Lure (7 page)

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Authors: Alaska Angelini


Chapter 10



Like gravity—like the tide—Tessa’s presence pulled me. I knew the moment they had her on the move. Her power was but a speck of what I was made up of, but I could feel it nonetheless. And I was hoping it was because she took in more of my blood.

Over a week and a half had gone by before I discovered what I was experiencing was her. When it registered that my sense of direction drew toward a certain location, I could imagine where she was in the underground city. Easily, I could piece together her path. But I couldn’t see her and she had yet to talk to me again.

Maybe Sayer’s blood had won. It was possible after what she’d displayed when she was in my cell. My powers and instincts were what was responsible for me being able to pinpoint her. Not a bond or any ties. But at least I had this. It drowned out the loneliness, gave me something to focus on while killing the hours before I found out whether I got another meal or not. And I had to try to focus. After I knew what Sayer was doing to her, it was all I had not to go insane. I longed to shred him to pieces. I couldn’t think of his name without my fangs shooting down, ready to filet him alive. And I would, when the time was right.

I let the first time I’d seen Tessa replay over and over in my mind as I greedily held onto her imprint of energy. She’d spoken French to me. The beauty of the realization, and her words, were perfection. Had there not been bars between us at that moment, I would have gotten on my knees and begged her to love me. She was still new, easily moldable, but the last visit told me Sayer was already beating me to the punch—and not in a good way. What I’d spoken to Julius was the truth. Sayer could ruin her for good. If she sunk down too far, there’d be no coming back. She’d be a killer. The worst kind of vampire there was, and she’d have to be put down. There was no getting around it. She’d be ruined.

I had to figure a way out of here. Tessa needed me more than ever. I knew she fucking wanted to spend her life with me and I was going to make it happen. Just like she’d said as a human while she was under the influence of Sayer’s blood—together as vampires, we’d rule. And we would. Fuck doing it on my own, I needed her. Not just her blood, but her love. And she needed mine to heal her. We’d be unstoppable once I killed the bastard. We’d be…one.

Footsteps in the distance had me rising just as Julius appeared. Feeding wasn’t that far away but given the fact that a supplier wasn’t with him, I knew he wasn’t here for that reason. Was he thinking about what he’d done? Was his guilt eating at him? I prayed it was. I stepped closer to the bars, once again hoping his eyes would tell me something. Like any time he came to me, he refused to meet my gaze long enough to for me to discover anything.

“I’ve come to update you on the meetings you’ve missed.” Julius’s arms crossed over his chest and I could tell he didn’t want to be here. He seemed preoccupied. He definitely wasn’t worried about the meetings. What
he thinking about? I stepped closer, still not taking my focus off his eyes. Was Tessa still getting raped? Beaten? He had to know…

“There’s a rise in the west. In the Los Angeles area, to be exact. A small group of a few hundred have come together there, somewhat like I saw in the beginning of Hunter, but their leadership is weak. They, along with a few other groups around the country, have broken into the underground cities in the area, hunting our kind. They soak their stakes in holy water. Much like Hunter did when he shot Tessalyn. It’s a dangerous situation, but Axis doesn’t seem too bothered by it. At least, that’s what Sayer is assuring me. I don’t like it. The humans catch on too quickly. They’re defying law enforcement, coming together to figure out a way to rise against their government. It’s unsettling to me, but I don’t feel that there’s a real threat yet, and I don’t think there will be as long as Hunter remains here.”

That couldn’t have been Julius’s main concern, but I went along with his words, saying the one thing I knew would spark his anger. “You think he’ll stay so he can get raped by Sayer, too? I’m sure your approval of that situation will have him loving our life. I don’t see him wanting to run away and kill us at all, do you?”

Light blue eyes cut up to mine and I pushed into his mind with every ounce of strength I possessed. Visions exploded before me and I locked onto our connection. As I moved my head closer, the makings of his past assaulted me. I dove in further, flying through his human years, until I was fighting through the centuries of Julius being a vampire. The deeper I got and the stronger he’d become, left me wading through memories that felt like tar. They gave off the impression of sticking to my skin and in my lungs, making it hard to breathe, but I didn’t stop until I got to Tessa being changed.

Thoughts filtered through, so vast, I didn’t waste my time trying to decipher them. Instead, I let the conversations and happenings transpiring around her become my sole focus. I could see her placed in a room with a group of other vampires. In Julius’s awe, I watched the black fog roll through the room for the first time. One by one, she took out the vampires, revealing her bloodied with the human dead at the end. It was amazing to witness, but I needed to see more.

Days went by and I could see Julius breaking his ties with Sayer. They weren’t compatible and Julius couldn’t stand his personality. Less, he began to go to him, until the scene with me here in the cell. The shock Julius held for Tessa’s beating and rape soaked in, confirming the dreams Julius feared. There was an uncertainty on what he should do, but his fear was for Axis, not her.

Screaming echoed in my mind and I could feel myself pacing in the darkness. I knew whose screams they were and I could feel what he knew was happening.
More rape and beatings.
For days, this continued. Screaming. More pacing on his part. Sayer always found him in the hall, trying to bullshit like nothing had just happened. My anger turned to rage, then to fury. Quicker, my pulse raced, and Julius’s greed over his reasons for allowing the rapes exploded within me. Before I could hear more, the scene vanished and Julius blasted my chest with a force that sent me flying across the room. I hit the cement wall hard, groaning through the loss of air.

you push into my mind. You are not the leader here!” The door to the cell swung open and I held my ground as I saw the vampire in him want the fight, but the leader in him restrain. He stepped back, taking a deep breath. One thing was clear to me and it made Hunter’s words more a reality than ever. With what I’d done, there was only one leader, and Julius wasn’t it.

“You’re slipping. Something bothers you. Tell me,” I coaxed. “I am not your enemy. Not yet, and it doesn’t have to be that way. I’m your second. You’re supposed to trust me.”

His jaw tightened as he glared. “You will never gain my trust with your plans. I know what they are and so does Sayer. You’ll never make it as a member of Axis with the route you’re going. We both know you’ll never be powerful enough to rule the higher leaders, so where does that leave you? Dead. Think about it, Marko. One of the rulers will kill you because of your greed and you’ll gain nothing.”

The words were truth, but I refused to listen to them. With Tessa and her blood, I stood a chance to rule with her by my side. But was Axis what I really wanted anymore? It had always been my main focus. Now all I could think about was protecting and healing the woman I loved. What if I did go along with my plan after all of this? What if one of us died in the process of fighting our way to the top? It was all mixing around, twisting in my mind. Was it really worth it? I needed out of here, to clear my thoughts and reground myself.

“I’m ready to be free now.”

My change of subject had him shaking his head. “You need more time.”

“I do not!” I exploded. “I’m good
. I promised I wouldn’t kill Hunter and I won’t. You have my word. As your second, and as future leader, I promise Hunter is safe until you give the word.”

The hesitation was there. If it weren’t for Sayer, I knew Julius would let me go. What was it about the vampire that was swaying his decisions? It had to be Axis.

“Another week.” Julius turned his back and I was on him before I could control myself. He’d allowed this to happen to Tessa. He’d hurt her just as much as Sayer by allowing it to continue. Besides…I was the leader, not
. And my chance to be set free was finally here.

My fangs sunk into his neck and I bit down hard, taking his blood into me for the first time. The power had my eyes widening as I sucked the delicious tonic eagerly. It was so full of everyone’s knowledge, of pieces of the community that would now belong to me.

I spun him around, wrapping my arm around his back, and pinning him immobile against me. With my other hand, I jerked his hair, sinking my fangs into him again. I’d meant to quit, but I could already feeling myself growing stronger with every drink. The thrashing was forceful, but not more than I could suddenly control. Electrical currents began zapping at my core as the first tie of a bond began forming. With the amount of my blood he’d taken in the past, it was happening at a faster rate than I could process. The immediate connection was one I knew I didn’t want. It wasn’t the reason I was doing this and was enough to break me from the greed of taking more.

I tugged, using the leverage of his hair to control his body, pushing him to step back, off-balanced. I didn’t think. Didn’t wait as I dove forward and twisted his head around, breaking his neck. All I could see was Tessa’s face. Her bloody, battered face. I knew Julius wasn’t dead, but he would be soon. My eyes narrowed at all the repercussions filtering through, but I blocked them out, tugging and twisting as I severed his head. The broken finalization of power through our shared blood brought me to my knees and an odd heat rushed through, tingling in my veins.

For seconds, I couldn’t move. Couldn’t form a rational thought. Slowly, my eyes lifted and the smile of my vampire appeared, blocking all humanity. This was it. The moment I’d been waiting for.
I was the leader. No one would stop me from taking my throne. Axis was just going to have to deal with this new series of events. They’d see, I’d play their game. After all, I played a very important part and they needed my powers. They wouldn’t kill me. If they did, who would lead? Bufar? He didn’t have the balls or power to do what I could. And Tessa was far from ready if shit went down too soon.

I stood and walked from the cell, wiping my hands on my pants as I headed for the tunnel. As the darkness swallowed me up, I mentally called in the collectors. Let them take care of the body. It was time to clean up and show these vampires who was in charge. First person on the list, my dishonorable guest.


Chapter 11



“Tonight will be the biggest test of them all.” Sayer dropped the invisible wall restraining me and took a step forward. The need to attack was there, but something told me not to. Instinct? Perhaps. I couldn’t remember why, but the voice in my mind said to be still. To wait out my time. If I didn’t…there was no telling what would happen. A new sort of fear had crept in and it cloaked around him, influencing my decisions.

Hunter sat on the couch, staring at me quietly. I felt as though it was something he did a lot. Since I’d woken up hours ago, we hadn’t spoken a word to each other. Maybe we knew better, maybe we didn’t have to. I wasn’t sure. I felt different. More alert and cautious. And he definitely gave me a different vibe than before. I just wasn’t sure what exactly it was. Nothing made sense and I was so tired of waking up as a fresh slate. I was missing so much inside of me. My mind told me I kept forgetting, but it didn’t allow me to see what it was hiding.

“Hey.” Sayer snapped his fingers in my face, pulling my attention back to his. My eyes narrowed in anger and it caused his mouth to tighten. “When I talk, you listen. I need your full attention. Say you understand.”

My eyebrow rose and I knew what he wanted, even if it was hard for me to get the words to process right. Talking English didn’t feel natural and I didn’t like it. “I understand.”

“Good. Tonight, you face only one. You may very well die. I’m leaving it up to fate. I will not step in and neither will anyone else. If you die,” he shrugged, “this wasn’t meant to be.”

Fear should have been there, but I felt nothing. Nothing but the need to see and taste blood. I craved it like nothing else and it didn’t matter who it belonged to. “Let them try. I kill them.”

“I’ll,” he corrected. “I’ll kill them. And no, I do not think you will.”

“Then you are a fool.”

Hunter stiffened and it pulled my attention, but it didn’t last as Sayer snarled. “You are the fool for underestimating who I put against you. And for talking to me like that. You think because you have my gift you can win or you’re better than me? Not even close. You are nothing compared to me. Besides, they’ll have gifts, too, Princess. Ones a hell of a lot more powerful than the amount you’ve tapped into.”

A deep exhale left me and my hand came to my hip. “Male? Female?”


I shrugged, feeling my attention go back to Hunter. The sadness on his face had me taking in his features. He was handsome. Very handsome. But so sad. The need he stirred in me was different. I wanted to protect him almost as much as I liked the idea of killing him—which had been on my mind since I’d woken up as much as the questions concerning his change in demeanor. Instincts to go to him had me sidestepping Sayer. His hand immediately jerked at my bicep, bringing me back in front of him.

“What did I say? Focus. Now is not the time to be distracted by Hunter. You can kill or fuck him some other time. Right now, you need to think about how you’re going to win this fight.”

“I tire…of this,” I groaned, letting myself collapse on the end of the bed. “I win. You will see.”

A frustrated sound left Sayer. He clenched his fist before my face and spun around, beginning to pace. “Where the hell is Julius? He should have been here fifteen minutes ago.”

“He’s dead.” The words came before I realized I shouldn’t have said anything. My maker probably wouldn’t like me tapping into the voice constantly in my head. It wasn’t always talking to me. Sometimes, I magically found it. Like a light in the darkness of what rested inside.

My head turned toward Hunter and I bit my bottom lip, spinning on my side as I studied him more. His head cocked to the side while he returned my stare. The beginning of a grin started to appear, but faded just as fast. What replaced it as his stare lowered to the ground made me stiffen. What was that…pain? Guilt? Horror? I didn’t understand. Was it me? Was I the one who had hurt him?

“What did you say?” Sayer ripped me off the bed and the sound of a warning did leave me then. My nails shot down and a hiss poured from my lips as I fought to decide whether I should attack.

“I said, he’s…dead. Dead. No head.” I gestured, spinning my hand over my own, trying to get him to understand. I knew I was saying it right.

A knock had Sayer spinning toward the door just as it was thrust open. Hunter pushed from the wall, immediately jerking out his dagger. My pulse jumped and I swallowed hard at the man who walked in.

“Marko. What are you doing here?” Sayer’s voice sounded an octave higher in pitch as he let me go. The dark haired vampire closed the door behind him, coming forward. The smile on his face had my heart thumping so hard, but I wasn’t sure why. His aura threw me. Anger, as if he was ready to destroy us all was present, but that wasn’t the part that gave me pause. The center of his being, his power, the piece that made him who he was, called to me.
called to me. It was enough to have me moving forward in a daze. Dark brown eyes cut over to me and his smile broadened, losing its menace.

“I’m making my rounds to make sure everyone’s okay, of course. As leader of this community, it’s something I plan to do on a regular basis. And, well, I had to come check on my
How is everything, Sayer?”

Although the question sounded almost normal, I felt the venom return toward my maker. He didn’t like Sayer any more than I did and somehow, that brought a relief so massive, I almost couldn’t believe it.

“Where is Julius?”

I rolled my eyes, throwing Sayer a look. “Dead, I tell you.” The words twisted on my tongue and he shot me a glare.

“Tessa told you,” Marko repeated. He took a step and stopped, glancing at Hunter and then back to me as he spoke in my language. “Tessa, will you tell your slave to please put the dagger down? He has nothing to fear from me. Not yet, anyway.”

“He’s not my slave,” I replied in our language.

Marko shrugged and I shivered at the way he stared at me. It was as if we were suddenly the only two people in the room and I liked that. So much so, that I took another step. “That’s good news on my end. But can you tell him for me? I would hate to have to defend myself against him. He’d die if it came down to that. You’d hate to lose him, wouldn’t you?”

Hunter’s stare went back and forth between me and Marko. I felt my brow furrow at his question. “I don’t want to lose him. Does he look sad to you?”

“English!” Sayer’s yell had my teeth clenching.

“Hunter. Please put…dagger down.”

The human shook his head and something in the action pulled at my anger. He was disobeying me.
Even if I did feel sorry for him, I knew I was above him and I didn’t like that he wasn’t listening.

“Down.” My word was filled with such authority, the dagger lowered and Hunter let his arm fall to his side. Sayer moved more toward the human, only causing Marko to get closer to me. The switch in position had my maker doubling back.

“Are you hungry, ma minette?” French, once again, filled the room at his question and I licked my lips, glancing at Sayer before answering in English.

“Yes. But,” I searched for the words, “I fight to feed today.”

Marko’s eyes glazed over, making the brown turn black. Still, he continued. “Have you been treated well? Has he hurt you anymore?”

“Hurt?” I blinked as I tried to push into memories that wouldn’t come.

“I see you don’t remember. Pity, really. Your maker likes to hurt you. But I’m your friend and leader, I’m not going to let that happen anymore. I’ll take care of you no matter what it concerns. I’ll make him pay,” he said, lowering his voice. “You know this, yes?”

“Yes.” My response was so low, it was almost inaudible. Faster, my mind raced. What Marko said felt right. Sayer had to pay. But…why? I couldn’t remember.

“Yes, what?” Sayer’s eyebrows drew in and I glanced over at him. My vampire swiftly calculated and I stood taller, smiling.

“Yes, you…take care of me.”

“Of course I do.” He made his way over, hooking his arm in mine and pulling me toward the closet. The light blue shift I wore was tugged at my waist and I looked down at where his fingers held, noticing my fangs were already down. “Change while I speak to Marko alone. We have things to go over and I want you ready when I return.”

Marko’s voice had both of us turning in his direction.

“She won’t be fighting to eat. As the new leader of this community, which she’s a member of, that’s an order. If she wishes to increase her skills, that’s one thing, but it won’t be to survive. I’m willing to make sure she lives, no matter what.” He narrowed his eyes. “And I’ll be monitoring everything concerning my successor from now on.”

Something passed between Marko and Sayer as they held each other’s stares. After a few minutes, Sayer stormed past, heading toward the door. Marko’s gaze hungrily traveled down my body before he followed, taking his time. The moment the barrier shut, Hunter’s movement had me zeroing in on him and it seemed to hit both of us at the same time. We were alone. Unrestrained. And no one was here to help him…or stop me if I wanted to have him or his blood. I couldn’t resist getting closer.

“Tessa.” His hand shot up and I took in the way he tightened his hold on the dagger. He was battling over whether to raise it. I paused, coming to a stop a few feet away.

“You…are sad? Yes?”

The surprise that lit his features turned into the same look I’d witnessed for hours. Hunter nodded and pushed from the wall, stepping closer. The smell of his skin…his blood, had me taking a step, too.

“I’m glad you can’t remember. I don’t want you to ever know what we’ve been through. I miss you, Tessa. I miss my best friend.”


“Yes, you,” he breathed out. “We love each other. God, I’ve loved you since we were children. And you, you’ve loved me too, but only recently did I know that. You never told me. If you had,” his head shook, “we wouldn’t be here now. We’d be married. Have children. We’d have the perfect life. I’d do anything for you. I’m here, even when I don’t want to be. And fuck, I don’t. I hate this place.” His voice cracked and he wiped a tear from his eye just as it escaped. “But I promised to take care of you, no matter what that entailed. Someday, you’ll remember for more than a few minutes at a time. Or for a day. Then, you’ll see.”

What exactly I’d seen was beyond me. But I didn’t like him hurting. It only made me more defensive as I glanced toward the door. “Why does Marko…?” Words jumbled around my tongue and I battled with the English that didn’t want to come. “He says…I love him, too. Who is he?”

Hunter’s jaw tightened and a wave of heat poured from him, tempting me even more. I moaned, moving closer though my deepening breaths. Lust ruled me whether I liked it or not. And concerning him, I wasn’t sure I did.

“He did this to you, Tessa. It’s his fault you’re a vampire. True, we made the decision, but if he hadn’t bonded you against your will, you wouldn’t have had to take this route. He almost killed you once. And Sayer’s even worse. I want us to leave here. There has to be a way.”

I got quiet, bringing my gaze to the cement floor. I didn’t remember anything of Marko or even Sayer. All I had were feelings…instincts. Marko promised to help me. Protect me, even. Yet, he’d hurt me? I knew not to trust Sayer. But was Hunter telling me the entire truth? Who did I believe? I trusted no one. The only person I held to was myself.

The door swung open and Sayer stormed in, jolting to a stop as he took in how close Hunter and I were to each other.

“No…you’re not safe here with her. Hunter, let’s go, you’re coming back to Dallas with me until I can convince Axis to overrule Tessalyn’s residence here. We’ll make sure it’s granted in our favor. We don’t need this place.”

Immediately, a growl left my throat as I put myself between the two of them. Warnings were exploding in my mind, growing so thick, they blocked out everything but the need to fight. Although I wasn’t sure why, I didn’t dismiss the one fact I knew: Marko and Hunter both claimed Sayer had hurt me. If he could harm me, he could surely do it to Hunter. Had he already and I didn’t remember? It was enough to cause me to lower my head as I let the killer within take over.

My hand rose, my fingers spreading wide as I put up my palm, facing Sayer. I wasn’t sure why or what it meant, other than the fact that it grounded me, but I held steady, waiting to see if he made a move.

“I’m not going with you. No way. I’m not. I can’t.” The fear was thick in Hunter’s voice, feeding me. His energy drew further away, as if the human was moving back toward the wall. It was a clear indication that the things locked away in my mind were worse than I even could process. I knew Hunter’s energy. He held power like me. He was a strong fighter. So why wasn’t he fighting now?

“I said let’s go! Did you learn nothing in the last few weeks, pet? You get over here right now or so help me…” Sayer began to circle around, but I stayed even with his steps. I could see Marko edge through the door in my peripheral vision, but I paid him no notice. Every ounce of my focus was on the one man I saw as the biggest threat.


Sayer glanced my way, but his eyes went right back to Hunter.

“He’s coming, Princess.”

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