LOVE on The Horizon (Breaking The Rules #1) (11 page)


Something was going on. My first hint—Ricky was acting strangely. My second—I hadn’t seen Marco all day. When I finally saw him, he was back to avoiding me. Not in the normal, pretending kind of way, but in the way he did when I had just started working for him. This time, his avoidance was much worse…because I wasn’t merely attracted to him; I was now in love with him.

When Ricky said Marco needed to see me in his office later in the day, my heartbeat raced from nerves. I knew Ricky lied when he claimed he had no idea what it was about. He squeezed my hand and said, “I’ll talk to you later,” before walking away without a backward glance.

I moved through my tasks in a daze. My staff even noticed my distraction and asked if I was okay. I feared the worst and worried things were about to change drastically for Marco and me.

The look on his face when I stood at his office door caused my legs to shake.

“Come in,” he said without emotion.

I automatically went to close the door, but he stopped me and asked to leave it open.

Wordlessly, I sat across from him while trying desperately to control my erratic breathing.

“Rebecca, I was called into headquarters this morning by Aida Henson. It seems there has been an anonymous complaint filed against us, alleging an inappropriate relationship. We will both need to meet with Human Resources when we return to Fort Lauderdale on Saturday.”

“What?” I asked, stunned. I heard what he said and watched his emotionless face deliver the news, but my brain wasn’t registering the enormity.

He repeated his prepared statement, only slower and with even less emotion.

“Marco…” I looked at him, feeling defeated.

He shook his head and slipped me a folded piece of paper. His eyes widened, prompting me to read it.

I was told I couldn’t interact with you other than in a professional manner until we met with personnel. Please don’t be scared. I will figure this out. In the meantime, proceed as normal and wait for further instruction.

I folded the note and stuffed it into my pocket. “I can assure you, Mr. Puglia, that I am completely committed to my job and intend to cooperate with management in every way.”

He nodded sadly but remained silent. I could feel his eyes follow me as I left his office. How was I supposed to go about my day or my job knowing we’ve been exposed…yet not knowing who it was who contacted personnel? He said to proceed as normal? My legs were shaking so badly I could barely walk in a straight line. Acting normal wasn’t going to be easy.

I checked my watch and figured out I had about thirty minutes before dinner. I made my way to my cabin to think this through. Once there, I shut the world out from my thoughts and focused on the situation.

With every week that passed, I knew we were just living on borrowed time, and we needed more time. When we started this, either it wouldn’t work out between us and no one would be the wiser…or we’d progress into a committed relationship. I never expected to be “outed” before then. We were extremely careful. The fact that someone tipped off management scared me. How much did they know, or did they merely suspect something was going on?

After our date at Orient Bay, I decided I would give up my job in a heartbeat. Ricky was right. Love didn’t come around so easily for everyone. Marco may not have said those exact words yet, but I knew he loved me. I could tell. I wasn’t expecting a proposal, maybe just a promise. Could I eventually see myself married to Marco? Absolutely, but it was just too soon. Either way, I’d have to move to a different department, and I was fine with that until we figured out our next move.

Now everything between us hung in the balance, and I felt responsible. He could be facing some serious repercussions from our actions. I needed to make it very clear to them that this was consensual, I pursued him, and all responsibilities remained with me.

Now, if only the moment of truth weren’t a week away because, with every moment that passed, my bravery was compromised.

Stuck between sleep and a semiconscious state, I rolled over, ignoring the sound I heard. When another faint knock echoed through my cabin for the second time, I knew I wasn’t dreaming. It was only one a.m., although it felt like I had been asleep for hours. My heart raced when I opened the door to Marco.

He quickly pushed past me and quietly shut the door.

“Marco, what are you doing here? You can get into more trouble.”

“I don’t care. I miss you.” He wrapped me in his arms and held me tight against his body. “I can’t stand this. The more they keep us apart, the angrier I get.”

I clung to him, never wanting to let go. “Marco, there’s so much I want to tell you.”

“Me too,
,” he whispered against my hair. With a single finger, he lifted my chin until I looked up into his eyes. “First thing I need to say is I’m so sorry.”

I shook my head at his apology. “This wasn’t all on you. We both knew what we were risking, but, Marco, I can’t say that I regret it.”

His eyes scanned my face, confusion mixing with sadness. “How can you not?”

“Do you regret it?” I asked, scared to hear his honest answer.

“No,” he immediately responded. “But things are different for me. I can very well walk away with a slap on my wrist and a reprimand. I fear this will tarnish your future with Sunset.”

“Then I’ll leave Sunset.”

He shook his head forcefully. “No. You love this job. You finally found your calling. I can’t have you give that up.”

“I feel the same way,” I responded with so much emotion, my eyes welled up with tears I wasn’t expecting. “This is your career that you’ve worked so hard at. It’s not fair that we can’t be together.” He gave me a small smile before kissing my lips gently.

When he broke our kiss, I buried my face in his chest to catalogue the feel of his soft shirt, his scent, and the way his arms felt around my body. I needed to remember it all when we were apart. He lifted me without warning and placed me on his lap as he sat on my bed.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said softly.

“Marco, I don’t want this to end.” He stared into my eyes, but he didn’t respond. I felt doubt travel through me to settle in the pit of my stomach. “You don’t feel the same.” My words came out as a statement rather than a question.

“Of course I feel the same.” He tucked my hair behind my ear before palming my cheek. “But,

“No buts. Please.” I desperately pressed my lips against his, and within seconds, he was responding with everything he had. He gripped my head, wanting to deepen the kiss between us. The way our lips moved together, the way his tongue searched for mine was validation of all the emotions we were both trying to contain. It was all too much, and I felt like exploding to release it all.

In a swift motion, he shifted until we lay face-to-face on my tiny bed. His hands roamed my body, and he sank his fingertips into my skin urgently. We stripped the clothes off each other’s bodies until we lay bare, skin-to-skin and heart-to-heart.

“Rebecca,” he said my name as if he were in pain. “I wasn’t prepared for this. I’m sorry, but I don’t have a condom.”

“I don’t care. I’m on the pill, and I trust you. Please, tell me you trust me. I need you, Marco.” I didn’t care how desperate I sounded. I didn’t know when we’d be together again, and I needed him more than my next breath. He must have felt the same because just as his lips met mine in a scorching kiss, he slid inside me with deliberate determination. My muscles tightened every time he dragged his cock both in and out in the slowest of motions. It was perfection.

When I closed my eyes as my orgasm ripped through me, I knew he was watching. He confessed that he held back his own so nothing could distract him from the pleasure he received from watching me come. Once done, I reciprocated and watched his gorgeous face alter into one of complete and utter ecstasy.

I wanted to tell him I loved him, but I feared he would think it was the heat of the moment. When I finally said it, he needed to know it came from my heart. I also didn’t want to pressure him into saying it back. Even without the words being spoken, Marco was making love to me as sure as I knew my name. It wasn’t just sex; it was everything I never had or never knew I needed.

It was love.


When we embarked the day Aida called me to headquarters, it was the first time in the history of my career where I didn’t enjoy my job. It had little to do with the allegations hanging over our heads and all to do with missing her. I felt I also missed so many opportunities to tell her how I felt. I wanted her to know that no matter what was to happen, I wanted to be with her.

I waited a few days before I snuck back to her stateroom in the middle of the night. This time, when she opened her door, she wasn’t as surprised to see me. A radiant smile spread across her face. She quickly pulled me into her cabin and wrapped her arms around me in a desperate hug.

“I missed you so much,” she whispered into my chest. I ran my hands up and down her back, wanting to permanently mold her form to my body.

“I missed you too,

“Marco, I’m afraid we’re going to get caught. I don’t want you jeopardizing your job more than you have.”

I pulled her toward her bed and forced her to sit beside me. “It’s worth the risk. I have a lot to tell you.”

She watched my face anxiously. Even in the dimly lit room, I saw her vivid blue eyes grow wide with worry. I skimmed my hand down her face before placing it on the back of her neck.

I could continue to deny, even omit, what I was also feeling for her
, I thought to myself. But what was the point in playing games, avoiding the truth, pretending she wasn’t on my mind every moment of every day? What was the fucking point?

“Rebecca, I never expected to feel what I’m feeling for you. I’ve never experienced this before. You have completely captivated me.” While staring directly into her eyes, I added, “I’ve fallen in love with you.”

Tears instantly shimmered as a stunning smile spread across her face. “I love you, too. I also have never felt this way before, which is why I’m so scared.”

“Don’t be scared. I have a plan. You’ll be meeting with Aida alone on Saturday before I arrive. When she asks questions regarding our personal relationship, do not respond. You have the right to refuse to respond. They don’t have proof. It is their word against ours. What they are interested in finding out is whether I harassed you in any way. If they want specifics, you are entitled to have a lawyer present. That will buy some time until I arrive.

“I’ve spent the past few days scouring over possibilities and found a potential job swap. What I have going for me is the fact I hold the most coveted cruise director position within Sunset. The CD on
The Vista
is a young, ambitious man who would love the opportunity to take over
The Horizon
The Vista
ports in Bari, Italia. It travels the Mediterranean. There’s also an open position on
for a youth staff manager. With your years of experience as a camp counselor, plus the time you spent here on
The Horizon
, they’d be lucky to have you. I know it’s not as part of the entertainment staff, but your singing talents and personality would make you a great fit.”

I eagerly waited for her to respond to my brilliant plan.

“I love that idea,” she said after a few seconds. “We could openly be together?”

“Yes. You wouldn’t report to me, so we could go in as a couple.”

“But Marco, that is a huge step down for you.”

“I don’t care.
, if I could be CD on a ship with you by my side, in my home country, then I’d consider myself very lucky and I’d take the opportunity in a heartbeat.”

She threw her arms around my neck. “Thank you. I was so lost not knowing how it would work out.” Love shone all over her face, and she placed a gentle kiss on my lips. “Also, thank you for loving me.”

I shook my head at her comment. “
, you have it all wrong. I thank
every day for bringing you to me. You made me realize I was missing love in my life.”

“I never realized it was missing from mine either. You changed that for me.”

I pulled her toward me to kiss her full lips. “Things could work out for us. We deserve to be happy. Ricky’s right. Love doesn’t come along every day. Our love is worth fighting for.”

“Where does this leave Ricky?” she asked, concerned for her friend. Her concern caused the love I felt to swell. She had such a good heart.

“He comes too. When CDs move around, they often take their assistants with them.”

A tiny squeal escaped as she bounced up and down on the bed. I couldn’t help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. “I won’t take your excitement personally,” I teased and kissed her nose.

“Sorry.” She shrugged. “I love him. Not like I love you, of course. But I have a special place in my heart for Ricky.”

“I know,
. He feels the same. He’s a lucky man to have you as a friend. He’s luckier to be gay because, otherwise, I’d have to make sure he knew that you were mine. That would get me in even more trouble with management.”

She giggled at my comment. “No need to hurt Ricky. I’m yours,” she confirmed with a strong nod.

My heart felt optimistic for the first time in days. My plan would work. Sunset would be just as anxious as us to keep the drama from this situation. Many couples often applied for jobs together, and keeping Rebecca and me apart would be bad for morale in an industry that promoted love and happiness.

I ran a hand through her hair, reveling in the feeling of her silky strands between my fingers. “I love you. I should go, but before I do, I want to make love to you.”

“So formal, Mr. Puglia. I would love for you to make love to me, sir,” she teased.

She stood before me, grabbed the hem of her T-shirt, and quickly removed it over her head. Her naked breasts were spectacular. In awe, I reached out and skimmed the back of my hand across her erect nipple. Wanting more, my hand circled her small waist and I pulled her closer to mold my mouth over her perfect pink point. She arched into my mouth and ran her fingers through my hair.

I lavished attention on her breasts, taking my time on each one. Slowly, I lowered my hands enough to slide them into the waistband of her bottoms and eased them down over her thighs. With a gentle push, they pooled at her feet and she gingerly stepped out of them. She stood before me completely naked. While still sitting, I skimmed my hand over the curve of her hip, the flat, taut skin of her belly, before moving down to cup her intimately. My touch was teasing, and her moans clearly indicated that I was driving her crazy. It was she who was driving me crazy. The sight of her had my erection straining painfully against the zipper of my pants.

Ti amo toccare
,” I whispered in awe. I ran my tongue over her belly button and added, “
Ti amo degustazione

“What does that mean?” she asked in a raspy voice.

“I love touching you. I love tasting you.” I looked up into her eyes and smiled. “
Ti amo

“I love you?”


I lifted her and placed her in the center of her bed. My hands spread her legs just as my mouth landed on her warm folds. She squirmed beneath my touch, forcing me to hold a firm hand on each thigh. I made love to her with my mouth, feasting on her until she could take it no longer. At the sound of my name from her lips, I increased the pressure of my sucking and slid two fingers into her wet center. Instantly, she clenched around me, arching her back as she came.

Distractedly, I watched as she skimmed a hand over her heated flesh while she tried to calm her breathing. I removed my clothes quickly, desperately wanting to take her again, but this time for my own pleasure.

I took her hands in mine, linking our fingers and stretching her arms above her head. She spread her legs wider, giving me access to slide in without delay. The moment she was fully penetrated, I stilled, overwhelmed with the sensation of her surrounding me. When I felt my balls tingle with need and I couldn’t take it any longer, I started slowly thrusting with renewed purpose. I needed to come inside her or I was going to fucking explode. A stream of Italian curses flew out of my mouth, causing her to smile triumphantly at the state she was reducing me to. The heels of her feet pressed into my ass, forcing me to move faster and harder.

It wasn’t a surprise that I came first with a low growl.

“You’re so sexy,” she said with a smile.

“You are,” I managed to verbalize as I kept sinking in, wanting to stretch my release out as long as possible. Her orgasm came seconds later. She gripped my fingers, wrapped her legs around me possessively, and parted her lips in the most gorgeous way. After one final jerk of my hips, she cried out, and I collapsed on her in a heap of exhaustion. I buried my face in her neck, dragging her scent into my lungs like an addict getting his next high.

She trailed kisses along my jaw, my neck, and landed with her lips on my ear. “I love you, Marco.”

I shifted to stare into her beautiful eyes and said, “I love you too,

We hadn’t spoken or met secretly in two days. When I wasn’t acting as CD on deck, I was in my office working on paperwork. When not on duty, I was in my cabin hiding. My nerves got the best of me, and most of my staff noticed.

Dina, who was suspiciously lying low all week, approached me after bingo. “You okay?” she asked with a tilt of her head. Her words may have meant to comfort, but the steely gleam in her eyes was a contradiction.

“I’m fine. Why?”

“You haven’t been yourself.” She touched my arm and added, “I’m worried about you.”

I stepped back, causing her hand to fall away. “I’m great. Just busy.”

She plastered a smile on her face. “Okay. I’m here if you need me. Even though you’re my boss, I am your friend first, Marco.” She stepped closer and ran a hand over my forearm before leaving the stage.

What a fucking joke. Friends like her I could do without. I still didn’t have confirmation she ratted us out, but I would bet my entire savings that she was behind it somehow. Playing her game wasn’t worth it. Ricky struggled each day with his need to “bitch-slap” her, his words. I made him promise to ignore her, and he wasn’t happy about it. After my encounter with Dina, I found it hard not to want to tell her off myself.

The day we’d anxiously awaited came after a sleepless night. I ran my plan over and over in my head, trying to anticipate any reasons that would cause them to deny our request. For the most part, I felt confident it would all work out. The part of me that still felt we tested fate by defying the rules nagged at the back of my mind.

Rebecca met with Aida before my appointment, which was called for eight a.m. When I arrived, they sat waiting quietly. I tried to gauge her expression, but the only emotion I saw was fear.

The door to the conference room opened, and in walked the vice president of Human Resources. A chill instantly ran down my spine. His presence was not a good thing.

Chet Holt was an older gentleman with twenty years’ service for Sunset. He was not a jovial person. I often felt the reason his staff was so grumpy, Aida included, was because of his disposition. I rarely interacted with Chet, but when I had to, it always left me feeling incompetent.

Rebecca met my eyes from across the table.

“Mr. Puglia. Ms. Stanton,” he said as he took his seat. “Thank you for being prompt.”

We both nodded but otherwise said nothing.

“Mr. Puglia, Aida has formally questioned Ms. Stanton on her professional and personal relationship with you. She vehemently denied harassment of any kind. However, she also refused to answer questions detailing the nature of said relationship.”

I sat silently, refusing to respond either way.

“Unfortunately, you were warned to maintain a solely professional relationship with Ms. Stanton, but you ignored our request.”

“What are you talking about?”

Chet pushed an iPad across the table and started a video. It was extremely grainy but left no doubt that I was entering Rebecca’s stateroom. I felt sick. I wasn’t sure what made me feel worse, the fact they had that video or the fact I was followed to her room when foolishly thinking I had been careful.

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