Love Across Colors (Urban BWWM Interracial Romance) (4 page)

"This place is beautiful," she said.

"It is one of the most romantic spots in the city," he said.

They were greeted then by an attendant who directed them to their reserved seating, and Melinda was pleased that they had not only American, but also Caribbean, Japanese and European cuisine as well. It seemed to be the ultimate food stop for everyone. She dabbled in a bit of everything
from garden salad
to roasted chicken to sushi, and by the end of it all, she felt like a turkey on
hanksgiving. Wayne didn't eat much, but he delighted in watching her enjoy the place as he sipped from his glass of red wine.

They engaged in a light banter after, talking about everything they could think of from their childhood, sports, entertainment and business. Melinda learned that Wayne had started his own Appstore and was building it into an international name
and his ambitions only led her to feeling insecure about her own. She had so many dreams and aspirations yet to be fulfilled
and she would use him as inspiration in the achievement of them all.

              Just then the dance floor opened
and the sound of slow jams wafted to their ears.

              "May I have this dance?" He asked her suddenly.

"Me? I don't dance," she blushed.

"Come on
I'll show you," he coaxed.

Melinda looked at the small gathering of couples already swaying to the music and felt she could not look worse off.

"Okay, sure," she smiled and said as she got up.

Wayne held his hand out for her and led her to the floor. He was perhaps a foot or two taller than Melinda, for when his hand touched the small of her back, and hers his shoulder, her head came to rest on his firm chest directly below his neck. She didn't need to do much by way of dancing as it came naturally to her
and she relished in the moment as she inhaled his masculine scent. She was disappointed when they had to stop
and he smiled at her as they returned to their table.

              Soon after Wayne called for the bill and after paying he led her outdoors
and the cool night air delivered a relaxing mood as they toured the garden, hand in hand, before heading back to the car. Never before had Melinda been in an environment this enthralling
and she only admired the man even more. He didn’t hesitate to take her home, not wanting to be the one to keep her out for odd hours especially since she had work the following morning. Melinda was reluctant to leave when the car pulled up to her house, but she was comforted in his promise of seeing her again.

              And he kept his word. The days that followed saw him taking her to the movies, the park, the opera, and just about every little diner and restaurant across town for both lunch and dinner. So accustomed had she become to him that he was now a routine part of her day. She expected him to call her every morning at seven like he had been doing from the beginning, and she was often surprised by roses at the office or an invitation by lunchtime for something else of her choosing. During this time Melinda had never been to his house
and she felt especially special knowing that they had been spending the better part of a month together with no real sexual advances from him. Melinda was not going to wait for him to decide this for her, having wanted him close for so long, and their repeated encounters that gave way to lip action were just teasers for the main course
and they both knew it.

              One evening after work Wayne came for Melinda, and she grinned excitedly at the fact that she didn’t need to take the bus home as much anymore; it was only necessary if he had an evening engagement. She practically tripped over her own feet in an attempt to get to the car
and once inside she fell into his arms and surrendered herself to a soft and tantalizing kiss.

              “Where to this evening?” he asked her.

“Take me home,” she said to him. He was about to spin the car and head in the direction of the projects when she held onto his hand. “Not my home. Yours.”

Wayne stared at her as the impact of what she was suggesting hit him.”Are you sure?” he asked her.

“Positive,” she said as she gave him her most seductive look. He needed no further encouragement and Melinda found it amusing how quickly he drove now. She watched as the car whizzed past block after block until it came to an apartment complex in the Hamptons. It was a gated community
and she looked on in awe having never had occasion to come to these parts before. Wayne looked at how amused and fascinated she was
but he understood her emotions; she had not been very exposed, but she was as much a lady as the Queen of England herself. Had he not known where she was from, she could have easily fooled him
and he respected that she had not lied about it to begin with.

              No sooner were they inside than Melinda pulled Wayne to her and began kissing him with a fierce hunger and emotions that were pent up for the better part of a month. He held her as she gripped him by the nape, sinking him closer to her. Their breaths were now intertwined and competed for attention as their noses rubbed together in heated bliss. Wayne crushed Melinda against the door, his breathing intensifying
and as she curled her leg around his, he lifted her in the air and took her to the room, their lips never leaving the other
. He placed Melinda on the bed as his hand resting on her lower back steadied her, and when she came to rest, he lowered himself over her and continued to soak up her essence, her beauty, and accepted her invitation to enter.

              Melinda arched her back, ready for the taking, and in this moment Wayne took advantage of the fact that her breasts were directly in his line of sight. He used his teeth to open the snap buttons lining the front of her shirt and was pleasantly surprised at the perfect mounds that protruded from their lace hideaway. He ran his tongue over her now taut nipples, and the ragged feeling she got as his tongue combined with the feel of the fabric caused Melinda to shiver. In a split second he used his index finger to deftly remove her chocolate prisoners
and as his mouth clamped over each in rapid succession, Melin
a gripped his hair and writhed beneath him, anxious to be filled. His lips found the hollow spot at the base of her throat
and his breath on her skin, cooling the trail of saliva there, was enough to drive her wild. She held onto him, intending to roll him over, but he would not be moved. He remained firmly on top, devouring her senses and conquering her body. He slid his hand under her skirt
and when he moved upward
the hem of the skirt followed
and soon he could see the matching thong she wore. Like a wild animal just escaping lock up, his eyes flamed
and in one fell swoop his head had found the spot that throbbed, and as he parted her underwear and flitted his tongue over her, blending his oral juices with her own, Melinda could not contain the moans that now came from her.

              Wayne continued to massage her now ripe and sensitive spot and as she parted her legs, he slid his mini weapon inside her, tasting juices she had been withholding for so long. He could not get enough of her, but he wanted more than his tongue could deliver. He moved back to her twins, and Melinda gazed at him through drunken eyes, too weak now with ecstasy to try to maneuver the position now. Wayne pulled the skirt from her
and watched the shape of her body unfold as the skirt revealed her smooth
unblemished dark skin inch by inch. Her thongs followed
and by this he could not get out of his own clothes quickly enough. Melinda lay before him bare, and as his shadow darkened hers, she held out her hands to him, welcoming him

begging even.

He needed no further invitation
and soon he was sliding his shaft all the way into her, slowly and deliberately, and she moaned every inch of the way, twisting her body as she gripped his sides. Her inside was warmer than a summer day, and he intended now to cool her with his white rain. Melinda spread her legs even wider now, giving him full access, and as he gripped her hips he plunged further inside her and with more fierceness. She snapped her eyes shut
and her head fell back as she bit her lips. He was concerned he might be hurting her, so he paused mid
stroke to look at her.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“Don’t stop,” she begged him. “Don’t stop,” and as the words left her lips, they sent him into a state of frenzy
and he pumped even harder now, sliding her to the edge of the bed to increase his access as he drove into her repeatedly. After a few moments, he flipped her onto her stomach
and as her cheeks lay spread before him, he gripped her and drove into her. She gripped the sheets on the bed and began to move her hips in a slow circular motion. The revolutions on his member while he stroked drove him senseless
and soon he could not hold back any longer. He bellowed as he released inside her, shuddering as the fluid left his body. Melinda pressed down on him further as he did, and he sank his fingers into her cheeks for support.

              He collapsed onto the bed thereafter, and she rolled over and lay next to him, sighing contentedly. He stroked her arms as she lay there
and the two remained motionless for the most part, in silence. Soon one could tell by their slow breathing and the steady rise and fall of their chests that they were both asleep, spent from their first moment of passion that would not be the last time.

Chapter 4

“So how is it that I haven’t met this Wayne as
yet?” Melvin asked one Saturday morning when he and his daughter sat down for breakfast.

              “You will,” she said as she reached over to take a breakfast roll from the basket. Melinda knew her father was rather anxious to meet Wayne
but she had some level of anxiety that she could not
yet determine.

              “You know, back in my days, when a man wanted to date a woman
. . .
” Melvin started.


. . .
he had to ask the father’s permission, I know. But this isn’t back in the day where the men were all noble and had serious intent whenever they meet a woman. I’d rather be certain before I take any man here to meet you, especially knowing how critical you are of them and everything.”

“Don’t mock me
young lady. I take great pride in my principles from back in the day; it is just a pity that this generation of children won’t do the same,” he complained.

              Melinda giggled. “You will meet him soon enough
Dad. As a matter of fact I was planning on inviting him here for dinner tomorrow evening.”

              “Oh, is that a fact? It is about time. How long have you two been dating?”

“A little over a month,” Melin
a responded.

              “That long? And it took you that long to decide he was worthy of meeting me?”Melvin pressed.

“Dad, don’t even go there. It isn’t as if I was seeing him every day. And like I said, you aren’t the easiest man to meet either,” she replied as she sipped the remainder of orange juice from her glass.

Melvin sat there, grumbling under his breath, but Melinda ignored him as she cleared the table and prepared to wash the dishes. “Do you want anything from the grocers? I want to pick up some items for dinner tomorrow,” she said.

“Nothing really. On second thought, get me a box of saltine
will you?”

              “No problem,” Melinda said as she put the last set of cups into the dish drainer. Melvin went to settle down to his Saturday morning favorites
and Melinda went to freshen up before leaving. By the time she passed back Melvin was fast asleep, so she slipped out quietly so as not to awaken him.

              The grocers wasn’t far away, so she was able to walk the distance, and she set off with a spring in her step that was temporarily cut off when she ran into Marcus and some of his friends.

“Melinda, so good to see you,” he said, and this time Melinda did not detect the same note of admiration for her that he normally exuded.

Marcus,” she said and continued walking.

              He stepped in front of her
and she stopped
only now noticing the way the other men were glowering at her. “See, I know that I am a good
looking man, right
boys?” he asked and turned to his crew members. They groaned and avoided answering that question that might throw them in another light. “Anyway, I have been chasing that tail for years
and I have never gotten anywhere
and I kept trying, thinking one day I might be lucky.”

              “Where are you going with this
Marcus? I have somewhere I need to be,” she said as she tried to pass him.

              “Is it with that white dude?” he asked.

Melinda stared at him in wonderment, now folding her arms. “And how would you know about that?” she asked.

“Look around
Shorty; this is my neighborhood
and nothing goes on around here that I am not aware of. Do you think he could pass through here unnoticed? White boy hitting on my girl?” he fumed.

              “Marcus, I am not your girl, and I never will be,” she said.

“I see that now, but tell me something; why didn’t you just tell me that I had the wrong color all along?” he braced himself forward and waited for her answer.

“This had nothing to do with color,” Melinda said. “I just was not attracted to you.”

“That’s because you have it all wrong in here,” he said, pointing to his left chest area. “Too many times these white boys have come in and taken our colored women, our beautiful women, and you all have allowed it. They need to stick to their kind and you to yours.”

“I am damn well going to date whomever it is that I see fit to date
Marcus, and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about that,” she said as she stormed past them.

              Marcus reached out and grabbed her by the elbow. “Hey, I’m not done talking to you.”

She pulled her hand away with such aggression it frightened him for a second. “Yes
we are,” she said. She now walked up to face him, her breasts almost touching his chest. He was a bit taller so she had to raise her head slightly now to look into his eyes. “I’m not afraid of you
Marcus. I have seen you here every day with your gun
slinging friends, rolling up weed and snorting like bulls. It is not in your color that you lost whatever it is you thought you would have gotten from me; it was in your inability to provide me with anything I need. You have nothing to offer me Marcus; nothing but a gangster gone wrong,” she spat and turned on her heels and left.

Marcus did not try to pursue her, fearing now the woman who surfaced whom he had never met before. When she glanced back, he had already walked off, tail between his legs, with the rest of his friends, embarrassed no doubt. Her morning had started off so wonderfully
but now had a bitter aftertaste. She fumed all the way to the grocers and back
and by the time she stepped into the house she was torn apart like puzzle pieces. Melvin asked about her attitude
but she refused to discuss the source of it and retreated to her bedroom where she spent the better part of the day. She returned downstairs later in the evening to prepare dinner. She was going to meet Wayne afterward
, and she figured she needed something strong to drink
something that would numb and nullify this bad feeling she had been carrying with her all day.

By the time she saw his handsome face, all her sadness was obliterated and in its place a smile so broad lit up her face. She fell into his arms and engaged him in a
kiss of gratitude
gratitude for finding her, coming into her life and for wanting to be a part of it
for always being there when she needed him the most and especially for the escape and relief he now provided her. He eased back after she had concluded her rampage on his senses and smiled.

“What is the matter?” he asked.

“What makes you think there is something the matter?” she asked and turned now to look out the window.

He used his finger to hold her chin and turn her back to him. “I have spent the majority of a month with you, exploring your personality. I think it would be remiss of me if I couldn’t tell what your kisses mean or read your attitude,” he said.

Melinda smiled inwardly, glad that she had someone in her life besides her father who paid such keen attention to even her mood changes, even if it was not something she wanted to discuss, but when she looked into his blue eyes, she felt a compulsion to tell him. “It’s just these neighborhood boys. They seem to have a problem that I am dating you

a white man

when there are such ‘eligible’ black men around I can choose from,” she said

Wayne laughed. “Is that it? That’s what you are allowing to trouble your mind?” he asked as he pulled her closer to him and kissed her on the forehead.

“It doesn’t bother you what other people think?” she asked as she looked at him through her huge brown portals to her soul.

“Not at all
or maybe because I have been dealing with it longer. I know that I want someone in my life who is worthy of my affections, and that person can either be Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Indian, I don’t really care. When it comes to it, we all have the one beating heart and the same red blood. We aren’t so different on the inside
and that’s where it matters,” he told her.

              Melinda smiled up at him. “And that is the reason you have me falling hard for you
Mr. Rutherford,” she said as she brought her lips upward
in an open invitation. He gladly received her and planted his warm lips on hers and used his tongue to caress her lower one, slowly, passionately, seductively, and in a moment Melinda wanted more than just his kisses. He slipped his hand under her dress and stroked her thighs, then prying her legs open so that he could get a feel of an earthly heaven. Melinda didn’t resist and soon, he was moving his thumb up and down over her sensitive spot, provoking moans. He buried his head in her neck
and she gripped the hair at the back of his head, holding him there firmly. Soon his moist lips found her nipples through the satin fabric
and the spot darkened around the area as he sucked on her from this angle. Melinda hadn’t realized until now that sweet sensations could come alive in this manner
having previously thought it could only occur on bare skin, but she now found the action quite sensual, and already she could feel the inside of her legs getting slippery as her fluid began to gush out. Wayne shifted himself, instantly aware of this very fact, and sought to collect every drop that flowed, and only seemed to cause Melinda to dive over the edge.

She reached down to stroke his now erect masterpiece
and he held his head back and froze when she squeezed it hard
and then ran her hands up and down along the frame of it. She raised herself up to look into his eyes and maintained this eye contact even as she slipped him inside her mouth
and as he disappeared there, he gripped the side of the sofa, unable to control the feelings that now swept over him.  Melinda kept her eyes on him as she tasted his salty sweet skin, and as her tongue played over him like a flute, he melted under her, and she lost control.

              He got up now and lifted her onto him, holding her steady as he repeatedly did so, and she cried out in ecstasy over and over again as he claimed her like a carnival prize. Sweat beads fell from her and onto his bare chest
and she slapped her hands palm down on him, unable to control her movements effectively.  He didn’t seem to notice as he drove into her and she screamed for him to continue. After what seemed an eternity later, the two collapsed onto the bed, spent from their latest sexcapade. They lay there silently until their breathing returned to normal, and then his hands involuntarily moved
and found her small hands. He placed them in his own and squeezed them gently. She sighed and rolled over, content in the moment she wished would last.

              “What does your father think of me?” he asked her.

“I don’t think he has an opinion of you really,” she said. “He is however anxious to meet you.”

Wayne didn’t respond
and Melinda took that as a cue to pry some more. “Why do you ask?”

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