Made For Sex (19 page)

Read Made For Sex Online

Authors: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

Ronnie looked Carla in the eye. “I'd love to show you but I don't want it to spoil our friendship.”

“Would it?” Carla asked, now curious at the prospect.

“I don't know. I hope not. But if anything ever feels wrong, just tell me and I'll stop.”

“Isn't that what we tell everyone before we play?”

“I guess so.” Ronnie put her glass on the table, then leaned over and whispered in Carla's ear. “It will be wonderful. I've fantasized about you. In my fantasy you're here just like this.”

Ronnie's breath on her ear made Carla's heartbeat speed and her breathing deepen. Her doubts dissolved and she relaxed.

“Close your eyes and just feel.” Ronnie watched Carla's eyes close. “Good. Like that. Don't move. Just feel.” Ronnie touched the tip of her finger to Carla's mouth and saw her lips part. “Your lips are so soft. So moist and smooth.” She touched Carla's teeth and brushed her nail against Carla's tongue. “Does that tickle?”

Carla was awash in sensations. Nothing sexual had happened but her body tingled and her pussy was swollen. But she was in no hurry. She pursed her lips around Ronnie's finger and sucked lightly.

“Oh yes,” Ronnie whispered in Carla's ear. “Suck my finger.” She allowed Carla to draw her finger into her mouth, then pulled it slowly outward. In and out, mimicking the fucking motion that they had both experienced so often in the past. The rhythm was primitive and deeply sexual. Ronnie pressed the tip of her tongue into Carla's ear, echoing the rhythm the two women had established.

Carla had never imagined that such simple things could be so deeply sensual. She was sucking Ronnie's finger as her friend fucked her ear with her tongue. Suddenly her blouse was in her way. She wanted her breasts free.

Carla reached for her buttons but Ronnie stilled her hand. “Don't move at all. Let me be in charge of everything.” With a nip at Carla's earlobe, Ronnie pulled her finger from her friend's amorous mouth and unbuttoned her blouse. “Your nipples are so swollen. Are they uncomfortable under your bra? Do they want to feel my hot mouth?”

“Oh yes,” moaned Carla.

Ronnie parted the front of Carla's blouse and stroked her palm over her friend's erect nipples through the satiny fabric. “I can feel how hard they are. Do you like my hand?” When Carla moaned again, Ronnie continued, “It's real, isn't it? You want more, I know that. Your heart is pounding and you can't seem to get air into your lungs.”

Ronnie leaned over and took one nipple in her teeth. Although the sensation was diminished somewhat by her bra, the nipping drove Carla wild.

“I like it that this bra fastens in the front,” Ronnie said. “I can unfasten it without you moving. And I don't want you to move, even a little.” With a deft flick of her fingers, Ronnie unclipped Carla's bra and separated the cups so her breasts were free. “Such beautiful breasts, baby,” Ronnie whispered. “I've seen you naked many times, and each time I've imagined how your gorgeous nipples would taste.”

Ronnie cupped Carla's large breast, weighing the handful. “Heavy and ripe. And hungry. Flesh can be hungry, you know, needing my touch.” She drew her fingers from the outside of the breast in her hand to the pink center, pulling at the nipple. She repeated the motion over and over until Carla thought she would go mad from wanting.

“I want you,” Carla said, “and need you.”

“You need me to do what? Give you pleasure? I'm doing that. Need me to increase the heat? Oh baby, yes.” Ronnie leaned over and licked one erect nipple with the flat of her tongue. Then she drew back and blew on the wet tip. Alternately she wet the tight bud, then cooled it with her breath. “Is that driving you wild?” she asked as Carla's hips began to move.

“You're making me crazy,” Carla murmured. “My pussy is going to explode.”

“No, it's not and that's the wonderful part. Your pussy will get hotter and hotter but you won't come until we're ready. And it'll be so intense I'll be able to feel it, share it with you.” Ronnie quickly pulled off Carla's jeans and panties, then removed her own clothes. “I want to be naked like you are.”

Carla reached out to touch Ronnie's naked skin. “Not yet,” Ronnie said. “This is for you. I don't want you to do anything at all. Another time you can touch me but this time is just for you.” Carla's hand dropped to the sofa. “That's a good girl. Just feel.”

Ronnie licked Carla's nipple again, then drew it into her mouth. She sucked hard, causing a tightness to flow from Carla's breast to her pussy. It was as though the sucking made a path through her body and Carla could feel the pull between her legs.

“Is your pussy wet?” Ronnie asked.

“Yes,” Carla murmured. “I'm so excited I don't know what to do. I can almost reach my climax, but not quite.”

“I can reach it for you,” Ronnie whispered. “Now spread your legs so I can see your magnificent pussy. Spread them wide. Put your feet on the edge of the table and open your knees for me.”

Carla did what Ronnie's deep throaty voice told her. She opened her body as Ronnie moved so she was on her knees on the carpet between Carla's spread legs.

Ronnie watched Carla's soaked pussy twitch with excitement. How long could she keep her friend on the edge of climax without letting her over the edge? There was so much pleasure she could give. She bent her head to one side and allowed her hair to brush the inside of Carla's thigh. She allowed the strands to slide over Carla's white skin, tickling and stimulating. Ronnie blew a stream of air at the other thigh.

Carla was going crazy. She was sure she would fly apart in a million pieces and she didn't think she would even feel the explosion. “You're torturing me,” she whispered, reaching for Ronnie's head to force it between her legs.

“Don't do that, baby,” Ronnie said, replacing Carla's hands at her sides. “Hold still and let me show you how good this can be. Be patient.”

“It's making me crazy.”

“Is it bad?”

Carla hesitated. “No. It's wonderful.”

“I promise I won't make you wait too long.” She used one finger of each hand to part Carla's outer lips, then slowly explored her folds with her tongue. “You taste delicious,” she said, continuing her exploration. Then she found Carla's clit with the tip of her tongue. “You can come soon,” she said, flicking her tongue over the swollen bud. “And your climax is going to be so big I'm going to share it with you.”

Ronnie took one finger and slid it into Carla's pussy, while she slid her other hand between her own legs, rubbing and circling over her clit. A second finger joined the first in Carla's pussy. As she filled her friend's cunt she flicked her tongue back and forth over her clit as she fingered herself.

“Oh God,” Carla screamed. “Oh God.”

“Let it come, baby,” Ronnie said. “Don't say anything. Concentrate on what I'm doing to your body. Don't move. Hold perfectly still so you can enjoy my fingers and my tongue.” She blew hot air over Carla's inner lips. “Yes. Share your climax with me.” Her tongue licked and her fingers drove in and out.

Pressure built in Carla's belly. Waves of pleasure began to crest. “Don't stop,” Carla cried. “Don't stop.” Ronnie continued tonguing her friend's clit. Then she shifted her licking to her inner lips, around her fingers. She used the fingers to spread Carla open, then licked all the flesh her tongue could reach.

And then Carla came. The spasms continued, longer than Carla had thought possible. It was a different kind of orgasm than any she had ever experienced. It wasn't the hard, fast kind she had when she masturbated, nor was it the kind she had with her pussy filled with a man's hard cock. It was deep inside, and wonderfully different.

Ronnie slowed her movements until Carla's body calmed. She collapsed onto the sofa, took Carla's hand and gently guided it to her own hot cunt. “Rub gently, just the way you like to be touched.” Carla moved so she could watch her fingers while they explored and massaged Ronnie's hot, wet flesh. Ronnie held Carla's hand and used it to bring her to orgasm. “Like that,” she cried, “just like that.” Gales of pleasure overpowered her.

The living room was quiet for a time, then Ronnie said, “Oh God. That was amazing.”

“It was magic,” Carla said. “Different somehow.”

“I know,” Ronnie said, her breathing calming. “But it doesn't detract, at least for me, from heterosexual sex. I enjoy that as much as I ever did.”

“I'm glad you said that,” Carla said. “I was afraid that you'd be insulted if I did. This was a treat, but I still like men.”

“If the situation arises, would you be interested in doing that while someone watches and participates?”

“Yeah, I think I would. You know how I enjoy being watched. Being the passive one makes me crazy.”

“And I enjoy calling the shots. We're made for each other and for this business.”

“Well,” Carla said, “I guess that's settled.” She picked up her wineglass. “To new experiences. Especially ones that pay well.”

Ronnie took a big swallow of her wine. “Salute.”


ver the months, Ronnie had visited Carla's house in Bronxville many times. With no family of her own, she had become Aunt Ronnie to the boys, and Carla's parents had taken her into the fold. Every time the subject of their business came up, the two women would sidestep any questions, saying only that they were in the public relations field, working for corporate clients, and doing very well.

One evening, while the boys were in their rooms, ostensibly doing their homework, Ronnie and Carla relaxed in the living room of Carla's modest house. “I envy you,” Ronnie said, wistfully. “Sometimes I wish Jack and I had kids.”

“Sometimes I wish I could lend them to you for a few months. Did BJ thank you for his birthday present? Ronnie, getting him his own phone was really extravagant. The bills may be exorbitant.”

“He did thank me, and the bills won't go over a fixed amount that he and I have already agreed on. And I love doing it for him. By the way, don't tell Mike, but I'm getting him his own TV for his birthday next month.”

“You're too much. You miss having your own children, don't you?”

“I do. But I often think that Jack and I wouldn't have made good parents anyway. We're too self-centered. We enjoy our creature comforts, like quiet and privacy.”

“God knows, you get little of either with three growing boys in the house. How is Jack?”

“He's good. He's in the used-to-be Soviet Union, somewhere that ends in ‘istan,' I think. I talked to him just a few days ago.”

Carla saw the wistful look on Ronnie's face. “You miss him.”

“Yeah, I do. I sometimes wish that he'd give up the traveling. Maybe we'd have a real life.”

“Would you give up the business if he was home every evening?”

“I don't know. What about you? You and Bryce see a lot of each other. Are you two getting serious?”

“I don't know that either. He was here last weekend.”

“No! With your parents and the boys?”

“Yup. We spent the day ice skating with the kids, then had a big family dinner.” She laughed. “I thought my parents were going to start making wedding plans right then and there. My mother's talked to me several times since. ‘He's well off and he likes the boys,' she keeps saying.”


“And nothing. He's a nice man and we have great times together.” She lowered her voice. “Both in and out of bed. But that's not enough to build a life on.”

“Give it time,” Ronnie said.

“I have lots of that. And besides, I'm having too much fun in
public relations.”

A few weeks later Carla and Ronnie double dated for the first time. Glen Hansmann was an executive with a motion picture production company. Ronnie had entertained him several times, to their mutual delight. About a week earlier, Glen had called and left his name on her answering machine.

“Ronnie, babe,” he told her when she called back. “I know I've asked you this several times, but any chance of a double date? My friend Vic O'Keefe is in from the West Coast and I'd love to do dinner with you and a friend. You understand. Some dinner and entertainment.”

“I do have a friend. Her name's Carla and her fee is the same as mine.”

“That's super,” Glen said, “and the fee's no problem. Is next Tuesday evening okay?”

“I don't know whether Carla's available,” Ronnie said. “But if she's around that evening I see no reason why it wouldn't work.”

“Good. Check with her and call me back. And if she's anything like you, I can't wait.”

Ronnie called Carla immediately and explained the situation. “How would you feel about a double? I don't know what they'll want, but I think we're ready for anything. And it's a Tuesday.”

“It sounds fine. Hang on and let me check next Tuesday.” Carla flipped pages in her appointment book. “Believe it or not, next Tuesday is the only night I have free for the next month. It must be fate.”

Glen Hansmann was not at all what Carla had expected. He was in his late forties, soft spoken and rather sweet, with light eyes and a dimple in his chin. His shoulder-length dark brown hair curled just above the collar of his light blue dress shirt. Carla noticed that his hands were beautiful, long slender fingers with perfectly manicured nails. Other than a functional wrist watch, he wore no jewelry.

Vic O'Keefe, on the other hand, was a Hollywood cliché. His tan was too perfect, accented by the laughter-created crinkles of lighter skin at the corners of his eyes. He wore a ruby ring on his right hand and a heavy gold-and-steel Rolex watch on his left wrist. His voice was too loud, as was his tie, and he spent the first hour of the evening trying to impress the two women, dropping names and discussing all the exotic places he had been. At one point Carla caught Ronnie's eye and their expression spoke volumes about their long evening ahead.

Finally, Glen had had enough. “Vic,” he said when the man paused for breath, “you're not usually like this. Remember that these girls are ours for the evening. You don't have to impress them.” His fingers drummed on the tablecloth.

Vic was quiet for a moment, then looked apologetic. “I'm really sorry. I guess I'm so used to Hollywood types that I'm out of practice with real people. I know the arrangement. It's just that you two are so attractive I forgot.”

“That we're bought and paid for?” Ronnie said, a slight edge in her voice. The evening threatened to become a disaster.

With a disarming grin, Vic said, “Open mouth, insert foot, and take a giant step. I'm really not a bad guy, you know.” His rueful smile seemed genuine. “How about we just forget my gaucherie and start again.” He stood up, walked around the table, and sat down again. “Hi, everyone. My name's Vic.”

Slowly a smile spread across Ronnie's face. “Hi. I'm Ronnie.”

The remainder of the sumptous meal sped by, fueled by good conversation and easy humor. As the foursome sat over coffee Vic said, “Okay, what's the difference between a tire and three hundred used condoms?”

“I give up,” Ronnie said, “what?”

“A tire is a Goodyear. Three hundred used condoms is a great year.” Everyone laughed. “You know, I can't remember when I've enjoyed a dinner more,” Vic continued, looking at his watch. “And Glen and I have arranged a special surprise that we hope you'll like.”

“Absolutely,” Glen continued. “We've gotten the private use of the spa, pool, and hot tub at Vic's hotel for the rest of the evening. It usually closes at nine o'clock, but I slipped the concierge a little cash and can pick up the key at the desk.”

“Sounds like fun,” Ronnie said, checking her watch, “and it's already nine-thirty. We're ready if you are.”

The two couples, Ronnie with Vic and Glen with Carla, traveled to Vic's hotel. The three waited while Glen picked up the key to the spa. Together, the four slipped through an unmarked door into a back hallway. Giggling, they followed Glen through another door and found themselves in a workout room filled with exercise equipment. “Nice,” Carla said. “This is some facility.”

“Let's try some of it out,” Vic suggested. Quickly, the men were out of their suits and down to their shorts. “Undies only,” Vic called so Ronnie and Carla stripped to their bras and panties. “Have either of you ever done circuit training?” he asked, staring at the two beautiful bodies magnificently displayed in bras and panties.

“I do aerobics, when I have the time,” Carla answered.

“And I'm a confirmed couch potato,” Ronnie added.

“I can show you how to use this stuff. I work out a lot,” Vic said.

Ronnie looked over Vic's well-developed body, his wide shoulders, heavily muscled arms, flat stomach, and tight buns and she smiled. “I'm sure you do.”

Carla walked behind Glen and ran her hands over his muscular back. “I'll bet you've seen the inside of a gym too,” she whispered against the back of his neck. She smiled as she felt his muscles tense and his back straighten. “From time to time,” he said, sucking in his stomach.

Vic tapped the seat of an arm-exercise machine. “Let's see how you'd look on here,” he said to Ronnie. She sat on the seat and Vic placed her arms on the padded upper armrests. “Now, press down,” he said, “then release very slowly. It works your biceps and triceps.” As she pressed, he watched her chest muscles swell, lifting her breasts. As she reached the bottom of the machine's travel, he reached out and brushed his fingers over Ronnie's nipples. Smiling, she released her pressure and allowed the machine to return to its starting position.

Glen showed Carla how to lie on her back on the platform of the leg-press machine. He positioned her feet about twelve inches apart on the footrest and showed her how to use her quadriceps to straighten her legs. Several times he adjusted the weights so it took only a moderate amount of strength to extend her legs. “Now,” he said, “try to hold your legs straight.” Once she had her legs straight, she locked her knees to hold the foot support as far from her body as she could. Glen slid a stool next to the machine, sat down, and rubbed his fingers against the crotch of her panties.

“Hey,” Carla said, giggling, “that makes this much more difficult.” With the soft warmth spreading through her body, she had to concentrate on keeping her knees locked.

“Yeah, it certainly does.” He placed one hand on each of her thighs, pressing his palms lightly against her skin. “Okay. Now release and press.” As Carla relaxed, then extended her legs, Glen felt the tension in her muscles under his hands. Carla's body shone with sweat as she continued to do leg extensions.

Ronnie moved from the arm machine to a device Vic called an adductor. Vic sat her down on the padded seat and, spreading her legs at a forty-five-degree angle, placed her legs in the supports. He fiddled with the weight setting. “Try to close your legs,” he said.

Ronnie used all her strength to try to press her thighs together. “Not a chance,” she said.

“Good,” Vic said. He walked around and knelt between her widely spread legs. He yanked at the tendrils of pussy hair that escaped around the crotch of her panties and heard her gasp. Quickly, he soothed the smarting skin, then pulled her hair again. Ronnie gave up trying to force her thighs together, closed her eyes, and relished the sensations that Vic was causing. “Makes you crazy, doesn't it?”

“God, you know it.” Ronnie shuddered.

Vic grinned. “I certainly do.” He pressed his mouth against the crotch of her panties and nipped at the flesh and fur beneath. His hot breath warmed her lubricating pussy.

“See what Vic's doing?” Glen said to Carla. She turned and watched Vic's face buried between Ronnie's legs. “Now straighten your legs,” Glen said. Carla's thigh muscles were getting tired but she pressed the footplate. Glen cupped one hand against her cunt and tweaked her nipples with the other. Carla wanted to sink into the erotic pleasure, but she had to concentrate to keep her knees locked. “Shit, Vic,” Glen said, “I never imagined the uses you can put these machines to.”

“Enough for now,” Vic said, lifting Ronnie's legs from the adductor machine. “I'm for the hot tub.”

Glen helped Carla stand and stretch and after a few minutes' walking, her legs felt stronger again.

The foursome walked into the dimly lit pool and hot tub area. Glen stopped beside the steaming water and wrapped his arms around Carla. While caressing her back, he pressed his lips against hers, flattening her full breasts against his powerful chest.

Vic and Ronnie sat on a bench and Vic caressed Ronnie's face with his fingers and his lips. For long minutes, the two couples kissed, adding fuel to the building sexual fires.

Finally, Vic pulled away from Ronnie and flipped the controls for the air and water jets. “Last one in the hot tub is a rotten egg,” he said. Still in their underwear, the four slowly settled into the bubbling water, hands and mouths exploring as they moved.

Glen unfastened Carla's bra and tossed the wet fabric across the tiled room. He bent his head and licked the top of Carla's half-submerged breast. “You taste of chlorine,” he said.

Ronnie placed one hand on Vic's shoulder and whispered into his ear. “You do exactly what Glen does. Watch very carefully and imitate him, move for move.” She felt his back tighten and then the telltale trembling of his shoulders.

Vic looked at Glen and saw his friend's tongue laving Carla's breast. “It feels weird to watch.”

“Do it to me,” Ronnie said. Vic removed Ronnie's bra and slid his tongue over her skin.

Glen lifted Carla's breast and his mouth reached for her nipple. Carla deliberately settled more deeply into the water so that, when he attempted to take a rosy crest into his mouth, he got a face full of bubbles. They giggled and wrestled until Glen had his arms wrapped around Carla's ribs and she was floating, her breasts out of the water.

Vic was kissing and nuzzling Ronnie's neck when Ronnie whispered, “Look what they're doing now, Vic. You're really not watching carefully enough.” She reached down into the swirling water and squeezed his cock, hard.

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