Love Lasts Forever (35 page)

Read Love Lasts Forever Online

Authors: Dominiqua Douglas

Tags: #Romance

“Upstairs are three bedrooms and two bathrooms. I’m not much on decorating, but I think you’ll like the master bedroom. There’s a huge walk-in closet. The bathroom has a sunken bathtub with whirlpool features, and the shower is state-of-the-art, too.”

He continued to rattle off more words as they ascended the staircase. Willow did not interrupt him. His nervousness was impossible to ignore. The good Lord knew she was fit to be tied, too. Maybe a good night’s rest would calm them both.

Their short journey paused at the end of the hall. He kicked the door on their left opened and ushered her inside. After placing her bag on a chair near the door, he took her hands and led her around the room.

“The closet is through that door. My stuff is in there, but I don’t have that much. You don’t either. We can go to the mall in the morning and get you some new things. Over here is the bathroom I was telling you about.”

He pulled her into a room that was the size of her old bedroom. Mirrors lined the walls. All sorts of contraptions filled the space, and if Thor did not have a firm grip on her hand, she would have bolted.

“You’ll get used to it, Willow. It’s the same as an outhouse, except it’s better. You don’t have to go outside.”

“What’s this?” she asked, pointing at a round, white stool. “Is it a chair?”

“Um, in a way.” His voice vibrated with humor. “It’s a toilet…where you can relieve yourself. Think of it as an indoor outhouse.”

Her cheeks felt hot, and she looked away. “I understand.”

“This is the bathtub.” He pointed to what looked like a hole in the floor. As he knelt, he gestured for her to do the same. “This turns it on. You can adjust the temperature. Hot is on the left. Cold is on the right.”

Water poured from the spigot. Willow reared back in surprise.
Miss Olivia would have loved this!

“I don’t have nice smelling soap. Just the usual stuff for me, but I imagine you’ll like something nice.” Longing deepened his voice and darkened his eyes. “Something sweet like honeysuckles. We can find that at the mall, too.”

His stare mesmerized her. Her heart throbbed with an erratic beat. She leaned toward him without realizing it. The first taste of his lips thrilled her, but it was the sweeping of his tongue across hers that shook her to her core.

Thor pulled her against the solid wall of his chest. Her hands clutched his arms, as his strong, steady hands roamed over her. Low moans growled in his throat. The vibrations seeped into her veins. His mouth and probing tongue trailed kisses from her ear down her neck. She fought to regain control over her senses.

His touch inflamed her and created a fire deep inside. She wanted to surrender, but then the image of Reverend Brown flashed into her mind. Pressing her hands against his chest, Willow pulled away. Tears pooled into her eyes and streamed down her cheeks. He dried her face and tenderly kissed her cheek.

“I’m sorry. You just got here. You’re probably tired and just want to relax.”

Thor reached around her and stopped the water. He stood and helped her to her feet. “I’ll grab some towels for you. There’s a fresh bar of soap in the cabinet. Go ahead and take a bath.” At the door, he paused to look at her. “Would you like some music?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’ll bring a radio, too. Take your time.” He offered her a faint smile. “I can shower in the other bathroom.”

* * *

Thor didn’t wait for Willow’s response. He closed the door and rushed to the hallway linen closet before he lost his head again.

Just great, a tour and a seduction wrapped up in one, inexpensive package!

What was I thinking?
She’d think all he wanted was a bed wench as Leah Davis had so eloquently phrased it, he thought bitterly.
If he wanted her transition to go smoothly, he’d better start thinking straight.

Thor grabbed fresh towels and a portable radio then headed for the bathroom in the master bedroom. He knocked and waited for her call.

“Yes?” The closed door muffled her reply.

She sounded skittish. He couldn’t blame her. He nearly took advantage of her on the bathroom floor for goodness sakes!

“I have the towels and the radio. May I come in?”

He heard the distinct sound of splashing water, and then she called out, “Yes!”

Restraint chanted inside his head like a mantra.
Hand over the towels and get out!
Against his best intentions, his gaze cut straight to Willow.

She sat in the bathtub, looking both regal and delectable. Her hair piled high on her head, but damp, ebony tendrils freed themselves and clung to her cheeks and neck. Droplets of water covered her shoulders and the swell of her breasts. The familiar tightening in his pants reminded him that he was only human after all.

Consideration came at a high price. Averting his gaze, he set the towels on the lid of the toilet, placed the radio on the sink, and backed out of the room. As the door closed, he distinctly heard her sigh. No doubt from relief at not being molested by him again. He groaned. He never needed a cold shower more than he did at that moment.

The frigid downpour proved to quell his burning desire, but it took fifteen minutes to do it. By the time Thor stepped from the shower, he shook from head to toe. The effort was worth the torture. If he were lucky, he’d be too damned cold to put the moves on Willow again.

Yeah, right.

He dried himself with fast, brisk strokes and pulled on boxers, pajama bottoms, and an old T-shirt. When he returned to the bedroom, he wondered what Willow would wear to bed. The image of her in one of his old football jerseys made his chest swell.

God, I bet she’ll look beautiful.
The jersey would stop at mid-level of her creamy, chocolate thighs. He emitted another groan.

Cut it out!

The empty bed stopped him in his tracks. “Willow?”

The curtains at the balcony billowed into the room. He went to the sliding glass doors and padded barefoot outside. Willow stood with her back to him. A white cotton nightgown covered her down to her ankles. Her long, thick black hair fell loose to her waist in waves. Thor resisted the urge to slip his fingers through the thick mass and instead closed his arms around her waist. He released a sigh of relief when she leaned against his chest. She shivered and his hold tightened.

“Are you okay? I thought you’d be in bed by now.”

“I’m tired, but I don’t think I can sleep. Not yet, at least.”

“Is something wrong? I am sorry about what happened in the bathroom. I should have waited.”

“It’s not your fault. I wanted you to kiss me.” She paused and released a deep sigh before she kept on. “Where do you sleep?”

Her tone made his throat constrict. He swallowed hard. “In that bed in there. Why?”

“Where will I sleep?”

Thor slowly released her and moved to rest his hip against the balcony’s railing. “I thought you’d sleep with me. Where do you want to sleep?”

“I can’t share your bed, Thor.”

A thousand voices screamed inside his head to ask her why not, but he closed a door on those voices. She had her reasons. It was enough that she returned with him, he refused to make demands on her. He wouldn’t. “There are two other bedrooms. You can choose one of them.”

She finally turned to face him. A small beam of light streamed in from the bedroom, revealing just enough of her expression. The firm set of her jaw spoke volumes. Her mind was made up. He saw her chin tremble. Her mind was made up, but there was still some indecision. He wondered what the hell happened in such a short amount of time?

“You’re not angry?” she asked.

“Should I be?” He folded his arms across his chest and sighed. “I don’t think I have a right to be. You are free to sleep wherever you want, Willow. I can’t be angry about that.”

Silence lingered between them for several moments. His thoughts ran at a rapid pace, trying desperately to decipher what was going on inside her mind and realizing that there was no way he could know unless she told him. He hated feeling powerless.

“Cal said he’ll tell me everything that happened since 1860. Do you think he could find out what happened to Warren Eugene Davis?”

“Sure, Cal’s good at research. Why do you want to know about Davis?”

“What if he comes back and hurts Miss Olivia?” Her voiced trembled. “He was mad about his daughter. M—Maybe killing the reverend won’t be enough for him.”

Sobs shook her body. On impulse, his arms encircled her. “Ssh. I’m sure Davis went back to his plantation to lick his wounds. Besides, Anders and Eva left some letters. There was no mention of Davis. Don’t worry about that. Would you like to see the letters?”

Willow sniffled and snuggled closer to Thor. “Later. Would it be alright if we stayed like this for a little while?”

His hands stroked her back in sweeping circles. “It would be just fine.”

Chapter Eighteen

The trip to the mall gave Willow a firsthand view of 1985. She was not sure if she liked it. Everything was so loud and moved so fast. Thor’s truck raced down the interstate as he called it at a speed that made her stomach somersault. She clutched the seat until he took her hand and told her to hold on to him.

“Would you like to go back home?” he asked as they left his truck in the parking lot and headed for the large, looming square box of a store. People jostled past them and Willow’s arm closed in tight around Thor’s waist. “Willow?”

“I didn’t know it would be like this.” She summoned strength to release him and walk without touching him. “Atlanta bustles, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, it does.”

He held the door open for her. Once inside, he reclaimed her hand. His touch was soothing and she welcomed it. The store was nothing like Canton. The outside only hinted at the massive size of the building. And the lights! There were so many that her bespectacled eyes needed time to adjust.

People moved around them of all different colors, shapes, and sizes. Most of their clothing resembled the Magnusen men’s attire. The openness of the women appalled her. Their pants clung to their bottoms like a second skin while their tops exposed far too much of their bosom. She raised a protective hand over her modestly covered chest. If Thor was used to these types of woman, what must he think of her?

They visited at least ten different shops, never leaving until they made at least one purchase. The sales total always rung her ears. The price of a sweater in1985 could feed a nineteenth century family for months! He never mentioned the opulence of his time nor did he flinch at the prices, only calmly reaching inside his wallet and retrieving a small card to give the salesperson. As the purchases grew and the totals increased, she wondered how she could ever repay him. Finally, she dug in her heels.

“We have enough.”

His brow knotted as he looked through the bags. “Are you sure? I don’t know everything a woman needs, but I doubt if we have everything here. What about underwear?”

“Blessed be, Thor! I can sew that on my hand!”

“You don’t have to,” he said with a teasing smile. “There are stores that specialize in women’s unmentionables. If you’d rather I stayed out here and wait for you, I will.”

“You’re laughing at me.”

“No.” His smile transformed into a flirtatious grin. “I’m enjoying this. I never thought I’d enjoy shopping with a woman, but this isn’t so bad.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

His laughter faltered. “Aren’t you?”

“I suppose.” She thought about everything she’d seen. So many objects made life easier. Adjusting to his world promised to be a challenge. Thor’s presence made everything better, even with his merciless teasing. She smiled. “I am. Thank you, Thor.”

“You’re welcome.” He pointed to a nearby store with a frilly pink awning. “You can find what you need in there. Give me your bags. I’ll wait here.” He placed their bags near a bench and reached inside his front pocket. “Here’s some money. If it’s not enough, come and get me. Okay?”

Willow’s hand closed around the bills and she slipped inside the store. A couple of women, one Negro and the other white, milled around a center table near the doorway. Their clothing was less revealing than others she encountered. For once, she breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she accepted the pair of pants and T-shirt he bought on the way to his home. Finally, she felt like she fit right in.

A white woman with spiky blonde hair and a ready smile approached. “I’m Laura. How may I help you?”

“I need to purchase unmentionables,” Willow whispered.

“Unmentionables? Like bras, panties, slips? Stuff like that?”

The words were foreign to Willow. She almost wished that Thor had joined her. Her brows knitted together. “I suppose.”

“Well, I’m sure we’ll have everything you need. Follow me.”

A quick lesson ensued. She quickly learned what a bra was and how it worked. It was certainly less restrictive than a corset! Willow chose underwear in every color and in different types of material. Cotton reminded her of home, but silk felt so nice against her skin.

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