Living in Sin (The Escort Series) (32 page)

Read Living in Sin (The Escort Series) Online

Authors: Isabel Lucero

Tags: #Contemporary

Climbing back onto the bed, I lie next to him and take this time to inspect his tattoos. I’ve never had the chance to pay much attention to them before. I run my fingers over the script on his right side. It runs straight down and reads, ‘I am not your opinion of me.’” I look up and meet his piercing blue eyes. He grins, and my heart melts. While he continues his conversation about what seems to be club business, I move onto the tattoo on his chest. Straddling his hips, I lean forward and examine the artwork.

It’s a fire phoenix. The head and neck begin on the right of his chest, and the bird’s wings flare out in the middle and left part of his chest. It’s a mixture of gray, orange, and hints of yellow which look really good on his fair skin. The bird is on fire, its tail feathers are long and winding. They stretch across his shoulder and upper arm. Below the bird is dark smoke and flames licking upwards. The bird is rising from the ashes. It’s exquisite, and I know this has a lot of meaning to him.

When I peek back at him I notice he’s off the phone. He has his arms folded behind his head, and he’s watching me intently.

“Can I see the one on your back?” I ask.

He lifts me up by my waist and places me next to him on the bed and turns to lie on his stomach. I inch forward on my knees and study his last piece of art. He has black and gray wings that spread across his upper back. Above the left wing is the date 12-05-1989, and above the right wing is the date 07-28-2004. It’s obviously a memorial tattoo, and I’m sure it’s for his brother. My heart breaks for him.

Deciding to not bring up any sad memories, I go for something light instead.

“Well, you really are a work of art, aren’t you?”

I hear him chuckle before he flips over and pulls me on top of him. I lean down and give him a series of small kisses.

“You wanna watch a movie with me? We can order some pizza and have our first date right now.”

“A first date after sex? Sounds good to me,” he says with a laugh. “And you’re a cheap date, too.”

I exaggerate a gasp and playfully slap his chest. “Yeah, unlike you,” I say before a laugh escapes my throat.

He raises an eyebrow at me, and I bite down on my lip to stop my laughter. “Good one, but you’re gonna have to pay for that,” he says with a crooked grin.

“How much? I don’t think I can afford you,” I say as I try to scramble off of him.

I see him trying to keep a straight face, but I’m laughing at my own jokes, and he’s struggling to keep it together.

“I have ways to make you pay without money,” he says gruffly.

“Oh, I’m sure you do.”

We end up having sex again before ordering pizza and choosing a movie. This time, he slowly teased me, bringing me to the brink of an orgasm, just to pull away and make me wait. Several times. He was completely in control, making me beg for everything I wanted. He certainly did make me pay for it, but if that’s punishment for my bad jokes, I’ll gladly be a terrible comedian anytime.




It’s been two weeks. Two, wonderful, fun-filled, amazing weeks since Jace and I became official…again. This time, though, we are official and without secrets. On the weekdays, Jace has come over after I got home and we’ve had dinner. Sometimes he hasn’t been able to make it because of work, but on those days he’s tried to meet me for lunch. On the weekends we’ve gone out to the movies, or went to go see a show in one of the hotels. We’ve been spending as much time together as possible. In that time we’ve gotten to know each other more and more, and I couldn’t be happier.

Today is Saturday and Jace is going to be at his club, which is aptly called Club Trinity, and has asked that Emilie and I go. What’s good about knowing the owners is that when we get tired of the loud and crowded levels, we’re able to sneak off into their offices until we’re ready to go back into the chaos.

Em and I are getting ready at my place again, so we can head over there together. She’s since dyed her hair back to more of a brown color with just small amounts of blonde highlights. It’s now half pinned back with her bangs and a few longer pieces framing her face. She’s wearing a strapless, white dress that falls a little past her knees. It’s loose fitting and flares a little bit at the bottom.

“How am I ready before you?” she asks.

“I was eating,” I say with a shrug as I put another grape in my mouth.

“Grapes? That’s not eating.”

“They’re delicious, that’s all that matters. Plus, I only have to get dressed, that won’t take long.”

“Uh huh,” she murmurs as she applies her lip gloss and checks her teeth in the mirror.

“So what did you and Troy talk about yesterday after you hung up with me to talk to him?” I ask with a playful scowl.

“Oh whatever, Ms. I’m all stuck up Jace’s ass crack, or is it the other way around?” she asks with grin.

I almost choke on a grape when I start laughing. “That’s only happened a couple of times. I have to be drunk or close to it in order to relax my ass muscles. He’s too big, it makes me nervous.”

Em busts out laughing.

“For real. Let me know when you let Troy fuck you up the ass. Speaking of Troy, are you going to tell me what you talked about?”

“He has to fuck my pussy first, and you know, the same ol’ shit.”

“What’s that mean? You guys are just friends?”

“I guess. He calls once in a while and he showed up to the coffee house when I was working, and hung out for a little while.”

“He likes you,” I say with a smile.

“I know,” she responds with a grin. “I like him, too. I just don’t like his job.”

I nod in agreement.

“He told me about his fiancé and what she did. I think he’s definitely messed up from that, and honestly, I don’t think he’s gotten over her completely. That’s probably why he is so content with his job. He knows while he has that job he won’t have to worry about a commitment with anyone.”

“She’s a whore. He shouldn’t have a hard time getting over her. She’s lucky he didn’t snap and kill her or his cousin, and then plead temporary insanity due to heat of passion.”

“For real!” she laughs.

“Well, let’s show him what he’s missing out on. You should flirt with a guy in front of him or something. Maybe it’ll give him a little push.”

“I told him about a date I went on,” she exclaims.


“Yep! It wasn’t anything serious, but when he called one night and asked what I had done that day, I told him. He didn’t seem happy about it, but he didn’t say anything.”

“Yeah, because he doesn’t have the right to.”

“I know. He was trying to ask questions about the date in this sly little way. It was so funny.”

“Well, let me get dressed and we can head over there.”


I decide to wear Jace’s favorite color and choose a dark blue, hi-low dress. Even the longer part is still short and only goes to the top of the back of my knees. I put on a small, black belt around the waist, and let the rest of it flow.

“Ready!” I shout as I walk out of the closet. “Told ya it wouldn’t take me long.”

“Yeah, yeah.”



When Em and I arrive at Club Trinity, we have the cab driver drop us off at the back entrance. Jace told us he’d let us in there so we wouldn’t have to worry about the line. A few minutes after I send him a text, he opens the door looking devastatingly handsome. He’s wearing a long sleeved, black, button up shirt with a charcoal gray vest on top. His pants match the vest and he’s got some nice black and gray shiny shoes on. He smiles at us as we walk towards him.

“Ladies,” he greets.

“King,” Em responds with a giggle.

Jace looks at me with slightly narrowed eyes.

“What? Girls talk,” I say innocently as I stand on my tip toes and throw my arms around his neck.

“Uh huh, I wonder what else you’ve told her,” he says quietly as he wraps his arms around my waist.

“Only good things, of course.”

“I hope so,” he says with a grin before giving me a kiss.

“There are no bad things to say.”

“Yet,” Em chimes in.

I laugh and Jace smacks my ass gently.

As we walk down the hallway that leads to the office on the first floor, I have my arm hooked in Jace’s. “Are you working in the office still?” I ask.

“Yeah, but you guys can go ahead and get some drinks and I’ll find you later.”


“You look stunning by the way. I like that color on you.”

“Thank you. I thought about you when I chose it,” I say, grinning like an idiot.

He leans closer and I feel his hand running up my leg, under my dress until he reaches my hip. My breath catches and I glance at Em, but she’s standing in the doorway of the office a little ways away.

“I hope you think about me all night, because I’ll be thinking about you. Mostly about having your legs wrapped around my head while I eat this pussy,” he says as his hand moves from my hip to the apex of my thighs. He runs his fingers up and down over the lace of my panties, putting a little more pressure when he touches my clit.

I bite down on my lip and my eyes close instinctively. I feel the loss of his touch and open my eyes to find him grinning at me.

“You’ll be thinking of me now.”

“That’s not nice,” I pout.

“Oh, but I’ll be
nice to you later.”

“You better.”

“Are you guys done having sex yet?” Em calls out from the office.

Jace and I both laugh. “If we were having sex, you and even the people in the club would have heard her screams,” Jace responds as we walk towards the office.

I narrow my eyes at him. “Oh, whatever.”

Em pops her head out of the office. “Ready?”


I turn and give Jace a hug and kiss before Em and I leave.

After we get our first drinks we make our way to a comfortable couch and people watch. Em and I have a good time watching all the drunkies try to dance. One guy drops to the floor and tries what I think is supposed to be The Worm, but he does a terrible job. At one point it looks like he’s trying to swim on the floor. Eventually he gets up, trying to get different girls to dance with him. They don’t, but he seems okay with dancing by himself.

A few minutes later we see Troy and Marc walking together nearby. They don’t notice us, but I can tell Emilie is keeping her eye on Troy. When a woman stops them both and begins talking to them, Em’s top lip lifts in a snarl.

I giggle and her attention snaps to me. “What?”

“Nothing. Just looks like you’re about to charge that girl over there.”

“I just don’t know why she has to be touching his arm and shit. Skank.”

I laugh at her expression. She’s looking at this girl with disgust. “Y’all need to just hook up already, geez.”

She only scoffs. “I’m gonna go get us some more drinks.”

“Okay,” I say with a smirk. “Tell Troy hi for me.”

“I’m not going to talk to him,” she says.

“Uh huh.”

She walks towards the bar which coincidentally enough is near Troy and Marc. I sip the rest of my drink while looking around the room. After a few minutes I look back to see where Em is. I spot her at the bar with Troy at her side. Marc is still talking to the woman who stopped them. Troy must have seen her and followed her to the bar. I smile. It’s so obvious they like each other, but they try to act like they’re just going to be friends. I think it’s only a matter of time before they fall into bed together. Then it’s gonna be a lot more complicated. Especially if Troy continues being an escort.

I sip the last bit of my drink and gaze around the room. I feel so awkward just sitting here alone. I hear a loud group of guys that are standing a little behind me talking about wanting to ‘fuck some chicks.’ I roll my eyes and think about going to the bar just to get away from them. The more they talk, the louder they get and curiosity gets the better of me. I turn marginally to get a look at the assholes, and recognize one of them. Liam.

Now I worry if I get up that he’ll notice me and try to talk to me. Even though I forgave him for what he did before, that doesn’t mean I want a friendship with the guy. Plus, I remember how he gets when he’s been drinking. Annoying, loud, horny, but even less likely to give me an orgasm than when he’s sober. He gets more cocky, but doesn’t realize how sloppy he acts. Ugh. It’s all bad.

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