Lyfe Changing (18 page)

Read Lyfe Changing Online

Authors: Desirae Williams

Tags: #romance, #crime, #suspense, #relationships

I sighed just thinking
about it. “We just started seeing each other for the past two
months. Does honestly think he is gonna get some bedroom action
just like that? Now was I wrong?” “Hell no…” Alayah said making her
way back to the sofa with an armful of stilettos and Jimmy Choo’s.
“That’s your right as an American citizen not to participate in any
act you’re not comfortable with, trust me, I’m a lawyer…I would
know.” I nodded. “But it has been two months.” “I don’t give damn
if it’s been two years…” Cat interjected modeling her shoes in the
mirror. “You told him no, he should respect your decision and kept
it moving.” “Thank you.” I sighed finally hearing common

See that’s what’s wrong
with men, they think were just put here on earth to cook, clean,
and hang on there every word all while being naked…” Cat said
shaking her head. “Get the hell out of here.” “And I tried to tell
him that but did he listen…no.” I groaned letting a pair of red
pumps catch my eye. “You know he had the nerve to call me an
uptight prude who wanted to control every damn thing…” I scoffed.
“He said I was delaying the inevitable and that I should just go
ahead and do what he knew I wanted to do.”
Arrogant bastard.
I thought.
I guess that is why I didn’t feel bad for
throwing that popcorn bowl at his head.
“Relax Destiny…I’m sure given a few days this will all blow
over and he will be calling your phone begging harder than Keith
Sweat.” Alayah chuckled.

But he hadn’t called. It
had been a week since I had last seen or heard from Derrick and it
was driving me crazy. I didn’t understand why he was being such a
jerk. We both enjoyed being with each other, I didn’t understand
what was the problem. We had been having a great time together for
the past few months. This fight between us was really weighing on
me. I had placed the red heels on my feet trying to get some type
of satisfaction from this little outing but to no avail. I wondered
had I played the fool again, had I been falling for this guy all
the while he didn’t feel the same way about me.
Was Derrick just toying with me until I finally gave

I couldn’t help but think
the worst at this moment. My feelings were hurt. “They look good on
you.” A familiar voice crooned causing me to lift my head up. .
“James.” I said standing up to face him. He helped me stand to my
feet. “Well long time no see.” “Not on my part…” I said while James
still grasped my hands into his. “Please forgive me…I have been a
busy man.” “I thought you made time for what you wanted…” I asked
staring into his teddy bear eyes with a little more confidence. He
chuckled a little finding humor in my sassiness. A fake cough got
my attention reminding me Alayah and Cat were still around watching
me and James interact with one another. “Oh…” I said smiling
nervously among my friends. “I’m sorry James this is Alayah she
works for Martin and Lee’s law firm and I’m pretty sure you know
Cat being that you two work together.”

Yes I do.” James smiled
taking each of their hands. “How are you doing ladies?” “Fine…”
They sang in unison. “So what brings you here Mr. Ryan?” Cat cooed
as we all took into account James stunning features. Even in
flannel and denim he was a sight to be seen. “Oh just shopping for
the charity event coming up….” He smiled flashing those pearly
whites of his captivating every woman walking by. “Which is why I
am glad I ran into you Ms. Witt, I got something I would like to
ask you?” “Oh you do?” Alayah asked looking from me to him. “Well
do ask.” I shook my head at my nosy friends and sighed. “We are
waiting.” She purred. “How about you accompany me to the charity
ball? My firm and I are going to be among some big business types
and I would love to have the beautiful woman who is making this
event happen on my arm.” “Sorry I already have date.” Cat said
budding in.

James laughed but I shot
her a stern look that sent her down the shoe aisle. I turned my
attention back to James. “James I would love to but I...” “But she
needs to talk to us for a minute.” Alayah chimed in dragging me
away to a secluded area. “Girl what are you doing?” She asked as if
I had gone insane. “What do you mean? You know I’m seeing

Derrick…” Cat

From what I have heard you
haven’t seen him in a week.”

Oh come on.”

No you come one.” Alayah
frowned. “Are you kidding? Do you know how gorgeous that man is
over there? What are you thinking about?” I gave them both a sad
look that revealed the answer to their question. Cat and Alayah
sighed. “Ok…I understand you and Derrick got some weird love
connection going but it’s not like you guys are on solid ground
right now.” Cat hinted. I nodded. “True.” “So what is the problem
with you playing the field a little?” I shook my head not wanting
to even go there. “I can’t do that, I don’t know how to juggle two
guys around.” “It’s easy…” Alayah said with big smile. “Everyone
has a spare tire in the trunk of their car. Yours just comes with
some nice Godiva chocolate skin.” I chuckled a little before
actually thinking about what she said.
It’s not like Derrick and I have any serious commitments. I
can’t even get him to call me right now. I got this amazing guy
waiting for me while I’m pouting over him. What the hell am I
I looked both my friends in the eyes
and nodded. “Your right…I mean Derrick is obviously not thinking
about me so why am I thinking about him…I can talk to whoever I
want to.”

That’s right girl.” Alayah
and Cat nodded and whooped. “So go get him.” I walked back over to
James. He continued to smile that beautiful smile of his that
reminded me of a Colgate commercial. “Well then it’s settled, I’ll
pick you up at seven?” He asked. I nodded. “Can’t wait…” James
leaned down and surprisingly placed a huge kiss on my lips taking
me completely off guard. Finding the kiss quite good I wrapped my
arms around his neck and let his lips work their magic. James
finally pulled away from me as I tried to make sense of what just
happened here. “I will call you later.” He whispered before slowly
making his exit. “Bye ladies.” He called out to Cat and Alayah.
“Bye James.” They both ran over to me. “Well damn girl you didn’t
have a hard time with that at all.” Cat smiled. I licked my dry
lips. “I guess not.” Although it was abrupt it, I still found
James’s kiss enjoyable…but somewhere deep inside I still thought of


I’d rather be with


“Hey grandma…you got another
wrench in there?” I hollered. I had been outside all morning
working on my grandpa’s truck trying to fix the damages that had
been done due to the numerous bullets flying at it. My grandma had
totally tripped when she saw its condition, knowing it was one of
the last few memories she had off my grandfather. I quickly told
her I had ran through a bad neighborhood but her suspicious side
glances every now and then said she didn’t believe me. “Derrick I
don’t see any more tools in here…” She hollered while making her
way outside. “You seem to be fixing it up real good

I placed the broken glass
from the windshield in a separate pile. I remembered being so
pissed when all of this went down, especially when I tried to take
it to an auto shop and the overweight greasy clown running things
wanted to charge me an arm and a leg just for a new paint job and
replacement of the windshield. Usually in these circumstances I
wouldn’t even have gave a damn, I would have just slapped down a
few hundred dollar bills and call it a day but now my pockets
weren’t built like they used to be. So after a week or so I finally
was able to save up and buy a new windshield for the truck but
instead of going to a professional auto shop I decided to just
handle it myself.

With all this frustration
and anger it was no wonder Destiny and I got into a blow up like we
did. It wasn’t even that I was mad at her. I was so just wrapped up
in my own problems she ended up catching the worst from it. It had
been a while since we had last spoken pleasant words to each other
so I figured it was time I called her up and apologized, but
honestly I didn’t even want to go there right now, too much already
on my plate…like my wellbeing. “Yeah…it aint all that bad.” My
grandmother nodded then looked at me peculiarly. “So what did you
say happened again?” I glanced up at her and looked back down,
trying to remember the lies I told her.

I told you I ran through a
bad neighborhood…must have been a shootout or something.” She
continued to eye me suspiciously watching my movements. “Ummm Hmmm…
you still going to that charity ball Pastor Wallace invited you
too?” She asked. I sighed rubbing my oily hands on my pants
thinking about Destiny and how beautiful she would look at the

I don’t know yet….I have
to think about it.”

Well I think you should go
and at least show your face for the Pastor…” Grandma rose smiled
patting my back. “I hear there are some well to do women going to
be there, some good Christian women, nice wholesome young
ladies…you know never know Derrick you could meet your future
wife.” “Grandma please.” I groaned having had enough of her
meddling into my personal business. “Fine…fine…” She said waving
her hands. “I’m a go in and find some more tools for you….but you
think about what I said Derrick, nobody wants to die alone.” I
nodded thanking God she had left.

I couldn’t risk telling her
the truth about the truck and having her possibly freaking out and
doing something crazy. As I continued to work on the truck I
noticed a black Benz pull up in the front yard while I was placing
the new windshield in. When De and Ray stepped out I felt sense of
relief but I still kept my guard up. “What’s up Derrick?” De called
out. I shook my head. “Nothing much….” De and Ray took notice of
the damage to my truck and instantly knew what happened. “So he has
been coming after you?” Ray asked still looking at the beat up old
truck. I chuckled a little. “Yep…full on high speed chase.”
“Derrick you gotta stop playing around…” Ray sighed. “I mean it’s
cool you trying to walk the straight and narrow and all but this
cat aint going to stop until he kills.”

Although I knew he spoke
the truth I kept on tending to my truck as if I hadn’t heard a
thing. “He’s right Derrick…” De chimed in. His voice was more
somber than usual. “Julio wants blood and he’s going to keep coming
until he gets it.” Ray put a hand on my shoulder trying to get my
attention. “Look we got a whole bunch of money in the car bruh,
let’s get out of here. Let’s go to Brazil, you know you like them
Brazilians bitches…c’mon boy lets go.” I smiled at him, liking the
offer but I continued to work on the truck. “Thanks. bruh but… I’m
not going anywhere.” “C’mon Derrick….you’re like a sitting duck
waiting to die. What are you doing?” De roared. “Look…” I said
sternly. “I got kids…my grandmothers here…I’m not leaving. I never
ran from nobody before I’m not doing it now. This fool wants some
he can come get it.”

What good are you going to
be to them dead Derrick?” Ray asked. I shrugged nonchalantly. “The
same way I’m going to be to them if I’m gone...not here. It’s a
lose-lose situation either way. I’d rather be here.” They hung
their heads down knowing that there was no getting through to me. I
wasn’t leaving my family…even if I stood the chance of dying… that
was a risk I was willing to take. I don’t know why I felt this way
but something in me wouldn’t budge and told me to stay where I
was…and for once in my life I was listening.

Derrick…Derrick who you
got out there with you?” Grandma Rose hollered from the back door.
We laughed at her nosiness seeing she hadn’t changed since are
younger years. “It’s De and Ray grandma…they just stop by to say
hello.” “Hey Mrs. Rose…” they both said in unison as always. “Hey
there boys…how your mama and them doing?” She waved. “Fine” “Come
on in here and get something to eat and get out that hot sun.”
“Uh…no Mrs. Rose we gotta be going…” De began to protest. “I didn’t
ask you that…I said get in here… all of y’all.” She demanded. We
all burst out laughing as we came walking inside. No matter how big
we got, Grandma Rose new how to put us back in our


“Well I’ll tell you Richard
I think welfare and government assistance may be the biggest waste
of time and money...” James expressed to his peers. “Why should we
spend our hard earned tax dollars on degenerates who don’t want to
work but want to live off others.’’ It was the night of the charity
event and James and I was in the midst of talking to some of his
partners at his firm. I stood by him and watched as he spoke about
the depravity of urban neighborhoods. He came across like such a
kiss ass sucking up to the big bosses and was turning me off. This
whole evening with him had been a bust. All night instead of
showing genuine conversation with me and a desire for us to spend
time together, he wanted to parade me around to his coworkers to
make him look good. I may as well have been a mannequin holding his
arm given the fact that other than introducing me he saw no need
for me to speak any further. I was so surprised that James was
coming off as a chauvinist and an Uncle Tom so busy trying to
further his career and fit in with the good ole boys.

I had to admit he looked
pretty suave in a suede black suit but other than that I couldn’t
find anything of interest about him and quite frankly I didn’t feel
like playing the silent bimbo any longer. I looked around hoping to
see familiar faces that could break me away from this misery and
thank God I did. “James…I have to excuse myself I will be right
back.” I said pulling away from him. He gently grabbed my hand to
stop me. “But I still wanted you to meet some more of my partners.”
I cringed at the thought of meeting some more of his uptight social
business partners, I didn’t think I could stomach anymore. “I’m
sorry sweetie but I really have to talk with the help to make sure
everything is going alright…I’ll come back as soon as I can.”
Without a moment’s hesitation I raced off to get as far away from
him as possible. Good thing my girls were in clear view. “Oh thank
God you’re here…” I said grabbing their arms and pulling them into
a vacant corner.

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