Lynnia (20 page)

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Authors: Ellie Keys

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction




Dario looked at the clock on the wall and smiled. The test was coming and he was looking forward to seeing what kind of woman she was. He’d arrived at the theatre early to purchase the tickets for the movie and check the concession stand prices. He hadn’t been to a movie in almost two years. In recent months, neither he nor the Norton sister had made the time to check a listing, let alone, go to a theatre. When Lindsay suggested going to see
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2
, he had to go online to see what in the hell she was talking about. She suggested he go and pick the movies up from Redbox if they had it. The woman even went as far as asking if had an Amazon Prime account. He laughed and let her know that he wouldn’t need to do any of that. He was fine going to see the thing with her and that being enough.

His phone chimed ten minutes before the scheduled start time of the movie. Looking at the screen, he wondered if she was calling as the Norton sister would to let him know that she was running late and he could go in and find their seats. He realized then why they didn’t go to the movies together. She was always late arriving, would want to know what she missed then would ask a million questions as if he had seen the movie before. One time, he’d gone ahead and seen the movie they wanted to see before they planned on going to see it. When she asked those questions that he knew she was going to ask, he had an answer to every one of them. Later on, when they were riding back to her condo, she was pissed that he’d gone to see it without her.

“Can’t win for losing,” he mumbled, not realizing that he’d hit the button to answer the call.

“What are you losing?” Lindsay asked and he groaned at his own idiocy.

“Nothing. How’s it going? Are you ready to see this mocking bird movie?”

A peel of laughter came through the phone and he liked the sound of it. Smiling to himself, Dario waited for her to respond.

“It’s going good. I was standing here looking for you, but I think I just spotted you. Oh, just and FYI, we’re going to see the mocking

Lindsay giggled again. This time he joined her.

“Oops. Sorry. Which way … never mind, I see you.”

He watched her walk towards him. She kind of bounced when she walked. It was cute. He’d known her for eighteen years and she always had that bounce. It was good to know that she hadn’t lost it after all this time. They knew each other through a group home they both had to volunteer their time at based on the mandatory community service each were sentenced to. The two of them were the youngest in the “rehabilitation” program and tended to look out for one another when the older kids tried to throw their weight around. In some cases, it was quite literally.

“What are you smiling about?”

The beautiful woman that was standing in front of him was the cutest being he’d ever known. All the guys that tried to get her number back in the day was surprised to learn that the girl they believed to be sweet and innocent could read them from ten miles away. Every last one of them had their faces handed to them when they tried to use the one-liners they believed to be tried and true. She shot every one of them down.  He’d been dating some girl and never tried anything with her. His life had been complicated enough. The Norton sister came on the scene and he was no longer truly interested in anyone, but her. Over the years, he and Lindsay would get together from time to time to check up on one another. Still, nothing ever happened between the two of them.

“I’m smiling because you’re wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers with a ponytail. Do you know how many guys in here want to be me right now?”

“Why would they want to be you? I’m mean, sure, you have the hot, blue-eyed, Latin thing going for you. You are all muscle on top of muscle and you’re not the shortest guy in the room. There are many guys that would envy you that much, right there. Other than that, I don’t know what else you have going for you.”

“Linds, I’ve got a lot more going for me than what can be seen. One day, you might learn all about it.”

He blinked a couple times at the fact that he was obviously flirting with this woman. She smiled up at him.

“You promise?”

There were no words. He couldn’t believe he’d just initiated a conversation that could get them quickly moving to a place he didn’t know if he wanted to be in. Ha! What in the hell was he thinking? If she was willing, shit, he was sure as hell able.

“I’m going to slide us out of that area of conversation and move us to the place where we are heading to see a movie that you really wanted to see. Let’s put that subject on the table across the room for now.”

“Okay. We can do that. Let’s go see the movie. My snacks are in my purse. If I remembered right, you liked the Sour Patches, peanut M&Ms, and Mountain Dew, right?”

He nodded his head and took a deep breath. Turning down that obvious invite was one of the hardest things he’d ever had to do in his life. Pretty blonde woman that had been rumored to make grown men cry with her skills offers you a bone and you toss it back in her face, it was probably the last time it would be offered. Dario was kicking himself because he was due in the sex department. Three weeks was the longest time he’d ever gone without sex since that first time with the Norton sister. He needed to get that taken care of soon or he might lose it. The fact that it might not be with Lindsay had him groaning as he walked alongside her.


The movie was pretty good. He actually enjoyed it. Not that he could focus much. Lindsay kept putting her hand in his lap and stroking his inner thigh. Several times, he had to remember where they were. He wanted to unzip his jeans and open his boxers to let her see what her proximity was doing to him. By the time they were walking out the door of the theatre, he had to adjust himself in order to walk without looking like some kind of weirdo.

It was dark out. He hadn’t thought about how dark it would be once the movie was over or else he would’ve insisted on picking her up. She’d offered to drive herself because she was going to be coming from her job. Lindsay said she didn’t want to inconvenience him.

“Let me walk you to your car.”

“Thanks. I parked on the other side of the building here. I didn’t think about the time the movie would let out when I parked over there.”

They walked in companionable silence for a little while. She broke the silence by asking what he liked about the movie. That broke the tension that he’d felt building between them since they sat down in the theatre. Lindsay led him to a Ford Fusion, midnight blue in color. She opened the back door and tossed her purse in the backseat. He hadn’t realized how close he was until he bumped into her bent over ass. She jumped a little before turning and giving him a look. The look was all the warning he had.

Grabbing his shirt, she pulled him down to her and began kissing him. It was an amazing feeling. His on edge body responded to every touch as her hands roamed. Pushing her back a step, he took control of the kiss. As his hands went to her hair, hers travelled down the front of his body to his fly. He felt one of her hands stroke the outside of his pants as the other began to undo his button then zipper. When he felt the warmth of that curious hand wrap around the head of him, he released a breath. Her lips were on his neck as her hand stroked him. When she sat in the seat of the car, he didn’t know. He just saw what she was perfect alignment with his pelvis where she was sitting and she knew it. She licked her lips like a predator would their prey.

The next feeling he felt was wickedly exquisite as she placed that sexy mouth of hers over rock solid and lengthening cock. One of his hands was on the back of her head and the other was on the top of the car while she began to suck him off. Palming his balls made him tap the top of the car. She increased her pull and suction motions while moaning. The tongue that she used to lick the head as pre-cum seeped from him had him trembling from the heat of it. Watching her work him into a frenzy was hot as hell. He could feel the pressure beginning to build. She grabbed hold to his ass cheek then pinched him.


Lindsay giggled around him and it sent another tremor of pleasure through him.

“Fuck if that doesn’t feel good as hell.”

She moaned and everything in him tightened. He increased the pumping motion he was making as she relaxed her mouth. Fucking that mouth was only one part of what he wanted now that he knew that things weren’t off the table.

“Shit yeah. I’m about to fucking explode! Let go of my ass, Linds. If you don’t want …”

She tightened her hold and sucked harder. There was nothing he could do to prevent his reaction. The shit felt too fucking good. He growled as he tried to curb the urge to yell out. After all, they were in a public area.

After he was finished and could stand without an aftermath reaction, he pulled his clothes back together. Lindsay smiled a devilish smile at him and wiped her mouth. She was chewing a piece of gum as she stood.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now. I can’t believe I’ve known you eighteen years and I haven’t ever had that pleasure or a few others. I think that needs to be remedied soon, don’t you think? Maybe you can do me soon.”

Lindsay kissed his cheek and walked to the driver’s seat of the car, started it, and pulled out of the space.

Her window came down and she started talking to him, “I’m off again day after tomorrow. Call me if you want to hang out again. We could go play pool. I know you haven’t played in a while.”

He cleared his throat before talking to her, “Sure. I’ve got your number.”

“Yes, you do. I’m looking forward to you playing along.”

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