Little Brats: Taboo A-Z Volume 1: (Forbidden Taboo Erotica) (Little Brats Boxed Sets) (13 page)


Darla put the dress back and hurriedly pulled on her clothes.  She stopped in the bathroom to smooth her hair into a ponytail and wash her face, still wet, and gave herself a good talking-to in order to stop the tears.  There was no way she was going to go downstairs crying.  Now she was putting on her coat, and she smiled, pleased, as her father helped her while she pulled her hair out from under the collar.


“Lee, did you pay her? Darla, thank you for watching your sister,”  Irene murmured from the couch where she was lying with her arm thrown over her eyes. 


“She’s not my real sister!”  Darla hissed, surprising both of them and herself.


“Money’s in your coat pocket, sweetie.”  Her father looked sideways at her.  “And you did a fine job too.  I told you she would, Irene.” 


There was a snort from the couch.


“Come on, let’s get going,”  he said.


She followed him out the door, shouldering her backpack with all her school work and a change of clothes for the weekend she wouldn’t be needing anymore.  Tears stung her eyes again at the thought.  The two-seater Jaguar was still warm from their ride home.  Darla turned the radio station first thing.  He always let her.  She turned it up loud.  She didn’t want to talk.


When they pulled into the driveway half an hour later, the house was dark and her mother’s car was gone.  Her father swore under his breath and Darla looked at him sharply.  He grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket and flipped it open, hitting the “talk” button.  She heard the phone ringing, and the answering machine with her own voice saying, “You’ve reached the Somers residence.  We’re not here right now…” 


“You didn’t call her?”  Darla sighed. 


“I called her.”  His mouth was a thin line.  “She said she’d be here.


“Figures.”  Darla shoved the door open and ran up the walkway.  She fumbled in her coat pocket for her keys, finding the money her father had left there to pay her for babysitting.  It was far more than she’d really earned.  She was crying in earnest now, and she tossed the money angrily into the snow.  She got the door open, the warmth and familiar smell of home a dubious welcome, shrugging off her jacket and throwing her backpack in the foyer.


“Hey, Darla.”  Her father peeked his head inside and she turned her back to him, not wanting him to see her puffy eyes.  “You dropped this, honey.”


“I didn’t drop it.” 


“Isn’t this your babysitting money?”  His voice was right behind her now.  She could feel the chill from the outside he carried with him.


“Yes, but I didn’t drop it.  I threw it there,”  she snarled, moving away from him and flopping onto the couch, crossing her arms over her chest and lowering her head to let her hair hide her face.


“Why?”  He sounded genuinely confused.  She struggled with a response, trying to speak around the tightness in her throat. 


How can he not know, how can he not see?


“I don’t want your money.”  It was barely a whisper. 


“What was that, sweetie?”  He was sitting next to her on the couch, moving to brush her hair away from her face. 


She jerked away.  “I don’t want your money!”  She shoved at him and moved to stand.  She was off balance and he grabbed her arm to help steady her. 


“Hey, hey.”  He held both of her wrists now as she struggled to get away.  “Come here.”  He pulled her toward him and although she resisted at first, she finally relented and let him settle her onto his lap. 


She repeated it over and over under her breath, like a mantra to keep her from breaking down entirely.  “I don’t want your money.”


“Okay, okay,”  he murmured.  “What
you want, honey?”


“You!”  she wailed, leaning into him and putting her arms around his neck.  “You’re all I’ve ever wanted, Daddy.  I never wanted anything else.”  She feathered little kisses on his throat and collarbone, rubbing the smooth skin of her cheek against the whiskers on his chin. 


“Oh, angel,”  he whispered into her hair, stroking her back.  “You have me.  You’ve always had me.” 


She was trying to get as close as she possibly could, wrapping her bare legs around him.  He helped her, unbuttoning his coat so she could sidle closer, enveloping her in his arms. 


“I’m so sorry it’s turned out this way, sweetheart.  I never meant—”  His voice was hoarse, pained. 


“Hold me, Daddy,”  she whispered, pressing her cheek to his.  He did, rocking her gently, stroking her hair.  “I miss you so much, you don’t know…it makes me hurt all over.”  She wiggled in his lap and she heard him gasp and let out a small groan.  His face was buried in her hair. 


“Sweetie, maybe we better—”  he started, but she lifted her face suddenly and kissed him just like she had fantasized about in front of the mirror earlier that night. 


It wasn’t a sweet innocent little girl kiss, it was a real kiss, the way she imagined kissing Tommy Keys who sat behind her in math, the way she imagined kissing Simon Cowell from American Idol, the way she’d practiced kissing with Katie, pressing their tongues together and swirling. 


He didn’t stop her, he seemed too stunned to try, holding perfectly still as her small tongue tentatively licked at his lips, his teeth.  He tasted like peppermint and smelled like Old Spice.  It was a familiar Daddy smell and it made her tingly. 


She felt something between her legs, and it took her a moment to realize what it was.  His dress slacks hid nothing, and she realized the bulge pressing against her panties was a very large version of what they’d seen illustrations of in health class a few years ago.  She’d never seen one up close, had never had the opportunity.  Her mother was so overprotective, and the boys, well—they wanted girls with big breasts and curves.


She locked her legs behind him and squeezed, kissing him harder, and he moaned, his hands beginning to roam over her, slipping underneath her shirt in back.  The feel of his large, warm hands on her skin made her shiver.  This was just what she imagined this would feel like, even down to the pulsing ache between her thighs.  Especially that.


He broke contact suddenly, looking wild-eyed and panicked.  He tried to push her away, but her long, slender legs were locked too tightly around him.  She bit her lip, pleading with her eyes.  He cleared his throat and said sternly, “Darla, this is very, very wrong.  We can’t do this.”


“It’s not wrong to love me, Daddy,”  she whispered.  “Please love me.  Please.” 


He shook his head, but she saw his eyelids flutter when she moved against him, shifting his hardness between them.  It rubbed against the crotch of her panties, and she felt moisture there, like she’d wet herself.  His response made her bolder, and she reached down between them to investigate, her searching hand indeed finding wetness. 


Oh, it felt so good when she rubbed herself like this! Sometimes she would do it for hours and hours at night, twisting and turning the covers between her legs, aching for some sort of release that never came.  She felt like that now.


“It feels good when I do this,”  she confessed, tucking the crotch of her panties between her fleshy lips, and moving her fingers over the material.  His breath was coming faster, eyes half-closed as she rubbed herself, the back of her hand nudging the solid heat between them. 


“I know,”  he said reluctantly, his voice tight, but then he relented.  “Darla, baby… you’re so beautiful when you do that.” 


She glowed, soaking in the praise, eagerly kneading her flesh faster, arching her back.  His hands moved under her shirt, his fingers meeting at her spine and his thumbs nearly touching at her navel, wrapping almost entirely around the narrow expanse of her waist.  He pressed her gently down against his crotch, against the rigid heat there, and she smiled at him.  He slid his hands upward, lifting her t-shirt, his thumbs moving over the small girlish protrusions there.  She gasped when he thumbed her little nipples. 


“Ohh! Daddy, I can feel that right between my legs,”  she whispered, her eyes widening and then half-closing again in pleasure.  He made a low sound, unlike anything she’d ever heard, and she felt him lifting her skirt higher. 


“Here?”  He moved her hand from between her legs and pressed a thumb exactly there, where it felt the best.  She nodded, shivering, opening her legs a bit wider.  He eased her panties aside, and the cool air over her skin made her whimper. 


“So tiny, so pretty…so wet!”  he murmured. 


Her pussy lips were swollen and pink, and he spread her open with two fingers.  She watched him inspect her, his fingers moving the dainty folds of flesh to and fro.  He seemed transfixed, and she tried to hold her breath so as not to break the spell.  Then he did something very surprising, something she had never done to herself.  He slid one finger between her soft, slender lips and curled it upward, pressing into her flesh.  His finger was
of her!


He started moving it, his eyes focused between her thighs, slowly in and out of her.  It felt funny at first, but the more he did it, the more she felt her flesh move and give, the better it was.  She started rocking with him, her breath coming faster and faster.  His hand was huge between her legs, his palm rubbing over her young, delicate mound.  She heard a wet noise between her legs, as if someone were smacking their lips. 


“Do you like that?”  he asked her softly. 


She nodded, riding his hand now, her narrow hips moving in circles.  He slowed, almost stopped.  She whimpered. 


“Tell me,”  he said, his eyes meeting hers. 


She hesitated.  His thumb gently rubbed that spot at the top of her little crease and she shuddered, straining against him. 


“Come on, Darla, tell Daddy how much you like it.”  He started rubbing it harder, and slowly began to ease another finger into her.  She felt stretched open there somehow and she gasped.


“Oh Daddy, yes,”  she moaned.  “Yes, I like it, I like it, please don’t stop!” 


“Good girl,”  he urged, moving his fingers faster to reward her. 


She felt something tightening in her lower belly.  Her thighs were spread as wide as they could be now, and she was grinding herself against his hand, making small, high noises that came out almost as squeaks. 


“Come on, Darla, that’s good… fuck Daddy’s hand!” 


She gasped at the harshness of the word, her eyes flying open, but the jolt it sent through her, centering and radiating out from between her legs, was incredible.  His thumb rubbed her, his fingers moving in and out of her very quickly.  She couldn’t tell where he began and she ended, and the sensation of floating she always got when she rubbed herself there was intensified beyond anything she’d ever known.  She felt like she was flying.


“Ooooo Daddy, it feels so good,”  she panted, putting her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. 


“I know,”  he murmured, using his other hand to tweak her hard, pink nipples, so small they were like pebbles, back and forth between them.  She moaned and rocked, her whole body begging him for something.  “I’m gonna make you come, sweetheart.  Let Daddy make you come for the first time.” 


Her only thought was
how did he know?
but her body finally obliged, and she shuddered all over, the ache between her thighs released in a little flood of pulsing fluid she was embarrassed might be all over her daddy’s pants.  The shock at the overwhelming sensation must have shown on her face, because he chuckled. 


“Oh sweetheart, I love you so much.”  He leaned in to kiss her mouth, easing his fingers out of her and she sighed.  It sort of hurt between her legs, and it was all swollen and wet.  She watched, wide-eyed, as he put his fingers to his mouth and licked them. 


“You taste fantastic.”  His eyes were dark with something.  He fumbled between them, unzipping his pants and revealing himself to her. 


She’d never seen a hard one.  She’d caught him naked out of the shower a few times, but the small dangling thing she’d glimpsed held no resemblance to the throbbing rod of steel he held in his hand.  It seemed impossibly huge to her. 

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