Lost and Found (A Werewolf Wars Novel Book 4) (16 page)

Read Lost and Found (A Werewolf Wars Novel Book 4) Online

Authors: Bethany Shaw

Tags: #werewolves and shifters, #Romance, #Paranormal Werewolf Romance, #shifter romance

“And if she does tell Gene, he’s too close to both Devon and Lark to keep it from them,” Sarah sighed. “I would love to talk to Lark, but we’re planning to walk into the lion’s den. I don’t want her to lose me twice.” Her voice broke and she used her free hand to quickly dab at her eyes.

Vincent could tell by her quick movements she didn’t want him to know she was upset. The whole situation was hard on both of them, but he knew she needed comfort. He squeezed her hand in an attempt to support her.

“I know I have a huge hole in my heart already from Rick and Preston, not to mention my parents. I can’t begin to imagine how Lark feels thinking I’m gone, too. It would be wrong to give her hope and have it ripped away if something happens. And I can’t put her in the line of fire either. They’ll come if we tell them. Maybe I’m selfish, but I can’t have anyone else’s death on my conscience.”

“No one is going to die,” Vincent promised.

He pulled the car into the parking lot and pulled into a spot. “Let’s get some breakfast and we’ll get this sorted. I always think better on a full stomach.

“Okay,” Sarah agreed.

Vincent grinned as their gazes met. So many emotions brewed in her shimmering, dark eyes, but he couldn’t even begin to guess what they were.

He could see her point about keeping everyone in the dark; it would even be easier to execute the meeting with Malakai it fewer people were involved. On the other hand, it would be nice to have the full support of the pack. But now wasn’t the time to think about that, considering he was too hungry to think properly.

His stomach growled loudly in agreement. They would have to finish this conversation after he’d eaten. A full stomach really did help him think.


arah rested her chin on her palm as she slumped forward onto the diner’s table. She’d finished her waffles and bacon a while ago, but Vincent showed no sign of stopping. She knew that werewolves ate a lot, but seriously, where was he putting it all?

His body was in prime condition. She’d felt his muscles beneath her fingertips last night—had seen his washboard abs and sculpted chest up close and personal. She shuddered as she remembered the way he’d felt pressed up against her.

A familiar ache thrummed in her core causing her to press her thighs together. If she didn’t reign in her thoughts, he was going to be able to smell the shift in her mood.

“You know,” she started, “I think you’re the reason they stopped the all-you-can-eat pancakes at the diner back home.”

“What? This is only my fifth plate,” Vincent said, confused.

Sarah laughed and shook her head. “There are three huge pancakes on each plate. That’s fifteen pancakes, Vincent.”

“Glad to see you can multiply,” Vincent teased. “I’m almost done.”

“No,” she waved her hand. “Eat. They shouldn’t have an all-you-can-eat menu option if they don’t expect people to do just that.”

Vincent took the last syrupy bite and used the napkin to wipe his face. “You know, the waitress and cook have a bet on whether I’ll order another plate or not.”

“And what do you intend to do?” Sarah asked, raising her eyebrow, curiously.
He can’t possibly eat more, can he?

“No more for me. I’m stuffed.” He patted his belly appreciatively as he gave her a lopsided grin.

Her eyes drifted down to his stomach. His red shirt covered him, but she bit her lip as she got another flash of his shirtless form in her mind. She really needed to stop thinking about him like that. Last night had been great, but he hadn’t brought it up and neither had she. She was slightly confused about where they stood. Of course, it was mostly her fault. After all, she’d fled the room before he woke up.

This friends-with-benefits thing could work for them. She just had to be careful not to get too close. That could be a challenge, but she was sure she could do it.

“You ready?” Vincent asked interrupting her thoughts as he stood up. He took a twenty out of his pocket and set it on the table.

Sarah nodded as she got up. She slipped her sweater on and looked up at Vincent who was waiting for her. He wrapped an arm around her as he led the way out of the restaurant. She smiled inwardly and instinctively leaned into him.

“I’ve been thinking some more about what we should do,” he said, opening her door for her.

“Yeah?” Sarah climbed in. Vincent shut the door and jogged around to the other side of the car.

“If we are going to do something with Talia, then he’s probably going to want the word of an Alpha, which means we would need to have Gene or Devon speak to Malakai. Besides, it’s not right to involve her without her knowledge.”

Sarah opened her mouth to say something, but Vincent held up his free hand as he started the car with the other. “I know you don’t want Dev and Lark involved. I agree that having more people in on this will complicate things and potentially even escalate the situation with Malakai. We don’t want him to feel threatened. And we don’t want any more people in danger.”

“What are you proposing?” Sarah asked, still not following his train of thought.

“We still do this on our own, but we at least let Talia know about the plan. This way, if we fail, they have a heads up to keep her safe,” Vincent explained.

“You’re right,” Sarah agreed. A part of her was relieved they were going to try to keep Lark and Devon out of this. The other part just wanted to hear her sister’s melodic voice. But keeping Lark safe was her first priority. She’d see her soon enough if all went according to plan. And it would be safe. They wouldn’t have to worry about abduction or a life of imprisonment.

“I need to make a trip into the next town over, then we’ll hit the grocery store before going home. After we get home, we’ll start the planning phase. I’m not going to negotiate with Malakai in regards to Natalia without her consent.  We need to call Talia and with Gene and Talia’s permission, we’ll call Malakai,” Vincent suggested.

“Sounds like a good start,” Sarah replied. “Where are we going?” she asked as a familiar song came on the radio.

Sarah reached for the dial and turned up the music, moving her head in tune to the beat. “I love this song,” she gushed as she whispered the words under her breath. “Stay” by Rhianna was one of her favorite songs.

“It’s good,” Vincent agreed. “I kind of had you pegged as a country girl.”

“Nope,” Sarah shook her head. “I listen to it every now and again, but I like rock and R&B. What about you?”

“A little bit of everything. Not a big fan of rap though.”

“Me neither.”

“I used to want to be a singer when I was kid. When
American Idol
first came on, I begged my parents to take me to the auditions in Austin,” Sarah smiled. She closed her eyes as an image of her parents came to her mind.

“Did they?”

“No. I was just a kid then. My parents signed me up for choir. It was fun, but I got over it pretty quickly,” Sarah explained.

“So, you’re not a singer. What do you want to do?” Vincent asked curiously.

“I haven’t really made up my mind yet.”

“And that’s okay,” Vincent added, playfully. “The school guidance counselor told me that my senior year. I think he saw I wasn’t going to college anywhere and didn’t feel like bothering.”

“How come you didn’t go to college? Emily did online school, right?” Sarah asked, twisting so she could see him better.

“My dad would never pay for it. He didn’t think I was serious enough. I did only have a C average and I had no idea what I wanted to study—still don’t. I wasn’t allowed to play sports since I am a werewolf and my agility, speed, and strength is far superior to a human. It wasn’t safe. So I didn’t have a chance to get a scholarship. And my dad put me to work guarding the property at night. It was a stable income at least,” he explained.

Vincent turned the car into a tiny parking lot; she paused, seeing the barred windows of the shop. “Where are we?” she asked with a frown.

Vincent thrust the car into park and turned it off. “I’m not letting you anywhere near Malakai without a proper weapon. We’re going gun shopping.”

She opened and closed her mouth in surprise. He was getting her another gun.

“Just promise not to shoot me. I hear that hurts,” Vincent grinned.

“I won’t shoot you,” she promised.


incent eyed Sarah from the tree line as she unloaded her gun into a target. After they’d arrived home from their errands, he’d needed to shift. His wolf needed to be released at least once a day.   While he’d been running, Sarah had taken the opportunity to practice with her new guns. Vincent felt better knowing she had a weapon to protect herself. Vincent wanted her to be well prepared, so he bought her two handguns and a long-range rifle. He’d even insisted she practice with them, too. The more comfortable she was with the weapons, the better he felt.

They had divided the yard to ensure there were no accidents while he was going for his run. He chuckled as he recalled their earlier conversation.

A few minutes prior

“Is this really necessary?” Sarah asked skeptically, cocking her brow at him as he set up targets for her.

“Target practice? Of course it is. I need to know you’re safe. These are new weapons. Aren’t guns different?” he asked as he joined her.

Sarah lifted the gun and aimed, nailing the target in the middle. “You were saying?” She smirked at him.

“Beginner’s luck,” he teased.

Sarah laughed and positioned herself aiming at the target again. The gun popped and he looked at the target. She’d hit the exact same spot from what he could tell.

Sarah lowered the gun and turned to him. “We’re just wasting ammo right now. Besides, I chose guns that I am already familiar with.”

“I’m pretty sure we bought over a thousand bullets. I would really like to think we could spare at least a few dozen.” He pointed to the woods. “Besides, it will give you something to do while I shift.”

“Well, have fun frolicking in the woods,” Sarah grinned, turning back to the targets.

“I’m going to stay on that side of the yard,” he pointed, to the opposite end.

“Worried I’ll shoot you?” she joked.

“No,” he tensed. If he was being honest with himself, guns frightened him a bit.

Sarah frowned and looked at him. “You know I won’t shoot you, right?”

“I know,” he answered honestly. “Guns just aren’t my thing. It’s a wolf issue.”

“I understand,” she gave him a small smile. “Just stay on your end and I’ll stay right here. And don’t sneak up on me either.”

“Wasn’t planning on it,” he said, backing away.

“Have a good run,” she called over her shoulder.

“Happy shooting.”

The loud bang of the gun drew him from his thoughts. He had to admit she looked sexy with the weapon in her hands. Sarah stood with her feet spread, shoulders squared and arms raised. Her toned body glistened under the fall sun and he licked his lips as he flexed his paws. It took all his strength to keep from running to her and claiming her again.

She released another round of shots before glancing over the gun and tucking it into the brown leather holster she’d picked out. Taking her cleanup as his cue to transition, Vincent closed his eyes and willed the transformation to begin. His bones snapped and ground against each other as they realigned themselves into his human form.

Fully transformed, he opened his eyes and stared down at the crisp, green grass. The run had done little to alleviate his need to claim Sarah. He needed to stop thinking like that—she wasn’t his. Slowly, he stood up, stretching his freshly changed muscles.

“I always wondered how that worked,” Sarah said.

Vincent jumped to his feet, startled by her closeness. No one ever snuck up on him and yet she’d done it twice now in one day. His scent still clung to her and he’d noticed she was light on her feet. But he still couldn’t believe he hadn’t heard her.

Sarah’s lips parted and her gaze drifted down his body before returning to his eyes. Vincent drew in a deep breath, watching her chest heave as she took in his naked form again. She was beautiful, and he needed her right now. He took a step toward her and she met him halfway crushing her lips against his.

“And what did you think, watching me change?” Vincent mumbled against her lips. He couldn’t help but wonder if it weirded her out. To him it was a turn on.

“It was kind of neat,” she whispered. Her tongue darted out, licking his lips.

“Like you want to watch again?” he asked curiously, deepening the kiss.

Sarah groaned as she pulled away. “I don’t mind the view.” Her eyes dropped again and his length hardened.
God, I want her.

All the sexual energy from the day flowed through him into this moment. She moaned beneath his touch as he lowered her to the ground. He had no idea what was happening between them, but he didn’t want it to stop.


arah burrowed back into the pillows. She wasn’t entirely sure how they’d gotten into Vincent’s room. The afternoon was a frenzied blur to her and they were finally coming down from their sex-induced high.

Vincent groaned next to her, propping himself up on the pillows. “How are you feeling?”

“Good,” she grinned as her cheeks heated. She still couldn’t figure out why he had such an effect on her.

“That was a great way to spend the afternoon,” he said, eyeing her like he was ready to go again.

Her core throbbed at the thought.

“We are procrastinating, though,” he said, trying to keep her mind from wandering too far.

“I know,” she sighed. Sarah rolled over and picked up the prepaid phone they’d purchased earlier. Now, she just needed to call Gene. She knew his number by heart and just needed to type in the numbers, but couldn’t quite bring herself to do it yet. The overwhelming emotions and lecture to come made her hesitant to place the call.

“You’re stalling,” Vincent said, nudging her. “You sure you don’t want me to call?”

“No, it should be me. He’s like my big brother.”

“Then do it. You’ll feel better after you talk to him,” he reasoned.

Sarah nodded; her fingers shook as she skimmed them over the digits. She should have called the first chance she had. Inhaling sharply, she closed her eyes and placed the phone to her ear.

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