Love's Sweet Surrender (15 page)

Read Love's Sweet Surrender Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Romance, #Western, #Fiction

“Here we are.” He stated the obvious, stopping the wagon in front of her house and wrapping the reins around the brake. He jumped down and made his way around the other side of the wagon to help Lily. Taking her hand, he pulled it from the death grip she had on the wagon seat. When he looked up into those pools of green, he almost lost himself in the desire reflected in her gaze. Chastising himself for his thoughts and knowing she had probably never been with a man before, he couldn’t bring himself to pursue things further with her.
She doesn't know what she's doing to me with the looks she
keeps giving me.

“You need to stop looking at me like that,” he said, grasping her around the waist and swinging her down from the wagon seat.

“I’m sorry?”

He let her go once her feet were solidly on the ground.

“You need to stop looking at me like that,” he repeated, slipping her hand into the crook of his arm, grabbing the basket from the back of the wagon and escorting her to the door.

Confusion skittered across her eyes, and he fought the urge to show her exactly what she did to him.

She slipped her hand loose and reached inside her bag to remove the key but froze when her gaze fixed on the window.

“Something wrong?”

“I didn’t leave any lamps burning when I left this morning. I never do.

It’s too much of a fire hazard, but there is one burning on the table there now,” she said in a small, frightened whisper.

Seth became instantly alert to the possible danger that lurked in her house. He pulled out his gun and tried the front door. It was still locked.

“Stay right here. I’m going around back to check things out,” Seth demanded in a ragged whisper. She nodded, and he silently scooted along the side of the house until he could see around the back.

When he reached his destination, he could see the back door of the house still stood open and creaking in the small breeze blowing through the trees. He scooted along the back until he could see inside. He couldn't see Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Sandy Sullivan

anyone moving about as he slowly pushed the door open and slipped inside without making a sound.

He realized once he was in the house, he'd entered through the door leading to the kitchen area. Peering around corners and peeking through doorways, he checked the entire house and found no one about. He walked to the front door, unlatched it, and Lily screamed when he swung it open.

Having already put away his gun, he quickly grabbed her around the waist and put a hand over her mouth.

“Shhhh,” he said, and she stopped squirming. “It’s me. If I let go now, will you not scream?”

She nodded, and when he let go of her mouth, she chastised him. “You scared me half to death!”

“Sorry. I didn’t want you to scream again and alert the whole town.

There isn’t anyone here. I checked the entire house, but the back door was still open when I went around.”

The bright flush to her cheeks and the anger sparkling in her eyes drew him to her.

“Well, you could have warned me! For all I knew, whoever was in here hit you over the head and now was grabbing me to drag me back inside the house.”

When he let her go, she moved into the house and lit the lamps. She gasped when she saw the damage left by the intruders. “Oh my! Look what they’ve done!”

She reached the living room, and tears started to roll down her cheeks.

A porcelain sculpture lay shattered in hundreds of pieces on the floor. “It’s my ship!” She sank down on the floor amongst the pieces, picking up each one in turn and putting them into her skirt.

“It’s just a sculpture, Lily. You can buy another one.”

“It wasn’t just a ship, Seth. This was my prize possession. I brought it with me from Boston. It was a sculpture of one of the ships like my real father worked on before he died. I found it shortly before I left, and it meant the world to me. Now it’s shattered in a hundred pieces.”

Seth felt totally lost. Her tears stung his heart as she sat on the floor crying over a piece of porcelain. He couldn’t understand her attachment to this particular piece when it appeared that there were several pieces broken.

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Love’s Sweet Surrender


She only seemed to see this one sculpture that obviously meant so much to her.

Even Victoria’s tears hadn’t had this effect on him. She had learned years ago to turn on and off her tears to get him to do what she wanted, but this girl, this woman’s tears sliced his heart to ribbons.

“Come on, Lily,” he murmured as he walked over to where she sat carefully picking up each piece on the floor. “You need to get up off the floor before you cut yourself with all this glass.”

“I can’t! Don’t you see? I have to pick up all the pieces so I can try to put it back together!”

“I’ll help you then. Look. Your hands are bleeding,” Seth said tenderly.

Once she stood next to him, they walked to a small table nearby to place the pieces she had gathered in her skirt.

“How could anyone do this, Seth? How could someone invade my home like this and maliciously break my things? They had no right!”

He took the small pieces of porcelain and placed them on the table. “No, they didn’t, Lily, but it’s done now.” He picked up the remaining pieces from the floor and placed them on the table as well.

Her eyes pleading, she turned her terrified gaze to him and clung to his shirt. “But what if they come back? What if they come here when I’m sleeping?”

“I’m sure they are done for the night. Remember, this is exactly why you wanted me to teach you to shoot.”

“I know, but I just don’t know whether I could shoot anyone, even if it meant my own life.”

“You wouldn’t have to shoot anyone, sweetheart. You would only have to shoot at them, and they’d probably leave you alone.” He tried to relieve her fears, but in his heart, he knew the kind of men who would invade a woman’s home would be after more than just a few trinkets.

“But what if they didn’t leave when I shot at them? What if they were after more than just the few things I have here? What if they were after…”

He felt her shudder at the thought as she continued to cling to him in her fright. “It’s going to be all right,” he whispered, pulling her closer to his chest. She buried her head against his shoulder. “I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise. I’ll post a guard by your house day and night if you want me to.”

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Sandy Sullivan

“I’m so scared. I never thought I’d have to be frightened, but I am. A young woman living alone in this lawless town wasn't a good idea. Maybe I was too quick to make a decision about moving here. Maybe I should have stayed in Boston.”

Her terrified words cut his heart. “Don’t say that, Lily. You haven’t made a mistake by coming here. I think you just came here with blinders on, and now they are off. You are a strong woman, and I know you’ll do fine.

It’s just going to take some time to get used to how things are done around here.”

He needed to reassure her and himself. He didn’t know what he would do if she left, but when she tipped her head back and he looked into her eyes, his heart slammed against his ribs.

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” he murmured, brushing the tears from her cheek. “It will be fine, I promise.”

He lost himself in the pool of green that her eyes had become. The tears glistened on her lashes like diamonds in the sun, and the soft sigh that escaped her lips while she stared up at him was his undoing. He couldn’t stop himself from kissing her even if he wanted to. Remembering how soft her lips were under his made the temptation just too much to bear. He slipped his hands in her hair, letting it wrap itself around his fingers as the pins holding it in place scattered on the floor around them. He waited for her to stop him, step away, anything that would give him the notion she didn’t want this, but nothing came.

He slowly dipped his head and took her mouth, caressed her lips, and slid his softly over hers. They stood in her living room with scattered glass all around them, and he was lost in the feeling of her lips. He deepened the kiss while his mouth continued its onslaught. When her soft moan reached his ears and her lips parted slightly, his tongue took advantage and began to dance with hers as he pulled her even closer.

Lord, how I want this woman! Even Victoria wasn't able to stir my
blood to this fevered pitch.
His mind raced back to his wife, and he pulled himself away from the woman in his arms.

“I… uh… I better go. I’ll post a guard,” was all he said before he turned to leave.

“Seth, wait!”

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Love’s Sweet Surrender


After he had reached the front door and pulled it open, he turned back to look at her. She stood there in the lamp light, with her hair mussed and tangled around her shoulders and her lips swollen from his kisses, and all he could mutter was, “I’m sorry,” as he turned and walked away, softly closing the door behind him.

Once he reached the wagon, he pulled himself up into the seat, grabbed the reins in his hands and turned the wagon toward home. He knew having her around was a mistake, but he couldn’t seem to help himself these days.

Before he left town, he quickly stopped the wagon at the sheriff’s office to report the break in at Lily’s and asked him to post a guard. He had a bad feeling about this, and he didn’t want her hurt. If nothing else, he cared that much about her.

“Hey, sheriff,” Seth said, jumping down in front of the office.

“What are you doing out this time of night, Seth?”

“I was bringing Mrs. Backman back home. Believe it or not, she asked me to teach her how to shoot.”

“She what?”

“Yeah, she got a little nervous the other night with a saloon being so close to her back door, so she asked me to teach her how to shoot.”

Frustration zipped through him and he turned his gaze toward the saloon.
could sure use a drink right now. That would certainly cool my ardor, but
then again, so would a very willing woman. Problem is, I don’t want just
any woman, I want the beautiful one I just left behind.

“Could you do me a favor and post a man at her house?”

“Why? Is there a problem?”

“Yeah, her place got broke into tonight.”

“No one was hurt, were they?”

“No. There wasn't anyone home at the time, but some of her things got broken, and the place was torn up pretty good. I would just feel better if someone watched her place tonight.”

“Not a problem, Seth. I’ll have my deputy go over there.”

“Thanks. It would make me feel better about leaving her alone.”

The sheriff raised a questioning eyebrow in Seth’s direction, but Seth chose to ignore it as he turned to hop back onto the wagon seat. Tipping his hat, he pulled the wagon around and headed for home.

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Sandy Sullivan

Chapter Eleven

Lily stood in stunned silence when the wagon pulled away from her front door. She lifted her fingers to her lips, which still tingled from Seth’s kiss, and then slowly dropped her hand to the lock on the door and slid it into place.

In somewhat of a daze she wandered around the house picking up the things that had toppled over. There was a chair turned over, a drawer lying on the floor with scattered papers nearby, and broken glass. She took the broom and swept everything into a pile.

Her thoughts were not her own now as she wandered mindlessly about the house. All she could think about was the kiss Seth had left on her lips before he turned his back on her and walked out the door. Her wanton behavior ricocheted around in her head, and she got angry, very angry.

Angry at Seth? Angry at herself? She wasn’t sure, but she knew one thing.

How dare he treat me like some harlot to be played with and then toss me
aside like I have no feelings at all?

The more she pondered it, the angrier she got.

Several minutes later, a soft knock sounded at the door, and she jumped.

Nervously, she peered through the curtains near the door and sighed when she realized it was the deputy.

“Evening,” he said when she peered around the door.


“Seth asked me to watch your house tonight. I just wanted to let you know I will be around back off and on to keep an eye on the place.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it.”

She shut the door and pressed her back against the hard surface.
At least
he asked someone to watch the house tonight.

After she picked up the mess and made sure the doors and windows were locked, she headed for her bedroom to try to sleep. The feel of his Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Love’s Sweet Surrender


mouth on hers heated her body in ways she wasn’t familiar with. She continued to relive the feeling over and over, and it became impossible to sleep.

Near dawn she finally gave up going to sleep and got out of her warm bed, tossed on work clothes and went outside to work in the morning sun.

Maybe working with the soil, planting new seedlings and cultivating the earth would soothe her restless soul today. Maybe it would help her keep her mind off Seth Sanford.

Lily managed to keep her thoughts on her tasks for most of the morning.

They hadn’t wandered to the taste of his lips on hers, or how his hands rested on her back and pulled her closer to deepen the kiss. No. She hadn’t thought of that all day!

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