Long Snows Moon (25 page)

Read Long Snows Moon Online

Authors: Stacey Darlington

Tags: #coming of age, #lesbian, #native american, #glbt, #sexual awakening, #drunk, #socialite, #animal magic, #haunted woods, #lost dog, #family lineage, #long snows moon, #stacey darlington, #wolf hybrid

“Right before you found me on the porch. She
came as an owl. I thought it was strange she’s an owl, being how
you never did them.”

“It wasn’t the owl I didn’t like, it was its
lessons. Every time I saw the owl I had to face yet another truth
or task,” Jameson replied. “I saw my mother, too. I received a
feather from her. With the potent owl magic at hand, I can see more
clearly than ever before. Giving me the feather was a blessing from
her. I have to continue her work. Lock up when you go I will be
back in a few days.”

“Where are you going now?”

“To the wolves.” Jameson smiled as she
trotted up the stairs.


Chapter Twenty-Six


Devon made no pit
stops to grungy motels as she and Moon travelled. She drove through
the night, not feeling fatigue or hunger. Moon didn’t complain.
Devon realized her true journey had been detoured. She hadn’t yet
resolved her quest.

She arrived at the family cabin at dusk. She
didn’t remember the road leading to the cabin being so long. She
did a slow roll, peering into the woods. Moon barked and paced in
her seat.

“Do you have to go to the bathroom? Hang on,
don’t tear down the door.”

Moon ignored her, intent on the woods.

“Don’t even think about running. I have had
my fill of fumbling through the foliage, thank you.”

You enjoy the freedom of the woods.

Devon jerked in her seat. She narrowed her
eyes at Moon. “Did you hear that?”

Moon gave her a look that resembled a smirk
and resumed her furtive scan of the trees.

Devon tapped Moon on the shoulder. “Excuse
me, pay attention, please. Do not run away or I will be very

You can catch me if you try.

Devon smiled and inhaled deeply. She felt
languid and dreamy. She closed her eyes. She smelled rabbit close
by. Of course, she could catch Moon. Perhaps even outrun her.

She found herself in front of the cabin. They
hadn’t sold it. That was another deception. She watched from her
SUV, the smoke billowing from the fireplace. The lodge was a
two-story log cabin with a massive second floor balcony off the
master suite. The balcony spanned the entire width of the second
floor. It hosted a fire pit and a full bar. It was Devon’s favorite
spot because of its bird’s eye view of the land. She wasn’t
surprised at the smoke or at the lights on inside. Alternatively,
that the front door was ajar.

She grabbed her bag and let Moon out. She
glanced at the shadowy woods. They didn’t frighten her anymore.
Perhaps they never did. She could be as comfortable there as she
was in the cabin.

She sat on the steps and surveyed the land.
She thought she saw two amber lights, like two stars winking
through the trees.

A not so distant howl raised the hair on the
back of her neck. Moon bounded onto the porch and howled in return.
Devon wrapped her arm around Moon’s neck, anticipating her sudden
dash into the woods.

“Stay with me, please. Don’t leave me

A sudden breeze rustled the branches.

You are not alone.

“Did you hear that?”

Moon stared at her is if she had something
important to say.

Devon scratched her head. “I swear you are
almost human sometimes. Maybe that was Jameson talking to me
through the trees. What do you think?”

Moon howled with delight.

“I hope I wake up soon and Trevor is in the
next room snoring. I hope this is just a dream and you are just my
pet and I am just a pathetic, lonely bitch, cold from drinking and

The tree rustled the words, “I love you,
Devon.” Whispers as sensual as Jameson’s amorous sighs.

Devon responded with a howl, surprised at the
sound emitting from her throat. Moon howled with her.

You spent many years clouding the truth with
your dirty water. Would you truly prefer that old life?

Devon touched the arrowhead where it lay at
her throat. She whispered, “You’re right, I have wasted enough
time. I long to be wild and free. Take me to him.”

Moon raced into the woods.

“Wait, it’s dark!” Devon called. “I can’t see

Devon dashed after Moon. A root caught her
foot and sent her sailing through the air. She landed on all fours
and kept running. She darted through the trees, leapt over
branches. Her vision sharpened. She caught sight of Moon on a path
ahead, waiting.

Devon trotted to her, wagging her tail. “I
feel comfortable like this.”

You make a beautiful wolf.

“Are you a Limmikin, too?”

No, I am your guide and protector.

Devon heard laughter and people talking
somewhere ahead. She followed Moon through an obscure path. It
opened at a clearing. She peered at a group of half-clad, well-
muscled, twenty-something men and women. They lounged by the fire
and passed a pipe.

Moon left her and approached the group, her
head and tail down, acquiescent. The man who appeared to be their
leader held out his arms to welcome her. His amber eyes twinkled
like two stars. Moon nestled beside him.

Jealousy and betrayal rose her throat like
bitter bile. Moon was too familiar with this stranger. She belonged
to Devon.

“Moon! Come,” she growled.

The group scattered and melted into the
shadows. Devon realized her eyes had played a trick on her. They
were not humans by the fire but wolves. It wasn’t a pipe they
shared but a fresh carcass. Although she couldn’t see them, Devon
was aware of a dozen dubious eyes upon her as she entered the

Devon was not submissive. She strode toward
the man on two legs. She was an alpha and demanded respect.

“Ocumwhowurst,” Devon said. “It’s not hard to
pronounce. I prefer Two Stars, though.”

He smiled and his eyes flashed, with both
mirth and danger. His hair was a massive black and silver mane. His
teeth were gleaming white fangs. He had blood on his chin.

“I am Ocumwhowurst. Jameson named me Two
Stars. The two-legged know me as Jason Wolfe.” He winked at her.
“You can call me Father.”

“Moon, come here.” Devon tried to avoid his
eyes, but they were magnetic. “I want to leave.” She grimaced at
him. “You have blood on your face.” She had asked to come but
wasn’t ready for the reality.

He smirked and wiped his chin. “Moon will
remain with us now. She needs to be part of a pack. You understand
that is part of her nature. It is time for her to be wild. It’s
unkind to expect a creature like this to live in the human world
and behave as a human asks. She’s unable to run without a tether,
she can’t hunt and kill, she can’t sleep in the forest. She can’t
procreate. Those are aberrant rules human impose, don’t you

“Yes, it must have been torture,” Devon

Moon raised her head.

It was my pleasure to raise you, sister.
My freedom forsaken for your safety and education was my gift to
Remember me when you hunt.

“What do you mean?”

When you drink the dirty water and sleep the
sleep of death. Many times, many times. You change. We run
together. You are happy.

Devon stared down at Moon, incredulous.

It is true, my sister. You think you dream
of running and hunting but it is real. Remember me running beside

Devon began to sob. “I can’t live without
you, Moon, please.”

Jason Wolfe got up and motioned for Moon to

“No, she’s mine,” Devon cried.

Moon gave her a backward glance. With her
tail tucked and much hesitation, she obeyed Jason’s command.

I will always be with you, my sister, from
this realm to the next.

Jason took Devon by her arms. “You don’t own
any being, nor can you be owned. We commune together but are free
to leave. We stay because we want to. Humans don’t understand this.
That is why wolf magic is so important. We must educate the humans.
The lesson is simple. Humans hold on so tightly they kill the thing
they covet the most.”

“I would never kill Moon.”

His smile lit up the clearing. “Well, you
aren’t exactly human.”

“I am a shape-shifter? Like you?”

Yes. My clan and I are shape shifters
who live in both animal and human realms. We are here to bring
magic and teaching. We are servants of the Great

“Did you tell Claire you were an animal
before you inseminated her?”

Jason Wolf’s laughter was unexpected and

“That’s clever, Shadow Wolf. The answer is
no, I did not. However, Analise knew.” He raised a mischievous

“How can I fathom that I am the am the
product of a half man and half whatever you are?”

“I am one hundred percent man with the
ability to take any form I choose. The lesson dictates the form I
take. You do not have to accept it. You may ignore and disregard as
you choose to do. You may hide behind your drink.”

Devon narrowed her eyes and growled, “I’ve
stopped drinking.”

“Then now you can finally see.”

“This is really too much to take in.” Devon
sighed. “To top it off my mother is dying.”

He shook his head in disagreement. He smiled,
showing his perfect, pointy teeth.

“Yes, she has lupus.” Devon heard the irony.
“Lupus, of course, what else would she have?”

Jason Wolfe chuckled. “Humans see life as a
terminal disease, a tense transition to their next mortality. I am
free to walk the realms without fear, as are you, my child. You
brought her the cure. Life is a circle.”

“You integrate animal magic into the human
race. How many of us are there?”

“Many and more every day.”

“What am I supposed to do now?”

“Find your mate, heal your mother, and teach
wolf magic.”

He kissed her forehead, he smelled
deliciously of game. Two Stars dropped to all fours and howled up
at her.

I apologize, I got a little blood on your

Devon wiped the blood from her forehead then
licked her finger.

You are more than welcome to finish our

She shuddered at the ragged hunk of flesh,
wondering and not really wanting to know what animal it had been.
“No thank you.”

Suit yourself.

Devon found herself drawn to the meat.
Revulsion and craving formed a disturbing union. She tore her gaze
from the carcass before she did the unthinkable. She darted through
the narrow path back to the cabin. She burst from the woods and
raced toward the safety of a more civilized place. She tripped over
a rock and landed face down in the dirt.

When you run with no direction, you will
stumble upon the roots and rocks. On your journey, you must take
your time in order to absorb the knowledge you seek.

The words of Mudjewkeewis resounded in her
head. She wiped the dirt from her mouth and sat back on her

The trees whispered.
You are not alone, my
sister. We are all one.

Devon felt a sense of calm wash over her. A
sudden wind dashed her coat and she trotted to the cabin. She had
always been a lone wolf. She settled on the front porch and longed
for her mate.

* * * *

She saw Devon on the porch. The raven hooked
its claws in her winter hat, holding on as Jameson jogged along the

“You can fly, you know.” Jameson laughed.
“Why must you always attach yourself to my head?”

To infuse your brain with my knowledge, my

“Thank you, father.”

You are welcome,
Raven Song.
The raven nipped her ear and flew into the woods.

Jameson trotted the rest of the way to the
cabin. It was faster going without a bird perched on her head. It
was close to ten miles from her store to the lodge. Sweat slid down
the small of her back like a finger tickling her spine. Her heart
fluttered like the raven’s wings in anticipation. She would travel
a hundred miles on her knees to see Shadow Wolf again.

She saw Devon lying on the porch as she
approached the cabin. She appeared forlorn as she stared into the
twilit sky. Her blue eyes glistened with sorrow. In that moment she
resembled Long Snows Moon although her coat was as black as a
moonless sky. Devon raised her head when she heard Jameson
approach. Wolves don’t wag their tails but this one did.


Chapter Twenty-Seven


The balcony was
especially romantic that night. Devon stood under the starry sky
and raised her arms to the heavens.

“We are all one,” she stated to the sky, the
trees, and the animals.

Jameson came behind her and slid her hands
around her waist. She whispered in Devon's ear, “We are one.”

Devon turned to her and they kissed, greedy
and arduous. Jameson slid her hands under Devon's sweater, eager to
make love under the night sky. A rustling above stopped her. She
scowled at the owl roosting on the roof.

“Oh, please, please, no more death,” Jameson
cried. “Go away.”

The owl relocated to the balcony railing.
Relax it is me.

“Mom?” Jameson's joy turned to embarrassment
when she realized that her mother witnessed their kiss. “Mom!”

The owl turned its head one hundred and
eighty degrees.

I saw nothing.

“You were right, as usual.”

Of course I was. Love did find you.

The owl dipped down to snatch a frog from the

Devon frowned as she watched it vanish with
its supper.

“So that's your mom?”

Jameson furrowed her brow. “Yes and no.”

* * * *

Under a dusky sky, Analise found Claire
relaxing at the brink of the pond. She kicked off her sandals and
joined her.

“That tea seems to be helping,” Claire noted.
“You seem more agile and energetic.

Analise smiled and took a sip. “It's
delicious, too. My pain is gone and I can hold my bladder.”

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