Lords of the Sky: Fighter Pilots and Air Combat, From the Red Baron to the F-16 (88 page)

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Authors: Dan Hampton

Tags: #History, #United States, #General, #Military, #Aviation, #21st Century

Operation Georgette, 119, 126–127, 128, 130

Operation Gneisenau, 131

Operation Judgment, 252–253

Operation Linebacker, 473

Operation Market Garden, 347–352, 364

Operation Marne-Reims, 131

Operation Michael
113–118, 127, 130

Operation Niagara, 470

Operation Normandy, 513

Operation Overlord (D-Day), 363–365

Operation Ranch Hand, 433

Operation Rolling Thunder, 437–439

Operation Rugby, 484

Operation Sealion, 208, 221–222, 233, 241, 251

Operation Torch, 353

Operation Typhoon, 287–288

Operation Uranus, 298–299

Operation Venezia, 265–266

ornithopter, 9–10

Osipenko, Polina, 281

Ottoman Turkey, 15, 48, 113, 139


P-51 Mustang fighter aircraft, 346–352, 356–360, 393, 394

Pacific Air Force (PACAF), 437, 439, 468

Pacific (CinCPac), 434

Pacific Fleet, U.S.

Battle of Midway, 268, 337, 338–345
Battle of the Coral Sea, 333–334
and broken Japanese military code, 337
carriers attached to, 388
Pearl Harbor attack, 260–261, 293, 309–313, 319, 321–327
Task Force 8, 326
Task Force 11, 333
Task Force 12, 326–327
Task Force 14, 328, 329
Task Force 16, 338
Task Force 17, 333, 338

Packard Motor Car Company, 359

Packard V-1650 Merlin engine, 359

Pact of San Sebastián, 1930, 156

panzers, German (tanks)

First Panzer Army, 295
1st Panzer Division, 183, 190, 192, 196
2nd Panzer Division, 192, 286, 289, 292
Third Panzer Army, 293
3rd Panzer Division, 286
Fourth Panzer Army, 296, 298, 304
5th Panzer Division, 206
6th Panzer Division, 192
7th Panzer Division, 188, 206, 207
10th Panzer Division, 190, 196
11th Panzergrenadiers, 366
12th Panzer Division, 365
15th Panzer Division, 265, 271
16th Panzer Division, 297
18th Panzergrenadiers, 366
21st Panzer Division, 265, 271, 365
29th Panzer Grenadiers, 298
48th Panzer Corps, 298
115th Panzergrenadiers, 275
II SS Panzer Corps, 305
Mark IV panzers, 262–263
Panzer III/IV tanks, 297

Parabellum light machine gun (LMG), 26

Pardo, Bob, 466–467

Park, Keith, 203, 239, 240, 244

patents, American, Wrights’ first, 11

Paulus, Freidrich, 296, 297, 302

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, attack on, 260–261, 293, 309–313, 321–327

Peled, Benny, 475

USS, 323, 326

People’s Volunteer Army, 402

Perry, E. W. C., 16

Persian Gulf, 495, 513

Persian Gulf War, 508, 515, 519–520

Pétain, Henri Philippe, 93

Phantom jet fighter aircraft, F-4, 423–424, 462–468

Philippine Sea,
USS, 391

Philippines, Battle of Corregidor, 333

photo reconnaissance, 68, 76–77, 114, 127, 285

pilot training

for British RAF, 214, 238–239
for British RFC, 54–55, 95–97
flight training schools during the Great War, 54–56, 95–97
German Luftwaffe pilots, 211–213
German training facilities in Russia, 153–154, 155
for Israeli pilots, 481–483
for Japanese pilots, 320–321
for Soviet Air Force, 283
Soviet-trained Chinese pilots, 411–412
for U.S. Air Force, 408–410, 501–505
for U.S. Army Air Forces, 313–315, 316
for U.S. Marine Corps, 500
at U.S. Military Academy, West Point, 314–315
at U.S. Naval Academy, 315–316, 499
for U.S. Navy, 499, 500
for World War I German pilots, 55


bomber pilots as fighter pilots, 424–425
British pilots in the Great War, 42–46, 52, 62, 65–74, 82, 84–90, 93–140
British pilots in World War II, 193–200, 203–204, 233–248
French, 3–8, 55–56, 62, 187
German pilots after the Great War, 152, 158–159, 163–167, 169, 172
German pilots in the Great War, 6–8, 33–41, 52, 62, 63–76, 90–140
German pilots in World War II, 189, 201–202, 233–251, 254, 255, 256–265, 267–269, 271–279
Israeli, 481–483
Italian, 159
Korean War, 373–384, 393
life expectancy during the Great War, 32, 91
Polish, 179, 180
RAF training of Russian, 144–145
Soviet, 155, 276–279
Spanish, 160–161
Stalin’s executions of Soviet pilots, 155
U.S. Marine Corps, 316–317
U.S. Navy, 316, 495–498
U.S. pilot shortage post–World War II, 407–408
U.S. pilots in Spain, 161, 162, 169
U.S. pilots in World War I France, 105–106
Vietnam War, 423–425, 441–449
See also
fighter pilots

Pilsudski, Jozef, 148–149, 150, 151

Piroth, Charles, 431

piston-driven aircraft, 508

Pitchford, John, 457

Plog, Leonard, 388

Plumer, Sir Herbert, 109–110, 111, 112

Po-2 biplanes, 289, 291

Pokryshkin, Sasha, 304–305


aircraft, 175, 179
blockhouses, 177
Curzon Line, 148
Germany and, 148, 176–177
Germany’s Case White plan, 176–177
Germany’s invasion of, 178–180
Kosciuszko Squadron, 150
pilots, 179, 180
Polish Air Force, 150
Polish Fifth Army, 150
13th Polish Infantry Division, 151

Polikarpov I-15 and I-16 fighter aircraft, 143, 159, 168, 169

Polish Brigade, 347

Polish-Soviet War, 148–152

Pollard, Hugh, 157

Pope, Alexander, 1

Popkin, Cedric, 124

Port Moresby, 334

Potsdam Agreement, 1945, 427

Powers, Gary, 426, 441

Pownall, Sir Henry, 201

Pratt & Whitney engines, 392, 393, 444, 506

Prince, Norman, 104, 106

Prince of Wales,
HMS, 330

Princip, Gavrilo, 14, 15

pusher aircraft, 71

Putnam, Paul, 328

Pye, William S., 329, 330

Pzl P.7 and Pzl P.11 fighter aircraft, 175, 179


radar countermeasure missions, 453

radar development

air-to-air fire control radars, 516
Chain Home radars, 217–219, 220, 225, 236, 239, 240, 516
Germany, 220
Great Britain, 216–219, 242
gyro-radar gunsights, 407
Iraq’s radar defense systems, 511, 514
jamming equipment, 452, 462, 518
MK IV Airborne Intercept radar, 242
radar detection systems, 453–454
radar homing and warning systems, 443, 453–454, 489
radar-seeking aircraft, 443–444
Radio Detection And Ranging (RADAR), 216–217
semi-active radar homing, 464, 480, 489
Straight Flush radar system, 480–481, 489

radial engines, 58, 186

radio communication, during World War II, 191, 216, 239

Radusch, Günther, 168

Rall, Günther, 304, 305

ramming attack maneuver, 300–310

USS, 437, 513

Raskova, Marina, 281, 288–289

RE-8 fighter aircraft, 71, 73, 76–77, 108, 111, 120, 144

Red Air Force (Soviet Union), 282

aerial combat tactics, 300–301
aviation regiment, 283
586th Fighter Regiment, 294
flight training, 283
flying aces, 304–305
437th Fighter Regiment, 296
and Germany’s invasion of Soviet Union, 285, 290
9th Guards Fighter Regiment, 297–298
Protivo-Vozdushnoy Oborony (PVO), 283, 290, 294
73rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, 303
Voenno-Vozdushnye (VVS), 283, 289, 290, 296, 297, 300–301, 303–304

Red Army (Soviet Union), 282–283, 284, 293–294, 295

1st Guards Tank Army, 298

Red Phoenix Rising
(Hardesty), 290

refueling aircraft, 441–442

Reid, Jack, 339

relaxed static stability (RSS), 506

Republic of South Vietnam, 431

Republican Air Force (Spain), 161

Republican Army (Spain), 168

HMS, 330

Reserve Officers’ Training Course (ROTC), 499

Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine, 146

Reynaud, Paul, 192–193

Rhee, Syngman, 386

Rhys-Davies, Arthur, 82, 101, 102–103

Rickenbacker, Eddie, 140, 406

Ridgway, Matt, 416

Rif War of 1923, 156

Rio Crespo, Felipe del, 168

Rippon, T. S., 31, 532–533

Roberts, Tom, 424

Rock, Ed, 408–410, 441–449

rockets, 24

Rolls-Royce engines

Kestrel engine, 166
Merlin II engine, 182, 358–359
Nene engine, 403

Rom, Giora, 474–478, 483

Romanian 6th Cavalry Corps, 298

Rommel, Erwin “Desert Fox,” 188, 189, 207, 254–256, 260–263, 265–266, 268, 269–270, 274

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 318, 385

Roosevelt, James, 339

Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 364

rotary engines, 33, 57–58, 59, 72, 111, 128, 135

airplane formation, 163–164, 232

route packages, division of Vietnam into, 439–440

Royal Aeronautical Club, 95

Royal Air Force, British, Auxiliary Air Force, 213–214

Millionaires’ Squadron, 214–215

Royal Air Force, British (RAF), World War I

creation of, 118
and death of von Richthofen, 125, 126
and deaths of pilots McCudden and Mannock, 131–133
first fighter aircraft delivered to, 135–136
Fokker D-VII threat to, 128
and end of the Great War, 140
in 1919 Russian Civil War, 144–148
No. 6 Squadron, 256
No. 47 Squadron, 144, 145–147
No. 60 Squadron, 132
No. 74 Squadron, 119
No. 85 Squadron, 132
training school, 135, 136

Royal Air Force, British (RAF), World War II, 213–215

airplane formations, 193
in Allies evacuation from France, 207
Americans in, 215
auxiliary squadrons, 213–215
in Battle for France, 181–182, 185, 190, 193–199, 203–204, 243
in Battle of Britain, 235–245
“Big Wing” theory, 239–240
bomber unit casualty rates, 195
Bristol Beaufighter, 242
Desert Air Force, 254, 255–256
in Dunkirk evacuation, 199–200, 203–204
in El Alamein, 270–271
11 Group squadrons, 239, 241
Fighter Command, 218–219, 225, 233, 238, 241
flight training, 214, 238–239
Gloster Meteor jet fighter, 362, 403–404
Hawker Hurricanes, Mk I, 181, 182, 196, 223, 224, 226, 234, 236, 237, 243
invasion of Britain, 221–222
No. 1 Squadron, 182
No. 19 Squadron, 227, 228
No. 46 Squadron, 182
No. 74 Squadron, 199–200, 231, 235
No. 92 Squadron, 196
No. 249 (Gold Coast) Squadron, 237
No. 604 Squadron, 242
radar stations, 203
RAE Restrictor device, 231
Spitfire MK I, 193, 196–198, 210, 225–227, 229, 234, 236, 242, 243
Spitfire MK IB, 228
Spitfire Mk V, 266, 271, 272
squadron classifications, 240
10 Group squadrons, 239

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