Love...Among The Stars: Book 4 in the Love...Series (Love Series) (35 page)




Will Laura find her real father?

Will Poppy eat her own bodyweight in donuts?

Will Jamie look good in a Stetson?


Find out in the next book:


Across The Pond.




About the author:



Nick Spalding is an author who, try as he might, can't seem to write anything serious.


Before becoming a full-time author, he worked in the communications industry, mainly in media and marketing. As talking rubbish for a living can get tiresome (for anyone other than a politician), he thought he'd have a crack at writing comedy fiction - with a very agreeable level of success so far, it has to be said. Nick has now sold over half a million books, and still can't quite believe his luck.


Nick lives in the South of England with his fiancée. He recently had to turn 40 - and is rather annoyed at the universe because it gave him no choice in the matter; he also suffers from the occasional bout of insomnia, is addicted to Thai food, and still thinks Batman is cool.


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