Love Through Pain (8 page)

Chapter Eleven



I saw this quote from – Ashley Rice, and I thought of you.


‘Friends are hard to find. In a lifetime you get very few. And when you find them you always know them by sight and heart alone, you always grow a little bit taller in your soul, and you know you have been blessed just to know them.’


Forever Grateful,

J.N.O 


Javier finished reading the note Jazmine had placed in his pocket. He wondered what N meant, so he opened his drawer and pulled out their marriage certificate. He smiled when he read her name, Jazmine Nicole O’Neal.

.” Chief Smith knocked at the open door with papers clutched in his hands.

“Yes, Smith.” Javier placed the document back in his desk, and
then looked up.

“I didn’t know you went and got yourself married
,” Smith said with a smirk on his face.

“What?” He arched his brow, entwined his fingers, and leaned forward.

“I didn’t mean to be noisy, but Petty Officer Coleman said she needed you to sign your dependency data form, since your marital status changed over a month ago.” He stepped over the threshold, right in front of his desk. “Sorry if I overstepped.”

“Relax.” He extended his hand
, and took the document from Smith’s hand.

“I just didn’t think you would get married.”

Javier gave a small chuckle. “I never thought I would get married either.”

“What changed?”

“She’s pregnant.” He decided to give that part away, because in a few months, they’ll see him with a baby.

He sat in the chair to the right of Javier desk. “You knocked her up?”

“Something like that.” He signed the document. “Here, I’m done talking about my personal life.” He didn’t have to explain shit to anyone.

Chief Smith got up. “I forgot you keep your personal life private.”

“That’s the best way to survive in this game.” He played on his keyboard, trying to get Smith out of his workspace. He knew the office would eventually find out; they had to do the paper work for his dependents. He’d already taken her to get her identification card, and her first appointment at the Naval hospital was last week. He got to see his son for the first time, and the baby was sucking his thumb.

Smith sauntered to the door. “See you later.”

“ITC Martinez.” Petty Officer White rushed into his office as Chief Smith was leaving.

Javier stared at him, waiting for him to say whatever was so urgent.

“Our local networks just went down,” he stated, a little out of breath.

Javier placed his hands on his desk and pushed to stand
. “Did you check the circuits?” He passed by him.

, chief.”

“Let’s go check it out
.” They exited his office, and White followed him down the narrow hall.






It was seven o’clock in the evening when they finally fixed the problem with the local network. After hours of diagnostic and corrective technique, they were able to get the system back up and running. Now it was eight o’clock, and he was heading home. He thought about getting something to eat, and decided against it, he was too tired.

He knew Jazmine would be locked up in her room working
; it seemed that’s all she did. She never left the apartment. Javier tried to get her out, but she always made up some excuse on why she couldn’t; he wondered why. The only conclusion he could come with was that she was embarrassed to be pregnant, and she was hiding from the world.

He arrived home and parked in his parking space, noticing a red supped-up Honda Ridgeline in his visitors’ space. He stepped out his black Ford 150 and inspected the other vehicle
, it had dark beige interior.

Maybe she has a visitor
, he thought, going up the sideway to his townhouse. 
I did say she could see anyone she wanted to.
For some reason that thought bothered him. He didn’t want to see another man in his house. As he got closer, he heard music.

First a long day at work, and now he could possibly find a man in his house. He placed the key in its hole and turned the doorknob. He strode in, the delicious scent of different foods made his stomach grumble. Then he noticed Jazmine was playing
the playlist from his iPod.  He could hear her murder the lyrics to Marc Anthony’s song,
‘Vivir Mi Vida,
’ and she didn’t have a clue what she was singing.

e ambled to the kitchen area, stopped, and chuckled softly. Jazmine was dancing to the music. She surprised him with her moves as she danced salsa. Jazmine was pretty good. Her back was turned to him. She opened the refrigerator, and with the help of the door she seductively grinded down, and then up. Javier couldn’t help it; he ogled her round, firm ass,
stop looking
. She closed the fridge and began dancing again, and he took that opportunity to silently pace forward.

He too started dancing behind her, and gently placed his hands around her waist, making her jump in surprise. “It’s me,” he
softly voiced before she slowly turned around.

They gazed at each other for a couple
of seconds without saying a word.

“Come on
. Dance with me.” He took her hands in his, still moving his hips.

She smiled, placing her hands behind his neck. “How long have you been watching me?”

“Let’s just say, I didn’t know you could dance salsa.” He took her left hand in his and twirled her around. “And you need to stop singing in Spanish.” His chuckle was deep.

Jazmine smacked him on the chest with her right hand, and giggled. “Whatever, I can sing.”

He arched his brow. “If you say so.” That’s when he noticed her nose wrinkled every time she giggled.

“I do
.” She kept tittering, making her stomach jiggle.

Javier was getting use to coming home to someone. He never thought it was possible. He enjoyed his space
, that’s why he only had one bedroom, but Jazmine was making him see things differently. He now knew he could share his life with someone without feeling like less of a man because he couldn’t give them a child. Maybe it was time for him to find a good woman and settle down. Jazmine had been living with him for over a month, and every morning she placed a note in his pocket with a smile, thank you, or just a nice quote. When he was having a stressful day, he would take out her note for the day, and read it. He’d collected all the notes in his desk at work.

.” He gazed at her, caressing her fingers.

?” Jazmine stared into his eyes. He saw something there, her eyes sparkled with desire; maybe—he must be tired. Jazmine would never see him that way.

“For making my day better with your smile.” The song ended, and she pulled away.

“Are you hungry?” Jazmine wasn’t able to look at him.

“I’m starving. What did you cook?”
He came up behind her as she uncovered the pots.




Jazmine was losing it,
damn hormones.
He was too close to her; Javier’s cologne was driving her insane. He was a fine specimen, why couldn’t she have met him under different circumstances.  She knew it was him when he wrapped his large hands around her waist—she knew his touch from anyone else’s. When she turned and stared into his astonishing clear, hazel-blue eyes, she was lost for a moment. Her hands burned, feeling his muscular chest as she creped them up to his neck. And now, he was standing behind her, in that damn uniform, looking sexy as hell.

“I made chicken, macaroni and cheese, and corn
,” she said without facing him.

“Is the mac from scratch?”

“Of course.” She started serving him.

He leaned his chin on her shoulder
. “It smells delicious.”

She didn’t dare move, the goose bumps crept up on her.
Where is this coming from?

’ by John Legend, came on.

“Come on
, one more dance.” He sensually moved from side to side.

Damn he can dance
, too.

His hands circled her waist again caressing her stomach. She couldn’t resist
, she started moving side to side.

Javier stepped a little closer and whispered in her ear
, “Is this okay?”

She placed her head on his chest, and moaned, “
Yes…” Her nipples were getting hard. Jazmine closed her eyes and got lost in the sensations he was causing. Her moves became more sensual, and he followed her lead.

He kept his hand
s on her stomach, never disrespecting her, but she could feel his erection on her ass, making her clit tingle. That was the first time since the rape her body felt anything in the form of pleasure. After the rape, her whole body shut down. She didn’t even want to think about sex—it disgusted her. Anytime someone touched her she cringed, but not with Javier; his touch made her happy, the way his fingers felt on her face, neck; it was different. He was the only one that made her forget her attackers.  Jazmine needed to stop these feelings before she made a fool of herself.

“I’m hungry
.” She stepped away from his embrace. She turned around, and Javier was gazing at her; his eyes were a shade darker, and she swore she saw a wanting in them.

Jazmine moved away, grabbing two plates. She was nervous as she finished serving them with shaky hands. He exited the kitchen without saying a word
, and she heard the bedroom door close. She took a deep breath.






Javier hastily went into the bathroom. What was wrong with him
? She’d been through too much for him to be lusting after her. He took off his uniform and stepped into the shower.

He turned on the spray of water, stepping underneath, trying to calm down. Javier placed his right hand on his cock, and
then began gently stroking it.
Monica, where are you when I need you?
he thought. But the person he imagined touching him had small, soft, mocha hands. He closed his eyes. Jazmine was down on her knees, smiling up at him with those luscious lips. She kissed the base of his cock and started running her tongue down his balls. In one swift move, his cock was in her delicious mouth, taking him in and out, using her hands. She took him as deep in her throat as she could. He opened his eyes, and his hand was urgently stroking his dick, his balls tightened. Javier grunted as spurts of sperm hit the shower wall. He was weak for a few minutes; he had to get it together. Javier placed both hands on the wall, the water hitting his back.

This is only about the baby, nothing more. I need to get laid
—I think it’s time to call Monica,
he thought.




Jazmine looked up from the dining room table when he strolled in.

“You didn’t have to wait
.” Javier pulled out the chair and sat down.

“I wanted to.” She picked up her fork and started eating.

Javier grabbed his fork, and then tasted her macaroni and cheese. “Damn girl, this is delicious.” He began devouring his meal.

“Thanks, I’m a freaking good cook
.” She giggled.

Whose truck?” He watched her as he took another bite.

“Mine,” she wiped her mouth with the napkin. “I had a co-worker drive it down for me and leave it at the airport.”

He put his fork down. “If you needed a car, we could’ve rented one.”

“For three
and a half months? I’m good.”

“Why do you need a car anyways
, when you don’t even leave the house?” He continued to eat his chicken.

“I have to do a couple of focus group sessions, and I do go out.”

“Going to doctor’s appointments isn’t going out.”

“I like staying in.” She took a sip of water. “You were late tonight.”

“Long day. The local network was down a few hours, and I needed to have it up before I left.” He grabbed his cup.

“You’re a
n Information Technician.” He nodded. “So, when I have computer issues you can help me.”

“Of course
.” He took a sip of his ice tea and stared at her over the rim.

“Any more bad dreams?”

“No,” he answered sternly. “I rarely have them.”

She gazed at him. “Javier
, you’ve sacrificed so much being in the Navy. Have you ever thought about getting out?” she asked with concern in her tone.

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