Lost Wolf (Curse of the Moon Book 1) (12 page)

I shook my head.

"You don't remember going to school? Sports?"

"No," I whispered, fighting back a sob.

"And nobody's tried contacting you? You can't find them online?"

I leaned my head against his shoulder. "My phone and laptop were practically on factory settings." Minus the jaguar images. "And I don't know who's controlling my money, but they've cut off access. The banks won't tell me who he—or she—is."

"Wait." He leaned back and looked at me. "You have no money?"

My cheeks warmed. "Ten dollars in my purse."

He swore. "None of your cards work?"


"Are you kidding me?"

I studied him. "What's wrong?"

"You've been left high and dry. What about your bills—tuition, car? Rent?"

"I don't know."

"I can't believe this!"

"There's not much I can do. I don't know who to talk to."

His face contorted. "I can't believe this."

"You already said that. I think I'm going to have to find a job. It's obvious I can't rely on my family, or whoever has been funding all my stuff."

"No, you're not finding anything. You can work here."

"Here?" I exclaimed. "Doing what?"

"Whatever you want. Serving food. Overseeing the servers. Setting up the dance hall. Anything that sounds good."

My mouth gaped.

"We pay top dollar and provide the best benefits you'll find. If you work afternoons, you'll even have time to get some of your studying in."


"Nothing. You need work. I'm here all the time. It'll give me an excuse to see you." His expression softened and he brushed his lips across mine. "Give me a minute. I need to speak with my father. Stay here."

I nodded, too shocked to respond. Not only did he not question my sanity, but he wanted to help—by getting me a job at the Jag? My head spun.

A tall blonde with intense green eyes stopped at the table. "Are you Victoria?"

I studied her. "Do I know you?"

"No, but I've seen you around here a lot lately. Carter seems to have taken to you." She sat across from me.

"You know Carter?" I asked, feeling a twinge of jealousy. She was gorgeous.

She held out a hand across the table. "I'm Soleil."

I shook her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Where are you from?"

My emotions were too raw. "Around."

"Yeah, me, too. Don't you just love the Jag?" She glanced up at the fancy overhead light, just above our heads. "They put so much detail into everything. I'll bet even the custodian's closet is pretty."


"What did you do before moving here?"

"I went to high school."

Her forehead wrinkled. "Really?"

"What else? I'm here for college."

Soleil's mouth formed a straight line as she studied me. "You seem more mature than the average freshman."

I shrugged. "Maybe I've been through more than them."

"Oh, that sounds interesting. I bet you have some great stories to share."

"Not really." I leaned over and glanced down the restaurant, hoping to see Carter. He was nowhere in sight.

"Carter's talking with his dad and some old but handsome Asian guy."

"So, you come here often?" I made myself comfortable.

"More lately. How do you like your classes? Got anything interesting?"

I stared at her. Why was she taking such an interest in me? Because I was spending time with Carter? Everyone at the club treated the Jags like they were royalty.

"Have you seen that new math instructor?" Soleil fanned herself. "Think he has a girlfriend?"

"How would I know?"

She glanced around and then leaned over the table. "Mind if I ask you something personal?"

"Go ahead." It wasn't likely I'd be able to answer. Then maybe she'd get bored with me and find someone more interesting.

Soleil curled her finger, indicating for me to lean toward her.

I did.

She opened her mouth, but didn't speak. Something from deep within me pulled up through my throat. It was smooth, like silk, and glided up through my mouth and out. My eyes shut on their own, and a warm tingle ran through my body, massaging my every fiber. A slight breeze fanned my skin. The pulling sensation continued and the tingle grew warmer. My body went limp, and suddenly, my problems didn't seem to matter anymore.

Everything stopped. My back straightened and my eyes opened. I blinked several times and fought to find my voice. "What… what was that?"

Soleil looked deep in thought and confused. "Interesting."


"I've never seen anything like that."

"Like what? What did you do?"

She glanced to the side. "Looks like Carter's about to head back. It was so nice to meet you, Victoria. We'll speak again soon, okay?"

"Um, sure."

Soleil smiled, her eyes seeming even greener than before. Almost unnaturally green.

Without a word, she slid from the booth and hurried away.

I leaned back against the seat, trying to figure out what had just happened. A slight tingle remained from our interaction—whatever that had been. I wanted more.

Carter appeared and slid next to me again. "Sorry that took so long. I hope you don't mind, I ordered us some dinner. No sense in you worrying about that. If you need to get home, I can have them box it up for you."

I scooted closer to him and leaned my head against his chest. "I'm happy here."

He put his arm around me. "I'm glad to hear it." He kissed the top of my head. "By the way, Father said you can either work as a manager in the dance hall or help in the spa. Apparently, they're short-staffed."

"Spa?" I exclaimed.

Carter laughed. "I always forget we have one. The last thing on my mind is getting a pedicure."

"Really?" I teased. "I pictured you with a mud mask, cucumbers on your eyes, and someone shaping your nails."

"I wouldn't mind seeing you get pampered like that. In fact, how does that sound after dinner?"

My mouth dropped open. "I couldn't…"

"Couldn't say no? Perfect. Besides, it'll give you a chance to see what it's like in there. You can decide if you'd rather work there or in the dance hall."

One corner of my mouth twitched. "Well, I don't see how I can say no when you put it that way."

The server arrived with two steaming plates of food. I pushed my laptop to the other side of the table, and he set the plates in front of us. The one in front of me was lobster and the one Carter had was a fancy steak.

"Anything else?" asked the server.

"A bottle of our best white wine," Carter said. "Oh, and red, too."

"Coming right up." He bowed and left.

Carter removed his arm from me and scooted over. "If you'd prefer the steak, you can have it. I'm fine either way."

I studied the two plates. "Lobster sounds wonderful."

We dug in, and I was glad to have a distraction from all my problems. Plus, relaxation lingered from my interaction with Soleil and also Carter's kiss earlier.

"Father wants me to return to his meeting with Mr. Hwang, so feel free to take all the time you want in the spa. Get a full body massage if you want."

"So, if I work there, I can get pampered anytime I want?"

Carter chuckled. "You can, anyway."

We ate our dinner and then packed up our laptops.

"I'll show you to the spa," he said and took my backpack from me, "but then I have to return to business. Feel free to interrupt me when you're done—please do, actually. Those meetings tend to bore me to tears."

He led me down a dimmed hallway I'd never seen. We arrived at two enormous glass doors. He opened one and gestured for me to go through. I entered a wide-open entry with a sprawling gold desk. Mirrors lined one wall that led down a brightly lit hallway.

On the other side was a waiting room with luxurious-looking leather sofas. Paintings of hot springs, mountains, and cherry blossoms lined the walls. A long fish tank with coral and bright fish sat in the corner. Soft instrumental music played in the background.

I took Carter's hand and walked over to the tank. I could identify most of the fish. That made me sad because I had no idea why I knew their names.

"Hello," came a soothing feminine voice from behind. A slender, beautiful girl about my age with hair flowing to her waist smiled at us. She gave a slight bow. "I'm Yurika. May I help you?"

Carter nodded. "This is my special guest, Victoria. Anything she wants is hers—and on the house."

Yurika clasped her hands. "My pleasure, Victoria. What can we get you started with?"

"One other thing," Carter said.

"Yes?" Yurika turned to him.

"If she likes it here, she may decide to assist you."

The girl's eyes lit up. "Oh, delightful. Things have been harried since—"

"Yes," Carter interrupted. "For now, she's the most important guest here. After her treatment, feel free to ask her about assisting—only if she's interested."

Yurika bowed. "Yes, Master Jag." She turned to me. "Are you ready, my lady?"

I glanced at Carter. He pressed his palms on either side of my face and his mouth came down on mine. Before I could react, he pulled away. "Enjoy yourself, beautiful. You deserve it."

My breath caught.

He held my gaze for a moment and then spun around and left. I couldn't look away from the closed door.

"What would you like to start with, my lady?" Yurika asked.

I turned to her, unable to answer.

"My suggestion is a facial when you're stressed. Clear your skin and your mind." She smiled sweetly.


She looped her arm through mine. "Follow me."

Chapter 13




I paced the length of the bar.

Tap shot me an annoyed glance. "You're scaring away my patrons."

"Seriously?" I fanned my arm around the busy room. Not a single customer was paying me an ounce of attention.

"Friend, you're driving me nuts." The troll scowled at me.

"Where is she?" I exclaimed.

"Soleil will be here when she's done. Do you think she can just walk into the Jag and tell your girlfriend to pucker up?"

"That would be nice."

"You and I both know it wouldn't go over well. Go home. I'll send her your way when she gets back. It could be hours." His bushy brows furrowed.

"I doubt my pack will be very excited about a valkyrie showing up."

"You're the alpha. Tell them to get over it."

My skin bristled at the thought. "I'm not a traditional alpha, Tap. I'd think you'd know that by now."

"You mean you're not your father."

A low growl escaped my throat.

"See? That's exactly what you meant."

"Right. I'm not a
alpha. I don't treat my guys like dirt or the women like objects." The wolf inside me clawed to get out and attack something. Being that it was so close to the full moon, turning was possible but it would wreak havoc physically. I pushed him down.

"You can still tell your pack to chill when Soleil arrives. They're doing pretty well with that vampire in your home." Tap arched a brow.

I nodded, but didn't want to mention that I
used the alpha card to convince some of them to relax. Anyone following me knew I was against the ancient werewolf-vampire animosity. Hatred, really. Too many wars had been fought, too many lives lost. It was pointless.

Any werewolf who followed me had to agree to act in peace toward all other supernaturals.

"They are doing okay with her, right?" Tap asked, breaking my thoughts.

"Yeah, no one would dare cross either Jet or me." Ziamara was the lone vampire living in my home because she was Jet's wife. They'd met under my watch, years earlier when I'd been training Jet.

"So, they'll be fine with Soleil."

"An angel of death is of a slightly different caliber than a vampire."

"How so?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure our blood isn't toxic to valkyries."

"Fine. Sit down and have a drink. Just stop your bloody pacing."

"Oh, all right. You win."

Tap wandered over to the liquor. "What do you want?"

"Surprise me." I pressed my face against my palms and shook my head. What would Soleil learn about Victoria? If she couldn't remember me, what else had she forgotten? And along the same lines, how much would the valkyrie be able to read if Victoria herself didn't know the answers?

A glass hit the counter next to my elbow.

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