Lost Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans #6.5) (10 page)

Kade shook his head and rolled away from Sydney. With no time to waste, he headed toward the bathroom. He’d let her sleep for a few more minutes before their hunt continued.

The odor of smoke hung thick in the air as Sydney carefully navigated through the charred remnants of what used to be Sangre Dulce. It had been months since she’d been there. At one time, it housed a mixed venue for kink lovers, both humans and supernaturals alike. Unfortunately, it’d also been the scene where a former psychopath mage, Asgear, had chosen to target his victims. The dark club tended to attract both good and evil, experienced and neophytes, all congregating for the purpose of pleasure and pain.

She was focusing on looking for clues, when she caught sight of Kade in a heated discussion with Anthony. Her stomach fluttered as she recalled her evening with both men. She could have taken it further, she knew. The desire to make love to Anthony had been strong. She and Kade had talked about the experience in detail on the way over in the car. She’d been afraid to admit her feelings, but he’d assured her she’d done well. Sexual arousal was an illusion, one that could be controlled. She suspected she’d want to drink from Anthony again, but knew she’d never fall in love with anyone but Kade. He was her universe and reason for living, every breath she took was a dedication to their love.

The sound of her foot breaking through a piece of soggy wood drew her focus back to the scene.
Why did Pat Scurlock burn down Sangre Dulce?
Kidnapping and torture were the hallmarks of his crimes, not arson. Pat had always resorted to all too common ways of selecting his victims, such as trolling mall parking lots for women who shopped alone. She considered that maybe he was trying to kill a vampire. Torching the building would certainly have done the trick. But according to the firemen, Sangre Dulce was closed when the fire started; no human bodies had been found. Sydney kicked at the soot beneath her feet. Ash was ash. If a vampire had been killed, the fragments stuck to her boots could be the disintegrated remains of vampire. No one would ever know.

“Maybe you and Anthony should go get some coffee,” Kade suggested, startling her.

“I know you’re worried and I love you for it, but seriously, I’m okay,” she assured him.

“You let me know if you get hungry. No more dizzy spells. I’ve got donors on call.” He glanced at Anthony, who approached. “The detective is still here for you, too.”

“Thanks.” She smiled and reached for his hand. “I’m doing well. I think last night…”

“Hey,” Anthony said, a warm smile crossing his face.

“Hey, yourself,” Sydney said. “I was just telling my fiancé here that I feel great. About last night…I know I already thanked you, but it meant everything to me…to us. I’m feeling like a new woman.”

“It was pretty hot, huh?” Anthony teased. “Who knew getting bitten could be so much fun?”

“Don’t get used to it, my friend,” Kade warned with a wink to Sydney. “On second thought, Sydney may need some practice.”

“Now, now, boys. We did have fun, but it may have been a one-time kind of thing.”

Both men feigned saddened expressions and she laughed. “Okay, maybe a couple more times, but I can’t keep Tony in New Orleans forever.”

“I won’t lie. It was pretty awesome. You think Philly’s got any hot vamp women?”

“I’m sure Tristan could hook you up in his club,” Sydney replied.

“Tristan is the only one I’d trust with our detective’s safety.” Kade’s face dropped as he spoke.

“What’s wrong?” Sydney asked.

“Everyone quiet!” Kade yelled. “Shh…”

“What is it?” Anthony whispered.

“Shh.” Kade held up a hand, silencing them.

Not a sound but the whoosh of passing cars could be heard in the room. In the distance, a baby cried.

“I thought I heard footsteps…something.” He shook his head in confusion and waved Luca over. “I want you to stay here with Anthony.”

“But Kade…” Sydney began.

“No arguments, love. If there’re any surprises in the back rooms, Luca and I will ferret them out.”

“Both P-CAP and the firemen have been through this building. It should be safe.” As much as she tried to rationalize what she was saying, the same instinct that had always kept her alive told her something was off.

“Safe or not, I agree with Kade. You’d better stay with me,” Anthony insisted.

“I know, it’s just that I don’t want him going alone.”

“I’m going with him, darlin’. I promise we’ll be back in a few minutes.” Luca rested his palm on her shoulder.

There was a time she and Luca had fought like cats and dogs. But their relationship had evolved into one of respect and friendship. They lived on the same property and Sydney had become close with his fiancée, Samantha, a witch, who was expecting.

“Okay, but both of you better be careful. You’ve got a baby on the way, big man. No messing around, you hear me? Call us if something happens,” she told him.

“Whatever the noise was I don’t hear it now,” Kade lied. He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. “I promise we’ll just have a quick look.”

“Be careful.”

“I’ll be right back.” Kade’s eyes met Anthony’s. “Detective?”

“We’ll kick around in here, check out what’s left of the bar and kitchen.”

Kade nodded and took off through the rubble. Luca shoved away debris that blocked the entrance and they disappeared into the darkness. Sydney bit her lip, wrapping her arms around her waist. Never in her life had she considered herself ‘needy’. She wasn’t sure if it was their bond strengthening, perhaps caused by Kade turning her, but without him near, her stomach churned in worry. Resisting the urge to cry, she took a deep breath and allowed Anthony to take her into his arms.
Bawling at a crime scene is not an option
, she thought.
Get your shit together.

Within minutes, she’d calmed her emotions, cognizant that with her transition, she had to learn how to better control her primal impulsivity. Ready to resume her work, she broke out of Anthony’s arms and pointed to the bar. In silence they picked through the remnants. She found herself looking back toward the hallway where Kade and Luca had gone. No matter the reassuring silence, she teemed with restless worry. Scurlock’s motives for burning the club to the ground may have been nebulous, but Sydney was certain he’d been the one who had done it.

Anthony called for her to go into the kitchen and she nodded. Her cell phone buzzed and she retrieved it from her pocket. By the time she’d finished reading the text from Mya’s number, the color had drained from her face.
495809 Mattise Lane 9pm
The hair on the back of her neck stood up as Luca’s voice reverberated throughout the musky air. Without giving it a second thought, she sprinted through the pitch black hallway toward the back of the club. Suspecting something had happened to Kade, she ignored Anthony’s calls for her to return.

Kade speculated that Sydney’s senses were becoming more sensitive, but she hadn’t yet developed them enough to hear the soft crunch of the embers in the alleyway. Both he and Luca had heard footsteps, but as they made their way down the hallway, they were met with dead silence. Kade reasoned that it could have been looters, but his instincts told him that danger lurked in the darkened sex rooms. As they moved further into the labyrinth, it became apparent that the fire hadn’t progressed past the bar and seating area. He ran his finger along the soot-covered wall, its smooth texture sticking to his skin. The plastered structure remained firm as he rapped it with his knuckles.

Luca passed to his right and he nodded, acknowledging his departure into a larger room. Several feet up he spotted a door to a private alcove. The claustrophobic area housed just enough room for two lovers to engage in what surely would be an intense encounter. Approximately five by five feet, there was little room to wield a whip. While many of the spaces encouraged exhibitionism and voyeurism, this tiny closet did not allow for observation.

Kade wrapped his fingers around the cool brass doorknob and turned it. A loud click gave way to silence. He glanced over his shoulder, checking behind him. Confident no one was following, he placed a foot through its entrance. Scanning the room, he saw no other doors. A cool breeze grazed his face, and he caught sight of a small piece of cardboard fluttering in the wind. His attention was drawn upward to a large hole in the ceiling. The heart-shaped paper had been wound around a metal ring which was attached to the concrete wall. With both caution and curiosity, Kade approached. He took it between his fingers, noticing that unlike everything else in his surroundings, it was dry as a bone. He flipped it over, and saw the message:
She’s dead.

By the time he heard the door slam shut, the heavy silver chain had fallen onto him. He swatted at it, the stench of scorched skin permeating the room. It fell away to the floor but his reprieve was brief. Kade grunted as a wooden dart pierced deep into his thigh.

“Luca!” He yanked the splintered projectile from his flesh.

A hidden door slid open and a blinding stream of light speared into his eyes. As the first human came at him, he swung, landing a solid punch to his face. A second chain wrapped around his neck, and he struggled to free himself. He fell to his knees, clawing at the interwoven rings. His head smashed against pavement as they dragged him into the van. A tunnel of darkness closed in, and his final thoughts were of Sydney.

Chapter Eleven

“Where’s Kade?” Sydney cried. Luca blocked her from entering the room where Kade had disappeared, and she pounded on his chest. “You fucking said you’d keep him safe.”

“We’ll find him,” Luca told her.

“What happened? Where is he?” She pushed around Luca and stumbled into what remained of the room. She caught sight of the large breach in the ceiling and wall. She ran into the alleyway, and looked up and down the street.

“We got a number on the car,” Anthony offered, coming up behind her.

“You didn’t answer me.” She confronted Luca. “How could you let this happen?”

“I was in the other room. There was no one back here. I swear it,” he explained, raking his fingers through his hair. “When I heard him yell, I ran down the hallway and he was gone. You know we’re like humans during the day. I can’t chase down a car.”

“Are you fucking serious?” she growled. He attempted to reach for her and she broke free of his hold. “Don’t touch me. That is it. I’m done with this bullshit. Look at this.” She held up her phone, showing him the text.


“The time and address. Tonight. He wants me to come alone.” She laughed. “I’m going all right. By the time I’m done with him, he’ll wish he’d stayed in that shithole prison.”

“Syd,” Anthony began.

“No. Don’t say anything, Tony. He’s fucking dead. This,” she hissed, allowing her fangs to drop. She gestured to her mouth and then to Luca who’d also exposed his teeth, “is who I am now. I’m not human anymore. I may have lived by human rules before, but those days are gone.”


“She’s right,” Luca interjected.

“Last night you saw the best of me, but deep inside there’s a monster that’s going to be let loose. Every single human and vampire involved with taking Kade is going to die. You can either help or leave, but you will not stop me.”

“Sydney, you know I’ll always have your back…it’s just…” Anthony stammered.

“Tony. Please just stop. Are you with me? ‘Cause I know for damn sure Luca’s coming.”

“Fuck yeah,” Luca agreed.

“This asshole thinks that I’m weak…that I can’t feed because he’s got Mya. He thinks that because he took Kade, he owns me. But he’s so fucking wrong,” she growled. “He’s mine.”

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