Love 'Em: A Bad Boy Romance (37 page)

LOVE ‘EM Acknowledgements


Many people have been so much help to me for this book. I
want to keep the acknowledgements shorter than usual. So don’t hate me if I leave
someone out.

First, thank you to my friends and family who have been so
supportive of me during the writing, editing, and publishing process. You are
all my favorite people and you know how much your encouragement means to me.
Mike Harvey, Alex Harvey, Karla Pierce, and M.A.

To my author friends who are amazing about helping in all
the ways authors help one another. I know that without your support, I couldn’t
possibly be the success I am today. Specifically, thank you to my PLOT YODA, I
would be a wreck, huddled in a corner, rocking back and forth, without you.
Also, thank you Katrina Sincek, Lana Grayson, Sosie Frost, Winter, Cora,
Joanna, and Kaylee.

Thank you to my wonderful P.A. Terri Sullivan, you are
simply amazing and I look forward to the day when I’ll see my name in the
acknowledgements of your books. Thank you also to my Dream Team Leaders, for
all your help with everything from fits of tears when I hate my words, to
pimping my work on social media, to helping me decide on photos for teasers and
covers—and that doesn’t even cover the personal support you give me through
kids, families, and regular everyday life. Terri Sullivan, Kristin Smith,
Jennifer DiCenzo, and Diana Page. You are my FALadies, and I FLOVE you all.
(Fucking Awesome Ladies who I Fucking Love, if anyone is wondering what on
Earth that means.)

Thank you to my Dream Team as a whole. You are all the
support structure on which my platform is built. Thank you for your
encouragement and support, Christina BookaLuscious Badder,
Penny Leidecker, Veronica Garcia, and Jodi Naylor.

Thank you, Valorie Clifton, for
being an amazing copy editor. You keep me in line and make sure I don’t wind up
having my guys kissing my girls’ boats instead of their navels.

Thank you to
Jocqueline Michelle Protho
, for keeping me
straight on all the little things I was a bit unsure of as I wrote a character
who is a person of color. You make me more confident as I send Ronnie out into
the world that she is true to herself and that everything makes sense. I also
appreciate greatly the help I received from Derek Tovar for great info on LA
and the surrounding communities, and on all things LGBT that I needed to know
to make Dave and Benji realistic and not just stock caricatures. Both of you
ROCK and I love you each for being who you are and for being my friends—even
when I ask ridiculous questions. Oh, and thank you for not minding the wait
while I pluck my foot out of my mouth during the middle of a conversation.

To ALL my fantabulous readers,
you are why I write and your words of praise and excitement keep me going, even
when I think I can’t type one more word or edit one more page. I love you ALL.
I want to name a couple of readers who I’ve noticed go above and beyond with
their pimping of my words. Thank you Denise LeMee and Joanna Helms, you both
just amaze me
all the time
when I log on and see that you’ve been at it
again. THANK YOU.


About the Author

Kelley and her husband, Mike, live in North Central Texas
with their two daughters. She loves her family and friends, all things books,
writing, music, animals, and coffee.

Kelley enjoys reading almost any genre. Writing
the books she wants to
read has been
amazing for Kelley. A thousand characters are just
waiting in the recesses of her mind for their stories to be told. Look for them
to appear soon.



There are so many to thank, I just know I’ll forget
someone super important, so please, forgive me should I do so.

First and foremost I want to thank my good friend and fellow
Lana Grayson
You, my friend, have been my cheerleader, my coach, and my fan. I would never
have written SO BAD.if it weren’t for you. Thank you from the depths of my

Thank you, Karla Pierce, M.A., and Diana Page, sisters of my
heart, you know all you do to encourage and support me, and I appreciate every
single word, pat on the back, push in the right direction, and shoulder to cry
on when I feel like an utter life and/or author failure.

Alexandria Harvey, my sweet daughter, thank you for pushing
me to publish my first book, listening to my million and one plot ideas, and
reading and loving my words.

Thank you in particular to Terri Hanson Sullivan, my PA and
friend. You are amazing. You don’t get enough recognition, but I want you to
know how much you mean to me. I feel I’ve known you forever, and I intend to be
a permanent fixture in your life.

To my extra awesome Dream Team and beta readers, Diana Page,
Ashley Hawkins, Kristin Smith, and Terri Sullivan, for telling me where I
needed to fill in the blanks and add little tidbits to make this a truly
fulfilling read, thank you all. Without betas, writers would be lost. To my copy
editor, Valorie Clifton, thank you for your sharp eye and patience.

Much love and appreciation to my wonderful friends who have
gone way above and beyond the call of friends/fans and put forth extra effort
to helped me get the word out about SO BAD and my other works. Specifically,
but in no order, Terri Sullivan, Diana Page, Kristin Smith, Jennifer DiCenzo, Kd
Russell, Jodi Naylor, Jamie Buchanan, Joanna Helms, Penny Leidecker, Reva
Coomer, Pennie Adams, Wendi Stacilaucki-Hunsicker, Amy King, Jennifer Jura, and
Reva Tenag. Also, thank you, Nina Piatt, Alexa Ayana, Linda Berry, Thai Preyer,
Veronica Garcia, Tina Taylor, Kendra LaSalle,

Sabrina Bell, Sylve Takajian, Kim Quicks-Brooks, Aundrea
Mielke, & Beth Ann Miller. There are so many more who have shared on
Facebook, posted my banners and covers in comments, and brought their friends
along for this wonderful, wild ride, this thanks is for all of you as well.

Heaps of thanks to all my lovelies, those dedicated readers
who have become more than just fans, but also friends. There are too many to
list and I fear I would leave someone out, because we all know I have the
world’s worst memory. Just know if you are a member of
Kelley Harvey Writes
for Readers
, my reader group on Facebook, and if you’re one of the lovelies
I chat with most every day, I’m talking to you when I say, “You ROCK. You’re
amazing for all the encouragement, the pimping of my words, and the sharing of
my work. I love you, sincerely.”

Thank you, Christina BookaLuscious Badder, of
CBB Productions
, for the marketing
help and advice. I am also thankful to all the authors who helped get the word
out for me. Lana, Joanna, Cora, and Winter are among the many who stood beside
me and helped me along. Also, big thanks to all the bloggers and Facebook page
admins who posted about SO BAD, helping give it a great launch.

Thank you to all the fantastic bloggers and their members
who helped SO BAD have an awesome start. Particularly, Sierra Ferris, Thai
Preyer, & Veronica Garcia, of
Book Whores
, thank you for the posts and shout outs. Thank you, All About
Books Divas, for all the wonderful posts and shares. You are all amazing.

Finally, thank you to all my readers who picked up this
book, read it, and loved Danny and Mo’s story. I write for my readers more than
anyone, so thank you. I hope someday to move you from reader to fan.

I am blessed.

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