Lost and Found (27 page)

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Authors: Tamara Larson

Jessie arched her back and wrapped her fingers in his hair giving him her breast more fully. His mouth felt so wonderful. She thought of the way he’d kissed her between her legs last night and pressed her thighs together rhythmically, imitating the motion of his lips against her breasts. She shifted restlessly against the bed as he smoothed his hand down her flat stomach to the curls he’d explored so thoroughly last night.

Instead of touching her intimately like he had last night,
’s hand moved all the way down her thigh to the inside of her knee. He pressed there, and whispered against her breast, “Open for me, Jess.” The echo of his words from last night made her tremble in anticipation as he shifted his body until it rested between her thighs.

Jessie felt his thick erection against the inside of her thigh. It seemed much too big for this, but she tried not to think about the logistics of it. She concentrated on the way the hair on his chest tickled her breasts and the feel of his lips on her neck. He was gently licking around the wounds that Diego had made that morning. “Do you want me, Jess?” He asked huskily, shifting up on his arms to look into her face.

“Yes, I want you. I want to feel you inside me,” she said, all hesitation gone, she brought her legs up and braced her hands on his shoulders, urging him to finally finish what they’d started two days before.

groaned and flexed his erection against the moist opening of her body. She was ready. He could feel how ready she was, but he still wasn’t sure if he should be doing this. His body wouldn’t let him stop at this point though. It had been in a constant state of readiness for the past two days. It just wouldn’t be denied anymore, no matter what his conscience was whispering.

With Jessie’s fascinated gaze on him, he kneeled between her legs and slid on a condom from the bedside table. He paused for just a second, admiring her smooth, pale skin and heavy-lidded, desire-glazed eyes. She was watching him intently as he smoothed his hands down her body from her delicate collar-bone, to her large firm breasts with their tight, pale pink nipples. Her body was not like the tanned and corded figures of the women on the covers of fitness magazines. It was soft, and curvy, and voluptuous. More like the screen goddesses of the fifties than what was considered beautiful today. He stroked his hands down to her tiny waist and gently flaring hips, shaking his head in disbelief at his luck.

“What’s wrong?” Jessie asked, her voice tremulous. Did he not like her body?

“Absolutely nothing. I just can’t believe I’m here with you. I feel like I’ve just won the lottery or something.” He smiled down at her as he leaned forward again to press a kiss to her forehead.

“I think lottery winners are usually much more eager to claim their prize,” Jessie said impatiently, pressing her hips upward to flex against his erection again.

gasped at the sensation of her slippery flesh against his shaft, but held back. “Jess, tell me if I hurt you, okay?”

Jessie whimpered and dug her nails into his shoulders. “Please,

Jessie felt him trembling with restraint as he pressed the tip of his erection into her. Slowly, he eased in another inch and she started to feel her body stretch to accommodate him. It didn’t hurt in the slightest. In fact, it felt quite wonderful and she wanted him to hurry and fill her up completely. Her body had a strange emptiness that she’d never noticed before. She pressed her feet into the bed and used her leverage to push up against him to gain another inch.

“Is it okay?”
asked, his voice strained as he fought his instinct to plunge and thrust.

“Very okay.” Jessie said, looking up at him. “But I want to feel all of you. I can’t wait.” She reached up, pulled his mouth down to her and kissed him hard, thrusting her tongue into his mouth in an effort to communicate what she wanted from him.

thrust forward with a groan at the exquisite tightness of her. There was a slight resistance, but nothing like the barrier he’d expected. Jessie stiffened beneath him for a moment, but continued kissing him savagely, so he flexed his hips until he was buried to the hilt inside her warm, wet body.

Jessie gasped at the sensation of fullness. There had been a slight tinge of pain, but it was minimal compared to the pleasure of feeling him so large and hard inside of her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, trying to keep him there, but he began to pull out. She was disappointed until she noticed how his movement sent sparks of sensation through her flesh.

eased himself out of her body until he was practically disengaged, then he plunged back in to the hilt in one smooth economical movement. Jessie wrapped her legs tighter around him and gasped against his smooth throat. It was incredible. He felt so good. Why had she waited so long to experience this? She asked herself, as he moved within her again.

thrust and retreated slowly, pushing deeply within her flesh. He reached down and pulled her legs up higher around his waist so he could gain another sweet inch within her body. Her sheath was so hot and slippery. He could feel her tightening instinctively around him every time he drew back and the sensation was incredible. He wanted to make it last as long as possible, but he could feel his orgasm approaching quickly.

His strokes became faster and more shallow. Jessie could feel a tension coiling in his body as he increased the pace of his thrusts. His breath was warm against her neck and she became aware of an answering tightness coiling within her own body. She raised her knees another few inches, until they were high up on his back and was rewarded when this new position provided even more exquisite friction. Jessie couldn’t help it, she felt like she was going to burst. “Don’t stop.” She whispered, digging her hands into
’s strong shoulders. “Oh God, don’t stop.”

Supporting himself with one hand,
reached between them and brushed his fingers through the curls lowdown on her belly. He parted her gently and massaged a spot at the front of her sheath in time with the rhythmic thrusts of his hard shaft.

Jessie felt something loosening within her body as
pumped harder and faster. She was losing control. Every nerve ending in her body was on alert. She could feel the wiry hair of his legs brushing her sensitive inner thighs, his warm breath on her face, the faint ache in her hips from the strain of being stretched so wide open to receive his body, but most of all she was aware of the slide and retreat of his massive erection. The way it filled her and made her squirm with pleasure.

“Oh my God,” she gasped as a wave of heat and sparks spread through her body.

groaned her name as his own climax overcame him. His hips jerked against her until finally he was still, resting heavily on top of her, his face buried in the bright cloud of her hair.


said after a few minutes. His breathing was quieter now, but his entire body felt somewhat unsteady as he shifted to the side to avoid crushing Jessie and to dispose of the condom. She tightened her arms around him to prevent him from moving for a second, but let loose when she realized he was just easing away enough to let her breathe. One of his hands still rested on her hip and one leg was thrown across hers. He couldn’t seem to summon the energy or the desire to move any further away. He just rested on his side beside her with his dark head on the edge of her pillow, watching her.

“Wow,” she echoed, turning on her side to look back at him with a shy smile. She should be embarrassed, lying here completely naked in the late afternoon light, but she wasn’t. It felt surprisingly right to be sharing this moment with Duncan, her first lover.
Your last lover
, a little voice said in her head, but she ignored it. Shaky and sated, she couldn’t help asking, “Is it always like that?”

smiled and touched her nose with his. “Well, it’s been a while, but I don’t think so. I wouldn’t have been able to give it up without a thought if it was even close to being that good.”
took his hand off her hip long enough to slide a tendril of hair off her face. The fiery strands were everywhere. Wrapped around both of them like a cocoon. He slid his hand through it, loving the silky, springy texture of it.

“So, I was all right then?” She asked, not looking him in the eyes. “For a first time, I mean? I wasn’t awkward?”

stared at her for a second. Was she kidding? Judging from the downcast eyes, she wasn’t. “Jess, you were incredible.” He tilted her head up by the chin to make her look at him. She stared back at him with wide, hopeful eyes. Earnestly, he said, “Honestly, I thought I was having an epileptic fit there at the end, I swear you were great. We were great. Weren’t we?” He was pretty sure she’d enjoyed herself, but his own orgasm had been so intense maybe he’d been mistaken. He desperately needed to hear that she’d loved it as much as he did. Not because his ego demanded, but because he wanted to desperately to please her. It wasn’t much, but maybe he could build a relationship starting from there.

Jessie rolled her eyes and pushed one hand against his warm, brown chest. “Oh, C’mon. You must know. I’m not stroking your ego here by telling you how you made my eyes roll back in my head.”

He grabbed her by the waist and dragged her squealing against him. “Stroke it, stroke my ego,” he said, tickling her ribs. “Just a little. I won’t stop until you give me some stroke.”

Jessie struggled valiantly, laughing against his chest. He shifted on top of her and held her arms above her head with one hand, so he could tickle her mercilessly with the other. “NO!” She said firmly, smiling up at him. “You’ll have to stroke yourself, I’m afraid.”

looked down at her laughing face and felt something tender well up in him. Something he’d thought long dead. She was so pretty, so sweet and so goddamn sexy, he just wanted to keep her prisoner here. He wanted her laughter and her cries of excitement to echo off these walls forever. The only question was: what did she want?

stopped tickling her and stared into her large, cinnamon eyes. He let her arms loose and brushed his fingers down her sensitive inner arms to her bruised throat while he tried summon up his courage. Her laughter faded to a gentle smile as she looked up at him. He seemed very serious suddenly. She looped her arms loosely around his neck and waited for him to say what he was thinking.

“Jess,” he said slowly, watching her face for any shift in expression. “I know you got into this with me because of the whole virginity thing. But what happens now? I mean, is that it? Are we done?” He looked at her intensely, unaware that he was holding his breath in anticipation of her answer.

Jessie was totally unprepared. She thought men instantly fell asleep after sex, and she’d planned to make her escape while he snoozed—peaceful and oblivious. She should have known that none of the stereotypes applied to
. He actually wanted to discuss their relationship after sex. Wasn’t that the woman’s traditional role? He kept surprising her. Maybe she should stop making assumptions about him. They always seemed to be wrong.

She wanted to say something casually dismissive and pretend that he meant nothing to her. That would be the smart thing to do. Just exit gracefully and forget about him. But her body, and more importantly, her heart, cried out at the prospect of never seeing or experiencing that ecstasy and intimacy with him again. She couldn’t leave him, even though she knew it was the right thing to do if she wanted to avoid getting crushed.

She really didn’t know what to say. She wouldn’t until she had some time alone to think, without his body and his scent driving her crazy. But right now she could tell by the expectant look on his face that he wouldn’t be easily dissuaded from his conversational path. Fortunately, she knew his Achilles Heel. It was there, prodding against her stomach insistently.

“Funny.” She said, looking up at him innocently as she arched her back to brush her hard nipples against his chest. “It doesn’t feel as though we’re done here at all, does it?” She pulled insistently on his neck until she could reach his lips. She softly bit his full lower lip and then soothed it with her tongue.

“Jessie. You’re not answering me,” he said, trying to sound firm while she ran her small, soft hands down his back.

“No, I’m not,” she said, gazing up at him seriously for a moment. She just couldn’t use sex to manipulate him. It wasn’t in her nature. It was better to be honest. “But I will. Just not now. This is all so new to me. I can’t think now. I just want to feel. Is that okay?”

was torn. Should he pursue some kind of definition of their relationship or just be happy she wanted to continue a indulging in some sexual exploration with him? She was so fine—so everything he was looking for even though he hadn’t actually been looking for anything. She’d just come out of nowhere. Blitzed him into feeling something again. He didn’t want to force the issue and risk alienating her. He’d let it go—for now. He trailed his hand down her body until he was cupping her between her legs. “But aren’t you sore?” He asked, not sure what he wanted her answer to be.

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