MadetoBeBroken (7 page)

Read MadetoBeBroken Online

Authors: Lyra Byrnes

She stripped off her T-shirt and panties and stood to face
him, the ugly skin on her side forgotten.

“Just you and me, Alexi,” she said, as if answering his
silent question. “No fighting, no power plays, none of
this.” She gestured at the shackles on the wall.

“Take me to bed, no questions asked.”

Chapter Ten


She was watching him undress, arms behind her head, still
unsmiling and blank-faced, but already his cock twitched in anticipation of
spearing the soft pink body on the bed.

It creaked as he knelt, straddling her. Those firm tits
pointed straight up to the ceiling, their roseate tips pouting, begging to be
sucked. But that could wait. He wanted to taste her lips again, this time
without the fear behind them.

He leaned forward, palming one breast with his large hand,
savoring its warmth, and kissed her hard. She opened her mouth obligingly and
their tongues met, deliriously twining. He felt the smooth hardness of her
teeth, the slick inside of her cheek, sucked on her plump lower lip until she
whimpered. One pink nipple escaped between his fingers and she gasped as he
squeezed it. The sound of her intermingled pleasure and surprise sent a jolt to
his cock.

With long, circular licks, he wetted every inch of her left
breast and then the right one, pausing only to suck on her nipples until
another satisfying little moan escaped. Touching her was like playing an
instrument like a virtuoso, so attuned was she to every motion, every stroke
and nibble. She responded to him eagerly and without hesitation, arching her
neck to thrust her bosom upward and running her hands greedily over his
shoulders, his back and buttocks.

His cock was throbbing now, but he drew out his pleasure,
running his tongue down the indentation along her torso, tasting her
peach-fresh skin. He paused to suck hard and briefly on her pussy, which
elicited a beautiful howl. Her hair spread against the pillow like a flaming
curtain, framing her face. He nipped at her hipbone, felt the contours where
her body flared and pushed her onto her stomach.

“Is this how you want me, Alexi?” she murmured.

His mouth went dry at the sight of her white, round ass,
tender and juicy. “Every way,” he grunted. “I want to take you in all ways,

She shuddered with every kiss—on her neck, her delicate
shoulder blades like birds’ wing bones, her lovely, long back. He supped at the
dimple at the bottom of her spine, his hands everywhere, wildly taking in the
sensation of her soft flesh against his calluses, stroking her as if molding a
statue from clay. His touch eased to a whisper against the thick ridges of her
scar, but he touched every inch of it as well, his fingers like feathers. The
pillow muffled her cries as he kissed her ass cheeks, sucked on them and licked
the cleft where they met. She spread her legs and he tested her sweetness—she
was wet with honey. His hands explored her long ivory legs, his lips marked the
progress down to her toes, which he sucked gently. At that sensation, she
shivered and let out a giggle that almost made him smile.

She shifted beneath him and something warm and wet engulfed
his swollen cock, sucking at it with no particular urgency. Her mouth felt so
good, he could have let her finish him off right then. But he had not fucked
her yet. Even more than he wanted another shattering orgasm in her mouth, he
wanted to feel her pussy clench around his cock, slick and aching with need for

With regret, he pulled out of her mouth and roughly turned
her facedown again, but her white back, ass and legs were impossibly tempting.
He gave her buttocks a smart smack. She yelped, which pleased him as much as
the sight of it jiggling from the blow. He creaked open the armoire and took
out a small square packet, ripping its shell with his teeth. God, he was hard.
Just thinking of watching himself slide into her, his cock swallowed up by that
sweet slit over and over, her moans in his ear, drove him perilously close to
the edge of coming. He rolled on the condom and was gratified to see his cock
aim directly at her juicy pussy, hungry to dive in.

“You like that,
?” he asked, giving her ass a
stinging slap.

“Mmf! Yes, I like it.”

“Then no more for you.”

Again she giggled. “You would give it to your little slut.”

“You’re not my slut now,” he answered, his voice hard. Why
did women have to ruin everything?

She looked at him over her shoulder, her eyes wide and
questioning, the blankness gone.

“What am I?” she asked in a small voice.

“Hush, little bird. Hush.”

He spread her knees apart and she waited, back arched, ass
toward the sky. The quivering tip of his cock met her slick opening. Moving
only his hips, he teased open her pussy with his huge cock head, rubbing it
against her clit as she grabbed the sheet in fistfuls. Pushing inside an inch
was such exquisite pleasure that he immediately withdrew, his own panting loud
in his ears. She moaned with disappointment.

. Did you not learn your lesson
the first time?”

He took a deep breath and slid inside her again, this time
thrusting all the way in. Her sheath tightened around him, making him gasp.

“Oh that’s so good,” she moaned. “Oh my god. Fuck me,

He took her by the hair as if leading a horse by its reins
and slammed into her, pulling almost all the way out to see his cock shining
with her juices, them burying himself inside her again. The sight was hotter
than he could have imagined, and the noises she made—a kind of desperate
squealing—ramped up his satisfaction. The deep dip of her back lifted her ass
high, and her globes trembled with every thrust. The urge to plunge his wet
cock in the tight channel of her ass was almost unbearable. Instead he turned
her over. She was flushed and panting, sweat-damp tendrils of hair clung to her

He pushed her legs apart, raised himself on his arms and
pounded into her again, not carefully anymore, but frantically. She yipped like
a little dog, her mouth open, lips ripe. He wanted to be two men so he could
fuck that lush mouth while he fucked her tight pussy. She clawed at his ass,
pulling him deeper, nails digging into his flesh.

The pulsing of his cock ebbed; he could feel his balls
tingle as his seed flowed into his member. He forced himself to slow his
strokes, to feel every inch of his flesh as it plunged into hers while his
orgasm roiled and gathered like a thundercloud. She met each push with a
delicious tightening, as if milking him. Her head thrashed from side to side
and he realized from the trembling in her knees that she was about to come.

He pulled her arms up and took her fingers in his,
flattening himself against her so that his shaft would rub her clit as he
thundered inside her. Once again she was pinned, but this time willingly. She
began to buck uncontrollably as he shoved his hipbones against her without
mercy, grinding hard into her aching pussy, until he exploded in a rush of
liquid heat. Her screams stirred the heather and ruffled the grass, silencing
the night sounds of the forest.

His feet were tingling and he was weak in the knees. Alexi
sat up on one elbow and looked at her, his little flushed bird, a sweaty, soiled
mess, red-cheeked and panting. She had never looked so beautiful.

? Come home.”

“I’m here. I’m here, Alexi.”

He felt the plumpness of her lips with a fingertip. “
Thank you.”

“Only virgins thank someone for sex,” she said, stretching

“Not for that. For sending that man away. I owe you another

“No, Alexi. I told you, this was on me. Because I wanted

He waited. It was going to be hard to tell her, but harder
still to stay in this place, the two of them butting heads over an issue that
was not really the issue. Not anymore. The sooner she knew, the sooner they
could both get back to their lives.

Whether it was a life he still wanted was not something he
was willing to think about.

“Your first question was right but wrong. Ask again.”

She pulled the sheet up in a burst of modesty, but still
looked beguiling with the tops of her full breasts cresting over the white
fabric. She shook her head with a bewildered look.

“Your number two, Umarov.”

“You did not ask
number two.”

Her blue eyes grew wide. She sat up and looked down at him
with a rather cute frown of concentration. “No, I asked who is the CRF’s second
in command.”

“I said I would answer, not that I would correct your

“Okay, so who is
second in command?”

“His name was Kaminsky.”

* * * * *

“I’ll take one of those.”

They sat on the braided rug in front of the fireplace, which
Alexi had stoked into brilliance. Coco wasn’t proud of herself for smirking as
she showed him the pants and T-shirt she had hidden between the mattresses, but
she couldn’t have him running around naked. He lit their cigarettes.

“Your turn,” she said coldly.

“All my life, I saw only two options—succumb to Federalist
oppression or fight. But after my family was destroyed, I found a third way—my
way. Let the Feds capture their big deer with the condition I work for the
resolution of violence and the restoration of our homeland. They thought if I
become a diplomat on the Russian side, they, there is a word—take my sharp teeth

“Defang.” The smoke tasted horrible, but she fought down a
cough. “No wonder you bought a fancy suit.”

“Was not so fancy,” he glowered. “I’m a simple man.”

“The point is, you were the diplomat Kaminsky was on his way
to meet?”

“Yes. Shadow diplomacy—my position is not official. We were
close to a resolution.”

“Meaning you didn’t kill him. So why did you leave me that
newspaper article?”

“Because then you would know how dangerous a world you
entered. Did you think our ugly friend left forever? Maybe, but he will send
spies to this place to find me. The Feds want me to finish my work before the
situation explodes back home.”

“And what do you want?”

He shook his head. “I’m not a stripling anymore. Even the
hope I had is dead. What I want
I fear
will it never happen.”

“I thought you felt no fear.”

“For myself, no. I am ready to die. But every one of my
countrymen feels the same for our future—the thing you said, shaking in boots.”
He ground out the cigarette. “I am like the boy in the tales, raised among
wolves. I can live like a beast, hunt and forage, scratch out a fire from
nothing, hide in caves or under leaves. Maybe to you sounds primitive, but
these talents grew and grew more sophisticated when I chose to defend my
homeland. You have your satellites and maps and closed-circuit communication,
field rations, smart new weapons. Easy to run a battle that way, easy to take
over the world. I built my army from scraps you Americans would not melt down
for bullets. The people, too, were less than scraps to you.”

“Alexi, that’s not fair,” she said hotly. “Whenever there is
injustice in the world—”

“Spare me, Superman,” he sneered. “And be careful not to lie
to me. We watched it happen in Serbia, and we thought it would never happen to
us, that the world would let us hack ourselves to death, piece by piece. But
you did, so I became a wolf-man, General Wolf, and I hacked back.”

His glittering eyes had turned cold. Coco felt the ground
shift under her feet—the rules of the game had changed and for the first time
in her life, she had no idea where her place was on the field.

“They took away my fangs. Telling lies, talking sweet to
fools, wearing suits,
,” the last word clattered out with a
sound like an animal spitting out bones, “these are the tools they gave me.”

“And how far did your wolf skin get you?”

“Into the sheep’s fold,” he answered. “That is good enough
for a hungry animal.”

* * * * *

Like the night before, Alexi made a bed on the sitting-room
couch, keeping the door open to the bedroom. But long after his breathing
became deep and even, Coco stared at the cottage’s ceiling beams, willing the
last embers of the firelight to extinguish themselves and cast her into blessed

When at last it blinked out, Coco remained still and tense,
her eyes not moving. The events of the past few days whirled in her head, a
messy tornado that resolved itself into one pattern, no matter how many times
she scattered the pieces.

Alexi had been working with the Russians in order to broker
a peace treaty, but someone had pinned a murder on him and his embassy bosses
would not be happy. He wasn’t sticking around the cabin to lie in the grass and
fuck her. He was lying low, waiting it out, thinking every minute of what he
would do next and how he’d do it.

He was going to retaliate, and she had to stop him.

Chapter Eleven


It was still dark when she crept out of bed, the soles of
her feet chilly against the wooden floor. Dawn would break soon—she could smell
it in the air. She made a circuit of the cabin, finding every room empty, the
couch as pristine as when they’d first come in. All the better, especially if
it meant Alexi was using the hunting skills he’d boasted about to get them a
nice fat chicken or one of the squirrels she had seen romping through the tall
grass behind the cottage.

The armoire complained with a loud creaking noise. She froze
and waited—still nothing. Laid out on the unmade bed, the weapons didn’t look
like much. One long bullwhip and one short lash, a leather collar with a chain
that could be attached to one of the iron rings on the wall, clamps of various
sizes, a small bottle of something liquid, handcuffs linked with a chain, two
paddles, a scattering of plush feathers (“The hell?” she muttered), a metal bar
with slightly larger cuffs on either end and two strange devices—leather straps
that secured like belts with loops on the sides. She tried one around her
wrist, but it was far too big for that, then measured it around her waist. Even
if she could have gotten the flange in the very first hole, she’d need an
eighteen-inch waist to secure it.

“Weird,” she muttered, tossing it back on the bed.
Everything was in good shape, the metal devices oiled, the leather supple, but
none of the items were among the usual arsenal of interrogation, in her limited
experience. And why would they be packed in with condoms? If anything, they
looked more like

She sat down on the bed, laughing herself sick. OSO has
conscripted some kinky couple’s personal bondage den into a government safe
house. Unfortunately she had even more limited experience with that world. What
was she supposed to do with a feather, tickle him into not pushing the button?

Shaking her head, she gathered up the bedroom weaponry and
began to replace it. Better to use her cunning and speed, she thought, or a
sturdy chair leg, to finish the job. If Alexi was planning on taking her out
before he made his move, she would need all of her skills to prevent him. What
she couldn’t understand was what was taking him so long. Not just the sex, surely.
A man like that would have no trouble finding any number of gorgeous girls
willing to take his rough commands, to worship his cock, to bend over for him—a
spreader bar! That’s what that thing was, she realized, warmth flowing into her
pussy. Her nipples grew hard as she turned the possibilities over in her
mind—on all fours, her ankles secured by the cuffs, the stiff bar keeping her
legs wide open, waiting for his cock to punish her.

She let out a groan. Best not to think of that now.

The armoire sported a hook or a niche for each item, but she
was having trouble returning the spreader bar to the notch carved out of the
wood. There was a hook in the way that had come loose and dangled over the
space. She reached in and wiggled it when her hand plunged through the back of
the cabinet.

The hook must have been a key to a little hidden door. She
could feel a shallow shelf, and on the shelf, something cool and square. She
lifted it out carefully.

Oh this was better than anything in the kinky closet. She clicked
button and waited. A light flashed orange, then green. A
satellite phone, and it had some juice. Now to hope it was linked to the OSO
code, a secure two-way channel. She punched it in and a dim screen opened:
5500055 to 001. Eureka!

“Target mobilizing extreme aggression. CRF No. 2 Umarov.
Cardinal over.” Then, for insurance, she typed in, “Image of geo map all supply
routes/land mines w/in 10 km to come. Please acknowledge.” She would get that
information later.

The next few seconds felt like hours as she waited for the
screen to light up again, her heart pounding out of her chest, but she couldn’t
take the chance of locking the sat phone away and have Alexi hear it ping. If
he was back; she dared not check.

Finally the screen brightened without making a sound. She
sent up a silent prayer of thanks that Western Oops at least had that much

“Message rcvd need geomap asap more info want $$$ worth

More information—he had to be kidding. She wrinkled her nose
in disgust. Templeton had to use her success as an opportunity to be vile and
condescending. She slid the phone back on its shelf, covered the gap and shut
the armoire door just as the floor behind her creaked.

The thin cotton clothes were plastered to his body. Every
ridge and muscle was visible, his hair damp.

“What are you doing?” His voice was low and dangerous.

“Nothing. Were you in the lake?”

“What are you doing?”

“I told you
” He
grabbed her jaw with his free hand and lifted her head.

“You are lying to me,
. We had a deal.”

She tried to keep her voice from shaking, not from fear, but
desire. He looked incredibly hot all wet and breathing heavily, his sharp
cheekbones highlighted by the morning rays of the sun. As for fear—what was the
point? It was no secret that they were still enemies and always would be.

“I was checking the arsenal,” she said as coolly as she
could. “To see if everything was in good condition in case I need to use it.”

He let her go so fast she nearly dropped to the floor. “Are
they?” he asked gruffly.


“The things in the closet. The whips are oiled, the leather
bends just so? Cuffs nice and tight, yeah?”

Every nerve of her body was on guard. “Everything seems in
good shape,” she said cautiously, “but there’s nothing in there I would use.”

He opened the door and peered inside. She prayed he would
not paw around and find the hidden door.

“So you lie to me again. Two times, I think.” She said
nothing. “First, ‘I am doing nothing’. Second, big lie hides behind little lie,
but I will have it from you.”

He strode to the armoire and bent into the dark space. “What
is so useless here? This—oho, yes!” He tossed the short lash over his shoulder.
“Feathers, paugh! Stupid. Oh this is very hot, very useful.”

He brought out the two funny cuffs that were too big for a
wrist but too small for a waist, then threw them back inside.

She hadn’t realized she was holding her breath until he
again emerged, the spreader bar between his hands. She must have dropped it
while fussing with the hook.

“I have every right to protect myself,” she answered hotly.
“I’m here as a professional, not your fucking girlfriend or your whore!”

“And as a professional, you made a deal, and that was to be
my whore. For every lie you tell, every truth I give.”

Coco licked her lips. It was as if he could read her mind,
sense her every primal need and most baroque desire.

“Bend over the table.”


That exquisite smile bloomed slowly across his face, as if
he had been given a wonderful gift. It was more terrifying than his glower, and
Coco bolted for the door.

His powerful hands caught her by the shoulders and shoved
her roughly over the wooden table, face-first. She tried to raise herself, but
he yanked down her panties and she fell again.

“Let me go, you sick bastard!”

She lifted her leg back to kick as the cuff clamped shut
over one ankle. A chuckle sounded in her ear. Alexi seemed perfectly relaxed
and at ease. He spread her legs and buckled on the second cuff.

. It only makes me harder.”

He smoothed his hands over her back, her scar, the globes of
her ass and tops of her thighs. At his touch, her pussy swelled and throbbed.
One arm was trapped beneath her torso and she pinched her nipple, rolling it
between thumb and forefinger. She whimpered, sighing.

“So white, like ivory. Are you fragile, little bird? Will
you break if I stuff my cock in your ass?”

“No, please don’t,” she mewled. Surely he couldn’t be
serious. She had never taken a cock up her ass before, worried that it would
hurt, and worse, that it would mean she was a filthy slut. Against her will,
the thought excited her.

“I think so, yes,” he said thoughtfully. “Get on the floor.”

With difficulty, she maneuvered herself right-side up. He
lowered her to the braided rug, kneeling before him. He was naked again, the lash
in his hand, his cock thick and hard. She could smell the clean lake water, the
earthy scent of algae and his delicious musk. It was indescribably hot to kneel
before this sexy man, her legs braced apart, all of her open and helpless.

“You are not my whore, but I will make you ready to be one.”
He twined his fingers through her hair. “Are you wet?”


“Good. What would make you more wet, little slut?”

“Sucking your dick.”

He flicked the lash over her breasts. “Ask.”

“Please, Alexi, let me suck your dick.”

His shaft was like iron in a silk sheath. She swallowed it
to the hilt, gagging as it struck the back of her throat, and compressed her
lips as she eased it out again. He groaned and tilted his head back.

She took her time, tasting his every lake-rinsed inch,
teasing the thick vein on the underside of his cock with long, hard licks. The
velvety mushroom-like head she paid special attention to, wrapping her lips
around it and tensing until his breathing came fast. His balls were firm and
ripe—she tongued them eagerly, putting one and then the other in her mouth.

Something clattered to the floor beside her.

“Tease yourself with this,” he said. “I want to see it go
all the way inside your sweet pussy.”

It was the whip. She would do him one better. Bracing
herself on her knees, she grasped the lash end behind her back and the handle
in front of her, and slowly drew the length of it across her aching core. The
supple leather whispered against her clit, making it pulse, and she rubbed
harder, cutting into her delicate flesh. With each sawing stroke, she grew

Alexi’s cock made squelching noises as it thrust in and out
of her mouth, her ass and pussy were pinned open, naked and helpless to any
invasion, and the whip sang as she sawed it back and forth. She cast up her
eyes and saw him watching her, his lips open, urging her to abuse herself
completely. It was not as thick as his cock, but the ridges of leather wrapped
around the handle felt fantastic as she slid it inside her creamy depths.

He moaned again, gripping the back of her head. “Fuck
yourself, slut,” he husked.

She fell into a rhythm, pumping the whip with one hand and
Alexi’s cock with her head. Over and over she pushed the rigid rod deep inside
her, yearning to be filled, and crammed her mouth with his throbbing shaft. It
was like the night at the Palace, only so much better, because this was just
her and Alexi—she angry, fighting and spitting, he masterful, powerful,
subduing. Her thumb strayed to her clit and she began to writhe.

“No,” he snapped. He jerked back his hips. She savored the
salty droplet he’d left behind. “I will teach you a new way to come.”

He threw her down again face-first, this time over the bed,
then paused. She heard the bloop of something liquid being spurted and then the
whip was inside her again, pushing against her very core. She breathed hard
against the sheets, rearing back her head with every shove. It felt so good,
the little ridges stimulating her channel, but she wanted more. She wanted his
cock inside her again.

Unfortunately he read her mind once more.

“You want me to fuck you?”

“God yes.”

A cool, wet finger pressed against her most secret place.
Her first instinct was to slam her legs shut, but the spreader bar prevented
it. He pushed in harder, barely penetrating her ass, finger thick with lube.

It did feel nasty and dirty, but also incredibly sexy. Both
of her nether holes were open, violated, and she could not tell which felt
better. His finger stimulated a whole new set of nerves that had never been touched.
Hot cream ran down the handle of the whip as he continued fucking her pussy
with it. Somehow her sphincter relaxed against his finger the third time he
pressed inside, penetrating her fully. She squirmed, trying to rub her clit
against the sheets hard enough to make herself come.

Gently he inserted a second finger. Her muscular ring
contracted around them. She felt her pussy suck against the whip handle as it
withdrew, as if begging for it to stay, but Alexi dropped it to the floor and
began to knead and caress her ass cheeks with his free hand. She arched her
back to offer her backside more freely. Her legs were growing tired from being
forced apart, but she liked the sensation. It felt like being broken down,
piece by piece, made soft. Made free.

“Beg this time.”

“Please, Alexi, I want you to fuck me.”

“In the ass.”


She reared up but only succeeded in slamming her ass hard
against his hand, and she gasped at the pleasure the deep thrust gave her. “Oh
fuck, that feels so good.”

He yanked the fingers from her ass, regarding her prone body
coolly, and reached for a condom. “Say it.” He placed the tip of his cock
against her hole, teasing it. It was cool and slick with lube, rubbing against
her rosy bud and along the downy cleft between her cheeks. He pressed lightly,
testing the pressure, and Coco began to thrash helplessly, dying to feel those
strange new nerves stoked into flame by his relentless cock.

“Please fuck my ass, Alexi. I beg you. Please.”

The pop as his thick head breached her tight ring made her

“You are so tight, little one. You choke my cock. Relax.”

He pulled out a little to lubricate his shaft fully then
forced himself inside, inch by inch, igniting bundles of nerves with each push.
God, he was huge—her ass felt completely full.

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