Lost and Found (A Werewolf Wars Novel Book 4) (24 page)

Read Lost and Found (A Werewolf Wars Novel Book 4) Online

Authors: Bethany Shaw

Tags: #werewolves and shifters, #Romance, #Paranormal Werewolf Romance, #shifter romance

Sarah nodded, not taking her eyes off the wolf she was aiming for. She squeezed the trigger and quickly reloaded. The wolves were surrounding Vincent and she had to protect him. She fired again in rapid succession, quickly taking out more wolves as they flooded the area. But more wolves kept coming and they didn’t seem to care that she and Nora were shooting at them. Panic filled her as a pack of wolves circled around Vincent.

She panted as she continued to fire, terrified something would happen to him. He was grossly outnumbered. Her heart stopped when a wolf dragged him to the ground and another pounced on top of him.

  Sarah forced a breath into her lungs and focused as she carefully aimed. Her mind raced and fear squeezed her chest. They were moving so fast—what if she missed and hit Vincent instead?

Calm down. You’ve done this hundreds of times. Just not with someone else’s life at stake.
She swallowed down her fears and took the shot. The wolf attacking Vincent crumpled to the ground in a heap and Vincent stood up, casting a glance her way as Daniel made quick work of the other wolf.

She smiled as relief flooded her.
He is okay.

Vincent snarled, the ferocious sound startling her as he lunged up the hill toward her. A hand snaked around her torso and yanked her backwards. Sarah screamed and thrashed wildly, keeping her grip on the gun tight.

Her attacker hoisted her up and started dragging her backwards.

“Stop!” Nora commanded, pointing her gun at the man who held her.

“You’re not going to shoot me,” the man rasped cockily.

Nora wavered slightly, but quickly regained her composure. Her finger curled around the trigger and she pointed the barrel at them.

“Are you sure you won’t shoot her by accident?” the unknown man chuckled.

Nora’s gaze drifted to Sarah’s, indecision clear in the redhead’s eyes.

Think. Do something.

Her eyes fell on the rifle still in her hands. She clasped it tighter and ducked to the side, thrusting it backwards at the same time with all her might. The rifle connected with her captor’s head with a sickening crack. He cursed and tossed her to the ground.

The air whooshed out of her lungs as the butt of the rifle dug into her abdomen. Sarah gasped, attempting to force air into her screaming lungs. She needed to keep moving before he regained his composure. 

Too late, as a rough hand embedded in her hair, snatching her up harshly.

“Get off her!” Nora screamed as she stampeded the captor, beating him with the back of her gun. The man shoved Sarah back to the ground and she grimaced as hair tore free from her scalp from the action.

“You dumb bitch,” he sneered.

Sarah gasped as she pushed to her hands and knees. Her attacker was going after Nora now; his fist rose up, readying to attack. The copper-headed femme raised her hands up, but not fast enough. The man’s hand connected with her cheek, sending Nora toppling to the leafy ground.

Rage filled Sarah as he walked menacingly toward Nora. 
He’s not going to hurt another hair on her head.
  Without a second thought, she reached into her ankle holster and retrieved her gun. She pointed and fired seconds before the assailant smashed Nora’s face with his boot.

Nora screeched as the body fell onto her. Sarah rushed forward to help roll the man’s lifeless form away. She fought to catch her breath as she helped Nora to her feet. They would both be okay, but where were Vincent and Daniel? It was time to leave.

“I need to reload,” Nora said, fumbling in her pockets for more ammunition.

Sarah clutched her gun tightly, scanning the woods for signs of Vincent or Daniel. Dozens of wolves fought brutally a few hundred feet in front of them, but none of them had the familiar auburn fur.
At least the Lunas and Juarezes were taking care of each other
, she thought as she continued to search for the two wolves that mattered to her.

The leaves to their right rustled and Sarah tensed, lifting her gun as two wolves bounded out of the brush. She instantly recognized Vincent, even though he and Daniel were almost the same fur color. It was his eyes that gave him away—the way they instantly found hers.

“Vincent,” Sarah breathed, closing her eyes. She knelt down to scratch behind his ears as he nuzzled her leg.
He is fine.

Daniel yipped, motioning with his head towards the road.

Not needing any further explanation, the quartet took off to the car. They needed to call Gene and let him know what was going on. They were going home.


bilene, Texas

Lark took a seat on the opposite side of Gene’s desk. It was unlike Gene to call both her and Devon away from their duties.

Lark swallowed hard as Gene ran a tired hand through his hair. Something was wrong; she could tell by the nervous tick in his jaw and the way he wouldn’t quite make eye contact with her or Devon.

“What is it, Gene?” Devon asked impatiently, his hand unconsciously clasping hers a little tighter.

Gene cleared his throat and looked to Devon then to Lark. “Daniel didn’t take Nora to Mississippi.”

Lark frowned, her eyebrows rising in question. “Okay,” she drawled slowly. “Why not?”

Gene licked his lips. “You were right, Lark.”

Lark froze.
Right about what?
She closed her eyes and prayed it was about Sarah and Vincent—
what else could he be talking about?

“I heard from Vincent and Sarah a few days ago,” Gene confirmed.

A strangled breath escaped her lips as tears burned her eyes.
They are alive!

“Why didn’t you say something?” Devon snapped, standing up and leaning menacingly on Gene’s desk.

“They didn’t want me to,” Gene answered. “I’m sorry. But when they told me what they planned and why they didn’t want you to know, I agreed to help.”

“Why didn’t she want me to know,” Lark whispered quietly, meeting Gene’s gaze.

“Because you are happy and safe here and she knew that you—both of you,” he said, turning to Devon, “would come rushing after them and put yourselves in danger. They went to Guymon and got evidence that Charles and Emmett were working together. They then met with Malakai.”

“They what?” Devon snarled. Gene’s desk groaned under the death grip he had on it.

Lark bit her lip. She understood Devon’s anger, but she also knew her sister. Sarah had always looked out for her as much as she could; it was what they did for each other.

“They pitted Charles Luna and Malakai against each other and it worked,” Gene explained. Lark blinked and stood up; her heart raced rapidly against her chest as she waited for Gene to continue. “Charles Luna and Chip Luna are both dead. When they left, the two packs were fighting each other. There’s just one problem.”

Devon looked to Lark and then to Gene. “What’s that?”

“They aren’t sure if Malakai made it out alive or not,” Gene explained with a heavy sigh.

“But Vincent and Sarah are okay?” Lark asked, clasping onto the desk tightly. She held her breath, waiting for Gene’s answer.


Lark closed her eyes, letting the tears finally fall.

“You should’ve told us what they were doing,” Devon grumbled, wrapping his arms around her comfortingly.

Lark shook her head against his chest. She was upset he’d kept this secret from them, but in the end, it didn’t matter—her baby sister was alive.

“In order for their plan to work, they couldn’t have Malakai or anyone else feeling threatened. And they didn’t want the Lunas to know our pack was there, too. But, if Malakai is alive, he will be coming here and I am positive it will be very soon,” Gene admitted.

“That’s why you put the men on the perimeter before we came in here,” Devon acknowledged.

Gene nodded. “Daniel called, they are on their way here.”

Lark squeezed Devon tighter. Sarah would be here soon.


arah stretched in the back seat. They were only a few short minutes from the Harris Ranch. She would see her sister again. Tears pricked her eyes with apprehension.
Will Lark be mad at me?
She hoped not. Vincent bumped his leg up and down, no doubt just as anxious as she was.

The car was charged with energy and had been ever since they’d crossed over the county line into Abilene. Her misgivings were apparent in her body language.  It wasn’t quite over yet. Malakai was still out there and he would be coming to the ranch sooner rather than later. Still, she hoped they had at least a few days of reprieve. They could use a break; it would help calm their frayed nerves. 

“Could you stop, please,” Daniel grumbled from the front seat, looking pointedly at Vincent in the rearview mirror. “You’re shaking the entire car.”

Vincent halted his movements and Sarah turned to look at him, carefully taking his hand into hers. She met his eyes with a warm smile. “It’s going to be okay.”

“I know,” he grinned. The smile was tight and uneasy and didn’t quite reach his eyes.

Sarah opened her mouth to reply when something slammed into the driver’s side of the car. She gasped as she was thrown to the right. Vincent’s head knocked against hers and she yelped in pain as the vehicle whirled around.

What the hell?
Her body was thrust forward, stopped only by the seatbelt, and then wrenched back. When the vehicle finally came to a halt, she fought to breath and clear her foggy brain.

“Sarah,” Vincent choked. His hands cupped her head, saving her from the swirling sensation that threatened to take her under.

“Yeah, I’ll live,” she answered automatically.

“Daniel?” Nora groaned, her hand reaching for the other wolf.

“Go, get out,” Daniel yelled, unbuckling Nora’s belt for her.

The car door creaked as Nora opened it. Sarah forced even breaths through her mouth, trying to focus on her surroundings. Smoke billowed up from Daniel’s vehicle and she could make out a white SUV that almost seemed to be fused to Daniel’s. Her vision blackened for a moment and she inhaled sharply. She needed to stay awake; she had to be in control.

“Come on Sarah,” Daniel instructed, yanking the passenger seat forward and offering her his hand.

Sarah blinked, wondering how he’d gotten out of the car. She needed to wake up. His arm grasped hers and he pulled her out as Vincent shoved her from the backseat, following quickly after her. She swayed on her feet and Vincent wrapped an arm around her, cupping her face with his hands.

“Focus on me,” Vincent demanded.

Sarah’s eyes blurred, but she followed his voice and blinked, staring into his emerald eyes.

“I need you to run. Get as close to the ranch as you can while Daniel and I hold these guys off.”

“Can’t...leave you,” she argued incoherently.

“You will,” he snapped, shaking her slightly. “The only thing that can save us is the pack. Go with Nora. Now!”

If she didn’t get it together, Vincent would die. Sarah fought through the haze. Blinking, she righted herself and pulled free from his grasp. Sarah stumbled forward a few feet before finding her footing. “You’re coming home,” she insisted.

“I promise,” Vincent replied before lunging forward, his clothes shredding and falling to the ground as he transitioned.

“Here, you take this,” Nora instructed, handing Sarah a handgun as Vincent joined Daniel, who was already fighting off wolves.

Together, she and Nora raced away from the fight toward the ranch. They were only a few miles out; all they had to do was get close enough for someone to hear them. If they could do that, help would be on the way.
We have to get help.
Vincent dying was not an option and Daniel had risked his life for hers as well; she owed it both wolves to get help. These thoughts pushed her to go faster.

Her feet pounded on the blacktop. Hope was just ahead and she was going to make it there.

A loud thump followed by a pained hiss stopped her in her tracks. She spun as a burly man shoved Nora to the ground from behind. Clenching her teeth, Sarah raised the gun up and aimed it at the menacing enemy.  Her finger curled around the trigger as enmity clouded her vision. She had enough. They’d come too far to lose now.

The gun clicked; she flustered, squeezing the trigger again. Nothing happened—it was jammed.
She took a few steps back as her mind raced, trying to sort out a plan. Her back collided with something hard and she shrieked in panic as arms wrapped around her.

“I told him not to betray me,” an accented voice she instantly recognized drawled breathily.


“I am going to enjoy you,” he whispered against her neck.

Sarah’s skin crawled and vomit rose up her throat.
No. No. No.
She thrashed in his arms, but his grip only tightened, crushing her so forcefully, she could only wheeze.

It’s not over. It doesn’t end like this. Think.

“Keep it down and come nicely and I’ll go easy on you,” he mocked into her ear.

Sarah cringed as her mind raced. Wait, he’d said to keep it quiet. They needed to keep the noise down because werewolves have sensitive hearing.
If I’m loud enough, they can hear me at the ranch.

Sarah drew in as deep a breath as she could muster and shrieked as loudly as possible. A heavy hand clamped painfully over her mouth, causing her teeth to mash against her bottom lip. Blood flooded her mouth and she gagged on the metallic taste.

“Dumb, bitch,” Malakai sneered.

Sarah opened her mouth, trying to scream again. She had to draw attention to herself and alert their pack. As her lips parted, Malakai’s finger fell into her mouth and she sputtered a moment before latching her teeth onto his digit.

Malakai howled in pain, allowing his death grip loosening.

“Lark!” she shrilled desperately, drawing out her sister’s name.

“Shut up!” Malakai sneered, pulling her in tightly again. She opened her mouth to holler again, not ready to give up on being found.

Sarah gasped, her yell getting cut off as pain tore through her abdomen.
Oh my God.
She gurgled as the claws sank into her and a pained sob lodged in her throat.

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