Read Lost and Found Online

Authors: Tamara Larson

Lost and Found (41 page)

A huge grin broke out on his face. “But I do. It sounds completely crazy, but I think I have since the first second I saw you in that bookstore. I went in there trying to find my sister, but I’m so glad I found you instead. I knew right then that I wanted to be with you. Forever.” He grabbed her hands and pressed kisses on her knuckles. “I love you, Jessie. I really do. I don’t know how I ever got so lucky.”

“I’m glad I found you too,” Jessie said, joy shining in her eyes, she flung her arms around his neck and kissed him soundly. After a few moments, she paused and pulled back to look into his eyes. With a teasing grin she asked, “Now, can you beg me for forgiveness later? I’d much rather make love if you don’t mind.”

pretended to think about it while exploring her long satiny legs with his hands. “Hey, you didn’t just tell me you love me to get me into bed, did you?” He asked with an answering wicked grin, pulling on the hem of her white T-shirt until her smooth white stomach was exposed. He leaned down to kiss her navel and she laughed at the ticklish sensation of his late afternoon beard against her tender skin.

“Well, that was part of it,” she said with a laugh, running her fingers through his silky dark hair.

“That’s what I thought,” he said, kneeling on the floor to ease her white shorts down her legs. “I wish I could say that I feel cheap and used, but I don’t. You can shamelessly seduce me by telling you love me, anytime.”
looked down at her body, admiring it, worshipping her with his eyes.

“I really love you,” she said sincerely, smiling down at him. He was so handsome. The band-aid on his cheek gave him a dangerous look that she was ashamed to admit excited her. He looked like a ridiculously beautiful prizefighter. There was something untamed about him tonight, and she wanted to see what it was like to make love to him when he was so close to the edge.

She knew he was probably right; they should talk some more first, but so much had happened today, she wanted to curl up in his arms and just feel for a while. Thinking was beyond her; so was anymore deep, meaningful conversation. Besides, she knew without a doubt that he would be there in the morning, so there was no rush. For tonight she could enjoy him and celebrate the fact that they were deeply, foolishly, and completely in love.


“Say it again,”
said hoarsely, as he trailed kisses down her belly. She said she loved him again, and he groaned. “Why does it make me so excited when you say that?” Reaching over her, he grabbed several colorful cushions that were scattered on the couch and eased her forward so he could place them behind her back until she was reclining on them like a harem girl. He pulled her forward until her hips were on the edge of the seat and rolled her panties down enough so he could press his mouth against one hipbone. She said it again and he buried his mouth between her thighs, breathing hotly against her through her white, cotton panties.

Not bothering with modesty, Jessie raised her hips and spread her legs to give him better access. She felt all the tension of the day humming through her body. She needed some kind of release or she would explode. “
,” she gasped as he ruthlessly shoved her panties to the side so he could taste her. “Don’t stop. I couldn’t stand it if you stopped.”

Burying his tongue deeply within her, Duncan smoothed his hands up her belly to deftly undo the front clasp of her matching white cotton bra. He began tugging on her distended nipples in time with the strokes of his tongue. Jessie was making those small urgent whimpering sounds that completely drove him crazy, and he silently urged her on as he moved higher to flick his tongue against the sensitive nub buried in her folds of hot, slippery flesh.

He scraped his teeth against her and heard her gasp his name as her legs tightened around his head to bring him closer to her body. He sucked her flesh into his mouth and suddenly she was convulsing all around him.

couldn’t wait any longer. He reared back on his knees and undid his jeans, shoving his blue boxers down his narrow hips urgently. Without pausing to allow her body to calm, he ripped the panties from her body and plunged his hard erection between her sprawled thighs, gasping at how her body seemed to tighten in welcome around him.

Jessie had forgotten how big he was. He filled her so full it was almost uncomfortable. She shifted against him and sighed as her body stretched to accommodate his girth. Looking down between their bodies, she could see where they were joined. She watched, fascinated as he began to slide out of her. The sight of him fully dressed except for his large erection thrusting between her thighs was easily the most erotic thing she’d ever seen and she groaned at the combination of erotic friction and visual stimulation.

“Is this good for you?”
asked, his voice tight with strain as he slid deeply inside her again.

“Incredible, but I want to feel more of you,” Jessie said, raising her legs around his back and shifting forward to give him better access.

reached behind him and lifted her legs until her knees were around his shoulders, with her calves resting on his flannel-covered back. He gasped at how this position allowed him to go deeper. Slowly, he eased back out and then thrust back within her to the hilt. He plunged into her, gradually increasing his cadence until he heard Jessie whispering his name urgently as she dug her hands into the seat cushion and tightened her thighs around his head.

It was like he was touching her womb on the upstroke. She could feel him throughout her whole body. She mindlessly moved her hips in time with his thrusts, her body poised on the brink until he reached between them and touched her where their bodies were joined, and sent her spiraling over the edge with a hoarse scream.

’s harsh groan quickly followed and then he slumped forward against her, pausing long enough to lower her legs to a more comfortable position around his hips. Jessie wrapped her arms around his trembling shoulders and held him against her until their breathing slowed and became even again.

“You’re still completely dressed,” she whispered against his ear a few minutes later when she was capable of speech.

He groaned and kissed her throat. “Actually, I was just thinking that I forgot one very important article of clothing. Our nemesis: the condom.” He expected her to tense up in horror, but she didn’t.

Jessie laughed and smoothed her hand down his back. “It’s okay. At least, I think it is. Jamie made me an appointment with Dr, Powell right after I met you. He’s been our doctor since we were babies. He was oddly happy because he was finally prescribing the pill to me. It was weird. I think he wanted to congratulate me or something.”

“Well, I certainly feel like celebrating,” he said, pulling back enough to look into her smiling face.

Jessie touched his injured cheek with one hand. “So do I. But I’m also kind of starving to death. Vanquishing evil and having hot, dirty sex really works up an appetite.”

sighed and eased away from her. “Well, I thought it was sweet, tender, love making, but okay,” he said, pretending to be put out as he tucked himself back in his jeans. “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?” He asked, watching her reach for her shorts with a predatory gleam in his eyes.

She looked at him, puzzled. “Getting dressed. Isn’t that usually what people do after sex?”

Still kneeling between her legs, he tugged the shorts out of her hand. “Only if they’re planning on going somewhere that requires clothing.”

Jessie grabbed a cushion from behind her and placed it strategically in front of her body. She felt somewhat embarrassed sitting here without a stitch on while he was fully dressed. “I am not walking around this apartment buck naked while you’re completely dressed,” she said adamantly, making a grab for the shorts.

He held the shorts out of her reach and started unbuttoning his blue plaid shirt with the other hand. “Why don’t we compromise? Isn’t that what couples are supposed to do?” He seemed to relish saying the word ‘couples’ and Jessie couldn’t help smiling at how wonderful it felt to be included in that category for a change.
continued, “I’ll take my shirt off and you can wear it. Does that sound fair?” He started shrugging his way out of his shirt, revealing a very white T-shirt, and his beautifully bronzed forearms.

Jessie sighed, momentarily distracted by the sight. “Can’t I just put my shorts on?”

“You can, but then I’ll just have to take them off again later. It’ll be much more efficient if you just wear my shirt.” He handed it to her and she snatched it up and started doing up the long row of buttons. He pushed her hands away and began doing up the buttons himself as he said, “Besides, we’ve already sacrificed one pair of panties today. I don’t really want to be responsible for ruining any more of your clothing.”

“So, I suppose this has nothing to do with you wanting to leer at me while we forage for food in my kitchen,” she said, giving the long, ridiculous sleeves a flap. “How can you possibly find this titillating in the least?”

He grinned down at her and straightened the collar. “I don’t know. I guess it’s a possessive thing. Like in high school when the girl wears the guy’s team jacket.” He began rolling up the sleeves. “Not to mention the fact that I like knowing that you’re naked underneath. That I can just reach under and touch you anytime I like, or lift up the back and take a gander at that birthmark.” Playfully, he reached behind her to do just that, but she slapped his hand away.

“Food first, then gandering,” she said, standing up in her new plaid shirt. It fell almost to her knees.

leaned back and looked up at her admiringly. “Yup, I’ll definitely take this over lingerie anytime.”

“You’re serious? You wouldn’t prefer a garter belt and stilettos and all that stuff?”

He cleared his throat. “Well, alright… I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing you all decked out in some kind of playmate ensemble, but that stuff is kind of the equivalent of me dressing up like a pirate or a viking or something. Fun for special occasions, or if you’re trying to spice things up a bit, but kind of ridiculous otherwise. Nope, this is what pushes my buttons.” He leaned forward and ran his hands up the back of her thighs, looking up at her with smoldering eyes.

Jessie didn’t slap him away this time. Food forgotten she sighed as he pressed his lips to her stomach through the shirt. “Hmmm…that feels nice, but I hope you’re not expecting some kind of clothing exchange after this. You are definitely not wearing anything of mine.”

He laughed and stood up, giving her bottom a parting squeeze as he smoothed his hands up her body. “No, not quite the same thing, is it? If you wear my shirt it’s cute, but if I start slipping on your underwear we’re back to the whole fetish thing again. Not nearly as sexy.” He took both of her hands in his and leaned down to give her a kiss on the forehead. “C’mon let’s get you something to eat,” he said tugging her toward the kitchen.

She followed him reluctantly, not sure if she wanted to eat now. “You wouldn’t happen to still have your police uniform, would you?”


Unable to find anything edible in Jessie’s kitchen, twenty-five minutes later they were happily munching on the pizza they’d had delivered. Jessie was sitting on the white Formica counter with her feet in
’s lap and he was idly running his free hand up and down her legs as they talked. It was very casual and comfortable, like they’d been doing this together for years.

Jessie couldn’t remember ever being this happy, but one small thing bothered her. The thought of Duncan and his wife still niggled at her. Had he sat like this with her? Had she worn his shirt around the house? Had he been unable to keep his hands off her? Jessie couldn’t help herself—she had to know if he still had feelings for his wife.

,” she asked, hesitating. He looked up at her expectantly and reached up to remove a smear of tomato sauce from her chin with his thumb. She smiled her thanks and continued. “Where’s your wife now? Is she still here? I mean; do you see her at all?”

frowned at her nervous tone. “What do you mean, do you I see her?”

“I mean; do you spend time together?” Jessie tried to look casual, but her inability to look at him revealed how worried she was about his response.

tossed his crust of pizza in the box a few feet away on the table and stood up in front of Jessie. Gently he angled her chin up so she had to look at him. “Why the hell would I spend time with her? She just tried to blackmail me for ten million dollars. Not exactly the person I want to hang out with.”

“I know that, but you guys have a lot of history. You must have feelings for her.”

“I do, but nothing positive or pleasant, believe me. I will be thrilled when my grandmother’s lawyers convince her to sign the papers and move on to the next guy with a trust fund.”

“So, I take it the ten million dollar pay-out is off?”

“Yeah, turns out she extorted a million dollars out of my grandmother before we got married and then reneged on the agreement. Evelyn’s delighted to have the chance to extract some justice. Kerry will be gone as soon as she knows what’s at stake.”

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