Lucy's Journey Home (Hunter's Ridge) (17 page)

“I’m very sorry I was so naughty, Papa,” she said softly.  “May…may I make my penance?”

“Yes, little
one, you may,” Lucas said just as softly.  Lucy returned her attention to his cock, which seemed to be growing longer and harder in her small hands.  She took a deep breath and bent forward to accept him into her mouth.  Lucas moaned as her small tongue flicked across the tiny slit at the top of his cock head, dipping into it to taste and spread the drops of pre-cum across the surface of his cock.

Lucy concentrated on making the most perfect penance she could, the need in her heart urging her to force herself to take him a bit deeper, hold his cock’s thick mushroom
-shaped head in her throat and fight the urge to choke or gag.  Lucas was very proud of her as she diligently served her penance.  It was obvious she was improving and learning how to perform this intimate act every time she took him into her warm, sweet and very pleasing mouth.  It didn’t take long before Lucas felt his climax approaching and his hands went to gently cup the sides of her head.  Lucy took another deep breath and was ready when he pushed hard into her, his thrusts challenging her to maintain her proper position as well as relax her throat to accommodate his cock.  With a large groan, Lucas erupted, filling her mouth.  Lucy did the best she could to accept it all though didn’t quite manage to do so.  When his final jet filled her throat, she swallowed again and again, her tongue busy as it darted over his cock, cleaning it as best she could.  When she felt him pull away, she released him, her small hands once more cupping his softening sex.  Lucas helped her to stand and then used his handkerchief to wipe her face, removing droplets of his spilled seed from her lips and chin.  Lucy blushed furiously as he gave her a smile.

“You are learning, Kitten.  Remember, all I expect from you is your very best.”  Lucy nodded grateful that she was never to be punished if she had truly tried to obey her husband.  Lucas tucked himself away, buttoned his pants and then stood.  He turned the chair
around and placed it at the desk.  She was confused but didn’t struggle when he gently guided her to kneel atop the chair and bend her torso over its back.  “Keep your bottom lifted, Lucille.  I wish you to display your spanked little bum as you do your next task.”  Lucy lifted her bottom, acutely feeling the exposure when he pushed her knees as far apart as the edges of the chair would allow.  He had placed a stack of paper and his fountain pen on the desk.

“You will write a letter to Lord Northbridge apologizing for causing him to waste his time searching for Cleo
and for causing his wife distress.  You will write a letter to Mr. Brannon apologizing for causing him unneeded worry when he has worked hard to care for your pet and thank him for helping us search.  You will write another to your nanny apologizing for all the horrid things of which you accused her when you, little lady, were always the guilty party.  Finally, Lucille, you will write a letter to your Papa and tell me what you think is necessary.”  As he stepped away, Lucas reached out and swatted the underside of her bottom.  “Bottom well up and pushed out, young lady,” he reminded. 

“Yes, Sir,” Lucy said and
arched her back to present her bottom even more prominently before picking up the pen.  Her knees were already beginning to ache a bit as her body weight rested on them and knew they would only become sorer until she finished the required task.  Lucas left her to her letter writing and picked up his book.  When he heard Cleo mewing, he opened the closet and allowed the kitten to roam about the room, smiling when she settled under Lucy’s chair, not seeming to care that her mistress’ naked bottom was on display.  Despite her discomfort, Lucy took her time writing her letters.  She wanted to make complete apologies and hoped that each recipient would forgive her for causing so much trouble and heartache.  Whenever she moved to attempt to alleviate the pressure on her knees, Lucas would softly chastise her and remind her to be still.  Over an hour passed before she sighed, laid down the pen and gave her hand a gentle shake.  She blotted each sheet and when sure they were dry, folded each in half and addressed each one.  She impulsively lifted the last letter to her lips and kissed the words she had written before folding and addressing it.  She prayed that after reading it, Lucas would forgive her for every atrocious transgression she had committed. 

ve finished, Papa,” she said quietly.  Lucas closed his book and went to her.  He didn’t mention the letters, simply helped her from the chair and led her to the bed.  He reached down and gave each of her knees a gentle massage which caused her to close her eyes and moan with the relief his loving fingers gave her aching knees.  Lucas stepped back to the table and Lucy saw him open the slender box as well as the jar of lubricant.  Lucy closed her eyes after seeing him remove the thermometer and begin shaking it down.  Lucas dipped the bulb into the jar and then used a cloth to remove most of the lubricant, leaving only the thinnest coating on the slender glass rod.  He took a seat on the edge of the bed and patted his lap.  Lucy swallowed hard but obediently lay across his knees, her torso supported on one side, her legs on the other.

“Open your bottom for me,” he said and was pleased when Lucy instantly
brought her hands behind her, her small fingers reaching to spread apart the still red globes of her bottom.  Lucas placed his thumb against the small puckered flower of her anus, gently pressing but not entering her.  Lucy moaned as memories of the sensations she had felt when he had inserted his thumb into her bottom bloomed in her mind followed by memories of his earlier intrusion into her before her strapping had started.  She flushed realizing that while his thumb had brought her intense yet shameful pleasure, his finger pumping in and out of her earlier had made her feel like a naughty little girl as well as intensely submissive.  That time had been meant to punish her in a very intimate way and she began to understand the different emotions her husband was teaching her.

“Stay still, Lucille,” he said as he replaced his thumb with the bulb of the thermometer.  Lucy remained still but moaned softly as he pressed the glass rod into her bottom.  Lucas didn’t allow her a moment to become accustomed to the invasion.  He continued with an even pressure until the entire rod except for the very tip was deeply seated in her bottom.  Lucy couldn’t help but quiver at the sensation, the cold of the glass
distinctly unpleasant in the warm depths of her bowels.  Lucas placed his free hand over one of her own as he began to slide the rod in and out of her bottom.  Lucy moaned again, her skin flushing as he alternated the strokes – some very fast and quick and others slow and easy.  She knew he wasn’t doing anything necessary for taking her temperature.  Her husband was showing her how it would feel to have something moving in and out of her bottom.  She clenched her eyes shut as she realized that the movements were causing her sex to become wet with her cream.  Lucas noticed as well, his smile growing as he removed the rod from her bottom only to reinsert it until the widest part of the bulb forced her little flower to open wider. 

“This is a very slender thermometer, Lucille,” Lucas said as her hips pushed back
in a silent appeal for him to slide the tube farther into her to alleviate the stretch her small flower was forced to endure by the large bulb.  “You will soon discover how much this beautiful little flower can open for your Papa.”  Lucy shuddered and mewed, her knuckles white where they still pulled the globes of her punished bottom apart for his attention.  He slid the thermometer into place and finally allowed it to remain still.  He didn’t speak again knowing that his little child-wife was thinking only about how her bottom was feeling and what it might be forced to accept if her behavior warranted such a strict penance.  Removing the tube after another several minutes, Lucas read the level, not surprised to find it normal despite the heat on the surface of her bottom.  He patted her hands and then guided her to stand.  Lucy stood, her head lowering as he washed the thermometer and returned it to is box.  Lucas helped his wife up onto the bed, ignoring her small hiss as her bottom was forced to take her weight.  Lucy couldn’t meet his eyes as he slowly dipped his fingers between the lips of her sex to find them full of her cream.  He chuckled, which caused her to moan again.  She didn’t fuss when she was quickly diapered, the rubber pants pulled up her legs and the pacifier pressed back into her mouth after Lucas removed the strap.  He removed her chemise and pulled her gown over her head before guiding her to climb between the sheets.  She turned onto her tummy and was almost asleep by the time Lucas handed her Nellie and drew the covers over her.  Lucas bent down and pressed his lips to her cheek.

You did very well, Kitten.  Your Papa is proud of you.  Sleep well,” he whispered and was pleased to see the small smile appear as she suckled.  He settled into the chair and was reaching for the letter addressed to him when he saw Cleo leap and then claw her way up the side of the bed.  The small cat pranced from the foot of the bed to climb onto the pillow where Lucy slept.  He watched as Cleo seemed to stare directly at him, her green eyes communicating that he was not the only one who could offer comfort to the small woman.  He watched as the kitten gently kneaded the pillow with her tiny front paws before curling into a tiny ball as if to make sure that she would be the first thing her mistress would see when she awakened.  Lucas chuckled and then opened the letter and read Lucy’s words.

Papa, I don’t know how to say all of what my heart needs to tell you.  You know I am sorry though I will repeat my apology here.  I have no excuse for my behavior except that I truly feared I had lost the gift that you gave me.  I realized when you stood up for me with that awful man, that though I adore Cleo, I could lose something far, far more meaningful - the treasure you have given me with your love.  I am very sorry for everything but, Papa, I am mostly sorry for causing you pain.  I have never in my life loved anyone as deeply or as totally as I love you.  I never knew such love existed.  Seeing your face and knowing how much I frightened you makes my heart ache far more than the strapping and switching you just gave me. Thank you for loving me enough to discipline me – to free me from the guilt I feel when I’ve been your naughty little girl.  Papa, I would gladly take a thousand strokes if I could erase the disappointment I saw in your eyes.  I would open my bottom and accept the need for the penance you will teach me I must make when I behave so badly just to see the hurt leave the depths of your eyes.  I know you said you would always love me and I am praying you remember your words.  Please find it in your heart to forgive me, to love me again and to believe that I will try even harder to be your ‘good girl’.  My heart fills with pleasure when I see you smile and treasure every time I hear those words from your lips.  Papa, I would choose you again, a million times over. 

My heart, my life and my love will always belong to you, forever
for you are my everything – your wife - your Kitten

Lucas fought back tears as he read and reread her letter several times. 
Though he knew she was still and might always remain conflicted about choosing to live her life in her dual roles, the words she had written told him that she knew deep within her soul that she wanted to truly belong to him, to be not only his wife but to submit even deeper, to be under his control and to be his special little one.  His own heart ached understanding how deeply his wife loved him.  It also ached that she would even have a moment’s doubt of the infinite love he had for her.  He put the letter aside and, after removing his shoes, he climbed into the bed, disturbing Cleo as he gently gathered his wife into his arms.  Lucy didn’t waken but sighed contentedly as he wrapped his arms around her, and he prayed she would be able to tell that not only was she forgiven, she was the most loved woman in the universe. 



Chapter 9


Hours later, Lucas opened his eyes to find his wife’s violet ones looking at him.  He smiled and was pleased when she smiled as well.  He
gently removed her pacifier and put a hand on the back of her head, bending towards her.  Right before his lips touched hers, he whispered, “No matter how naughty you might be, Kitten, remember in your heart that you will always be my good girl.”  She gave a soft sob realizing the depth of his love and when they kissed, it was as if their world exploded.  Lucas kissed her again and again until they were both breathless.  He turned onto his back and then sat up quickly when he heard a yowl.  Shaking his head, he picked up Cleo from where she had crawled up behind him.

He handed the ball of fluff to his wife to soothe as he reluctantly climbed from the bed.  Lucy tried not to giggle as she remembered the last time Cleo had been in their bed and had latched onto her husband’s naked bottom.  Lucas heard her small snort
of amusement and again shook his head, the memory vivid to him as well.  He checked his watch and realized they had both slept very late.  Dinner would be served in just a short while.  He had thought of keeping Lucy in the compartment as additional punishment but realized he no longer felt the need.

Lucy saw him go into the closet and come back with her dress and pinafore.  She watched as he quickly changed his own clothing that had become wrinkled during their nap.  Seeing him walk naked to the washstand to wash his face and hands, she felt herself becoming aroused.  She
also realized she was far wetter than could be accounted for from even intense arousal.  She felt her face flushing but sat quietly, playing with Cleo, her eyes never leaving her husband. Lucas finished washing and looked at his wife as he toweled himself dry.  Seeing her, he felt his cock begin to rise.  He saw the color on Lucy’s cheeks deepen and when the tip of her tongue peeped from her mouth to run across her bottom lip, his cock immediately went to full erection.  Though he had spilled himself inside of her merely hours ago, he wanted to take her again, to claim her body and remind her that she was indeed his greatest treasure.  He saw her frown as he turned away and quickly dressed.  It pleased him that she was aroused as well but understood her punishment was not yet completed.  By the time he had pulled on his stockings and stepped back into his boots, he had himself under control.

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