Love Lasts Forever (17 page)

Read Love Lasts Forever Online

Authors: Dominiqua Douglas

Tags: #Romance

“It could be set up to trap runaways.” Willow warned as she slid off her horse. “Don’t rush inside. Be careful.”

“I will.”

His inspection of the shack found nothing suspicious. The interior bordered on imperfect. In a battle of safety versus appeal, safety won every time. After hours of travel, they desperately needed a safe haven. He called out for her to join him.

“The horses are tied up. I couldn’t lift the saddles off.” She handed him a canteen. “There’s a stream nearby. If we hurry, we can wash up before the sun rises and then refill the canteens tonight before we leave.”

“You’re very efficient.” He swallowed a gulp of water. The cool liquid refreshed him instantly. “Let me know before you bathe. I want to be close in case someone comes around. I’ll take care of the saddles and water the horses. In the meantime, make yourself comfortable.”

* * *

Willow looked around at the dank surroundings.
That was easy for him to say. The dirt floor hardly provided relief, but it was possible the extra blankets could help.

She found an old broom in the corner and swept a space for them. There was a small hole in the floor. She gathered some twigs to fill the opening. By the time Thor returned, vibrant orange and red flames flickered in the makeshift hearth.

“It’s looks nice.” He gave her a saddle and a blanket. He dropped his saddle on the ground near the fire, covering it with a blanket. “I checked out the stream. We’ll have fish later.”

“Are you hungry now?” She wondered if his comment was a hint for her to make breakfast. With few stops to eat, Thor’s stomach growled loudly and often. She wondered if he had a bottomless pit inside him.

“No.” He rubbed his shoulder. “Food is the last thing on my mind. I’ll get the fish later. Are you ready to wash up?” An infectious grin curved his full lips. “I promise I won’t peek. I won’t mind if you do, though.”

She knew better than to respond to his flirtatious teasing and silently walked beside him toward the stream. Whenever bathing time arrived, he made the same comment. At first, she wondered if he would peek. He never did. Now, she trusted his word, but that didn’t stop the tingle from traveling down her spine at the mere suggestion of seeing his bare body. Clothing fit him far better than cotton and wool had a right to. Anders’s wedding suit would no doubt add to his handsome features. She could hardly wait to see him dressed in finery.

The cold water and the threat of passing travelers made for a short bath and fast cleaning of her drawers and chemise. Willow pulled on her clean spare undergarments and hat. She shook out her riding clothes and stepped back into them. A light splash warned her that Thor was no longer decent and already in the water. Usually, she left him alone and moved to do so.

“Willow, wait.”

Trepidation sparked through her. Her voice wavered with uncertainty. “Yes?”

“Turn around,” he said quietly, “I won’t bite.” When she followed his bidding, he added, “I need your help. We should reach Big Nat and the plantation tomorrow. I may not have time to shave before then, and I doubt we’ll find a mirror. Can you help me shave?”

“I’ve never done it.” Her heart swelled at the thought. Having a reason to touch his face and stand close enough to breathe his scent created a doubly sinful temptation. She backed away. “I may cut you.”

“It’s not as hard as it looks. Besides, I trust you.”

Although a few golden rays filtered through the overhanging branches, the sun had yet to reach its full glory. Shaving outside could trap them in full daybreak. Willow nodded once and said, “I’ll do it for you at the shack. I think I saw a bucket in the barn. I’ll come back and get water.”

“No, I’ll bring it with me when I come in.” He paused and gave her a faint smile empty of the usual hint of flirtation. “Thanks, Willow.”

She returned to the shack cloaked in nervous anticipation. Half a dozen reasons to rescind her agreement came to mind.
This chore is too intimate
, she thought, as her footsteps wore a path across the dirt floor. Since the kiss in the woods, she was careful not to reveal her attraction to him. Awareness grew despite her vigilance. This small task threatened to be her undoing. Then, the door opened and there he stood. One look into his eyes and her refusal died.

“I brought the water.” He held up the bucket as he kicked the door closed. His heavy footsteps brought him to her. He handed her their bag of supplies. As he towered over her, he said, “We can’t do this standing up. The fire you made is just right. We can sit near it.”

They settled where he suggested. Firelight flickered beside them. Pretty colors reflected against his stubble covered jaw. She barely noticed the brilliant, dancing hues. Being this close to him left her breathless. He smelled fresh like the stream, yet his distinct male scent carried through. A sudden sensation of weightlessness made her balance falter. His hands closed around her shoulders, steadying her.

“Relax. It’s really easy. I’d do it myself if I had a mirror.” He watched her closely, as if gauging her reaction. “Maybe I will try it—”

“No, just tell me what to do.”

His instructions were simple. After lathering his face with soap, she grazed the sharp edge gently along his jaw. Although his hands rested on his lap, she felt the weight of his stare as surely as if he touched her. Blood pounded her temples. Heat scorched her fingertips on his skin. By the time she reached the area bordering his mouth, her heart pounded wildly against her ribcage. At his sharp intake of breath, she feared he heard it.

“You’re almost done.” His voice sounded gruff with unspent emotion.

Trying to ignore the urgency building within, she willed herself to complete the task. When it was over, he looked more handsome than ever, and her nerves felt stretched beyond recovery. Thor took the razor and spoke quietly as he cleaned it.

“Lie down and get some rest. I’ll watch the fire and put it out. If you need another blanket, you can use mine.”

Too shaken to protest or accept his offer, she sat on her blanket and removed the hat from her head. Hairpins dug into her scalp for days. Some relief came at allowing her hair to go free. The low burning ache inside required more. With a shake of her head, the long braid uncoiled and fell to her shoulder. Her fingers pulled through the thick mass, separating the braid. Before she could blink, he moved beside her.

“Allow me.”

His husky voice whispered like a low, rumbling sigh. She shivered in spite of herself.

He took the braid from her trembling fingers and stroked the hair loose. The liberated mane flowed down her back in coarse waves, but that didn’t stop him from running his fingers through it.

“So beautiful and soft. I’ve wanted to do this since the first day I saw you. Your long, dark braid is a silent invitation for loosening it.”

Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest. Almost afraid to look at him, she shifted around to memorize the look in his eyes. Shadows from the fire flickered across his face and made her think of danger. He was so handsome with his strong jaw, full lips, and dark blue piercing eyes. She should look away from him but felt powerless to do so.

“We should get some rest,” he murmured. Yet, he made no move to leave her. Instead, he leaned forward and nuzzled her neck. “Willow,” he moaned, “make me leave. Push me away. Tell me to stop.”

Her hands lifted to his broad shoulders then slipped to the nape of his neck. Curls brushed her hands like tiny caresses. Her fingers rubbed his neck and he moaned. She leaned toward him. “I can’t.”

* * *

Thor’s voice quivered with Willow’s surrender. He didn’t know whether to shout for joy or beg for a reprieve. His gut vibrated with warning.
Do the honorable thing — the right thing— and get away from her. Move to my blanket, lie down, close my eyes and try to sleep.
The slight pressure of her soft fingertips on his scalp and the desire burning in her eyes entranced him. The only move he made was toward her.

His face lowered to claim her lips in a deep, imploring kiss. His mouth moved sensuously across her soft, pliant lips, silently demanding her to open to him. She did, and in his eagerness to taste her, his tongue slipped and found hers.

Tasting. Probing. Tantalizing.

She shivered against him and grasped his back. His hands slipped inside the thick, wild mass of ink black hair. Gently, he angled her head and kept her close so the kiss didn’t break and wouldn’t end as he continued to press his hot, open mouth against hers.

Thor lowered her onto the blanket. His knees nudged her thighs apart as he settled between them. Resting on one elbow, his other hand cupped her full breast. Through the thin fabric of the worn work shirt, his fingers kneaded and caressed her hardened peaks. His mouth planted a trail of kisses along her neck and down to the pulse beating rapidly at her neck. His tongue laved the pulsating flesh and low moans vibrated from the back of her throat. She clutched his head, and her thighs gripped his waist.

Rock hard, his arousal throbbed within the confines of his pants. Picking up the ages old rhythm, he rubbed his lower body against hers. She moaned his name in a pleading whimper. “Thor…”

Her cries inflamed him. He lifted his head from her neck to look into her glazed eyes. “I want to make love to you. If you want me to stop, say so now. Please, Willow, make me stop now.”

“I don’t want you to.”

Desire shone vividly in her glassy eyes. Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips. Thor needed no further response.

He kissed her again, as deeply and thoroughly as he did the first time. She responded by pushing her tongue inside his mouth and tantalizing him with her innocent insistence. Her pelvis rocked against him. He groaned. The ache in his pants begged for release, but he made no move to do so. Her innocence forced him to take care with her. Instinct told her what she wanted from him, but he knew she had never gone that far before. Tenderness and patience would have to be his guide.

Tenderness is a given, but Lord help me with patience.

The kiss ended. The suspenders fell from his shoulders. She tugged his shirt free from the waistband of his pants. He allowed her to pull the garment over his head. The appreciative gleam in her eyes as she looked at his bare chest only fueled his arousal.

Her hands glided over him, caressing the hard planes of his torso and the clenched muscles of his abdomen. Her inquisitive fingers trailed the thin line of hair that disappeared inside his pants. When she tried to unbutton them, he closed his hand over hers.

“Not yet.”

“May I touch you?”

Hitching a sharp breath, he nodded. Her hand found the rigid length of him. The heavy cotton material of his pants failed to diminish the insistence of her touch. His back arched as her hand stroked him, and he groaned.

“Do you like this?”

Thor shuddered. Unable to speak, he nodded.

“You’re so hard,” she said as she continued to caress him. “Like the iron spokes on a wheel.”

She moved to the next button, but he was fast. He pushed her hand away and pressed his pelvis against hers. “Not yet,” he muttered again with all the control he could muster. Her mouth puckered into a pout, which he kissed away.

While his lips claimed hers, his fingers plucked open the buttons on her shirt. The ribbons on her camisole were quickly untied and his hand slid across her warm flesh to caress the full, quivering mound inside. When the kiss ended, his head dipped to her breast. Open-mouth, he kissed her there. Her hips bucked against his, and she clutched his head. His tongue bathed the hard pebble. His hand stroked down her body to the apex of her thighs.

Not wasting time, he unbuttoned her pants in one fluid motion. His hand pressed against her damp undergarment, his fingers caressing her through the cotton barrier. His mouth watered in anticipation. He longed to taste her there. Planting kisses along her ribcage, his fingers continued to caress her. She bucked against his hand and clutched his shoulders, all the while moaning his name.

Thor quickly removed the remainder of their clothing. Willow whimpered in protest when he moved away, but those whimpers soon became moans of pleasure when he returned.

Intending to love every inch of her lithe, willing body, his large hands grasped an ankle. He brought her foot to his lips, running kisses along the arch. His teeth nibbled her toes, and she shrieked.

“Easy now.” His voice was husky and soft, seducing her. “This is only the beginning.”

His fingers grazed across her silky, smooth flesh from ankle to thigh. He smiled seductively as goose bumps covered her long limbs.

“Thor,” she moaned, as he lowered himself between her legs. His tongue trailed paths along her inner thighs until she cried out to him again.

He inched closer to the heart of her femininity. Her sweet musky scent greeted him, increasing his desire to savor her. Unable to resist another moment, his mouth opened, and his tongue licked her slick folds.

Her hips bucked wildly. “Oh, Thor!”

Her response nearly pushed him over the edge. His mouth opened wider, and his kiss deepened. His tongue laved and devoured her spicy feminine juices, feasting on her in wild abandon. Her fingers dug into the bunched muscles of his shoulders and served to encourage him even more. Moving his mouth to direct his attention to her tiny nub, he carefully slid first one finger inside of her. She stiffened at the initial contact, and he withdrew.

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