Lust - A Stepbrother Romance (4 page)


Chapter 10



Holy shit, when
the fuck did my little stepsister get so fucking hot? Those tits, those hips,
that sexy little face with her pouting lips sticking out and just begging me to
pounce across the kitchen and suck on them. Goddamn, I bet she moaned like a
good little girl when you gave it to her nice and hard. I grin at the thought
and my adrenalin starts to pump at the thought of me giving it to my stepsister
over and over again. I would make her call me her favorite big brother the
entire time.

She’s still
looking at me and I practically leap to the other side of the kitchen, pulling
her in for a hug. Normally when I saw Lacey for the first time in a while I
would hold her close to me and hug her extra long just to make her happy. As a
way to play with her mind a little bit. But this time it’s all
for me and my dirty little thoughts about her

I hold her really
close just like I had with Elizabeth in the airport the day before, smashing
her big boobs and little body into me really hard. I rub my hands through her
hair and hold her close for way longer than necessary. Fuck, I wanted to stick
my tongue in her little mouth so bad right now. Just grab her and make her open

She’s frozen underneath
my touch, which isn’t surprising. Lacey has been obsessed with me for as long
as I can remember. Lucky for her it was finally time for her to get her wish
about being with her older and wiser stepbrother.

I pull away from
her slowly, still rubbing her shoulder with my hand. “It’s so good to see you,
Lace. I’ve missed you so much.”

She blinks her
innocent eyes up at me, looking more dazed and confused than ever. “You… you

I massage her
shoulder really deep and hard. “Of course I did, I think about you all the
time. Wondering why you haven’t been texting me as much the way I like you to.”
I wink at her.

“You…you missed
me? As in, you, Ethan?” She’s looking at me
like I’m made of paper or something and she can’t quite really believe that I’m
standing in front of her.

“Yes, me, Ethan,”
I tell her slowly. “Who else would I be?”

She turns a dark
shade of red and her eyes grow wide.

“Are you okay,
Lace? You’re acting kind of strange.” My hands still on her shoulder and I
notice that her red bra strap has slipped off her shoulder and hangs low on the
upper part of her arm now. I reach out and take the thin fabric in my fingers.
“Oops,” I say, running it back and forth between my fingers. “Looks like
someone’s bra is a little to loose.” I pull the strap back up on her way too
slowly, taking my sweet time as my fingers grace under her skin. “Although,
it’s hard to imagine that any bra could be too big for those things.”

Lacey grows as red
as a tomato and backs away from me, trying to put a little space between the
two of us. She ends up stumbling a little bit over all the stuff she dropped on
the floor a few minutes ago at the sight of me. I grab her by the arm, stopping
her from falling over.

I loved how
nervous I made
it was such a fucking turn on.

“I…I…” She
stutters. “I need to go.”

I raise my
eyebrows at her and she dodges out of the kitchen as fast as her tan legs will
carry her. “Okay, sis, let’s catch up later.” I watch her ass bounce up and
down as she walks away from me. She was so tiny with a perky fat butt and big

Someone had been
doing her squats.

I pull my phone
out of my pocket again and look at my screen. No new texts from Elizabeth. How
fucking annoying. Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t wait to fuck the shit out of
my little stepsister but it was still rude as fuck that the girl I had banged
last night and this morning wasn’t hitting me up to tell me how amazing I was.

Especially when
the girl happened to be my girlfriend’s cousin.

Or as much of a
girlfriend as I was capable of having.

I hit the call
button on my phone and it starts to ring. It takes her so long to pick up the
phone that for a second I think she’s not going to answer, but luckily for her
she does or I would have gotten really pissed off.

“Hello?” Her voice
sounds strained, like she’s trying to keep it low so that no one will overhear
what she’s saying.

“Finally!” I hiss
into the phone. “Why aren’t you texting me back?”

“I told you,” she
whispers. “I’m at brunch with my family.”

“I don’t care,” I
snap. “When I text or call you

“I picked up when
you called,” she points out.

“Yeah, well, next
time you better make sure you get to it on the first ring. I’m not going to be
chasing you around all the fucking time, Elizabeth. If you like me the way you say
you do you better put in a little more effort.

“I do like you,”
she tells me, sounding stressed. “But I don’t know… last night was wrong. If
anyone in my family ever found out what I did to you or Jess…” She trails off,
her voice starting to catch in her throat.

Great, she was
getting a fucking guilt trip.

Just my luck.

I swear to god I
was always getting the crazy ones.

“How would they
find out? I’m not going to tell them. Are you going to tell them, Elizabeth?”

“No.” But she
sounds unsure.

“You better not.”
I demand. “Or I’ll be pretty pissed off. We didn’t do anything wrong… all we
did was give into what we had wanted for so long. It’s not our fault we
couldn’t hold it in anymore.”

There’s silence
from the other side of the phone.

“Did you hang up on
me?” I practically yell into the phone.

“No,” her voice is
small, like she’s scared to say whatever’s on her mind. “I’m not going to tell
anyone… I just want to make sure we’re doing the right thing.”

I roll my eyes.
Why did all the hot ones have to be all into doing what’s right all the fucking
time. “We are.” I reassure her. “So will I see you at your uncle’s cookout

“You’re coming to
that?” She squeaks.

“Of course I’m
coming to it. Did you think that Jess was coming down just for the cookout? No,
she’s coming to the cookout and to show me off to your perfect little family.
The sexy, smart lawyer who already runs a law firm at such a young age. I’m
sure to be a hit.”

Elizabeth sighs.
“I’ll be there. I just… how am I supposed to act around you?”

“What the fuck do
you mean how are you supposed to act? You’re supposed to act like I’m your
cousins boyfriend, Elizabeth.”

I can hear someone
calling out to her in the background, telling her to hurry up and get off the
phone. It sounded like her dad. How fucking annoying, didn’t he know we were in
the middle of something important?

“I’ll be right
there,” Elizabeth calls out like the perfect daughter she is.

“What are you

“What?” She sounds
confused, like she cant
why I would possibly
want to know something like that.

“What are you
wearing, Lizzie?” I repeat, this time using her childhood nickname that I’ve
heard her dad and uncles using before at Jess’s family functions.

“A new sundress
that I brought before I came. It’s white with red flowers.”

“Oh, a little
sundress, huh Lizzie? Is it low cut?”

“Yes,” she

“Yeah? I bet your
big natural boobs are busting out of it, Lizzie.”

There’s more
yelling in the background. They sounded like they were getting really impatient

I smirk. “If only
people knew how big the nipples were hiding under there.”

“Ethan!” She
whispers into the phone. “I have to go.”

“No!” I tell her
forcefully. “Not until you say it.”

“Say what?”

“That those big
fluffy tits belong to me, Lizzie.”

Another silence from
the other end.

“Say it.” I press
the receiver harder into my ear, growing impatient for her response. “Say it
for me, Lizzie.”

“My big fluffy
tits belong to you.”

“Good girl,” I
say, grinning and trying to ignore the hard on that’s forming in my pants. “See
you tomorrow, Lizzie.” I hit the end button and hang up on her.

It would be fun
messing with her all day tomorrow at the cookout, but right now I had other
things to handle around here. Like how I was going to keep Jess away from my
house tomorrow so I could seduce my hot little stepsister.

Where had sexy
little Lacey ran off to anyway? It was time for me to go and look for her.
After all, hide and seek had been my favorite game growing up. I had always won
at it, like most of the other things in my life.

And Lacey was one
victory I couldn’t wait to celebrate.


Chapter 11



This couldn’t be
happening. This couldn’t be happening. That was the only thought I could seem
to form in my mind. The only combination of words that seemed to make any sense
to me.

I couldn’t have
slept with Nathan.

No way in hell.

I fucking hated

I had been sure
that I was hooking up with Ethan. He was the only person I wanted to hook up
with in the entire world. Especially if the choices were between him and Nathan.

But Ethan was in
the kitchen, just getting in from the airport. And unless there was a third
twin I wasn’t aware of that would mean that Austin was the one on the sofa
right now, recovering from our day of sex and our night of hanging out.

I was going to
fucking kill him.

No, I was going to
make him suffer first and then I was going to kill him.

It was no secret
that I wasn’t a fan of Nathan, and as far as I knew he wasn’t a fan of me
either. So why the hell would he
done something
like this? What kind of person pretends to be their twin brother just so they
can have sex with a girl? It was disguising and sick. He clearly needed some
kind of help from a mental professional.

What about my
feelings? I felt violated! I had given him a personal part of me, a part of me
that I didn’t give to that many men. And it had been under false pretenses!
What kind of person tricks someone into sleeping with them? An awful kind of
person, that’s who.

And poor Ethan. I
can’t imagine how he was gong to feel once he found out what Austin had done to
him. He had pretended to be him to get to me. It occurs to me that he had
probably done this to other girls, too. Poor Ethan, he had no idea.

It just went to
show you how different the two of them were. Ethan would have never done
anything like that to Nathan. Not in a million years, he loved his twin
brother, thought the world of him.

The whole
situation makes my stomach turn.

I walk out of my
room, being sure to tiptoe so that Ethan doesn’t hear me. I had no idea where
he was in the house and the last thing I wanted was for him to hear me bitching
out his stepbrother about pretending to be him so that he could get me into

Nathan is still
sound a sleep on the sofa without a care in the world. He looks so peaceful when
he sleeps, like he’s actually a good person and not a complete piece of shit.

For the first time
since I found out what he did I have an awful thought. What would Ethan do when
he found out about the two of us? Yeah, he would be pissed and disgusted by
Nathan like I was but what if he felt weirder about it than that? I mean it was
Nathan’s fault that things had gone down the way they had but was that really
the point? Regardless of how it had happened, it had happened. And maybe that
was the only thing Ethan would be stuck on. I didn’t know many guys who would
still want a girl that their brother had slept with. Had Nathan tricking me
into sleeping with him ruined any chance I had with Ethan for good?

The thought makes
the anger that’s inside of me intensify.

I look at Nathan’s
peaceful face again. He looks smug to me now, even in his sleep. I grad a
bottle of water that’s sitting on the table next to us from the night before
and yank the top off of the top of it. I pour the entire thing out onto
Nathan’s lap.

He jumps up out of
a dead sleep, shock and confusion on his face. “What the fuck?” He asks,
looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. He’s up from the sofa now, wiping the
water off his chest with a pissed off expression on his face.

“No, I think I
should be the one asking you what the fuck!”

He meets my eyes
and the look of annoyance is gone, replaced with understanding. He knew I knew
what he had done. He looks away uncomfortably.

“Oh,” I snicker.
“Now you want to try and play coy? Where was that same respect when you were
doing what you did! You make me sick!”

He turns his gaze
back toward me again. “Look, Lacey, I didn’t-“ A crash from the other side of
the house cuts him off and he gazes over my shoulder. “Is someone… is someone
else here?”

I yank my head
around, worried that Ethan will come busting out of the kitchen at any moment
and catch us in the middle of a heated argument about the hot sex we had had

“Not here,” I
hiss. “My room, now.”


Chapter 12



Yesterday the
thought of being alone in
room with her would
have turned me on, but today it just scared me. How had she found out? She
wasn’t supposed to find out.

and Ethan
had done this tons of times before.

None of the other
girls ever found out.

We pretended to be
one another, hooked up with the girl, ended it with the girl, and that was it.
No one ever found out, we never looked bad. It never blew up in either of our

Until today.

And it was the
worst possible girl it could have gone wrong with.

My fucking stepsister.

“What the fuck is
wrong with you?”
standing in front of me in
her room now, arms crossed across her chest, a look in her eyes that makes it
clear she wants to reach out and choke the fuck out of me without having to
hear a single word I have to say.

She was so sexy
when she was mad.

“How did you find
out?” It’s the wrong thing to ask her, I know it the second the words are out
of my mouth but I can’t help it. It’s the thing that’s been replaying over and
over again in my mind since she threw a thing of water on me a few minutes

“That’s all you
have to say for yourself!” She looks even more disgusted then she did a few
moments earlier, if that was possible. But she answers me anyway. “Ethan is
here! The REAL Ethan!”


Out of all the
ways I had come up with as to how she found out, Ethan being here was the last
one I would have thought actually happened. It was kind of weird he hadn’t come
to wake me up himself and give me a pat on the back or watch me get bitched
out. I was actually surprised he hadn’t covered for me, pretending to be
me or something

“What did he think
of it?” I ask her half-heartedly. This was suddenly all very boring to me. I
mean, sure, I felt a little bad about the fact that I hadn’t been totally
honest with her but we had done it tons of times before. She shouldn’t feel
that special.

“He didn’t think
anything of it because I didn’t tell him! And you aren’t going to either!”

She’s looking at
me intently now, like she can’t believe I would even ask her such a thing. And
then I see it. There’s not just anger in her eyes anymore, there’s fear, too.
For a second I think it might have to do with our parents finding out but it’s
deeper than that. She’s scared I’m going to tell Ethan. Scared
that if he finds out he wont ever want
anything to do with
her in the way that she wants.

I have to stop
myself from laughing out loud.

She had no idea.
Ethan would care less if he knew that I had fucked Lacey. He had been with
multiple girls that I had been with over the years. That kind of thing didn’t
matter to either of us.

It might if I
found the right girl but that had never been the case.

I shrug. “Why
can’t I tell him?”

“Because it’s
embarrassing! For the both of us!”

“Not really,” I
pause and look at her with indifference, like I have no idea why she wouldn’t
want Ethan to find out about the two of us. “It’s just embarrassing for me if
anyone. It’s not like you did anything wrong. In fact… I feel so bad about it
that I think I better go tell Ethan about it right now.” I make a quick dash
for the door.

“No!” Lacey
practically tackles me to the ground before I have a chance to move even an
inch. “No! Don’t! Please!”

I fake surprise.
“What? Why not?”

“You can’t tell
him! You can’t tell anyone!”

“But why not? I
feel really bad about it. I need to clear my conscience.” It’s taking
everything inside of me to not burst out laughing. Clearing my conscience was a
laughable idea, especially to someone like Ethan. The shit he did was way worse
than anything I had ever done.

Fear comes across
face again. “You can’t tell anyone, you just can’t!
Please? Promise me you won’t?”

I shrug. “What’s
in it for me if I you don’t?”

Her mouth hangs
open before me, shock written across her thick lips. “What’s in it for you?
Everyone doesn’t find out what a complete tool you are!”

I shrug.
“Everybody already thinks I’m a tool, doesn’t bother me much.”

“Seriously?” she
asks. “Haven’t you done enough?”

A part of me feels
bad for a second but it fades fast as soon as I think about the way I was
making her moan last night. Something about her sparked something inside of me.
Something that hadn’t been awoken in a really long time, and something that I
didn’t want to put to bed again anytime soon. I needed to be around her, I
needed to be close to her.

My sweet little

“Not as much as I
could do.”

I hate the way she
looks at me then. Like she can’t believe what an awful human being I am. “What
do you want?” she finally asks softly.

“Not much. Just
for you to play a little game with me while we’re home this week.”

Her eyes grow
wide. “What kind of game?”

“The kind of game
that involves doing whatever I tell you to.”


I roll my eyes, so
dramatic. “Not if you don’t want to. I mean other things. A certain number of
rules… wearing what I say, doing what I say, that kind of thing. Just for the
week. Then after it’s over, you go back to your life and I go back to mine. And
Ethan? He never finds out anything about any of it.”

Her face is all
flushed and red, her mouth partly agape.

“It’s only a week,
Lacey. Think about it.”

Then I turn around
and leave my sexy little stepsister alone in her room to think about my offer.

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