Lucky 13 (Deadlines & Diamonds) (16 page)

He stiffened above her, her name an erotic whisper. He rolled to the side, gathering her into his body. He simply held her, spreading kisses over her forehead. Once his breathing slowed and his heart rate thudded normally, he
sat up to reach
across her
. He
grabbed the cor
dless phone from her nightstand and
it up

“Don’t you think we should call our boy?” He pressed a single button and seven beeps sounded in quick succession. “You wanna tell him or can I?”

“Go ahead.” Feeling the most relaxed of her entire life, she let her eyes drift closed. The Wonder Bread mattress melted around her, swallowing her.

speakerphone had been activated as well.

big man.” Adoration warmed his tone.

“My mom made it there, right?”

“I’m here.” She snuggled into Ricky’s side. His fingers tickled over her back, soothing her.

“You okay?” Ricky asked.

“Yeah. Just had breakfast.”

Ricky sat up a little straighter and ran his hand through his hair, his earrings catching the light.
“So, ah, Matt, I really screwed this up and I owe you an apology.”

Surprise sent S
ayne’s brows toward her hairline

“But Mom’s there.”

“Yeah, she is.” Ricky kissed her through a grin. “And I kinda asked her to marry me and she kinda said yes.”

Matt’s juvenile
made her laugh too. After a few seconds he sobered. “But why do you owe me an apology?”

Ricky bent to kiss her
temple. “Because I should have run it by you first.”

ed again. “Oh man, this is the best news!”

“I take it you forgive me?”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” became a lot of silence dotted with attempts to clear his throat and a make-an-elephant-jealous sniff. “Can I call you Dad?”

Shayne’s throat tightened and she had to wipe at her eyes. Her first tear fell when the muscles in
his neck contracted around
emotion-driven swallows. “I guess I have one condition.”

“What’s that?”

ravaged his voice as he whispered, “If you’ll be my best man.”

“Hmm…” Shayne could picture her son purposely stroking his chin with his thumb and forefinger. “Do I get to wear a tux?”


“Walk Mom down the aisle?”

“If you want.”

“Bring a date?”

Ricky chuckled softly. “You’re a little young, don
cha think?”

Matt didn’t answer
the question
. “Give a toast?”


“Drink champagne?”

“Not on your life.”

Matt paused. “Okay. I guess I can accept those terms.

Ricky grinned like a fool
. “We’ll be there in an hour.”
hayne opened her mouth to offer instructions to her son, but Ricky continued, “
Make sure you’re showered when we get there.”

“Oh, man!” Matt’s groan encouraged a chuckle from both of them.

“See you in an hour, my man.”

A snort preceded the

Ricky turned off the phone and laid it on his nightstand. As he came back toward her, she kissed his jaw. “And here I thought we’d spend all day in bed.”

, spending all day in bed with you is definitely among my top favorite things to do, but so is seeing our son. Especially now that I get to claim him.” He kissed her. “Come on. If you hurry,
I’ll wash your back

“What about my front?”

His only reply came in the form of strong arms hefting her onto his shoulder, his hand on her butt, holding her in place
as he carried her into the bathroom






Ricky wasn’t one to like his showers so hot his skin melted off, but having Shayne under the water with him,
looking like she’d stepped
off the set of
hadn’t been an option. He relished in drying her off, helping her dress. He knew she could do it herself. Something she reminded him of at least half a dozen times over the course of their getting-dressed session.

Now as they drove toward their son, his stomach rock-and-rolled with nervous energy. He couldn’t get the memory out of his head. Right when he’d been ready to penetrate her, she practically screamed two
words that had turned his blood to slush
Matt’s dad
He’d said he wa
nted to know all about him
. But damn, go ahead, hang his pants
from the telephone wire,
he didn’t want to know a freakin’ thing about the man.

Shayne sat quietly in the passenger seat, watching the passing scenery. The gentle upturn of her lips polished his already glowing adoration for her. He knew what he had to do and
when he eased to a stop at a red light, her squeezed her hand.

She glanced at him. “You okay?”

“Never better.” He brought her hand to his lips. “Tell me about Matt’s father.”

“There’s really not much to tell.” She shrugged. “He hasn’t been around since Matt was conceived.”

Murderous rage burned him alive. “He left you high and dry?”

“Something like that.” Another quick shrug and she turned back toward the window. “Look, I don’t want to talk about him, okay? I shouldn’t have brought him up anyway. He’s not even listed on the birth certificate.”

His brows dropped low. He tried to re
el in the pissed off, but knew
he failed miserably. “Where is this guy?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“The hell it doesn’t.” At her startled jump, he looked out the windshield and
breathed in through his nose, out through his mouth. A
s soon as the light changed
he pressed the accelerator. “Shayne, whether we like it or not that man’s a part of our lives.”

“No. H
e’s not.”

“Does he know about Matt?”


“Well, unless the guy’s six feet
under—” Her soft snort
stopped his rant. He softene
d his voice, his tone.
“Is he dead, Shayne?

“To me, he is.”

hat’d be a no.”

“No. He’s not dead
.” She turned to look out the window. She mumbled something that sounded a lot like, “Although it’s only a matter of time.”


She didn’t answer.

“Dammit! Talk to me.”

She whirled around, the seatbelt catching and holding her against the seat. Her fight would have been comical if frustrated irritation hadn’t been thick in the air
, flowing from both sides
. She finally gave up, slumping against the seatback. She crossed her arms. “I’ve never been engaged before and I’d kinda like to enjoy it. Can we drop this subject for now?”

Sucker punch to the abs! Nothing like
the woman
he was
being an ass.

He reached over and
retrieved her hand
. He threaded his fingers through hers, then brought them to his lips. “Well, I’ve never been engaged either and I’d kinda like to enjoy it too.”

She smiled, but
the usual twinkle didn’t show
in her eyes. Their agreement didn’t bring on the instant a-okay Ricky’d hoped for. She turned back toward the
passenger window, her little smile gone.

Before he realized it, they’d arrived, parked in the parking garage and were getting on the elevator. Although she held his hand, she stood as far away from him as their clasped palms allowed. He had about thirty seconds to make things right before they’
d come face to face with an ecstatic

Ricky tugged her hand and caught her when she stumbled. Cupping her rear, he lifted her, backed her against the wall. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held on tight. He kissed her. Intense. Loving. Possessive. He swept his tongue past her lips. She moaned and her fingers plowed through his hair, pulling him closer.

It killed him to stop, but their time was up. He offered her another quick, reverent peck then helped her to
feet. She put her fingers to her lips and smiled. The twinkle sparkling bright.

His heart swelled. “I just wanted to remind you how much I love you.”

and the elevator doors opened.

I love your reminders.” She led the way down to her door, which was slightly ajar with voices coming from inside.

He tugged her behind him and pushed it open. Ricky hadn’t expected a party. Neither had Shayne, judging by her gasped, “Fr- Frankie, X, what are you guys doing here?”

Her brother crossed his arms and shot a glare at Matt. “He called, told us to come right over.”

“And hurry!” Frankie added

X stepped up behind his wife, circling his arms around so his hands rested on her growing belly. “And we’ve been waiting ever since, watching Matt practically crawl out of his skin.”

“Hey.” Matt donned a glare of his own. “It’s not my fault they said an hour and it’s been over two.”

X shook his head and turned his visual inquisition on Shayne and Ricky. Months ago X had given his two-thumbs-up, but possibility tended to be a far cry from reality. And given their history Ricky had no intention of explaining the ins and outs of his morning with the guy’s sister.

“Gah!” Matt bounced. He fidgeted. He danced like his bladder might explode. “Seriously, Dad!”

“Dad?” X grinned. “I’m guessing by the vibrating teenager, you two have some good news to share?”

Shayne hugged herself against his arm, crushing her breasts against his tricep. His body lit up like a freakin’
airport runway
and he
hoped nobody noticed his insta-aroused.

Totally unaffected, Shayne snuggled even closer. Matt wasn’t the only one on the verge of shaking out of their skin. Her shivers intensified the contact and Ricky wondered how much more he could take.

Shayne giggled, an honest-to-goodness
-esque giggle. She looked up at Ricky, love and adoration shining in her eyes. “We’re getting married!”

Whoops, hollers, hugs and congratulations followed. Not that the reactions came as any kind of surprise. X offered his hand and
when Ricky took it, instead of a shake he was tugged into a
hug that shocked him speechless.

His soon-to-be brother slapped him on the back. “Welcome to the family.”

“Have you set a date?” Frankie released Shayne from a hug.

She smiled as she looked up at Ricky and he prayed she didn’t announce a long engagement. He wanted his family under his roof.

“Well, we haven’t really talked about a date, but I’d like to do it before the end of the year.”

His heart went on a free fall. He hadn’t expected that answer either.

She squeezed his hand. “I know that’s really fast. If you’d rather wait—”

“No!” He bent to kiss her lightly. “You name the date and I’ll be there.”

Frankie cleared her throat. “Do you have a date in mind?”

Shayne shook her head then, looking in his eyes, announced, “I just don’t want to start the new year without being a Santiago.”

“A New Year’s Eve wedding.” Frankie stuffed her hands in her pockets and bit her lip. “I love it. I’m on it.”

“Hey! G
uess what, Uncle X,
get to plan the bachelor party.”

“That’s awesome, bud.”

“Will you help me get some strippers?”




“When will the strippers be here?” D
ominic Kane glanced at his watch
then downed the contents of his squat glass.

Ricky prepared himself for the reaction his next two words would bring. “No strippers.”

choked. Mason smacked him on the back when the guy’s face went Smurf. He wheezed and slammed a fist against his chest. “Whose genius idea was it to veto the strippers?”

Three sets of eyes we
nt to the back window where the
men could see Matt holding his own party. The four boys sported helmets and Rockets t-shirts—all with Santiago
on the back. Joey
came out of the batting cage and Matt went in.

snorted. “This is the lamest bachelor party ever! I mean really.” He grabbed a bratwurst off the plate and held it in front of his
. He bobbed his pelvis, singing how sexy he knew he was. “I should not be the one providing the dancing expertise.” He shook his head.

All because that kid—”

That kid
In a flash Ricky got up-close-and-personal with his friend. “—is
my son

rd hands gripped and pulled.
Ricky released his hold on his buddy’s shirt.

blinked, raised his hands, sans brat. “Whoa. Look, man, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything.”

“No, you never do.” Ricky
backed awa
y, fearing he might deck Kane
if the idiot didn’t keep his big mouth closed. He rounded the counter and opened the fridge to get a beer.

“I think we all need some fresh air.” Mason, always the voice of reason. “Why don’t we go out and show those young bucks how things are done?”

Xavier headed
for the back door. “Hell, yeah.
That nephew of mine schooled
me with that damn big orange ball. It’s time I returned the favor.”

Ricky couldn’t help but laugh rem
embering their absurd attempt at playing
basketball coaches. “Careful, X, I’ve been working with him.”

X raised a brow. “Three-fourteen.”

“It always comes down to that damn batting average.” Dominic snorted. “That was like five years ago. Haven’t you done anything else in that time?”

“I married Frankie.”

“I’ll never understand how you pulled that miracle off.” Mason pointed at the ceiling. “Somebody up there must like you.”

“Or he bribed
them.” Kane
clapped X on the shoulder.

“No shit. I’m a lucky bastard. And here in about five months I’ll experience the greatest moment of my life.” X grinned and the other two guys looked at him like he’d lost his mind.

“Five months?” Kane
rubbed at his pinched blond brows.

“Shut up!” Mason
. “That’s awesome!”

shook his head. “What’s awesome?”

Mason ignored the question. “Way to keep it a secret. Knocking her up in the off-season. Good call.”

Light bulb went on. “Frankie’s pregnant?” 

X put the Cheshire Cat to shame. He nodded and took a swig from his water bottle. “Yeah.”

Do you know what it is?” Kane

“A baby.” Somehow Mason managed to deliver the answer with a straight face.

Ricky, however, hadn’t seen the zinger coming and lost all composure. Chuckles overtook Xavier too and it wasn’t long before
Mason started to laugh. Kane
didn’t find the humor in the joke. He frowned and rolled his eyes.

“I hate you guys.” And without another word he walked over to the sliding glass door and went outside.

“So I gotta know—” Mason jerked his thumb in the direction of the living room. “—what’s up with that pathetic tree? Bust out the chipper and put it out of its misery already.”

Yeah, he really should have done something with it.

“The last few days have been a whirlwind and we haven’t had time to decorate it.” He shrugged. “I can’t believe the damn thing’s still alive.”

Without saying anything, X drifted toward the back door and slipped outside, hollering something about showing the boys how it’s supposed to be done.

“I’m glad to see you so happy.” Mason looked miserable.

“Thanks, man. I am.” Ricky pulled out a barstool and sat down opposite his best friend. “How are things with Chloe?”

“Damned if I know.” Mason raked
his fingers through his hair and s
hook his head. “Sometimes she’s so freakin’ attentive, I don’t have the stamina and other times she’s so bitchy I want to pitch her out the second-story window. Seriously, dude, I don’t know if I’m comin’ or goin’. She’s makin’ me crazy.”

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