Read Made in Nashville: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance Online

Authors: Mandy Baggot

Tags: #Romance, #Western, #General, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Made in Nashville: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance (11 page)

Chapter Twenty

When she’d woken up an hour ago she’d had a warm feeling the second she remembered what had happened between her and Jared. Despite having broken back into the music circuit, the thrill of the performance was very much settled down in second place. However, that cozy glow had cooled the second she’d read the text from Larry. Radley wanted a meeting that afternoon at the record company offices. The message was short and to the point. There was no “darlin’’’ or smiley face, just the words. It didn’t sound like good news.

The doorbell rang and she put her phone down. She wasn’t dressed. She tied the knot on her dressing gown a little tighter and smoothed a hand down her hair. If it was Jared she was screwed in the beauty stakes.

Checking the spy-hole she saw it was a delivery-man and in his arms was a bouquet of flowers. Her heart soared and she unchained the door to greet him. This was the romance she’d been missing.

‘Miss Blackwood?’ he queried.


‘These are for you. Just sign here,’ the delivery guy said, passing the bouquet to her then holding out his pen and clipboard.

She signed, then took a long sniff of the scented blooms. The heady smell of tulips, orchids and irises filled her nostrils.

‘Thank you, ma’am. Have a nice day.’

She closed the door and took the flowers into the kitchen where she laid them on the work surface. She searched for the card. They had to be from Jared. She’d had flowers from Micro before and they usually arrived needing two people to deliver them and a third person to erect the plinth and arrange them. This bouquet wasn’t their style.

She pulled out the card and read the words.

You looked beautiful out there last night

Her eyebrows creased into a frown. Jared wouldn’t have written that. They’d had dinner together after the show, discussed the performance. The words weren’t right. ‘Beautiful’ was intimate though, hinted at an attraction. There was only one person they could be from.

Now she was fired up.

‘Now, ladies and gentlemen, here in the studio with me today is none other than country bad boy, singer Jed Marshall.’

‘Hey, Patrick, thank y’all for havin’ me.’ Jared leaned into the microphone and touched his cap in acknowledgement.

‘You’re very welcome. As a precaution we’ve hidden all the sharp implements including the staple guns, so we’re all good.’

‘Whoa there, that’s a low shot but I’ll give it to you just this once, man.’

He felt calm, a lot calmer than he usually did when he was being interviewed. He knew that was down to last night and more specifically to Honor. Today he was bouncing, high on life, feeling that after such a long time in solitary things were finally fitting into place.

‘So, tell me, Jed, I know you’re working on new material for an album out in the Fall and you’re also about to embark on a countrywide tour. But what I’m sure our listeners want to know is …  will
Trapped by Love
be appearing on that new album?’

He knew his face was glowing and he didn’t care. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d felt this happy.

‘Did y’all come down to Cody’s yesterday to see Honor Blackwood? Wasn’t she amazin’? I mean, just how good is it to have her back?’

‘She’s got an incredible voice. And the two of you seem to gel so well together. Is this the start of something we all should know about?’

He looked up to the Perspex screen, saw Buzz’s hand slicing across this neck like he was about to have a heart attack. His afro hair was bouncing around like Don King’s and his eyes were bulging out of his forehead.

‘You know what, Patrick? We’re just good friends. We’ve been spendin’ some time together, writin’ a little and I’m hopin’ to persuade her to come along on the Sweet Home Alabama tour with me.’ He gave Buzz a wave that sent him tapping furiously on his iPad.

‘You heard it here first everybody. Honor Blackwood might just be on the Jed Marshall tour this year.’

‘I’m going to have to write you a script. You knew what you had to talk about today. The Marlon Festival, your collaboration with Vince Gill on the commercial and your deal with Pure Nectar!’ Buzz screamed.

‘I talked about all of those,’ Jared insisted. He grabbed up a Diet Coke from the table outside the radio station studio and opened the can.

‘Not as much as you talked about Honor Blackwood.’

‘Come on, man. He asked me about yesterday. What was I supposed to say?’ He downed some of the drink.

‘You weren’t supposed to say she might be joining you on your tour! Your tour is all set!’

‘Buzz, you need to calm yourself down. I got this.’

‘I don’t want you to have it! That’s what I’m trying to tell you!’

‘Listen, you’ve been workin’ way too hard for me. Why don’tcha have the rest of the day off?’ Jared offered.

‘What? No. I don’t need the day off. I need you to listen to what I say.’ Buzz was blazing, he could sense that. The guy was literally a walking advert for a seizure.

‘Go home. Take your wife out somewhere. I’ll be good. I’ll be seen in ten different Nashville hotspots with 20oz bottles of Pure Nectar. I won’t hit anyone or get arrested. I swear it.’

Buzz raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

‘Hell, man. What else can I promise? D’you need me electronically tagged?’

‘Now I know why I had to come round the back. What’s going on?’

Mia had met her at the rear entrance to Instrumadness. The parking lot out front was full to bursting with customers’ cars and trucks of press. It seemed the whole town had gone Honor Blackwood crazy.

‘Your Micro blog post went live and one of the bullet point slides informed the world where you worked. I don’t mind, although some warning might have been nice. I gave Stuart and Rocky a call and they’ve been helping me, but the press seem to kind of be waiting for you to turn up. Is there some publicity meet I should know about?’

Mia ushered her into the small kitchenette and flicked the switch on the kettle.

‘No. I’m really sorry, Mia. I had no idea.’ She sat on one of the two wobbly stools.

‘I guessed as much. So, are you here to tell me everything about last night?’ Mia poked her arm with her finger.

Immediately Honor blushed and mentally recalled the kiss. ‘I don’t know what you mean.’

‘Damn it, doll, the way he was looking at you last night I don’t believe that for a minute. And you bailed on me!’

Honor let the smile take over her face. She wanted to share this feeling with someone and why shouldn’t she? It had been such a long time coming.

‘Hell! You hooked up didn’t you? You freaking hooked up with Jed freaking Marshall! Oh my Lord!’

‘We didn’t do what you would have done. It was just a kiss …  and dinner at Betty’s Diner. Then we shared a cab.’

‘And then?’ Mia had clutched the edge of her stool with both hands, her knuckles turning white.

‘He kissed me again inside the cab outside my place and then he went home.’

‘But you’re together. Dating.’

‘You’re making me sound like a freshman. Yes, I guess so, I mean we didn’t quantify it but he invited me down to meet his family sometime.’

And that suggestion still made her heart swell with gladness. Just the thought of his normal family sitting around a table to eat, a happy home, laughter and caring, all the things the state should’ve given her but hadn’t. She swallowed back the lump in her throat.

‘Jeez, Honor! Dating Jed Marshall! You know he’s been a serial bachelor for about a hundred years!’

‘He’s only twenty seven.’

‘Whatever! You’re going to have made the female population of the US weep into their Confederate flags.’

‘Don’t tell anyone, Mia. If it gets out then … ’ Honor started.

‘I’m gonna have to start placing you two on the same shelf. It’ll be great for an offer weekend. Buy her and get him for free.’ Mia snorted a laugh and Honor smiled at her before checking her watch.

‘Are you meeting him?’

‘No, I’ve got an appointment at Micro. I’d better go.’ She stood up.

‘Sorting out the “Dan Steele Situation”?’

‘Something like that.’

Chapter Twenty One

Micro Records. The iconic building rose up from the street as tall and awe-inspiring as it had been when she’d first stood outside it at eighteen. It had held all her dreams, everything she’d ever wished for back then. But now? She still didn’t know what the future held for her yet, but for the first time she was really hopeful for it.

As she crossed the street to the entrance she saw Larry was waiting for her. He was dressed in a dark suit, matching Stetson on his head. He was pacing. Pacing wasn’t good.

‘Ah, here you are, honey. I dropped by the house but … ’

‘Did you think I’d forget? I called you. I said I’d be here.’ This constant need to babysit her was getting a touch annoying. She wasn’t so emotionally fragile she couldn’t make it to a meeting alone.

‘I know, honey, I just … ’ Larry started.

‘Do you know what this meeting’s about? Because if it’s strategy I’ve got a few suggestions and one of them is to start letting me know when you’re going to try and make a fool out of me,’ Honor said, pushing the glass door open and striding ahead.

‘Honor, I think … ’

‘Have you told them? Did you speak to Radley last night? Do they now know about Dan Steele? The history we have … ’ She stopped. ‘The history we

She smiled at the receptionist. ‘Honor Blackwood to see Radley Stokes.’

‘I’m afraid it’s business, darlin’,’ Larry responded.

‘What?’ She turned on Larry, poised, like a wildcat preparing to pounce. ‘What did you say?’

Larry took off his hat, tucking it under his arm. ‘You remember how much Micro has supported you over the years? They retained you, kept advertising your albums even though … ’ He stopped talking.

‘Even though?’ She was willing him to say the wrong thing. Why was that? Why did she want him to give her reason to be mad?

‘I spoke to Radley at the party. I told him the history but … ’

‘Do you know what this meeting’s about?’ She put a hand on her hip and stared him down.

‘I think you should come on in and hear what Micro has to say.’

‘You haven’t answered the question.’ And that fact had her worried.

‘They’re ready for you. Conference Room Four,’ the receptionist addressed Honor.

?’ Honor narrowed her eyes at Larry. ‘Just how many people are in on this meeting?

Larry hadn’t answered and they’d spent an awkward elevator ride up to the ninth floor watching every number from the ground up. She was holding the note card from the flowers tight in her hand. If he was here. If he dared to be here she was going to throw it at him and tell him exactly what she thought of him. Wait …  she wasn’t meant to be thinking about it like that. What had happened to her speech about people just jumping at an opportunity? The flowers. The flowers had happened. They had changed everything. She poked the corner of the cardboard into her thumb until it hurt.

‘Listen, honey, my advice would be … ’ Larry began as the elevator doors opened.

‘I don’t want to hear it.’ She cut him dead as she approached the frosted glass doors to the conference room. It was etched with its number and Micro’s logo ‘Start small, aim high’. She raised her hand to knock then thinking better of it she just pushed it open.

‘Honor, great to see you! Larry! Come take a seat.’ Radley Stokes was out of his high-backed leather chair and beckoning them towards the large table. Honor wasn’t looking in his direction. Her attention was focused solely on Dan Steele.

Seated in an identical chair, dressed in a red and blue plaid shirt, open at the neck, he looked the epitome of casual. He gave her a smile, all perfect white teeth and clean jaw. Nausea bubbled in her stomach. Just what was going on? She couldn’t sit. She hovered, one hand on the back of the chair, the other clenching down on the note card.

‘Hey, Honor.’ He’d spoken at last. Still smiling, still relaxed.

Hey, Honor
? Is that all you’ve got?’ she spat. His mouth dropped then and his eyes told her he was surprised by her retort. Perhaps he thought the flowers would make up for what he did.

‘It’s great to see you,’ he offered.

‘You shouldn’t have sent me flowers!’ She threw the notecard on the table and it slid over and stopped a little way in front of him. ‘Radley, what’s going on here?’

‘Well, if you take a seat I’ll take you through the plans we have to promote you both,’ Radley said. He pointed a tiny remote control at the flat-screen on the wall.

‘Honor, I didn’t … ’ Dan started, the card in his hand.

‘Don’t speak to me!’ She gave him a sideways glance. He looked slightly less calm now.

It was the animated bobble heads on the slideshow that pushed her back up out of the seat thirty minutes later.

‘I don’t understand this. This whole presentation almost pitches us as a duo. We’re not a duo! Is this what the flowers were about? A sweetener? Trying to get me on side after yesterday?’ She narrowed her eyes at Dan.

‘That isn’t our aim. Micro just want to make the most of you both joining and rejoining the label at the same time. It’s an ideal opportunity for some joint promotion.’

‘What flowers?’ Dan remarked.

‘Why are
here?’ Honor turned to Larry next to her. ‘Where’s

Larry shifted in his seat. He’d already unfastened his collar at the beginning of the meeting despite the air conditioning running at full pelt.

‘Well, honey, this was something I was going to talk to you about a little later,’ he began.

It took only a split second for her to realize what he’d said without actually saying anything much at all.

‘No.’ She couldn’t stop the mix of fear, horror and bewilderment coating her tone.

‘Honor, darlin’, have a seat. It isn’t all it seems. I … ’ Larry started.

‘You lied to me. For how long? How long has this been shaping up?’ Her voice was trembling and she hated the fact. ‘Was this why you were so keen for me to come back? To help launch

‘No, darlin’, nothing was discussed until yesterday and nothing’s been agreed yet.’

She didn’t know what to say. What else was there to say? Her advisor, the guy who’d been there with her from the very beginning was planning to start helping her ex-boyfriend launch his attack on the country music charts. How did he expect her to feel? First Micro had wheeled out Dan into her comeback PA without telling her, and now Larry had turned traitor. She felt like the walls of the boardroom were closing in.

Dan got up out of his seat.

‘Honor, I didn’t mean for any of this to upset you. I thought we could just put the past behind us and create something new here for the label. I’ve been reading up on mutual support in entertainment circles and there’s a lot to be said for it.’

Put the past behind us
. He was talking about it as if it was a bad fashion decision he’d made or a wrong call on a business deal. He’d bailed on her the second he’d seen her scar. He’d been weak and shallow and he’d abandoned her, left her with only Larry. And now he was back to take Larry from her too.

She surveyed them all. Her heart ached, yet it was still pushing the adrenalin anger brought with it through her body at the same time. Why had they done this? Why did they think this was OK?

‘This meeting is over.’ Her voice was robotic but determined. ‘I want to terminate my contract. You can communicate with my lawyer. I don’t want to be professionally associated with any of you. Pull the record. Pull it today.’

She’d tried to stop the emotion leaking through into her words but it hadn’t worked. By the time she’d spoken the last ‘pull’ there were tears in her eyes and sentiment in her throat.

‘Honor, honey, wait.’ Larry scrambled to his feet but she was already marching through the door.

She hadn’t text him. She didn’t know if he’d even be home. She just knew she wanted to see him. Someone who understood her. Someone who wouldn’t lie to her.

When he pulled open the front door she could have wept with relief.

‘Honor,’ Jared greeted, a smile immediately forming on his lips. ‘I was gonna call you.’

There he was. All six foot of him. Wearing a black vest-top over ripped jeans, bare feet.

‘I’m sorry …  for turning up unannounced. I just …  had to see you,’ she blurted out. She was still willing herself not to cry but none of her senses seemed to be listening. During all those years in foster care she’d never let out her emotions, but after the attack everything had snowballed. It still seemed like she was catching up on a whole life’s worth of tears.

‘Hey, what’s going on here? Come on, come here and come on in.’

He put an arm around her and drew her over the threshold, closing the door behind her. Once the outside world was shut away she let the tears fall.

‘What is it? What the hell’s happened?’

He gathered her into his arms and she clung to his solidity with everything she had. She couldn’t answer him yet. She just needed to be held, to know someone was here for her. On her side. Supporting her. How could it be that a guy she’d known just a few weeks was the person she trusted most in her world right now?

‘Honor?’ He wanted an answer, she knew, but she also knew when she told him he was going to be mad as hell. That’s just who he was.

She’d made him go into the den before she opened up. Now that she had he wanted to leave her, head over to Micro Records and destroy Radley Stokes. Dan Steele already had it coming and roll on the next time he saw him.

‘Speak to me, Jared. Don’t keep it all in. I know how you’re feeling.’

She raised her beautiful eyes to him and he felt that kick to his stomach. She knew him. Could read him already. Just like that.

‘You want me to tell you I want to rip up that record label guy? Take Dan Steele’s head off and make sure your advisor never works again?’ He kicked out, barefoot, at the coffee table and it shifted half a meter.

Honor blew out a breath. ‘It’s done now. It’s over.’

‘They took you back on. They made you promises. Yesterday they put on that show and then they signed him and did this. That’s disrespectful, Honor.’ He was gritting his teeth, the rage he felt boiling up as he imagined the scenario.

‘I know. But perhaps it was a wake-up call. I mean, who was I trying to kid? The country music scene doesn’t need singers like me anymore. Mia introduced me to Taylor Swift’s latest album the other day. I’m nothing like that.’

‘Praise be!’

There was no way in this world he was going to let this happen. After everything she’d overcome he was damned if he was going to let the new team at Micro give her another crisis of confidence.

‘Listen, today they’ve lost the best darn vocalist Nashville has ever seen. They’re disloyal. They’re underhand. Not one of them deserves you.’ He sat next to her on the couch, took her hands in his. She was trembling and he just wanted to make the three of them pay for kicking her like this.

‘I don’t know what to do,’ she admitted.

She looked so desperate. Yesterday’s high was a distant memory. He wasn’t going to let this go.

He released his grip on her hands and reached for her face, cupping her jaw with his fingers. Slowly he brought his mouth to hers, placing feather light wisps of kisses on her lips. Every time they touched he fell a bit deeper, another piece of his soul loosened a little. This girl was getting inside of him and he was powerless to stop her.

‘You are not throwin’ away your career because of this. You’ve fought bigger battles. Where I come from we don’t just get even, we get on top – whatever it takes. D’you hear?’ He held her shoulders, leveled her eye to eye. She nodded.

‘I’ll make you a deal. I’ll help you get a new label if you help me drink half the Pure Nectar in my refrigerator.’

Honor spluttered a laugh at the suggestion.

‘Last count there was sixty-four bottles after I sent over three hundred to the homeless shelter. I could really use some assistance.’ He grinned, nudging her arm.

‘Deal,’ she responded.

‘Alright. Then I need to go make a couple of calls.’

He’d only been gone a half hour but when he returned to the den Honor was asleep. As he looked down on her, there was that tightening of the chest again and that swell in his gut that washed all over him.

He’d do anything for her. Absolutely anything. That’s why he’d come clean on the phone to Buzz about their relationship. He had a plan to fix this. He wanted to make things right for her. She deserved a break.

He picked up the plaid rug from the back of his La-Z-Boy recliner and carefully draped it over her. He touched her cheek, then quietly backed away settling down into his chair.

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