaming with desire to be touched. Then a fingertip lightly brushed a nipple. I felt my pussy clench with the shock, as the red-hot bursts of excitement coursed through my breasts. A fingertip then flicked my other nipple, and again my pussy clenched. I began moaning softly, begging for more. The fingers lingered awhile on my breasts, kneading and rolling my nipples. But then there were new sensations, and I realized that it was no longer the caress of fingers I was feeling, but that of lips.

I cried out with joy as I pushed my breasts upward to be captured and suckled. I was not disappointed. A soft pair of lips surrounded each of my nipples, pulling at them gently and massaging them lovingly with the aid of tongues and teeth. I felt my arousal begin to build as my body responded to the stimulation they were lavishing on me.

Then I felt something new: a very soft and gentle pressure on my pussy. It was a tongue, giving me the beginning of a gentle bathing, teasing my erect clit and softly lapping my juices. I raised my hips, striving for greater pressure, and felt the face of my lover pressed against my mound. The skin I felt was soft and smooth, and I knew that it had to be Carolyn, my dearest friend in all the world. She knew exactly how to please me.

Excitement continued to build from deep within me. I felt my clit being engulfed by her soft lips and gently massaged by her warm, wet tongue. The lips suckling my breasts had not let up for an instant, and I came to realize there were three pairs of hands stroking all over my body. The stroking, caressing, licking and nibbling gradually became more insistent. I felt beautiful sensations everywhere. It seemed as if there were a dozen people pleasing me instead of just three.

I felt Carolyn’s tongue enter my hot, flowing center as the stimulation of my nipples became even more intense. A mouth covered mine, and a warm wet tongue sought my own. I felt my legs being raised up onto a man’s shoulders, followed by the feel of a hot, hard cock being guided to my pussy, burying itself deeply and sliding in and out slowly. My cunt throbbed with pleasure, and although part of me wondered which of the men it was, I didn’t care. I just wanted it to go on forever.

I could feel a delicious orgasm beginning to well up inside me. Just then the tongue in my mouth was replaced by a second cock. I sucked greedily, losing myself in the soft feel of the head against my tongue. I could no longer refrain from touching him, whoever it was. I placed my hands on his muscular ass, drawing his body closer and swallowing him whole. I knew that familiar taste and feel: This cock belonged to my husband. I whimpered with pleasure knowing it was Frank who was pumping into my pussy.

Soon enough I felt the brush of long hair across my belly as Carolyn’s lips traced a wet trail down to my clit. She began licking my sensitive cunt rapidly while her husband’s cock continued to slide in and out of me. As I was being triple-fucked Carolyn leaned over the length of my body. I could feel her breasts gently brushing my skin.

That did it! The wave rose inside me and crested like a magnificent fountain. It seemed to freeze at its peak, and time stopped as my body arched, rigid with exquisite anticipation. Then, with a heady explosion that started deep in my pussy and spread throughout my body, the wave crashed and I finally came, my orgasm sweeping over me in a rush, blocking out all other sounds and sensations in the room.

I would have loved to scream out my joy, but the cock thrusting into my mouth muffled my cries. The wave rolled on for what seemed like forever, then subsided. My heart pounding, I felt a flush of heat on my face, neck and heaving breasts. Slowly I became aware of three pairs of lips gently kissing me all over, on my face, my breasts, my soaking wet pussy. Each kiss brought with it another small shudder of pleasure.

Finally I felt the blindfold being removed from my eyes, mercifully allowing me to see. Adjusting myself to the light that had until then been denied me, I gazed up and saw the smiling faces of my three exquisite lovers. I hadn’t wanted the feeling to end, but I had something to do. I sighed with pleasure and, smiling into the adoring face of my husband, I breathed softly, “Your turn!”—
F.D., Savannah, Georgia


I’m getting married on Saturday to the girl I’ve loved since high school and I’m really worried that she’ll find out about the shit that happened at my stag party. I barely remember most of it, frankly, but my best man videotaped the whole thing. He set up his camera on a tripod as the stripper started her performance, and let it roll all night.

Chelsea, the girl who my friends had hired to strip for us, was much better-looking than I had imagined a stag-party stripper would be. We’d all had too much to drink by the time she started her show, but we were all ready to go, since we’d warmed up by watching hard-core movies on the hotel’s television set.

After Chelsea stripped, she started to give me a lap dance. She straddled me and rubbed her pussy all over my crotch for several minutes, all the while letting me handle her tits and nipples to my heart’s content. Still, maybe because of the booze, or because I’d never done anything like that before, or because I knew I had an audience, I wasn’t getting the hard-on you’d think I would.

Everybody else was, though. You can see on the video how one guy after another shucked off his trousers and began fondling himself. By the time Chelsea gave up on me, she had five other erections bobbing around the immediate vicinity of her face.

Sam took the first blowjob from her. He led her over to the sofa and sat down while she knelt in front of him. The girl was a natural redhead, her copper-tinged pubes peeping out from between her thighs as she knelt, begging to be plugged. A couple of minutes after Sam hit the sofa, Otto, my college roommate, was banging her doggie-style.

I was relieved to no longer be the center of attention, but I was also disappointed that my limp dick had dealt me out of the game so far. Besides being embarrassed about my inability to get it up, I was also really ashamed that my equipment was the smallest in the room. There wasn’t a cock in sight that wasn’t at least two or three inches bigger than my own, and the dick Sam was feeding Chelsea was really rocking her world. Otto had a big rod too, but he didn’t win any prizes for performance. Within a couple of minutes he groaned out a climax and fell away from Chelsea’s face. That was the first time I’d ever watched people fuck, and I stared in awe at her gaping cunt.

Otto’s spunk was glistening on Chelsea’s pussy lips and starting to run down her upper thighs. But that view vanished as Zach moved behind her and slid every inch of his thick black cock into places I’d surely never reach. Chelsea moaned loudly in pleasure and forgot all about Sam, who hadn’t come by then. His penis was glistening with Chelsea’s saliva, pulsing and throbbing as it stood up from his lap.

After giving Zach her full attention, Chelsea looked over and motioned for me to come sit on the couch with her. When I did, she put her face in my lap and started to give me head. Zach wasn’t too happy with that situation, and he suggested that I lie down on the floor so Chelsea could blow me with her head down and her tail up in the air where he wanted it. I was pretty plastered by then, so I didn’t have any trouble getting horizontal. Chelsea moved over me so that we were in a 69 position, and in a second or two I felt her delicious mouth on my peter. She gobbled my joint like a madwoman, while right over my head she and Zach continued fucking up a storm. It was actually pretty fascinating to have such a close-up view of two people fucking, but either the embarrassment or the alcohol was still getting between me and a decent erection.

Zach’s climax was approaching, and he was really slamming his shlong in and out of Chelsea’s pussy. That was definitely better than any porno movie I’d ever seen, and I stared in wide-eyed fascination as his black shaft rolled her cunt lips in and out of her snatch, inches from my face.

But the view of Zach fucking Chelsea was nothing compared to watching her come. She went into a series of incredible spasms as her cunt squeezed and clamped on Zach’s dick. He bellowed out his own orgasm and slammed into Chelsea really hard. I couldn’t see it, of course, but I knew he was unloading sperm deep inside Chelsea’s cunt.

I wasn’t ready for what happened next. After Zach slowly withdrew his shiny dick, Chelsea planted her juicy crotch firmly over my face, saying that I’d better learn to eat pussy if I hoped to please one woman for the rest of my life. It was a good thing my friends couldn’t see me blush.

I didn’t know what else to do but to try to get her off like she said, so I started tongue-fucking her pussy while grabbing onto her ass cheeks to hold her in place. I’d never performed oral sex before, and I couldn’t believe how hot her pussy lips felt against my mouth. It was like her cunt was on fire. She tasted much better than I thought, too, sweet and slick and creamy. What I didn’t realize was that the taste I was reveling in was my buddy Zach’s thick dick-droppings.

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