Love Love (11 page)

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Authors: Beth Michele

Tags: #romance, #adult contemporary, #romance adult, #steamy adult, #adult contemporary romance, #steamy contemporary romance, #steamy new adult romance, #romance adult contemporary



two excruciatingly long days of waiting since Dane asked me out,
Friday is finally here. I truly know the meaning of TGIF. I lean
back in my desk chair with my hands behind my head and take a deep
breath. I’m meeting him tonight and my body can feel it. Tiny
sparks of excitement are shooting off inside me, so much so that
it’s difficult to focus. I do manage to return fifteen phone calls,
get through the oversized pile of paperwork on my desk, and toss a
couple of Robby’s sticky notes in the garbage after completing the
tasks. My stomach is growling as I’ve completely lost track of time
and missed lunch. I grab a yogurt and a juice from the coffee room
fridge so I can get through the rest of the day. I’m a bundle of
nerves as it gets closer to the time I’m meeting Dane.

When I get home, the first thing I do
is rifle through Fran’s closet, which is no easy task. The quantity
of clothes she has is staggering, and as usual, my decision making
skills are letting me down. Just then, the front door slams and in
walks Fran. Thank God! I need help.

Fran, in here,” I say,
muffled from under a pile of clothes, belts, and shoes.


Help! I’m drowning in your
closet.” I hear her loud, melodic cackle. “Come on. You know I’m
meeting Dane tonight. What should I wear?”

Fran taps her finger against her
temple. “Something revealing. Lots of cleavage.”

I’d like to leave
something to the imagination.”

Why bother?”

Alright, alright.

Fran eyes all of the choices. “I’m
thinking black halter dress.”

Fran! That’s way too

Listen, Gabby. Are you
going there to have tea, or are you going there to get

Okay, okay. Point taken.
But you know I’m not very good at this stuff.”

I know, that’s where I
come in. So let’s do your hair. We’ll leave it down because that’s
a lot sexier. Come on. Let me work my magic!”

I take a seat in the bathroom and try
to sit still while Fran makes me look extra beautiful. It’s taking
a while and I’m starting to fidget.

Stop fidgeting,” she barks
out, “I’m almost done…There!”

I stand up and glance in the mirror,
shocked at my reflection. “Wow.” I look beautiful.

Fran was a little pissed that I wanted
to go easy on the makeup, but the caked on look just doesn’t suit
me. “Okay, give me a quick spin around so I can eye my

I do my best model walk to the living
room and back, without tripping. “You like?”

Fran raises a brow. “Oh, I’m sure
someone’s gonna like.” She gives me a quick hug for encouragement
and I head out the door. Just before it closes I hear Fran yell
“happy sexing!”

My heels are a bit high, so
I walk carefully down the stairs to the lobby, trying not to trip
along the way. I’m definitely not taking the subway tonight. I have
to keep my hair and my shoes intact. When I walk out to the street,
I manage to hail a cab without having to wait too long, which is a
miracle in New York. During the cab ride to Dane’s hotel, I start
biting my nails, something I never do. I also begin thinking maybe
this isn’t such a good idea. My nerves are definitely getting the
best of me. By the time I arrive at the hotel, I’m sweating
bullets. I pay the driver and hop out of the cab, nearly catching
my heel in a sewer grate when I step out. Taking a deep breath, I
talk quietly to myself. “
I can do this. I
want to do this
need this

When I enter the hotel restaurant,
Dane’s back is to me and he appears to be deep in conversation on
his cell phone. Almost as if he senses my presence, he turns around
and sees me. A slow, sexy grin spreads like wildfire across his
face. He hangs up the phone immediately and saunters toward me like
a lion stalking its prey. Holy crap, he looks hot. He’s wearing
black pants that hug his fine hips and a white button-down shirt
with a green tie that, of course, brings out the emeralds of his

Planting a soft kiss on my cheek, he
eyes me appreciatively. “You look fabulous, Gabby.”

Thank you. So do

A wicked smile consumes his eyes. I’m
on the receiving end of a lascivious look that tells me he wants to
sweep me into the nearest broom closet. Sounds good to me. He leads
me to the dining room, pulling out my chair like an absolute
gentleman. The irony isn’t lost on me; he’s anything but, and we
both know it.

What’s so funny?” he


Don’t want to


We look over the menu. There’s a lot
to choose from and everything looks scrumptious. “I’m not sure if
you like seafood, but the lobster and scallop risotto is really
good,” Dane suggests.

I love seafood. That
sounds perfect.” A bottle of champagne is brought over to the
table. “Are we celebrating something?”

Yes, working with your
firm and my new apartment. Not to mention finding the best interior
designer’s assistant in all of New York.”

Ah, flattery.”

Will it get me

Keep it up and you’ll find out. “That
remains to be seen.”

He leans in over the table. “Well,
maybe I have to work a little harder.”

Dane’s cell phone rings, and after
looking at the screen, he motions to me that he needs to take the
call. He steps out of earshot to speak while I drink as much
champagne as possible to help calm my nerves. In the meantime, I
can’t help but take in my surroundings. This hotel is absolutely
stunning. Contemporary in design, which I happen to favor, with
muted brown leather fabrics and burgundies, complemented by
candlelight and soft pink roses. Exquisite.

Dane returns wearing a bit of a


Yes, just

Guess he doesn’t want to talk about
it. “So, I’m curious, what do you think of the color scheme in

He looks around the room like any
other guy–quickly. “I like it.”

Good, because this is the
type of palette Robby was thinking about for your apartment. It’s
very masculine, and it suits you.”

Dane raises an eyebrow.

Yes.” I blush a little.
Masculine, virile, potent. All of the above.

You know, Gabby, I like
that fire in your eyes when you talk about your work. You seem very
passionate about it. It’s a turn on, actually.”

I swallow a gulp of champagne. I
didn’t expect that. But then again, everything about the way I feel
in Dane’s presence is unexpected. Excited, nervous, angsty, sexual.
My hands are getting clammy. “Yes, I love what I do.”

I’m wondering if that
passion extends to other areas of your life?”

I rub my thighs together under the
table. “Simply put, I have an appreciation for life. All aspects of

Dane must really like his work. He
certainly talks a lot about it. I’m reminded of how creative we
both are, and it seems to be the one thing we have in common. Other
than that, I can’t think of anything else. He’d rather be in a
suit, while I’d rather wear my red Converse sneakers. He dines on
tables with white linens, while I prefer to eat cross-legged on the
floor. I doubt he even knows what a Jolly Rancher looks

When he speaks, my eyes are riveted to
his lush, shapely mouth. And those eyes, well, they’re hypnotic. I
may not be listening, but I’m most certainly watching.


Crap. I’ve drifted again. What was he

As if he can read my thoughts, he says
“Your eyes are stunning.”

Your ass is stunning. “Thank you.” The
waiter arrives to serve our food and saves me. I take a bite and
close my eyes. “Dane, you were right. This risotto is absolutely

Good. I’m glad you like

We eat until we can’t eat anymore.
Dane clears his throat. “Would you like dessert? I was thinking we
could take it up to my room and I could show you the color palette

Before I have time to think twice, I
reply, “okay.”

Dane’s cell phone rings again. He
lifts a finger, telling me to hold on, which of course I’m more
than willing to do. His face grows serious. “What is it, Sarah? I’m
the middle of something. Uh huh…okay. That’s fine. Tell Clark and
James to meet me at my office at eight tomorrow and we can go over
the brand strategy.”

I freeze. Just hearing his name is
enough to pour a bucket of ice water over this entire

Dane ends the call and reaches for my
hand. “All set. Shall we go?”

I shift on my heels and stumble a bit.
“I just realized I should probably get going. I have a very early
morning tomorrow. Can I take a rain check?”

Dane looks back at me in confusion. He
seems more than a little disappointed, like I just popped his last
balloon, but he shakes it off and walks me to the door. I turn to
thank him and realize I forgot my purse. Dane runs back to retrieve
it. What is it with me and forgetting things lately? “Thank

Dane bends down so close to
my ear that I can smell the champagne on his breath. “No,
for a
wonderful evening.”

He leans in briefly and touches my
lips with his. “Are you sure I can’t convince you to come up for a

No, I really can’t.” My
hands are shaking and I’m worried he’s going to notice that
something’s up.

He places his hand at the small of my
back. “Alright, well, at least let me call you a cab.”

I’m fine, Dane, really.
It’s only after nine. I’ll walk for a bit and then catch a

Okay, well then,
goodnight, Gabby.”

Goodnight, Dane, and
thanks again.”

His hand moves a bit lower, hovering
right over my ass. “The pleasure was all mine. Next time will be
even better.”

As soon as Dane is out of sight, I sit
on the bench in front of the hotel. I bend over and clutch my
stomach. My body really wanted this, but my mind, well, it just
can’t let go. Maybe I just don’t want to. It’s only sex, though;
anyone can have sex, right? Clark and I had sex under the bleachers
once. Well, it was more than just sex. It was also a bit cramped,
but it didn’t bother me in the least, because Clark was wrapped
around me. The memory makes me laugh. It was completely dark except
for the stadium lights. Clark brought a checkered picnic blanket
and spread it out so I wouldn’t get dirt in my ass. We were in the
heat of the moment and while he was grabbing my breasts I said,
“bleacher sex, I’m adding that to my list,” and he burst out
laughing. We rolled over and I ended up with dirt in my ass anyway.
Putting my hand to my head, I forcefully rub my temples. Maybe if I
rub hard enough, I can make Clark reappear. If only genies existed.
I wouldn’t even need three wishes.

I manage to compose myself and start
walking. The air will be good to clear my head. There’s so much to
see here at night, anyway. The walk will be a good distraction. The
lights blinking from all the Broadway show marquees, the
restaurants filled with people out for the evening, and even a man
sitting on the sidewalk with his legs crossed, playing his guitar.
People enjoying the music walk by and throw change into a hat. I
stop for a second and listen to his strumming. He’s really quite
good. I pull out a few dollars from my wallet and throw them in. He
smiles and continues playing. Clark would have loved it

My footsteps continue to lead me
forward, and I’m enjoying the fresh air. Hearing a familiar voice
call my name, I whirl around. Without realizing it, I walked right
past The Brew House. Brad appears to be closing up for the night.
When he finally turns and sees me, he stops.

Wow, Gabby. You look
really nice.”


You on your way back from
a party?”

No, actually, I met a

Ah, let me guess. Green
eyes, tall...”

I smile. “Ding, ding, ding. You’ve
just won what’s behind door number three.”

Letting out a small chuckle, Brad
replies, “since I’m just closing up, mind if I walk with you? After
all, a beautiful woman like you shouldn’t be roaming the streets

Thanks for the offer, but
I can take care of myself.”

I’m sure you can. But you
never know when my superhero powers might come in


His dimple returns. “Yup.”

What types of powers are
we talking about?”

I can’t tell you that. A
superhero never reveals his secrets.”

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