Read Lover of My Dreams Online

Authors: Lynnette Bernard

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

Lover of My Dreams (29 page)

To his relief, the more time he spent here, the more determined he was to carry through with his plans. Having a practice in the mountains would not include having a life with Allison, and he was pretty happy about that fact as well.

He watched Rachel work and thought about how far she had come in her career. She was an accomplished, published writer, and he wondered what her desires for the future were.

“What about you?” he asked, truly interested. “Is your writing career your life or do you want to get married and have a family?”

Rachel blushed but looked at him without blinking. “I’ve learned to accept what comes and not wish for things to happen,” she told him, returning her attention to laptop.

Sam’s brows furrowed in confusion.
What the hell does that mean?
Rachel’s head was bent to her task of writing, and he knew that their discussion had been ended.

Time seemed to disappear. Rachel worked on her novel, and Sam read his medical text for nearly an hour. He closed the textbook finally and leaned back against the pillows, listening to the steady sound of the rain against the top of the camper. He watched her silently and smiled at the way her face showed every emotion as she wrote. The lantern light glowed softly and he found himself seeing her through a misty haze, much as he had seen her in his dream, and his body tightened with desire at the memory.



“Look at me, honey.”

Rachel looked up at him, removing her glasses and placing them on the table beside her laptop. She waited patiently for Sam to tell her whatever it was that he wanted to tell her.

“Come here,” he said finally.

“Why?” There was wariness in her tone. What could he possibly want?

“Please, come here,” he said softly.

Carefully easing out of the bench seat, she climbed up to sit beside him on the bed. She reached out and touched his forehead lightly. He didn’t feel warm.

“What’s wrong, Sam?” she asked, brushing his wet hair off of his forehead.

“Nothing, now that you’re here,” he said honestly.

She laughed and tugged at his hair lightly. “You’re crazy,” she told him, turning to go back to her seat at the table.

Before she could move, Sam reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pulled her gently toward him and settled her beside him on the bed, carefully covering her body with his.

“I’ve missed holding you, honey,” he told her softly, smiling at the surprise on her face. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get another good night sleep without you in my arms.”

“Yeah, right,” she told him, laughing.

“I’m serious, Rachel,” he told her, leaning forward to kiss her lips lightly. “I was able to sleep peacefully last night because you were in my arms. You relaxed me.” He smiled down at her and laughed softly. “Actually, you made me hard.”

“I did?” she asked, astonished.


He reached down and took her hand in his, drawing it to his lips and kissing her knuckles lightly. When he drew her index finger into his mouth and sucked on it gently, she felt a pull in her stomach and a gush of liquid bathed pussy.

The sudden memory of him licking her fingers clean after she had gathered her cream for him flashed through her mind. Embarrassment flooded her as she realized that it was a memory of what she had done the night before.

“Sam,” she whispered. “What did I do last night?”

“You wanted me to make love to you,” he told her gently, leaning forward and kissing her lips lightly once again.

“Did I…um…did you…” She couldn’t say the words.

“What, baby? Did I what?”

“Did you lick my fingers last night?”

“Yes,” he whispered. “I loved the taste of your cream, sweetheart. I want to taste it directly from your body. Will you allow me to do that, baby?”

“You want to…” she stammered, unable to finish her thought.

“Very much,” he answered without hesitation.

“I don’t know what to say,” she said finally.

“Say yes,” he whispered as he covered her body with his and settled his hips in the cradle of her thighs. He rubbed against her lightly, pressing against her core with his hard shaft. “Can you feel how much I want you, baby?”

Rachel nodded, unable to speak.

“Please, honey. I want to taste you.”

Rachel thought she would actually die right then.

Holy crap! He really wants to taste me! Can I do this? Won’t this ruin our friendship? I love him. I want him. Do I have the courage to love him like I want to?

Looking up at him, she touched his face gently, tracing his strong jawline and smiling at the scruff of his beard.

“So sexy,” she whispered, glad when he smiled at her words. “Can I taste you?”

His responding growl made her jump. When he took her mouth in the most intense kiss she had ever received, she couldn’t help but moan at the completely wonderful and decadent way he made her feel. She loved how he sucked at her lip, biting on her lower lip lightly before easing away the sting with his tongue. His tongue tangled with hers, drawing hers into his mouth and sucking on it with an intensity that made her clit throb in response.

“You’re going to make me come just from your kiss,” she whispered against his face when he pulled back to give her a moment to breathe.

He looked down at her with a smug smile. “I’ll do that next time,” he told her. “Right now, I have other ideas.”

Rachel laughed as he wiggled his eyebrows at her. “What kind of ideas?” she asked, teasing him.

All laughter stopped as he reached for the hem of her pink sweatshirt and slid it slowly up her body, pulling it over her head and staring down at her with undisguised appreciation. He reached out and palmed her heavy breasts, groaning softly at the feel of them in his hands. He ran the pads of his thumbs across the underside of each creamy mound before slowly circling her nipples. Leaning forward, he kissed the center of her chest before doing the same to each of her breasts, gently laving at the bite marks that marred the beauty of her skin. The thought of Rachel’s pain and humiliation served to cool his ardor.

“Baby, I’m so sorry you were hurt,” he whispered, looking at her and seeing the way her eyes filled with emotions. “I promise you, I will never hurt you.”

“I know you won’t, Sam,” Rachel whispered. “I don’t want to think about what happened. I want to think about you.”

Sam nodded and leaned forward to kiss her lips lightly before traveling slow kisses down her neck to nuzzle against her breasts once again. “So beautiful,” he told her gently.

“Sam,” Rachel moaned. When he latched on to her left nipple, sparks shot through her and she arched her back to get closer to him.

“Rachel, I want to make love to you,” he told her quietly, easing back to look down at her.

Rachel smiled up at him, reaching up to thread her fingers through his hair and hold him tightly. His words made her heart race. Could she do this? Could she allow their friendship to be jeopardized by moving forward to something more intimate?

“I want that, too,” she whispered. “I just don’t want to lose our friendship, Sam. Please.”

Sam smiled tenderly at her, leaning forward and kissing her lips lightly. “We won’t lose our friendship,” he told her after a moment. “I think our friendship is a good foundation for us to build something more.”

“I would like that,” Rachel said quietly.

“Me, too,” Sam told her seriously.

“Are you sure, Sam?” Rachel asked, concerned. She didn’t want to be his rebound affair. She wanted so much more.

“I’m sure. What about you?”

Rachel nodded, wrapping her arms around him and drawing him closer. “I’ve never been surer about anything,” she whispered against his temple, kissing it lightly.

Sam smiled against her shoulder, something in him easing at her words. He could feel his entire body relaxing as her warmth and gentleness surrounded him. He knew that it would always be this way for them, and he looked forward to a lifetime of being in Rachel’s arms.

“I don’t have any condoms,” he whispered. “I never expected to have any kind of a physical relationship this summer.”

Rachel smiled at his admission. She didn’t want to think about Sam being with any other woman. She wanted to keep him all to herself.

“I don’t have any condoms either,” she told him, smiling at the soft laughter that escaped Sam at her words.

“I’m clean,” he told her quietly.

“I am, too,” she said, her words ending on a moan as he kissed his way across her chest and drew her nipple into his mouth to flick the tip with his tongue.

She loved this man with her whole heart and soul. She needed to touch and love him for whatever time she had with him. She was tired of keeping her feelings to herself. She was tired of denying any moment of closeness with him. She knew he cared about her. It was also obvious that he desired her. She didn’t know if he would ever feel the deep love for her that she felt for him, but she would love him enough for the both of them—even if it was just for now. Maybe that would change. She hoped that it would. She could easily see a future loving Sam McCoy.

“Sam,” she moaned, carding her fingers through his hair and holding him firmly against her body.

She didn’t need to try and keep him close to her. That was exactly what he planned to do. As he suckled each nipple and kissed each breast, he pictured how beautiful she would be nursing their babies. He wanted that with her.

Kissing his way down the center of her chest, he reached up and hooked his fingers into the waistband of her pink sweats and slowly dragged them and her underwear down her body to push them gently over her flared hips. He kissed her belly tenderly, knowing that someday their child would be growing within her. He had every belief that his dream of their future would be their reality.

Kissing her hips, he thought about how sexy their flare was and knew that it was a good trait for Rachel to have so she would be able to give birth more easily. He bit down lightly on her left hip and smiled at the immediate moan that left her lips. She was a responsive lover. Good.

Pulling her sweatpants from her body, he shouldered her legs apart and rested his head on her right thigh, reaching up to cover her mound with his hand and slip his thumb between her delicate folds. Her responding gasp of pleasure made him smile. Kissing the crease of her leg, he nuzzled her dark curls with his nose and breathed in her scent, loving the sweet perfume of her arousal.

“Baby, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he spread her lips and saw the glistening pink folds of her pussy. Cream was already dripping from her channel.

Leaning forward, he laved the delicate folds to gather her cream and hummed in appreciation at her taste. Pointing his tongue, he speared inside of her as far as he could go to gather more of her wetness. Pulling back slightly, he ran his tongue through her channel again and continued up to the swollen bundle of nerves of her clit.

“Such a pretty, clit,” he whispered, just before he swirled around it and drew it into his mouth to suck on it firmly.

Rachel’s hips rose and a gasp escaped her at the incredible feelings Sam was pulling from her. When his tongue circled her clit over and over again, sucking on it and pressing against it with just the right amount of pressure, she could feel her orgasm building.

She slapped her hands onto the mattress and gripped the sheets, moaning softly as she raced toward the ultimate release that Sam was so intent on giving her. Before she could tell him that she was about to come, she felt him press deep inside of her with his fingers, touching her G-spot and flicking at her clit at the same time. That was all she needed.

She opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out. Her hips rose up as the pleasure of her orgasm tore through her. Her clit throbbed and cream gushed from her channel. She was vaguely aware of Sam lapping up her release and humming against her wet curls, but she was completely drained of all strength and couldn’t do anything except touch his hair lightly.

When he kissed his way up her body, she felt his cock nudging against her core. He still wore his sweatpants and she had a moment of sadness that he wasn’t deep inside of her. She looked up at him and smiled.

“That was incredible. Thank you,” she finally whispered.

“My pleasure,” he said, smiling down at her. “You taste delicious.”

Leaning forward, he kissed her and shared her taste. She should have been embarrassed by it, but she wasn’t. It was just another instance of sharing something with Sam that she had never shared with anyone else.

“My turn,” she whispered against his mouth, smiling at his groan of desire.

He eased back and looked down at her. “You don’t have to, Rachel,” he told her quietly.

“I know I don’t have to,” she said as she reached up to touch his face and caress his cheek lightly. “I want to. Please.”

Sam laughed as he sat back and knelt between her legs. “So polite,” he teased her.

His laughter morphed into a groan as Rachel reached up and palmed his shaft through his sweatpants. He was so hard, he ached.

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