Lost Wolf (Curse of the Moon Book 1) (3 page)

I shook my head.

"Here it is. What do you think of the look?" She showed me the screen. The girl in the video looked like she belonged on the red carpet.

"Gorgeous," I whispered.

"Wash your face while I get this video set up on my laptop."

"Okay." I trudged into the bathroom, still trying to pull my thoughts together. Nothing made sense.

When I came out, Sasha was swearing at her computer.

"What's the matter?"

"Stupid thing won't start." She chucked it on her bed. "I'm going to have to get a new one. Can we use yours?"

"Sure." I found the backpack where I'd seen it while unpacking and set it on Sasha's dresser, closest to the vanity. When it powered on, I nearly passed out.

The desktop image was a jaguar lounging in a tree.

"Don't just stand there," Sasha said. "Open your browser."

"Of course." I shook my head to clear my thoughts. It didn't work.

I opened the browser and Sasha found the video. "Sit. I've got work to do."

"Should I get the dress on first?"

"And risk spilling something on it? No way." She guided me to the vanity and got to work.

I let my mind wander as she followed the video and chatted excitedly about my date. It was impossible to piece everything together when the majority of the puzzle was missing. I really hoped Carter and the club would offer something—even a small clue would help.

Jaguars obviously meant something, but what?

"Done," Sasha said, interrupting my thoughts.

"That was fast."

"Because you were in your own world," she teased. "Daydreaming about Carter?"

"You caught me." I sighed.

"Hang onto that one."

"I'll try."

"You gotta get me in. I'm dying to see the club now. What do you think?"

I studied my reflection, barely recognizing myself. "Wow. You should become a makeup artist."

She scrunched her face. "My mom would love that. She and my aunt own a beauty parlor in the Bronx."

"You don't want to carry on the business?"

"Not back home. Maybe in the city or something—
I even choose that route. Maybe my creative writing class this quarter will send me in a whole new direction."

I turned back to the mirror. "You definitely have a talent with this."

"Meh. I can use it on my daughters."

"You have children?" I teased.

"I'm going to have five. All girls."

"Really?" I tugged at my hair, trying to figure out what to do with it. "Does your future husband know?"

"It's going to be his idea." She winked. "Do you want your hair up or down?"

"What do you think?"

She closed out the video and brought up a ton of hair images. "It's up to you, darling."

I scrolled through the pictures while she looked at herself in the mirror. "I'm going to have to get my braids done again." She sighed dramatically.

"Why not go natural?"

Sasha laughed and fell on her bed. "That's funny."


"I'll have an afro that'll reach to the ceiling."

"Can't you just straighten it?" I asked.

"Promise me you'll never go into the hair industry."

I turned away, embarrassed. "Why not?"

"Do you know how long straightening locks like mine would take? I don't have time for that. Braids. Then I don't have to worry about my hair every single morning."

"If you say so. Back to my hair. What should we do with it tonight?"

She studied my hair, holding it out and rubbing it between her fingers. "It's nice and thick with a great texture. We can do a lot." She leaned over, glanced at the screen, and pointed to a wavy style with half the hair in a loose bun at the base of the head. "That would look so beautiful on you."

"You don't think it would cover the straps in the back?"

Sasha pursed her lips. "Hmm. Good point, but you could pull half of it over the front. Best of both worlds, don't you think?"

"Yeah, that might work."

"We'll try it, and if it doesn't work, I'll do an updo."

She got to work, and before long, my phone buzzed.

"It's Carter." Blood drained from my head.

"We'd better get that dress on you!"

I accepted the call. "Hi, Carter, I'll be right down."

"I'll be waiting." His voice was so smooth it made it easy to picture him in a tux.

The call ended. I put my phone down and squealed.

Smiling, Sasha pulled my dress out of the bag and unzipped it. "Step inside."

I did and she zipped it back up.

She stepped back and looked me over. "You could be on the cover of

Curious, I went into the bathroom and looked in the full-length mirror. My mouth gaped. Though I wasn't sure what to expect at the exclusive party, I was sure I wouldn't have any trouble fitting in.

"Come on," Sasha called. "Can't leave that hot guy waiting."

I hurried out, slid on my new, sparkly silver pumps, and grabbed my purse.

"You can't take that," Sasha exclaimed.

"Why not?"

She rolled her eyes. "You've got to be kidding me. It's a good thing you have me." She went into her closet and pulled out a tiny sparkly clutch.

"Will my phone even fit in there?"

"Of course. That and your wallet and a few makeup items. All you need for a date."

"You're the expert." I dumped the contents of my purse onto my bed and stuffed what I could into the miniature bag.

Sasha gave me a once-over. "Girl, you're going to be the best looking one in the place."

"Stop." But I couldn't help beaming. "Do you really think so?"

"Of course. If I was your mom, I'd be taking a million pictures right now. Wait, gimme your camera. I'll take some so you can send them to her."

My chest constricted. Maybe one day I could.

"Hand it over."

Fumbling, I pulled it out of the clutch.

She grabbed my phone and held it up. "Say cheese."

I forced a smile, feeling the start of a lump in my throat.

The flash shone a couple times and Sasha studied the screen. "Perfect."

"Come on, we've made Carter wait long enough."

My knees felt weak. I reached for my phone.

She shook her head. "I'll need pictures of the two of you."

I couldn't argue with that.

We headed downstairs. I could hear Carter before I saw him. He was discussing baseball with Landon. We came into the kitchen.

Carter had his back to us, but Landon looked at me and whistled. "Lookin' good, roomie."

Sasha pushed me closer to the guys. "I know, right? Makes me want to go out somewhere fancy."

Carter turned around and our gazes met. His hair was slicked back and he was even more gorgeous in a tux. I almost dropped the handbag.

"You look beautiful." He picked up a plastic box from the table, pulled out a corsage with white roses, and slid it onto my wrist.

"Stand over by the wall," Sasha directed. "Picture time."

Carter flashed me a handsome smile and put his arm around my shoulders. We stood where Sasha pointed, in front of an empty wall.

She snapped a few pictures and handed me my phone. "I'm so jealous."

I glanced down at the image on the screen. We did look great—he was gorgeous and I barely recognized myself. I slid the phone into the clutch. "I'm sorry it took me a little longer to get ready than I thought."

"Not a problem. You were well worth the wait."

Sasha raised her brows. "See?" she mouthed. Then she turned to Carter. "Have fun, you two. Bring her back by midnight."


"I'm kidding!" She laughed and grabbed my arm. "I want to hear everything when you get back."

Maybe I didn't need a mom with Sasha as my roommate. "Sure."

Sounds of shattering glass came from the backyard.

Landon groaned. "I better get out there. Things are starting to get rowdy. See you guys!"

I gave a little wave and Carter, who still had his arm around me, led me toward the front door.

Sasha caught my gaze and gave me a thumbs-up. I smiled, my heart thundering in my chest.

"Is your friend always like that?" Carter asked and chuckled.

"I'm not really sure. We just met a couple days ago."

"Right. Well, it's nice to have someone who cares."

I couldn't deny that.

He stopped in front of a cherry-red Ferrari and unlocked it with a remote.

My mouth nearly dropped to the ground. Next to his car, my black Jaguar seemed like a run-of-the-mill sedan.

Carter removed his arm from my shoulders and opened the passenger door. "M'lady."

I hurried over and climbed in. It smelled of leather, and I sank into the super-comfortable seat. It was so soft and supple and conformed to me as I sank in. It relaxed me, and almost made me forget my troubles—much in the same way Carter did.

He got into the driver's seat and started the engine. It purred like a kitten. He turned to me, a devious smile on his face. "Wanna see how fast she can go?"

My eyes lit up. "Yeah, of course."

"Once we get off the main road, we'll have a nearly straight shot to the Jag. I'll show you there."

"I can't wait."

He turned on the music, and the same song played as on my phone when I received a call.

"You okay?" He pulled out of the parking spot.

"It, uh… I was just listening to that song earlier."

Carter tapped his temple. "Great minds." He pulled out onto the main road.

Every other car slowed for him. Quite a few pulled out phones and snapped pictures.

"Is it always like this?"

"Yeah, especially at the beginning of the year. Give 'em a few weeks, and everyone will be used to seeing her around." He pulled off the main road. "You ready to see what she can do?"

I hoped so. "Let's see."

Carter punched the gas, sending the back of my head into the headrest. Everything outside seemed to pass in a shapeless blur.

"This is unbelievable," I gushed.

"You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until you see how she handles the corner coming up."

I couldn't see a corner.

He turned the steering wheel to the right and we took a sharp turn so smoothly I didn't even feel a thing.

"Wow," I whispered.

"Now prepare to really be impressed." He slowed down and pulled into a parking lot. Most every car parked was a luxury vehicle, many as impressive as the Ferrari.

The building in front of us stood tall and sleek, black with no windows in sight. The three letters—Jag—stood out, the same color as Carter's car.

He turned to me. "Are you ready to see the inside?"

My breath caught. Ready or not, that's where we were headed.

Chapter 4


Carter and I walked around the building to where a long line led to a single door. Two enormous men wearing all black stood at either side, checking IDs against their tablets.

My feet hurt just thinking about standing in the line.

Carter laced his fingers through mine and marched to the two burly guys.

Everyone in line stared at us. Their chatter quieted.

"Ringo," Carter said.

The nearest bouncer turned to us and he broke into a grin. "Carter, my man. Come on in."

Both of the huge men moved out of our way and opened the door. The couple in the front of the line tried to go through, but Ringo blocked them with one arm and shook his head.

Carter tugged on my hand, and I followed him inside. The door slammed behind us.

It took my eyes a moment to adjust to the darkened hallway. Tiny lights lined the floor at the wall. The hall went off in two directions. Loud music with a strong beat sounded from the far end.

He squeezed my hand. "Do you want to start with dinner or dancing?"

"Can we eat first?"

"Whatever you'd like." He led me down the quieter hall and we stepped into a formal restaurant.

Waiters in suits hurried about, taking food and orders. I couldn't see a single empty table.

A man with salt and pepper hair wearing a tux came over to us, smiling warmly. "Greetings, Carter." He nodded to me.

"Hello, Mac. Is a table available?" Carter asked.

"For you? Always. Would you like to dine with your father or at your own table?"

Carter arched a brow.

Mac nodded. "Your own table. I understand. Hold on just a moment." He scurried away.

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