Loving Cara (22 page)

Read Loving Cara Online

Authors: Kristen Proby

Tags: #Western, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General

“I never fucking touched you, and I regret the two dates I was stupid enough to take you out on before I realized what a toxic woman you are. Leave. My woman. Alone. Do you understand me?”

She finally finds her voice, sneers at Josh, and tosses her hair over her shoulder in Misty fashion. “Best thing that ever happened to you?” she asks incredulously. “Bullshit. Look at her. She’s nothing but a fat, ugly bitch!”

“Ignore her,” Zack whispers in my ear as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. “You’re gorgeous.”

Before Josh can respond, Lauren stands, sending her chair crashing behind her, her eyes flashing in anger.

“Shut the fuck up, Misty! The only ugly bitch here is you. I’m so done with your bullshit. Give it a damn rest!”

Misty’s mouth opens and closes in shock, and she watches in horror as Lo marches from behind the table and over to me, pulls me into a hug that shocks the shit out of me, and smiles down at me before stalking away from the scene. As I watch her go, I spy Ty leaning against a tree, watching her go as well, his eyes narrowed and jaw clenched. He looks back over at me and raises his eyebrows, and I just shrug back at him.

“Well, I never!” Misty exclaims, but is drowned out as people begin to clap and whoop and holler.

It seems everyone is sick of Misty’s shit.

Josh turns back to me as Zack lets his arm drop and backs away. Josh cups my face in his hands and kisses me long and slow, his lips soft, claiming me in front of all of these people.

“You’re staying with me this weekend.”

“I can’t. I have to be here all weekend.”

“I’ll cover for you, dear.” Mrs. Baker winks at me, her eyes sparkling with humor. “You should be with your man.”

Josh kisses my cheek and then whispers into my ear, “You’re staying with me.”

He scoops me into his arms and carries me off, garnering more applause and whistles.

I smile up at him and shake my head. “Caveman.”

His eyes grow serious and he shakes his head sharply. “I love you. It’s about time everyone knows it and respects it. I won’t have anyone telling you lies about me, or about what I feel for you.”

“I knew it was all lies, babe.” I kiss his cheek and then rest my head on his shoulder. “But you can carry me around whenever you’d like.”

“Get used to it.”

*  *  *

“Wake up, baby.”

I’m pleasantly warm, cocooned in Josh’s blankets.

And in Josh.

My brain clears enough to realize that I’m waking up with Josh still in bed, naked, wrapped around me.

“Carolina,” he croons to me, kissing my neck and shoulder, his hand roaming up and down my side. “Wake up.”

“You’re here,” I murmur, and turn to face him.

“Where else would I be?” he asks with a grin and drags his fingertips down my cheek to my neck.

“I’ve never woken up with you before.” He brushes his thumb over my chin and then leans in to plant a soft kiss on my lips. “This feels so good.”

“You have to wake up.” He kisses me softly again, pushes his fingers into my hair at the nape of my neck, rubbing rhythmically.

“Why? What time is it?”

“Five.” He winces as my eyes widen.

“Are you waking me up to say good-bye before you go do your morning work?” I sigh as he continues to massage my neck.

“No, I took the weekend off.” He smiles softly, his dimple winking at me, as he leisurely rubs the tip of his nose over mine.

“How is that possible?”

“I need some time with you.”

“Okay,” I whisper.

“Good.” He smiles down at me. “Because I have something to show you.” He kisses my shoulder.

“I’ve seen that before,” I remind him with a laugh.

“Not that.” He laughs. “Let’s go.”

“But this is so nice,” I pout, and tighten my arms, trying to keep him still, but he easily pulls away and rolls out of bed. “We should stay here and take advantage of this soft bed and our lack of clothing.”

“Come on, up. It’ll be worth it.” He grins again and winks. “We’ll finish this later.”

“Promise?” I yawn, sit up, and let the covers fall around me.

“I promise.” He pulls his jeans up over his hips. “Hurry, or we’ll miss it.”

“What is it?” I ask, curious now, and pull on my own clothes.

“You’ll see. Come on.”

He pulls me out of the house and to the barn, where Magic is waiting with Louie, wearing a bridle and a blanket draped over her back.

“Mornin’,” Louie murmurs, and smiles down at me.

“Do you people
sleep?” I ask incredulously, earning laughs from both men.

“Not much.” Louie hands the reins over to Josh. “See you on Monday, boss.”

“Up you go.” Josh lifts me easily onto Magic’s back, then swings himself up effortlessly.

“That was kind of hot.” I lean my head back so I can look up at him and smile.

“You’re easy to please, honey.” He kisses my cheek and urges Magic along, out of the barn and across the pasture.

The air is cool in the early morning and dew covers the tall grass brushing my feet. It smells clean, woodsy, as I take a deep breath and inhale it all, the forest ahead, the horse, and the sexy man curved behind me.

“Lean on me, baby. We have about a thirty-minute ride ahead of us.”

“Can I nap?”

“You do enjoy your sleep, don’t you?” he asks wryly.

“Doesn’t everyone?” I ask with a frown.


I lean back, my head resting on his shoulder, and he kisses my cheek, his arms wrapped loosely around my waist, the reins in his fists.

The rhythm of the horse soothes me, but I don’t sleep. We ride in silence, and as twilight breaks overhead, casting everything in gray and blue, Josh stops Magic near a tall maple tree in the middle of a field. The mountains are ahead, dark in shadow, and as we sit on the horse, Josh wrapped around me, the sun begins to rise, sending a riot of color down over the mountains.

Red, orange, and yellow bleed through the sky, interrupted only by a few white clouds.

“My grandmother,” Josh begins in a hushed voice, “used to bring me here very early in the morning, just like this. After my grandfather died, she brought me more often. I think she was lonely.”

I tilt my head back and watch him speak, enjoying the way he feels behind me.

“This is the best view of the sunrise in the world.” His eyes are trained on the mountains, watching as the whole world wakes up.

“But the best part”—he smiles down at me and guides Magic closer to the tree—“is right here. Look closely.”

He points to the trunk of the tree, where there are carvings. Three sets of old-fashioned hearts and initials are carved in the tree. At various heights.

“My great-grandparents”—he points to the set of initials highest on the tree. “My grandparents, and my parents.”

“No Zack and she-who-shall-not-be-named?” I ask sarcastically.

“No.” Josh shakes his head and glances down at me. “Z signed on with the army and they left pretty quickly after they got married.”

“It’s beautiful,” I murmur, looking at the weathered letters and hearts, and then back over at the sunrise. “This is amazing.”

“You are amazing,” he corrects me, and cups my cheek, pulling my lips to his. “I want to spend every sunrise with you, Carolina. Don’t go back to your house next week. Stay with me.”

“We’ve moved fast from the beginning,” I begin, but he shakes his head and frowns down at me.

“Tell me you were fine with sleeping alone last week.”

“I can’t do that.”

“Tell me you didn’t miss me.”

“I can’t do that either.”

“I need you here, baby.” He pushes my hair over my shoulder, his eyes soft and gentle. “I shouldn’t have let you go in the first place.”

“You didn’t let me go . . .”

“Yeah, I did. I’m not going to let it happen again.”

“I’m right here.” I snuggle against him and smile contentedly. “Let’s go home.”

“My pleasure.”

*  *  *

“Okay, I’ll say a word, and you say the first word that comes to mind.” We are sitting on Josh’s couch on Sunday afternoon, him in his sexy gray sweats that hang low on his hips, showing off his sexy V and defined abs and dark skin.

I want to lick him.

I’m in a tight tank and his short boxer-briefs, lying on the opposite side of the couch from him, my feet in his lap.

Those glorious hands of his are kneading the sole of my foot. I want to purr like a kitten.

“Uh, why?” he asks skeptically.

“We’re getting to know each other better.” I switch feet.

“I know you pretty well.” He offers me a playful smile and runs his hand up my calf.

“My head, not my body, perv,” I mutter dryly, making him laugh.

“Okay, shoot.”

“All right.” I settle back into the cushion, my hands on my belly, and watch him happily. “Tractor.”

“Field.” He’s watching his hands on my foot.


“Frame,” he responds absently.


“Friend.” I tilt my head and watch him carefully. He’s still looking down at my feet and legs, and enjoying giving me the massage. His voice is soft and relaxed, and his body is loose and stress-free.


“Love.” I grin at him as he raises his eyes to mine before turning his gaze back down to my legs.


“Cara.” His eyes find mine again, heating up now, and his hands tighten around my ankle. “My turn.”


His hands glide up the side of my leg to my knee and back down again in long, fluid strokes. “Tree.”

“Fall,” I murmur with a smile.



“Jillian.” He tilts his head slightly.

“Crazy.” I laugh.

He grips my leg and pulls me easily down the couch and moves over me, bracing himself on his elbows beside my head and nestling his pelvis against mine. He gently brushes my hair back from my face.

“Cock.” He grins widely.

“Hard.” I wrinkle my nose and circle my hips against him, feeling his hard cock pressed against me.

He sits back on his heels and pulls my shorts off quickly, tugs his sweats down to his knees and returns to me, not filling me yet, just rubbing that hard, long cock through my lips and against my clit.

“Mmm . . .” I moan.

“Shhh, this is my turn.” He brushes his lips over mine softly. “Kiss.”

“Sexy,” I gasp as he moves his hips back and forth, tormenting me.

“Clit,” he whispers, and pushes his hand between us, circling my clit with his middle finger.

“Happy.” I smile up at him and brush my hands down his side.

He sinks into me then, slowly filling me, and then pulls back, only to push inside again, setting a beautiful rhythm of push and pull, setting my core on fire. He kisses down my throat to my breast, sucking my nipple gently into his mouth, worrying it with his teeth and then brushing his tongue back and forth over the hard nub.

“Oh my,” I murmur, running my fingertips up and down his back.

“Shhh.” He pulls the other nipple into his mouth and pays it the same attention as he did its twin, then pushes up to kiss me deeply.

“Josh.” His eyes are hot as he says his own name, thrusting in and out of me quickly now.

I gaze up at him and push my hands through his soft, dark hair. How do I come up with one word to describe him?


“Ah, baby,” he murmurs, and kisses me again, pushing his tongue inside me to rub and coax my own tongue in a sensual rhythm that matches that of his hips.

I wrap my arms tightly around him, holding him flush against me, and feel my pussy begin to contract around his hard length. He pushes inside and holds himself there, grinding his pubis against my clit. I come undone, shuddering beneath him as the orgasm rolls through me.

He groans and cups my face in his hands as he comes, his hips pulsating against me as he empties inside me.

“I love you, Carolina. Don’t ever forget that.”

*  *  *

“I want to watch something romantic,” I inform him smugly.

“I don’t have anything romantic,” he replies, looking exasperated.

“It’s okay, I came prepared.” I jump up off the couch and run to the bedroom where my suitcase is, grab the Blu-ray case from my bag, and run back to the living room, where Josh is kneeling by the television.

“Did you seriously bring a Nicholas Sparks movie into my home?” He glares at me.

“Yes.” I smile sweetly and bat my eyelashes, making Josh laugh. “It’s the newest one. The lead actor’s real name is Josh too, so you should love it.”

“That’s pure girl-logic.” He shakes his head and takes the disc from me, slides it into the player, and flops onto the couch with me. “I get sexual favors for this later, right?”

“I can’t confirm or deny that.” I take a sip of my Diet Coke. “If I start spoiling you like that, you’ll expect it all the time and it’ll be anarchy around here.”

“I’m going to spank you later,” he whispers playfully in my ear, and despite having had a mind-numbing orgasm less than thirty minutes ago, my stomach clenches and electricity shoots through my fingertips.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” I warn him.

“God, you’re sassy.” He laughs and shakes some Skittles into the palm of his hand. He feeds me a green one and pops a purple one into his own mouth as the movie begins.

“Um, do we have to watch a chick flick, Dad?”

We are suddenly joined by a bouncing, slobbering puppy who wants in on the wrestling fun. Thor jumps up on both of us, tail wagging furiously and trying to lick us both at once. He happily slurps an orange candy from Josh’s fingers.

“Whoa, I don’t think you’re supposed to eat Skittles, buddy.” Josh scratches Thor’s head and pushes him onto the floor. “Hey, guys.”

I sit up to see Seth and Zack standing just inside the doorway, both of them watching us as if we’ve just sprouted wings.

“Hi.” I wave.

Seth glances at his dad and then back over at us. “They’re weird.”

Zack smirks and pats Seth on his shoulder. “They’re in love, Son.”

“That’s dumb.” Seth scowls and crosses his arms.

“I hope you still feel that way in five years,” Zack mutters, then looks at the television. His face falls in shock and he pins Josh with a glare. “Wait. You really are watching chick flicks.”

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