Love's Abyss (St. John Series) (26 page)




Madison inhaled as she looked out the window towards the ocean. She placed her hand on her swollen stomach and began to rub. What a scandal she caused when she married the Governor’s son only three short weeks after the Commodore’s death. She smiled as she remembered the shock. She wasn’t sure if her marriage or her pregnancy caused the most shock. She knew everyone was counting the months, trying to figure out who the baby belonged to . . . the Commodore, Nicholas, or that dreadful pirate, Alex. A sentimental rush warmed her heart for the wildly romantic experiences they shared on
The Abyss

Alex refused to live at the Commodore’s house, which was fine by Madison. He had talked another resident into “swapping” houses and land so to speak. He even sold his house at Nassau to Max to make up the price difference in the two properties, or that was his excuse. They both knew he had the money to cover the difference; it was just an excuse to give Max and Kristina a permanent home to raise their child. Once the house was his, Max took over the Nassau office of Emerald Shipping as well as protective services of shipments, per her father’s and Nicholas’s insistence, so that Nicholas and she could reside near their parents. Madison could not figure out why her father was so adamant to have Max become a part of the family business. He actually fought harder than Nicholas to persuade Jonathan into allowing his employment.

Madison looked around the room and took a long sigh. She loved their new home. It faced the ocean, the place where she first met Alex.

“Are you all right, Madison?”

She turned to her husband.

“I’m fine, just a little excited. I haven’t seen Kris since the wedding,” she said.

“Well, I can assure you just as soon as the business at the docks is taken care of, Max and Kris will be here.”

“I just want to see the baby.”

“You’ll have one of your own soon enough.”

“You’re rotten, you know that, right? It’s your baby, too, you know?”

“Really? I thought you cheated on me with that pirate . . . what was his name?” he said as he scratched his chin. “Ow,” he said as she hit his arm. “Oh yes, I remember now, Alex.”

There was a knock at the door. “Rotten to the core,” Madison threw over her shoulder as she answered the knock.

“Surprise!” Kris said.

“Kris!” Madison exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around her friend. She began looking around. “Where’s the baby?”

“With her father,” she said. “Max refuses to let her out of his sight. He’s already afraid some boy may start stealing her heart. She’s only two months old, for Pete’s sake.”

“You have to start early. I know how these boys think,” Max said as he entered.

“Give her here, give her here,” Madison said as she took the baby girl from Max’s arms.

“Hello there, little Sophia,” Madison said as she looked at the tiny baby. “Oh, she’s gorgeous!”

Nicholas crossed the room to peer at the child. “Well, I’ll be damned,” Nicholas said. “You do make a pretty baby, Max. She must take after her mother.”

“Shut up. You just wait. When your daughter is born, I will say the same thing.”

“It’s a boy,” Nicholas said.

“How do you know?” Max asked.

“Just a feeling. I had the same one with Samuel.”

“Speaking of which, where is he?”

“With Nicholas’s parents,” Madison said. “He’s taking a fancy to Helen’s lady’s maid.”

“Heaven help her if he’s anything like Alex.” Max laughed.

“Who’s that,” Nicholas asked with a grin.

Madison giggled. “I hear you on that one, Max.” Suddenly, Madison’s expression changed.

“Are you all right?” Kris asked.

“Here, take Sophia,” Madison said as she quickly handed the baby to Kris.

“What’s wrong?” Nicholas asked with a concerned expression.

“Nothing . . . I, OWWW!” Madison said as she doubled over.

“Madison!” Nicholas said as he raced to his wife’s side.

A gush of pink fluid came from between Madison’s legs. “Alex?” she said, calling him by the name she used only in private or when she was frightened.

“It’s time!” Kris said excitedly as she handed Max the baby and rushed to Madison’s side.

“Mrs. Potts!” Kris yelled.

The short plump happy housekeeper came rushing into the room. “Yes . . . Oh, my goodness!” she said as she spied Madison’s condition. “Quickly, take her into the back bedroom.”

Alex gently picked up his wife and carried her to the room. Laying her down on the bed, he took her hand. The pain in Madison’s eyes tore him into. He placed a kiss on her forehead.

“Out,” Mrs. Potts instructed. “Out, out, out. This is no place for a man.”

“But,” Nicholas began.

“No buts,” said the housekeeper.

“Come, Alex,” Kris said as she took him by his hand and led him out the door to Max. “Max, he’s yours now.”

Nicholas looked at his friend. “You need a drink,” Max informed him. “Trust me, I know,” he said as he looked down at the tiny baby in his arms. Never in a million years did Alex ever dream of the day when he would find Max holding and doting over a baby.

Max walked over to a tall cabinet and took out a bottle of rum. He smiled as he looked at it. “Still can’t beat it,” he opened the bottle one-handed and poured two glasses. He carried one over to Alex and then returned for the other.

“I should be in there with her.”

“It’s best if you’re not. They have a tendency to say some things during labor that would even make my hair curl. Kris did anyway.”

“I’m sure she did.”

“Drink. It’s going to be a long day. I’ll send one of your staff to inform her parents and yours.”

“Her mother is home and her father traveled to Port Royal on business. He should be home later this evening. My parents went to visit my aunt but should return in the morning.” Nicholas took the glass from Max, “Thanks.”

Madison’s labor lasted well into the night.

Nicholas had paced the floor so many times, the rug began to fray. Kris came out several times during the course of the evening to inform them of Madison’s progress and to feed her baby.

Robert arrived around midnight. When he entered the house the tension increased. He had been acting strangely towards Max ever since the night Madison was “rescued”. Robert crossed the room to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a glass of brandy. He took a sip and headed to an empty chair. He watched as Nicholas paced the floor. His eyes then turned to the gigantic man holding the tiny infant. “Your daughter?”

Max nodded his head. “Sophia,” he said.

Robert walked over and looked down at the baby. She was beautiful with her bronze complexion and black hair. Her long black lashes fluttered as she fought sleep.  Sophia gooed, grabbed Max’s finger and pulled it to her mouth.  “She looks like her mother,” he said.

Max said nothing as the tiny baby tightened her grip and gummed his finger.

“You know,” Robert began. “Men always say they want boys, to carry on their name. But when a daughter comes along, you realize there is nothing like them. They wrap you around their tiny fingers with the first look and don’t let go.”

Max smiled. “Yeah, I know what you mean. I would kill any man who would so much as lay a finger on her.”

Robert placed his hand on Max’s shoulder. “You feel that way with
your children. If you or Kris require anything, just let me know.” Max looked at Robert strangely. “You know . . . ,” he said nervously, “as a way . . . a way of saying thank you . . . for all that you have done and still continue to do for my daughter and Emerald Shipping.” Pride was obvious in the older man’s eyes.

There was a loud scream and a sound of crying broke the tension in the room. Nicholas looked at Max. “It’s not mine,” Max said.

Nicholas took off towards the back room and burst through the door, nearly knocking Cassandra down. “Hey,” replied the outspoken maid. Nicholas ignored her complaint and scanned the room for his wife. Madison was lying on the bed, drenched in sweat and out of breath. He raced to her. “Madison?”

She looked up at him and smiled. “Isn’t she beautiful?” she said.

“She?” Alex whispered breathlessly.

“Your daughter,” she whispered.

Elizabeth crossed the room to him. She was carrying a tiny baby cloaked in a soft white blanket. “Your daughter,” Elizabeth repeated.

“My daughter?” he said, still in disbelief.

Elizabeth placed the tiny girl in Nicholas’s arms. “I’ll leave you two,” she said as she exited the room with Kris.

Nicholas looked down at the tiny infant. Her eyes were closed allowing her long red lashes to fall on her cheeks. “She’s beautiful,” he said as his heart became full and a tear formed in his eye. “Just like her mother.”

He sat down on the side of the bed and placed the baby in Madison’s arms. “What should we name her?”

“Alexandra,” Madison said. “We’ll call her Alex, after her father.”

“I knew you were cheating on me,” he said.

“Well, yes, but only with a more handsome man, of course,” she teased. “Someone rugged with a short-short beard.” She ran her finger over his beard, just short enough to allow his skin to be seen beneath.

He looked down at his daughter again and then looked into Madison’s eyes and fell deeper into love’s abyss.

About The Author


Lora Thomas
is a longtime reader of romance novels. By accepting a challenge from her husband, she began writing romance novels. Born in Kentucky, she grew up in Owingsville, a small town in Eastern Kentucky. She graduated from Morehead State University with degrees in Business, Health Promotion and Nursing. Today, Lora resides in Northeast Kentucky on her family’s farm with her husband, son and several family pets.





If you enjoyed this book, please watch for my next books


  • A Pirate’s Heart—
    the story of Max and Kristina


  • The Wild Bell—
    the story of Madison’s brother, Michael St. John, and Andrea Craycraft, a South Carolina plantation owner’s daughter.


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