Look After You (41 page)

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Authors: Elena Matthews

“Make love to me, please,” I whisper against his lips. I nibble at his bottom lip, and his hands tighten against my hold as I physically feel his naked body
begin to tremble against mine. “Show me how love is supposed to be.”

With his eyes transfixed on mine, I feel his fingers caress over my hips until they trace under the edge of my panties and he gently pushes them past my hips, and over my ass. His eyes never leave mine as he crouches down in front me and begins to slide my soaked panties down my legs, lifting my left leg and then my right until my panties have been successfully removed and I am standing fully naked
above him. I tilt my head back with a gasping moan when he presses a gentle kiss against my navel. When he stands back up, he lifts me up in his arms, and I instantaneously wrap my legs around his thighs. “Here or in the bedroom?” he whispers as he presses a kiss against my earlobe.

“I want you here...now.”

Soundlessly he presses me up against the cold-tiled wall and I shiver at the impact. His cock presses against my sensitive opening clutching hold of me tightly as the water pounds endlessly over us. He rests his head against mine and presses a kiss along my bottom lip.

“Tell me you love me,” I whimper against his lips, and he chuckles under his breath.

“I have fucking missed you, baby, I love you, I love you so damn much.”

“I love
you…” I begin to say, but my speech is muted when I feel him slide gently inside of me, and I let my head fall back against the tiled wall allowing the sensation to ease through me. It’s incredible. He inches his thickness inside me with gradual ease and he fits with perfect precision, almost as if he were hand made especially for me. He stills inside of me and looks me in the eyes with a mixture of hunger and affection, a look that has me tightening my hold against his muscular body. “How does that feel?”

My heart throbs wildly as the sound of his burly voice sends an enchanting electric cu
rrent to sweep through my body. “Hmm, it feels good…it feels perfect,” I breathe out and Ashton’s eyes pierce deeper into mine, placing me within his trance. “Hmm perfect…just like you, baby,” he says before he presses his lips onto mine and begins to move in and out of me in a slow, loving, unhurried pace. I trail my hands across the top of his back, feeling everything begin to fade away at the glorious sensation of his cock sliding in and out of me. His hips leisurely continue to thrust inside me, and the sensation makes the walls of my pussy pulsate with an ecstasy that takes my breath away.

Our moans become more frequent as the intense connection between us begins to spiral out of control and he begins to move a little faster, and I feel the pressure begin to build at
the sudden change in momentum.

His lips suddenly pull away from mine, and I open my eyes to see his focus is solely on me and my entire
body trembles under his gaze. I push my fingers through his hair into a tight grip when I feel the early signs of my climax peaking within the distance. “So fucking beautiful.” His words add to my climax, and I cry out as he continues to bury himself inside of me, filling me with his unconditional love.

Usually within seconds my climax would peak, but after a short while the intensity of our intimacy completely overwhelms me and I feel myself become frustrated when my climax doesn
’t progress. A roadblock is stopping me from pushing over the edge, and I can’t figure out why. Ashton senses my reluctance from how frigid I have become within his embrace, and he holds my gaze, a gaze that captivates me in a split second.

“Baby, just relax...just feel it, feel the love between us…just feel it.” I close my ey
es listening to his seductive, calming voice and surprisingly his words soar through me enough to push through the hesitancy, but it still isn’t enough to push all the way to the brink.

I can’t…I can’t,” I cry out in frustration.

“Feel it, baby, feel it with me,” he urges, and just when I think I am unable to orgasm, he brings one hand in-between us and circles hi
s thumb over my clit and within a matter of seconds I begin to crumble within his arms as my climax finally hits. Through the steam filled bathroom, I scream out in a frenzy, and I lose all coherent thoughts for a good solid minute.

Once I come down from my high, I open up my eyes to a thoroughly fucked Ashton.
“Hi,” he breathes, and suddenly the intensity of the love between us, the incredible act of love we just shared, causes me to become overwhelmed with emotions, and I am unable to control the tears that fall along my face intermixing with the water that cascades down my face from the shower. He catches my trembling chin within his thumb and forefinger. “Baby, what’s wrong?” he questions with a look of alarm on his face and desperately wanting to take the look of panic from off his face, I shake my head on a teary smile and let myself slide from his wet body, and I clutch hold of his chest when I stand on both feet.

“Nothing, I’m just a little overwhelmed…I just...I love you so much, and I
’ve missed you…It’s been a long three months, so damn long.”

He gently brings his knuckles up to my face and even though my falling tears have been washed away by the water, he wipes the tears anyway, a
nd I love him even more for it. “I know, baby, but you’ve fought through it, and I am so fucking proud of you.”

I bury my face into the crux of his neck and clutch hold of him. “Just don’t let me go back there, I don’t ever want to get back there,” I say as I feel his hands caress
up and down my bare back, clutching me tight to his chest.

“You have nothing to worry about, I won’t let you, I promise.”

I pull my head away from his neck and look up to him. “Good because I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you and Lily.”

Sliding his hands through my hair, he leans down and brushes his lips against mine.
“You won’t lose us, I promise.” The pressure of his mouth deepens against my already swollen lips and when one kiss isn’t enough we greedily devour one another’s mouths and even though I could quite possibly kiss him for an eternity, eventually I begin to run out of vital oxygen and I am the first one to come up for air.

Wow,” I barely whisper through my gasping breaths, while he stares down at me with a glazed look of love, his chest heaving in and out, almost like he has just run a marathon. I bring the palm of my hands up to his chest and my breath hitches at the feel of his walloping heart against my parted fingers and unable to resist the urge, I press my lips to his on a single kiss. “Do you have to go into work today?” I whisper against his lips. Now that I have opened up to him I just want to wrap myself around him and keep him to myself for the rest of the day...perhaps we can make love again.

Abruptly his lips are snatched from me, and a look of a
larm replaces the look of lust. “Shit, work!” He jolts within my arms, but with the sudden momentum, he loses his footing against the slippery shower floor and he falls flat on his ass, taking me with him.

“Oh my God, are you okay?” I take hold of his face with my hands as I straddle against his thighs w
ith an amused grin on my face.

“I think I broke my ass.”

I try to hold back the laughter, but it’s useless when he starts chuckling. “It’s a good job you’re going to the hospital then…” I laugh, and it takes everything in me not to collapse in a heap.

“Do you think this is funny?” He smirks with a humorous glint in his eyes, and I clutch hold of him through my shuddering laughter, unable to stop now that I have
started. “Oh yeah, definitely.”

Slowly he lifts me from his lap and gently lays me on my back against the cold shower floor and with the sensation of the cold against my back and the power of the water falling directly over my face, it takes my breath away. It soon fades when Ashton, like a lion on the prowl, crawls on top of me u
ntil his face hovers over mine. “I’ll give you something to laugh about…” The small bubble of laughter is cut off by the contact of his lips.

Pulling away for a brief moment I mutter, “If you think that was funny, then I definitely want my money back.” His lips vibrate above mine when I reconnect my lips to his. Through a lingering a kiss, he murmurs, “It was supposed to metaphoric
, baby, but how about I repay you in kisses.” He circles his tongue against my bottom lip, taking full advantage of my mouth, leaving me utterly breathless.

“Hmm, sounds good to me,” I attempt, but it barely comes out as a moan, and in a matter of seconds we become lost within t
he depths of each other again.


When Ashton and I finally manage to pry ourselves away from one another, wrinkled to a prune might I add, I leave Ashton to get changed for a shift that he’s already fashionably late for and hearing the sound of the door bell ringing, I go downstairs to let Caleb and Lily in. I am just finishing braiding my wet hair to the side, when I am greeted with Caleb and a bright smile coming from my daughter the moment I open the front door.

Hey, beautiful girl,” I say as I take her from Caleb’s arms. “Did you have fun with Uncle Caleb?” She just continues to smile as I plant a kiss against her tiny nose. I climb the three steps that lead into the sitting room.

Yeah we had fun didn’t we, baby girl,” Caleb coos into Lily’s face when we come to a stop in the middle of the living room and gently swings her arms to and fro and pulls a funny face, which she finds absolutely hilarious, and it earns Caleb a beautiful giggle. It has to be the most beautiful sound in the world. I still find it hard to believe she’s my daughter. She’s just incredible.

How was therapy?" Caleb asks once I have his attention, and I literally cannot keep the smile from my face.

Yeah it was good.”

What’s with the shit-eating grin?”

I manage to cover my daughter’s ears up by burying her head into my chest.
“Caleb,” I chastise him before I whisper to my Lily and say, “that’s a grown up word, you don’t ever say that.”

Ava, she isn’t even talking yet...”

Yes but I want her first word to be Momma, not S. H. I. T,” I hiss out in a whisper, just in case my daughter is a genius child and will eventually pick up on the letters. It isn’t something a mother wants their child saying.

He holds his hands up in the air on a chuckle, “Okay then…what’s with
the S. H. I. T eating grin?” I smirk up at him, but I don’t say anything. He inquires further. “In fact you look different, your hair’s wet…and,” he looks closer at my shirt, and I shift nervously under his inspection, “why is your t-shirt inside out?” I glance down at my t-shirt and immediately blush when I realize Caleb is right. I don’t have time to answer when Ashton comes barreling down the stairs, with his backpack slung over one shoulder. His eyes fall on me as soon as he steps foot into the living room and my heart thuds at the heated intensity coming from his eyes.

“Oh, hey, Caleb,” he says once he peels his eyes away fr
om mine and hurries over to the coffee table to grab hold of his phone and keys.

“Hey, Ash, you in some kind of rush?” Caleb asks as he watches Ashton rush around like a headless chicken.

“Yes for the first time in my life I am late for work, really late…shit, where are my sneakers?” Laughing, I walk with Lily in my arms and slide the sneakers into view with my feet, from behind the sofa.

“Thanks, baby,” he murmurs as he shuffles his feet into his sneakers while I hear Caleb from behind muttering about Ashton using the word ‘shit’ and not being reprimanded for it, but Ashton has an excuse, he’s late, and it’s all because of me.

He steps in front of me and presses a lingering kiss against my lips. “But it was totally worth it though.” I shiver at the very thought, and after a second breathtaking kiss he pulls away and proudly states, “I love you.” He slowly pulls his gaze away from mine, and his smile widens as he looks down to Lily who is staring animatedly at him. “And you too, beautiful, I love you too.” He takes hold of her hand with his long forefinger and blows a raspberry kiss against the back of her tiny knuckles, which has her wiggling her arms and legs excitedly on a screeching giggle. We all laugh along with her contagious laughter.

“Is that funny, baby girl?” He repeats the process, and a new set of
giggles echo through the room. “Right, now you’re making me late, jeez you Jacobson chicks are going to wreck me,” he says looking between Lily and I, smiling. “I’m going now before I’m even more late.”

I swoon with a goofy smile as I watch him rush out of the house and I begin to sway Lily in my
arms like some lovesick fool.

“Well I don’t need any clue as to why Ashton was late for work…it’s written all over your face.” I burst out into laughter when Caleb b
egins to sing the kissing song. “Ava and Ashton, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G…” he makes his way over to me on a jig as he continues the song, “first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a babies carriage.” He gets all into Lily’s face, which has her erupting into hysterical giggles. When his laughter dies down, he pulls his arms around Lily and me, into a loving embrace.

“On a serious note, I am so damn proud of you. You’ve been through so much, yet you
’ve come out of the other side, stronger. I’m so glad to see that pretty smile back on your face. I’ve missed it, and I’ve missed my best friend.” I flutter my eyes with contentment as he presses a kiss against the top of my damp head.

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