Lost in Time (Forever and Always #20) (3 page)

Read Lost in Time (Forever and Always #20) Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #e l todd, #forever and always series

When it became late, I turned off the TV and
checked all the locks, getting ready for bed.

Cassandra moved up the stairs at a snail’s
pace, gripping the rail. I watched her while I came behind her,
making sure she wouldn’t fall. When she got into the bedroom, she
pulled her shirt off then got into bed.

I finally took off my suit and tie and got
into the shower. When I felt the warm water drip down my body, I
finally relaxed after the long day. I loved taking care of my
woman, but working and taking care of her was like having two
full-time jobs. I let my mind wander before I stepped out and got
into bed.

She was lying on her side, facing the window.
I snuggled into her, excited for my favorite part of the day.
Making love to her while she was pregnant was sexy as hell. I loved
every second of it.

I kissed her neck then gripped her breast,
massaging it. Her tits had gotten bigger with every passing month,
and they were damn beautiful.

She breathed then swatted me away. “I’m not
in the mood.”

What? That never happened before.

“I’m tired.” She still wouldn’t look at

What did I do? Cassandra had never rejected
me before. “Are you in pain?”

“No…I’m just tired.” She held a pillow to her
chest and closed her eyes.

“Cassandra, what’s on your mind?”

“Nothing,” she snapped. The attitude came

Okay, something was going on. She did nothing
around the house today. How could she be too tired to make love? I
wasn’t buying it. “Talk to me,” I said gently.

“I just don’t want to have sex. Geez.”

“But why?”

She didn’t respond.

“Just tell me why and I’ll leave you

She sighed. “I’m huge…”


“I’m big and fat…and ugly.”

My eyes widened in anger. “That better be a
fucking joke.”

“I can’t even see my vagina because my
stomach is in the damn way! I haven’t shaved in forever because I
can’t. I just don’t feel sexy right now.”

“I’ll make you feel sexy.” I grabbed her arm
and pulled her to her back.


I moved on top of her. Now that her stomach
was big, I couldn’t lean all the way down, but I pressed my hard
cock against her folds. “Would I be hard if you were ugly?”

“You’re always hard.”

“Exactly—for you. I don’t want to hear you
say that bullshit ever again. You’re damn gorgeous when you’re
pregnant. I’m even more attracted to you then I used to be. I
understand that you’re uncomfortable and don’t feel gorgeous, but
that’s not how I see you. Now, I work all day then come home and
take care of you. All I want in return is to make love to you every
night before I go to bed. That’s a fair trade.”

“But I’m disgusting.”

My eyes widened again. “No, you aren’t. I’m
sick of arguing about this.” I pointed my shaft at her entrance
then moved inside her. I leaned back on the balls of my feet and
thrust into her, feeling the tightness I longed to feel all

She lay back then gripped my knees, her
breasts shaking with every thrust I made. She moaned quietly when
we were in the heat of the moment. She didn’t feel ugly

I moved my hand to her clitoris and rubbed,
wanting to give her an amazing orgasm, something for her to look
forward to tomorrow and every day after that. Her fingers dug into
my thighs while she moaned louder, falling into the climax I pushed
her into.

When she was finished, I let myself release.
I’d been looking forward to this all day, and I was anxious to come
inside my wife. When I did, I bit my lip because it felt so
amazing. Sex with my wife was so much better than it was when she
was just my fiancé. I steadied myself while I recovered from the
high. Then I pulled out and lay beside her. “Don’t pull that shit
again.” I set my alarm then snuggled beside her. “Because I think
you are the most beautiful thing in the world. Don’t ever think

She said nothing, still catching her

“You understand me?”


“Good.” I kissed her forehead then cuddled
with her, finding sleep immediately.


When I got to work the next day, Sean was in
a bad mood.

“What’s your deal?” I asked. I stood in front
of his desk, playing with my wedding band. I still hadn’t gotten
used to the metal on my finger. I liked it there, but I hadn’t
acclimated to the weight.

“Nothing.” He didn’t look at me, his eyes

“You expect me to believe that?”

He sighed. “Scarlet upset me.”

“What could she have possibly done?”

“She said she doesn’t get jealous when women
hit on me.” He rubbed his chin then rested his fingers on his lips,
his eyes lost in thought.

“And…?” I wasn’t following.

“Shouldn’t she be jealous—at least a little?
I hate it when guys look at her rack.”

“It’s hard to miss.”

He glared at me. “Now isn’t the time,

I dropped the jokes. “Isn’t it nice having a
wife that trusts you?”

“Yes,” he said immediately. “I’m not saying I
don’t love that. I do. But, I wish she was more territorial. She
doesn’t blink an eye when a woman eye fucks me?”

“Probably because it never happens,” I

He glared at me again.

“Okay, sorry.” I put my hands in my pockets.
“Don’t let it bother you, man. It doesn’t mean she isn’t happily
married and madly in love with you. She’s never been a catty and
defensive person. That’s just how she is. It’s nothing

“I know…but it still bothers me.”

“Just let it go. We both know your wife loves
you like crazy.”

“You’re right.” He sighed then played with
his wedding band. “I just couldn’t be more opposite than her, you
know? It drives me crazy when men look at her. I know they don’t
just want to fuck her. As soon as they talk to her, they’re hooked.
She’s mine and I don’t want to share her with anyone.”

“I feel the same way about Cassandra.”

“Does she get jealous over you?”

“Well, she wasn’t too happy that I slept with
Laura. But that’s different.”


“Just let it go. If you keep thinking about
it, it’ll eat you alive.”

“I suppose.”

“So…it’s been over three months.” Everyone
was talking about the pregnancy. None of us had said it to their
face. “Is it safe to say everything is good?” I hoped his answer
was yes.

“We’re going to the doctor today,” he said.
“And I hope everything is good.” I saw the desperation in his

“I’m sure it is, man. This is going to happen
for you guys.”

“I hope so. She thinks it’s a girl. I really
want one, but then I started thinking about her dating and stuff…”
He shook his head. “My daughter isn’t going to date, and she isn’t
going to be with a man until he marries her. Scarlet thought I was

“I don’t want girls,” I said immediately. “I
don’t want to deal with that. Otherwise, they aren’t leaving the
house until they are wearing a snowsuit, and any boy that comes
near them will be assassinated.”

Sean rubbed his temple. “Now I’m hoping for a
boy. It would make my life simpler.”

“That makes two of us.”

“So, why did you come in here? Did you need

“I just wanted to talk.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Stop with the

I laughed. “I wanted to ask a favor.”

“Of course you do.”

“Cassandra is in her last two months. She’s
big and having a hard time around the house. I want to stay home
with her for a few months. I can work from my computer.”

“Are you asking for my permission?”

“This is a team effort.”

“I’ll make you a deal,” he said. “I’ll let
you work from home and take maternity leave if I get to do the same
thing with Scarlet.”

“That sounds fair.”

“Then we’ve struck a deal.”

“Good. Today will be my last day.”

“Alright. But you might need to come in for a
few things here and there.”

“That’s fine,” I said. “I just want to be
home a majority of the time. She’s getting so big that she doesn’t
want to get up. And she’s got this ridiculous notion in her head
that she’s fat and hideous.”

Sean smirked. “Scarlet is pulling the same
shit. She doesn’t realize how much hotter she is when she’s
pregnant. I don’t get it.”

I rolled my eyes. “Women…”


“I basically had to force her to have sex
with me last night.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You know, you can rape
your spouse…”

I glared at him. “That’s not funny.”

“I wasn’t trying to be.”
“It wasn’t like that. She just kept saying she was ugly. I had to
prove it to her by ramming her into my headboard.”

“Good to know,” he said sarcastically.

I smirked. “I’ll finish up here then head
home early.”

“Such a slacker.”

“You’re one to talk.” I walked out then shut
the door behind me.

Chapter 3


I picked up Scarlet from work then drove back
into the city to see her doctor. She kept eyeing me from her seat,
studying me.

“You’re still mad.”

“No.” I stared straight ahead and kept my
eyes on the road.

“It really bothers you that much?” she asked


She sighed then rolled her eyes. “Sean, it’s
really not a big deal. You’re being really immature about

I was about to snap. “I love that you trust
me, but trust has nothing to do with jealousy. It really doesn’t
bother you when women want to sleep with me? Even when they don’t
care that I’m married?”

“It does bother me, but I’m not going to get
upset about it. Being angry won’t change anything.”

I gripped the steering wheel and fell

“You’re being ridiculous.”

“Just forget it, okay?”

“I guess I’ll have to. There’s no reasoning
with you.”

I turned on the radio so the conversation
would end. The resentment toward my wife wasn’t helping my stress
levels. I desperately wanted the doctor to tell us everything was
fine and our baby was here to stay. I guess I wasn’t handling
everything very well.

When we arrived at the office, I held
Scarlet’s hand in the waiting room. I couldn’t deny how nervous I
felt. Mike and Cassandra weren’t struggling with their pregnancy.
Everything seemed good to go. I just hoped we were as fortunate.
Scarlet didn’t speak while we waited. I put aside my anger for a
moment and tried to be supportive.

The doctor finally called us back and Scarlet
lay on the bed. She wore a t-shirt and running shorts, being
comfortable. A woman in a coat came in then drew blood to run lab
work. I watched her like a hawk, making sure she was doing her job
right. When we were alone, I went back to worrying.

Scarlet stared at the ceiling and rested her
hands on her ribs. I paced the room slowly, unable to take the
anxiety. All I wanted was a healthy baby with my wife. I wanted my
family. Why couldn’t I just have that?

The doctor finally arrived with the tests in
hand. “Everything looks great.” He nodded while he flipped through
the lab work. “You’ve been eating right, according to your

“I’ve probably been eating too much,” Scarlet
said with a laugh.

“But eating is good. So, how’s it going? Any
pain or discomfort?”

“No,” Scarlet said. “I’m just a little

“That’s normal,” he said. “Any dizziness or

“No,” Scarlet answered.

“Blood in your urine?”

“No,” she said again.

“Great,” he said. “Everything is looking

Please stay that way.

He set up the ultrasound machine then lifted
up her shirt. “I’m going to take a peek inside and see how Baby
Preston is doing.”

“Okay.” Scarlet leaned back and watched him
apply the gel to the probe.

I stood beside her and held her hand in mine.
It was hard to be brave for her when I was so scared. I tried to
hide it from escaping my features but it was a struggle.

The doctor watched the screen while he moved
the probe around. “Found it. Baby Preston has a strong

Scarlet stared at the screen, taking deep

The doctor hit a few buttons on the machine,
and a few numbers popped up on the screen. “Congratulations. You’re
a few weeks into your second trimester.”

I stared at the screen for a moment, seeing
the faint heartbeat. My son or daughter was in there, growing until
they could finally meet us. I cleared my throat. “So…should we be
concerned about losing the baby again?” I hated voicing the
question. It pained my heart just to say it.

The doctor placed his hand on Scarlet’s
shoulder. “Nothing is certain, but I’m sure you won’t go through
that again.”

“How sure?” I asked.

“It’s rare for women to have miscarriages
beyond the first semester, and Mrs. Preston is a few weeks over the
deadline. I’m sure you’re fine.”

That was music to my ears. I felt the
moisture below my eyes but I kept it back. “Should I keep her on
bed rest?”

“That won’t be necessary,” the doctor said.
“Just go about your lives like normal—nothing too extreme.”

“Okay.” I felt numb in joy.

The doctor shook my hand. “Until next

“Yeah.” I shook it, lost in the emotion.

He walked out and gave us some privacy.

My wife grabbed my hand and squeezed it.
“Everything is going to be okay.”

“Yeah…” I placed a kiss on her stomach. “Baby
Preston is on the way.”

“I’m so excited.” Tears burned her eyes and
they welled up.

“Me too.” I felt my own tears escape the rim
of my eyes and fall.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and held
me. “It’s really happening for us.”

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