became a conflagration. Their mouths met with ferocity, tongues battling for

supremacy. Hands refused to be stilled; there was too much to explore. She straddled

his lap. With both hands on his face, she ravaged him as he gave her bottom a wicked


She barely blinked, though her eyes lit and he knew she was feeling what he did.

"Oh, yes," she murmured into his mouth. She poked her bottom out. "More."

As they kissed, Prentice gave her swats, her approval thrumming in her throat.

Suddenly, she shifted her position, sprawling herself across his lap.

"What do you want, my little one?"

"I want you to really spank me, Prentice. I crave it as surely as the air I breathe.


His cock stirred. He'd missed her willingness, her total submission, her complete

enjoyment. With a gentle hand, he lifted the volumes of silk that covered her. Beneath

lay her heart-shaped bottom, reddened from Serenity's spanking. He rubbed, taking in

the feel of her. He wanted to kiss her there, show her what true adoration was. He

would, soon.

"Tell me again how you want me to spank you."

"I want your hand to strike me as though I was an errant child. Show me what it

is like to be under your control."

He brought his hand down on her arse, not hard, for he couldn't bring himself to

do so. He wanted to seduce her with this spanking. Entice her to new heights. He gave

her sharp pats, making sure they stung without jolting her. But she wasn't satisfied, and

indicated as much by her constant wiggles and squirms.

"Strike me, Prentice. Please, I wish to feel your power."

He did as she asked. Through her howls he recognized her need was being met.

Her body relaxed as he continued, her head rested upon the arm of the chair. She

absorbed the blows as she always had. She hissed and moaned but seemed to be in


His cock was rampaging for a turn at satisfaction. She'd endured the usual

twenty swats, and it seemed she could endure many more. "You've had enough," he

said, as he rubbed her bottom.

"Never," she answered. His heart soared.

He pulled her into his arms, and his mouth came crashing down on hers. If there

was a way for him to convey the entirety of his feelings through that kiss he would find

it. He wanted her as his own.

He picked her up and took her to the bed. As he stood, she knelt on the bed and

began to remove his shirt. Her hands touched every inch of his torso, nuzzling, nipping,

kissing as she went.

He removed her costume, revealing the body for which he'd longed. He bent

over and removed his boots, throwing them indiscriminately across the room. Her

shaky hands released the buttons as though it were the first time she'd done so. The

object of her quest was revealed as she rolled the tight-fitting garment over his hips. He

completed the process, at last standing before her in all his masculine glory.

She adored him with her hands, teasing, sliding over his length, her eagerness a

definite aphrodisiac. The moist warmth of her tongue was torturous, as she flicked over

the head of his cock, bulbous, sensitive and enflamed. He groaned as he flexed his hips,

seeking closer contact.

"Oh, my sweet darling," he sighed as her tongue teased the sensitive underside of

the head.

Without warning, she fully sheathed his cock with her mouth. The sensation was

unearthly, enticing him to a level of sensuality he'd not even experienced with Abigail.

He backed away, encouraging her to lie down. He crawled over her, his feral

gaze raking over her aroused body. "My turn."

He attacked her mouth, his tongue seeking where his cock had so recently been.

He pinched her nipple to even deeper arousal. He laved her breasts with his tongue,

then slid his body lower. Teasing her ribs, he licked his way over her stomach, his chin

nuzzling the fuzz that was growing back over her mons.

"What's this?"

"I haven't seen Marjorie."

"You will or I'll do it myself." He licked her folds, giving her a start.

"I'd like to see you try." Her voice strained.

"Don't tempt me, seductress."

Her body arched, meeting his tongue. There was no more discussion.

He brought her to new heights of ecstasy. She clawed the counterpane, her body

racked with pleasures she'd never known, not even with him. Her bottom stung under

the pressure of his hands as he held her firmly to his mouth. He laved her clitoris until

she was mad with pleasure. Every nerve in her body was on fire. He drove his tongue

into her passage, slipped one finger into her anus. She was awash with sensations,

overwhelmed with passion.

"I want you inside me." She gasped as the latest orgasm began to dissipate.

"Roll onto your belly, my love."

The endearment washed over her like a warm spring breeze. Oh, how she

wanted it to be so. She did as he asked, and he helped to her knees. She supported her

upper body with folded arms, her head resting on the counterpane.

"Oh, yes, I do so love your bottom," Prentice said, his hands brushing over the

reddened skin. "Such a nice color."

"You must be sure to keep it this way, sir."

"Oh, that will be my pleasure."

"And mine."

He teased her folds with his cock. Her awareness was heightened as he inched

his way into her. He went torturously slow, despite her best attempts at temptation.

"Not so fast, little one."

"Please, I need you."

"I need you too, but I wish us to take our time."

However, in the end, the passion overtook his best intentions.

"Harder," she moaned as he thrust into her.

He couldn't resist. As it always seemed to do, their lovemaking became frenzied,

leaving them spent. Prentice gathered her into his arms, and they slept. Tomorrow

would be a day of decisions.

Chapter Twenty

The sun poured into the room the next morning, its rays shining in Desiree's face.

They'd not shut the draperies the night before, their passion having overtaken all other

rational thought.

Prentice was lying on his stomach, his head turned away from her. The sheet was

a stunning white against his bronzed skin. He was a well-built man, broad-shouldered,

narrow nip at the waist, his bottom . . . Desiree gasped and jolted to a sitting position.

"Oh, my god," she said aloud, jarring Prentice from his slumber.

"What's wrong, love?" He'd turned his head and placed a quelling hand on her


Desiree's touched his bottom, careful not to hurt the angry red skin. He flinched

then buried his head in the pillow.

"What is this, Prentice?"

He shook his head, still not looking at her. His fingers dug into her thigh. The

muscles of his buttocks clenched as she waited for him to speak. It took a very long,

uncomfortable time.

"We all have secrets, Desiree. Even the mighty Marquess of Wycroft."

"What secret?"

Silence ensued once again, leaving a pall over the room. It was several minutes

before Prentice spoke again, his voice strained. "When I was a child, I was caned,

strapped or paddled regularly, first by my father, then by my tutor, and finally, by the

headmaster at Eton. After the first few times, I realized I rather enjoyed the experience.

It always enabled me to clear the cobwebs away, and focus on what was important or a

task that needed to be done.

"I could always make better decisions afterward. After school, I was ashamed to

admit to my need for it. When I met Lucien, we got quite foxed one night, and he began

telling me of his need, which made it more comfortable to discuss my own."

"Did Abigail know?"

"No, she didn't. I never had it done while she was alive. As open-minded as she

was, I couldn't face telling her. I wouldn't have told you either." His eyes finally met


"Does Lucien do this for you?"

"I go to Lucien for what I call 'refocusing'. It's happened several times of late."

"When was the last time?"

"On the night of the tableau, I needed to be clear as to how I was going to get you

back. I demanded Lucien thrash me until I told him to stop. Some of my better ideas

come during a thrashing." His eyebrow arched, and she could see a smile threatened his


"But you feel it is fine that I should enjoy having my bottom paddled or strapped

as often as possible?"

"You came to me not as a lover but as a client. I dare say there are many secrets

about me you don't know."

"What am I now?"

He put his arms around her and dragged her down until she rested beside him.

"You are my lover, my captive, and I do hope, soon, you will be my wife."

She wasn't surprised by his casual proposal. "Your wife, you say. Mmm, I will

have to think about that. I do have a long line of gentlemen who wish to blister my arse

and fuck me insensible, you know. You are not a rare commodity."

"I'd better be as rare as it gets, or I will be doing more than thrashing your lovely

bottom. Speaking of which, let me see if you need some color." He rolled her over and

gave her a couple of swats. "This will not do. We will take care of this at the grotto." His

eyes flickered with mischief and passion. "Come."

He rolled off the bed and took her with him. She reached for her dress, which he

promptly took from her. "No, my dear, I prefer you as my naked woodland nymph,

prancing about the forest in her natural state."

Desiree's heart beat wildly as the promise of the day unfolded. If only they could

spend their lives in this place, surrounded by nature, and unencumbered by the

responsibilities of his title. He seemed so at home here and less what the world

expected him to be.

"When shall we marry?" he asked as they walked to their spot near the forest.

"I hope soon. I can think of nothing I'd like better than to be your wife." Her

anger and insecurity had disappeared.

"I must tell you what you are opening yourself up for, before you discover you

have made a terrible mistake. I have thought of little but your lovely derriere since the

first time I bared it. I am obsessed with it and you. Our marriage will entail frequent

spankings, some surprise ones, and some that will take place in some rather unique


"Do you promise?"

"Oh, yes."

"What about you? Would you ever consider allowing
to spank

He dropped the bag he was carrying and took her in his arms. "I'd never

considered such a turn of events, to be honest. Lucien has been the only person privy to

that particular inclination."

"Well, would you? Allow me, that is."

"I suppose I would. I certainly trust you as much as I trust him."

"Would you allow me to do it now?"

Prentice smiled. "I suppose, but then it is my turn."

"Fair enough."

They arrived at the grotto. The cool air chilled her skin. She'd wondered what the

rest of the world would think about her prancing through the forest in the nude. She

concluded she really didn't care.

"How shall we do this?" she asked.

She helped him to draw his buckskin breeches down to his knees and raise his

shirt. There was a stone bench, which he draped with a blanket, and then he stretched

out on his belly.

Her heart began to beat faster, the excitement beyond her imagination. She'd

never thought to do this before, having been so focused on getting what

"What do you wish to be spanked with, my darling?"

"I think the paddle, which is exactly what I intend to use on you."

Desiree took up the paddle and began to play, slapping her hand with it,

skimming it across his cheeks, even lengthwise over the crevice that separated his tight,

well-formed bottom.

His body arched as she did it. She smiled to herself.

Her first smack seemed to surprise him, which was her intention. Her heart

wasn't into hurting him, given that evidently Lucien had given him quite a thrashing

just a short time before. However, he reacted to each blow as though he rode the verge

of an orgasm. He groaned much as he did while inside her.

He held his hand up, signaling her to stop. He rose from his reclining position,

his erection like granite.

"Bend over this bench, now," he said seductively, as he removed his boots and


"I don't get the benefit of lying down."

"Bend over the bench and get ready."

She did as he bid. Instead of the paddle, he used his hand, spanking with an

upward motion, catching the tender underside of each buttock. He stopped to separate

her cheeks, and using her own juices, slipped a finger into her anus, fucking her wildly,

to her delight.

"Oh, my God, that is unbelievable."

He bent low to her ear. "Really? Well, then I believe you will love the surprise I

have for you," he whispered.

He put something firm and hard against her anus.

"What is that?"

"I do believe you are well acquainted." With a gentle but steady hand, he pushed

the oiled shaft into her. She moaned and finally hissed through her teeth.

"That burns."

"The pain will subside." He stayed the forward progress and rubbed over her

bottom until she told him to continue.

"Oh, my god, Prentice, it is delicious."

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