Love Required (19 page)

Read Love Required Online

Authors: Melanie Codina

When Tori’s eyes met his, he smiled and crossed the room. Squatting in front of her, he placed his hand on her knee. “Hey you, I was thinking about us getting out of here. Would that be okay with you?”

“Yeah sure,” she answered with a smile. “Let me just get Lexi from Ella’s room.”

“I’ll get her for you.” He stood and made his way to Ella’s room. Lexi and Ella were both asleep in the large crib. Jason smiled at the sight. Carefully, he picked up Lexi and rested her against his chest. Kissing his finger, he placed it against Ella’s forehead before leaving the room.

Tori had gathered all her things and was waiting in the front room. The women quietly said their goodbyes so not to disturb Lexi. It was probably the quickest goodbye ever where Allie and Gillian were concerned, and he kissed Lexi quietly in thanks. They were loaded in the car and pulling out before Jason asked, “Did you have a good time?”

Smiling big, Tori said, “I did. They were all so great. You’re so lucky to have such great friends. I felt like I already knew them. Thank you for bringing me.”

He reached across the console and rested his hand over hers. “Thank you for coming with me.”

With the smile still on her face, she relaxed back in the seat for the drive. When they made it back to her place, Jason knew he wasn’t ready to leave. He realized now that he should’ve asked if there was somewhere else she wanted to go, but with the baby, he just assumed she’d want to bring her home. Getting out of the car, he lifted the baby carrier out, and they walked to the door in silence. They both turned and began talking at the same time.

Both of them laughed before Jason said, “Go ahead, you first.”

With a shy smile, she said, “Well, it’s still early, and I wasn’t sure what your plans were for the rest of the evening. But I thought that you’d probably need to eat dinner at some point, and I would too, so maybe, if you want, you could hang out here. I’m a great cook, so it wouldn’t be like I was going to give you crappy mac-n-cheese or anything. You can say no …”

Placing his finger to her lip to stop her nervous rambling, Jason said, “Tori … I would love to spend more time with you today. You don’t even have to bribe me with the offer of a meal. I was sold when you smiled.”

Sighing, her shoulders visibly relaxed. “Okay … great.” 

Unlocking the door, she let them in and quickly went about the task of putting a still sleeping Lexi in her crib. When Tori came back out, he asked, “Does she usually take long naps?”

Tori nodded. “She takes two naps, but her morning one wasn’t very long because I woke her up to make sure we were ready when you came. So this one might last a little while longer.”

“I’m sorry for interrupting her schedule,” he said in a mischievous voice as he crept closer to her. “But I’m a little happy she’ll sleep a while longer.”

Her gaze followed his as he moved right up against her. Looking up at him, she asked, “You are?” Her voice had dropped to an almost whisper. It was low and husky sounding. It was sexy.

He nodded. “I am.”

Placing his hands on her hips, he walked her backward toward her couch. Moving to sit down, he pulled her down onto his lap. She squealed an adorable sound, which had him smiling. Her bottom rested over his legs, while her arm had found its way across his shoulders. In the position he had her, he could access any part of her body—her plump lips, her long neck, her thick, silky hair, her curved hips, her toned legs … any and all of it.

Caressing her cheek, he slowly moved her hair over her shoulder before leaning in to kiss her neck. “I was kinda hoping that we could make out like teenagers here on the couch.” He heard the hitch in her throat when his lips touched her warm skin again. He continued, “You know, get lost in each other, not knowing when it will end … wondering who’ll catch us wrapped around one another.”

His tongue snuck out and ran up her neck. When he got to her ear, he wrapped his lips around the lobe and gave it a small nibble. She shivered in his arms, and he knew she was right there with him—aroused and needy. Pulling his face from her neck, he found her eyes closed and leaned in to kiss each lid.

“Tori?” Jason said.

When she opened her eyes and met his, he smiled, “What do you say,
?… wanna get lost in me?” She answered by pressing her lips to his and taking everything he was offering.



TORI pulled the tray from the oven, the smell of enchilada sauce wafting to her face. Her mouth watered, and she wanted to laugh at how hungry she was. Apparently making out like a teenager burned some calories and her body needed more—especially if they were going to pick up where they left off. Tori could only recall not smiling when hearing Lexi wake up a handful of times. Sleep had been the only thing Lexi had ever interrupted until now.

Even with the interruption, it had been one of the most sensual experiences of her life. Just recalling the feel of his lips and beard brushing against her skin caused her to shiver. She’d thought it was distinctly possible it might go further, but it hadn’t. She could safely say they moved slowly between first and second base, which was strangely disappointing.

Pulling down plates, she quickly dished out food for both of them. After carrying them into the living room, she set them down on the coffee table. Jason smiled. “Mmm, that smells delicious. Thank you.”

Tori retrieved Lexi from his lap and moved her back to the playpen before grabbing them some napkins. When she returned to the couch, she found Jason had waited for her before he started to eat, proving once again his thoughtfulness. Together, they ate in silence. The only noises were the sounds of utensils against plates, with the occasional noise from Lexi. At first she wondered if his silence was because he didn’t like the food, but she soon realized how quickly he had eaten. As he finished the last bite, he said, “Oh, please tell me there’s more in the kitchen?”

She laughed. “Of course there is. Do you want one or two more?”

He stood with his plate. “You don’t have to get up; I can get it. Would you like more, too?”

Such the gentleman
, she thought as she answered him with a shake of her head. Damien had always expected her to serve him. Immediately, she felt bad for even comparing the two men when it was obvious there was no comparison. It didn’t escape her that with Jason, she
to do things for him.

The evening progressed with casual conversation while they simply got to know each other better. Even though he offered to help, he played with Lexi on the floor while she cleaned up after dinner. Shocked as she was by him offering to even change Lexi’s diaper, she told him not to bother since it was almost bath time. She was a little disappointed thinking he might take that as the opportunity to leave, but he didn’t. It seemed Jason was the “total package.”

After bathing Lexi and putting her to sleep, Tori returned to find Jason relaxed and watching TV. When he saw her, he set the remote down and put his hand out for her. Moving to him, she took his hand and let him guide her down to his lap again. He pulled her tightly against him, securing his hands around her. Once nestled up against him, he asked, “Comfortable?”

Nodding, she said, “Yes, very.”

“Good. Is it okay that I’m still here? I keep telling myself I’m being a jerk and inviting myself to stay. The truth is, I can’t find the will to leave, and I don’t want to,” he said in a soft, sincere voice. “But if you want me to, just say so, and I’ll be gone.”

Tori was quiet for a moment, reflecting on the insecurity in his voice. Her hand lifted and began teasing the hair at the base of his head. Holding his gaze, she said, “I don’t think you’re being a jerk. I like having you here.”

He smiled, and leaning in, he whispered, “How about here? Do you like me here?” His lips met hers and with a quick swipe of his tongue, he was gone again—teasing her and restarting the fire that had been simmering low in her belly all evening. All day really. She whispered her agreement as her lips followed his retreat, going in for her own taste. Marveling at how quickly her body flooded with need, she fed the desire. Her tongue slid against his lips and then back before his took over, dominating her, telling her what she wanted, and giving her what she didn’t realize she needed.

JASON felt like a caged animal. Hunger like no other gripped him, and he was having trouble holding it back. With each stroke of her tongue against his, it escalated. He wanted Tori on a level he didn’t think he’d recover from. With her draped across his lap, he let one hand travel down her back and over the curve of her hip before finding the back of her knees. Then, tightening the hold on her back, he slipped his arm around her bent knees and pulled her firmly against his body. He used his hold on her to stand up and reverse their positions.

Letting her knees go, he moved between them. Now cradled between her thighs, her heat pressed firmly against him, he pulled his lips away and looked at her. Really looked. He needed to make sure she was right there with him, that he wasn’t getting carried away. His concern for scaring her away was clawing at his conscience, and he needed to settle it.

“Tori, I need you to look at me.” His voice came out strained and foreign to him. When she opened her eyes, he focused on the hunger he saw reflected in her emerald pools. He let the haze clear from her eyes before saying, “I don’t want to push too far and mess this up …” His hands moved to cradle her face, “Please tell me you’re with me, that you want me like I want you.”

Time seemed to slow down as he waited for her response. Lying there beneath him, her hair spread out to tease him with its allure, her eyes sparkled with lust, and her soft skin beckoned him to caress it; he took it all in. When she licked her bottom lip, he fought the need to chase her tongue with his own. Instinct to claim was riding him hard. Then she whispered his name, and every part of his body hardened in anticipation.

“Jason … it’s beyond that.” She licked her lips again. “It’s not just want, it’s
. I physically
you.” And that was all he needed to hear. His lips slammed down on hers, and they both let go. The dam had broken, and the lust they’d restrained swirled in the air around them as hands and lips sought out their targets. Hips ground against one another reflexively. Tori’s hand found the bare skin of his back, and he couldn’t help but rip at the fabric to expose more of it for her. Suddenly, the cramped space of the couch wasn’t enough. He wanted room to move, to spread her out, and feast on every part of her.

Standing quickly, he pulled his shirt all the way off, tossing it aside. Taking her hand, he pulled her up and divested her of her own shirt, exposing more of her creamy skin. The temptation won as he dropped his lips to her shoulder and tasted. Her breath hitched, and the sound went straight to his cock. Dropping his hands to her ass, he hoisted her up his body. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he shuddered when her moist lips found his neck. Tori nipped and sucked, prompting his feet into motion.

Finding her bed quickly, he lowered them on the soft surface and began to explore. He let his hands roam up and down her sides, enjoying the way the curve of her hip fit his hands. His tongue traveled down her neck, teasing the soft mounds of her breasts. The hushed moans escaping her fueled his endeavor. Sliding her bra strap off her shoulder, he slowly exposed her breast. Groaning, he let his tongue tease the tip before swirling it around the nipple.

“Perfection,” he whispered. Repeating his movements on the other side, she gripped his hair tightly, holding him against her as she squirmed beneath him, seeking more. Rising to his knees, he slid his hands under her to remove her bra, uncovering her completely. Then his hands went to the hem of her pants and made quick work of them.

Now, lying before him in only a pair of pink panties, he stared down at the beauty. Mesmerized, he slid a fingertip from the top of her chest down her midline. His eyes followed the path as it circled her navel before reaching the little pink waistband. His cock throbbed in his pants, demanding to be set free. He ignored it, and found her gaze, “God, Tori … you’re even sexier than I imagined.”

Tori blushed, smiling shyly. “My body isn’t as sexy as it used to be.”

Jason shook his head. “I really don’t see how that’s possible, Cupcake. You’ve got my body at war; I
to slide my tongue all over you and taste you everywhere.” He ran his finger deeper below the waistband, and slid it back and forth, teasing both of them. “But I
to feel the heat of your body as I slide inside you.”

With eyes half-lidded, she squirmed below him, hunger radiating from her body. He had to have her. Moving off the bed, he ditched his jeans and underwear quickly before sliding on the condom he was thankful to have. Reaching out for her, his hands found her ankles and brought them together. Stroking the soft skin, he slowly slid them upward until he reached the last piece of clothing in his way. When he paused, she voiced her impatience, “Jason … please …”

Capturing her gaze, he smiled and then slid them off. Tossing them aside, he almost lost it at the sight of her legs falling open for him, exposing her wet, swollen center to him. Unable to help himself, he said, “I have to taste you.” And he did.

One swipe of his tongue wasn’t enough. Tori gasped as he sucked her sensitive flesh into his mouth. Releasing it, he moved quickly up her body, making sure to tease her breasts along the way. Jason rested his body against hers and sighed at the sensation of his hardness nestled in her softness. Taking himself in hand, he got in position for the slow slide to ecstasy. When her wet heat fisted him, he prayed for control. Fully engulfed, he buried his face in her neck and groaned. He could feel her pulse pounding, her breathing erratic, and almost worried if she was okay.

Pulling back, he looked at her to find her eyes closed and legs squeezed tightly at his hips. “Are you okay, baby? Look at me.”

When she opened her eyes, a single tear leaked out the side, and he almost came undone. “Oh, Jason, it feels so good … please, I need you.”

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