Mad Love (Hearts Are Wild): Hearts Are Wild (19 page)




I’d give up everything for you.

I love you.

Let me put you first.

Toby’s words kept spinning around in her
head. She hadn’t seen or heard from him in three days and she
hadn’t been brave enough to seek him out.

The doorbell rang and her heart leapt.


Except it wasn’t Toby.

Opening the door, Madison greeted the woman
on the other side. “Mrs. Moreland.”

“I thought we’d established it was Lisa?” she
asked as she brushed past Madison and into the house.

“I’m not sure—”

“Close the door and come inside.”

Meekly, Madison did as she was told. What was
it about the Morelands that had her jumping to obey?

“You look like shit. Let’s sit down so you
don’t fall at my feet.” Lisa grabbed Madison’s hand and towed her
into the living room. “Honestly, you two are as bad as each

“Mrs…Lisa. I’m not sure what—”

“Everything. Tobias told me everything. Now
tell me.”


“Sit. I’ll make coffee then we’ll talk.”

“Let me—”


Tears stung her eyes and the back of her
throat, her nasal passages. She’d never had the ‘mother voice’ used
on her before. Madison’s mother never reprimanded her because she’d
never gone against instruction. She’d been the perfect little
student, and now she was being treated like a daughter.

Blinking rapidly, Madison waved a hand in
front of her face. “Sorry.”

“Oh sweetie, there’s no need to be

“But I hurt Toby.” A sob choked off her

“Honey, he’s not hurt by you. He’s hurting

“I don’t understand.”

“My son knows you all too well, I think. He
knows you’re sitting here feeling guilty and responsible for
everything that happened. Especially about him quitting his

“He shouldn’t have done that.”

“Madison, if either of you had read that
clause in your contract before your relationship was discovered,
he’d have quit. And he’d have done it without a second


“Because that’s what we do for the people we

“But he’s worked there for years.”

“That’s neither here nor there. What’s
important is for you to realize that you didn’t
anything. He
gave it up for you.”

“I don’t understand that kind of

“All you have to know is that to him, it’s
not a sacrifice. It’s a pleasure. His only desire is to give you
what you want and need, what makes you happy. For Tobias, that was
walking away from his job so you could keep yours.”

“He walked away from me too,” Madison

Lisa laughed. “No he didn’t.”

“He hasn’t contacted me or tried to see me in

“He’s giving you time to work out all that
business at school. He wants that all sorted out before the two of
you sit down to discuss the two of you. But as a mother who’s seen
her share of heartbroken people, I knew you’d need a little kick to
get you moving. Although unlike my son, you appear to have showered
in the last three days…”

Madison shot to her feet. “He can’t come
here. Toby can’t come to me.”

“Oh? Why ever not?” Lisa asked with a

“Because he’s always coming to me. Every step
of the way he’s come to me. Pushed me. I need to meet him halfway
or he won’t know.”

“Know what dear?” Lisa prompted

“That I love him as much as he loves me. That
I’d give up everything for him too. Well, except he won’t let me
because he’s a caveman in disguise most of the time. But I have to
show him I’m in this one hundred percent.”

“There you go. I knew you’d get there

Madison looked around for her bag. Where did
she put her keys?

“I’ll leave you to it then.” With a little
wave, Toby’s mother let herself out.

Staring at the closed door, Madison wondered
what kind of superpowers that woman had. Both times they’d had a
serious conversation, Lisa had said very little, and yet on both
occasions the results were monumental for Madison. She felt changed
inside each time Lisa spoke to her.

Where the hell were her keys and purse?





Toby leaned forward and lowered his head into
his hands.

Three days.

Seventy-two hours.

A lifetime.

Fuck, he missed her. Like a leg or an arm,
Mad’s absence ached with a numbness that sucked the breath right
out of him. He hadn’t slept, hadn’t eaten. If he was prone to
drinking more than the occasional social glass, he’d have spent the
last few days at the bottom of a bottle.

Although he was finding sleep deprivation was
just as effective as alcohol in regards to numbing the mind.

“Would you at least shower?” Damian

“Yeah, you’re beginning to stink up the
place, man.” Adam slapped him on the back of the head.

The pair of them had been here all day. No
matter what he said or didn’t say, he couldn’t get rid of them.
Actually, now that he thought about it, at least one of his
brothers had been with him twenty-four seven since he’d come home
after quitting his job. What was up with that?

Not that he cared. They were pains in his ass
and he’d keep on ignoring them.

“C’mon, Toby. You need to pull it together,
man. A shower and clean clothes will make all the difference.”
Damian gave his shoulder a shove. “Toby?”

He couldn’t summon the motivation to drag his
ass off the couch. There was no way he was ready to make the
distance from here to the bathroom. Lifting his head, he muttered,

.” His mother breezed into the
room. She walked over and grabbed him by the ear, gave it a twist.
“Tobias Lachlan Moreland, if you don’t hit that shower right now,
I’ll get your brothers to drag your sorry ass outside and I’ll hose
you off myself.”

“Uh-oh, now you’re in for it.” Coop came into
view. “Full name and a swear word.”

Damian, Adam and Zac moved in beside Coop. Oh
great. She’d brought the rest of the cavalry with her. “Mom…”

“What’s the one thing I could give you that
would make you feel better?” she asked, her fingers still tightly
gripping his ear.

“Mad.” There was no hesitation.

He knew he had to give Mad time, but fuck, it
was killing him not being there for her while she sorted everything
out at school. He’d spoken to Ted, through his lawyer at first,
then himself this afternoon. He knew Mad had kept her job and,
although Toby was no longer on staff, he would continue to coach
the sports teams on a contract basis. But he needed to see her. See
for himself that she was okay.

“You get in the shower right now and I
promise you’ll get exactly what you want.”

Toby eyed his mother. She was up to
something. “What did you do?”

Smiling, she let go of his ear and patted his
cheek. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Yes, actually, I would.” He blew out a
breath. “She needs time.”

“She’s had plenty. And so have you.” Grabbing
the front of his shirt in her fist, she pulled him to his feet.
“Shower. Now.”

He let her direct him towards his room. They
both knew she’d never be able to if he wanted to stand his ground.
“Okay. I’m going.”

“Finally.” Adam threw up his hands. “Now can
we stop babysitting duty?”

“Why are you all still here?” Mom asked,
shooting one of her lethal glares at them.

Toby smiled and walked away to the sounds of
his brothers’ grumbles as their mother hustled them out of his

Memories assaulted him as he made his way
through the bedroom into the bathroom. Mad was everywhere he
looked. In the weeks they’d been together, she’d left pieces of her
life all around his house. Clothes in his wardrobe, a toothbrush in
his bathroom, her shampoo in the shower… The steamy space still
smelled of her.

Taking a deep breath, Toby stripped out of
his shirt and pants. Fuck. He had to see her. Would it be a dick
move to park outside her house and wait for her to leave? To look
through her windows with the hope of getting a glimpse?

He laughed. Knowing his luck, Damian would be
the one to arrest him.

Flicking on the water, he stepped under the
spray and let the shock of cold jolt him. It warmed quickly, and
while he wanted to linger in this space that smelled of Mad, he
didn’t. He took care of the necessities quickly then shut the water

He’d promised himself he’d give her time but
he didn’t think he’d last much longer. Maybe he should get his
mother to take all his keys so he couldn’t drive over to Mad’s
house. Or he could go home to Mom and Dad’s and hang out with them
for the night. Get them to bring him back in the morning.

He grabbed a towel and slung it around his
hips before heading back out to talk to his mother. He hadn’t made
it two steps into the bedroom when he froze.


It had finally happened. She’d lived up to
her name and driven him mad. There was no other explanation for the
apparition standing before him. He was hallucinating. He had to be.
His sleep-deprived mind had conjured up his wildest dreams.


God, his imagination was so good, his vision
even sounded like Mad.

“I used the key you gave me.” She stood
beside the bed, her hands twisting together in front of her in a
nervous gesture he hadn’t seen in a while. “I left it on—”

“Mad?” he shook his head. “You’re real?”

“Ah, yes.” Her head tipped to the side as she
studied him. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Jesus.” Toby stalked over, gripped her arms
and brought her to her toes. “Fuck. You’re real.”


He slammed his mouth on hers. She melted
instantly. Opened her mouth and welcomed him. And for the first
time in seventy-two hours, he took a deep breath.

Pulling back, her pressed his forehead to
hers. “You’re real.”

“You said that already.”

“I know but I’ve been seeing you for days.”
He sighed. “You’re never real.”

“We need to talk.”

“Need to touch you more.” Toby started on the
buttons of her blouse.

“Toby.” She brushed his hands away.

“No. Never.” Pushing the shirt open, he
sucked in a breath. “Damn. You and your sexy underwear.”

“Toby.” Mad wiggled out of his hold. “I’ve
got things to say.”

“I’m only hearing you if you’re naked and
pressed against me.” He dropped his towel and stalked after her as
she moved around the bed and headed for the door.

Lunging forward, he slid an arm around her
waist and lifted her off her feet.



He spun around and dropped on the bed, making
sure he didn’t crush her when he came down on top. Framing her face
with his hands, he stared at her, studied every millimeter of her
face to see if she’d changed at all since he’d seen her.

“Christ. I finally get what Steve Tyler was
singing about when he said he didn’t want to miss a thing.”

“What? Toby, you’re not making any

“Nothing makes sense when I don’t have

She rolled her eyes. “Now you’re being

He shook his head. “Nope. It’s the truth. I
can’t function without you, Mad.”

“For god’s sake, we’ve only been together a
few weeks.”

“I know.” He held her gaze with his. “I think
I was done the first time I kissed you.”


“You’re it for me. I don’t get it. I can’t
explain it. But there it is. You’re it.” Her eyes filled with tear
and his heart stopped.

“Dammit, Toby.” She sniffed.

“Don’t cry.” He scrambled up, pulled her into
his lap and tucked her head beneath his chin. “Whatever it is,
whatever I said, I’ll fix it. Just don’t cry.”




Madison sucked back her tears and tried to
swallow the lump in her throat. She needed to get the words out.
Needed for Toby to shut up long enough for her to say the good
stuff first.

“Don’t cry. I’ll fix it.” He rocked her in
his lap. “Mad, please, you’re killing me.”

Sniffling, she attempted to order her
thoughts. “Can you shut up long enough for me to speak?”

Toby stopped rocking. “Ah, sure.”

“Thank you.”

“Always so polite,” he murmured and held her

“Ease up, you’re making it hard to

His arms loosened. “Sorry.”

“I’m mad at you.” Madison covered his mouth
with her hand to stop him from talking. “I’m allowed to be mad. You
didn’t give me a chance to make a decision about how we dealt with
the debacle at school. I get that you’re the alpha-male type and
you thought you were doing what was right but if we’re going to
keep seeing each other, we have to meet halfway.”

“What do you mean
?” he asked into
her hand.

She lifted her hand away. “I wasn’t

“Did you not hear one word I said?”

“Oh, I heard you. I’m still hearing you.”

“What does that mean?”

“Everything is happening so fast and this is
all new for me, remember.”

Toby grabbed her hips and, picking her up,
swung her around to straddle his lap. His very naked, very aroused
lap. Forehead pressed to hers, he said, “This, with you, is new for
me too. I’ve never told a woman I wasn’t related to that I love
her. Madison, I’ve held your hand through so many new experiences.
I’m asking you to hold mine through this one.”

He laid his hand open between them.

“Shit. Ignore that.” He covered his cock with
his other hand. “It can’t be helped. You’re in the room.”

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