Magic of Three (21 page)

Read Magic of Three Online

Authors: Jenna Castille

Julian pulled his fingers from her, crawled away. But Lisa didn’t have time to bemoan the loss. Tim jerked her forward, sealing her lips with his. “So good, sweetheart. Gods, you’re so good for us.”


Lisa didn’t answer. Julian walked into her line of sight, tossing a foil packet to Tim as he ripped open his own. Carefully he rolled on the protection, never taking his eyes from her. “We’ve both been tested but don’t want you to worry. Just want you to feel, to enjoy. No worries.”


Lisa didn’t mention the Pill she took each morning, comfortable in the thought of their protective instincts.


Tim helped her bend forward, bracing her again. More cool liquid spilled down her crack. Then the pressure. So much pressure.


“Push, love,” Tim coached. “You can take him. I know you can. Push out.”


She struggled to pay attention to Tim’s words. Let Julian in. Had to let him in. So much. So much more than fingers. His cock. Oh god, his cock.


“That’s it, sweetheart. Take me. Take all of me. So fuckin’ tight. You feel so good. Almost there.”


Lisa heard Julian’s grunt at the same moment his balls slapped against her ass. All the way in. He was all the way in.


Slowly he slid out, rubbing against a bundle of nerves never touched by any previous lover. Her clit throbbed. Her ass ached.


She wanted more.


Julian and Tim seemed to read her mind. Tim pushed her back as Julian wrapped his arms around her.


Lisa cried out as she slammed down on Julian’s cock. “Shh, Lisa. It’s okay, sweetheart. Let your body adjust. It’s Tim’s turn now. Don’t want him to be all alone, do you?”


Lisa tossed her head to look up at Tim. His cock strained before him, head turning more purple as he rolled on a condom. So big. Not as long as Julian but thicker. Thick enough to make her wonder. Two at the same time. How could one woman take two at the same time?


“Don’t worry. You can take me. Even with Julian in your ass, you can take me. But you’ll be so full I’ll be able to feel his cock moving in you, rubbing me as we fuck you so hard.”


Lisa whimpered.


“Oh, you like the sound of that, huh, lovely. Like knowing I’ll feel his cock sliding against my own while we pound you good.”


“Yes. Fuck me. Wanna feel it. Need to feel it.”


Tim looked behind Lisa. She felt Julian nod. Tim crawled close then lay on his back. Still hard inside her, Julian guided Lisa forward. He reached around to help Tim slide deep inside her.


“Hot, wet cunt. Haven’t had it in so long.”


“She feel better than me?” Julian teased.


“Not better. Different. Good. And you. Feel you too. Feel you both. Fucking fantastic.”


Lisa was beyond words. Sensation spilled through her. So very full. No rest. Tim rubbing her G-spot. Julian hitting that mysterious node of nerves deep in her ass. Her clit rubbing against Tim’s pelvis with each thrust.


Too much. Too damned much. Couldn’t take it. No more.


Lisa screamed, back arching and body contorting under the power of a massive orgasm. She fell forward, teeth sinking into Tim’s meaty shoulder. The pain triggered Tim’s climax, his groan and spasms sending Julian over the edge.


A warm, secure pile of bodies lay wrapped and satiated on the floor.


Chapter Eighteen




Lisa wrinkled her nose and groaned as morning light shot a rainbow of colors behind her eyelids.
forgot to close the blinds again
. She reached across the fur-covered floor for a blanket to toss over her head. Warm arms wrapped around her, pulling her close. Muffled brain cells started nagging about the inconsistencies of her position, no soft bed. No huge quilt bought from Goodwill after falling in love with its kitschy charm. And arms—strong, muscular arms? Something tickled her nose.


Lisa cracked an eye open, blinking several times before focusing. Tim faced her, still fast asleep and snoring lightly. A lock of his hair fell over his shoulder, the tip flicking against her nose. She wiggled enough to get one arm free and smoothed the hair back in place. The body behind her snuggled closer, tightening its grip. Julian wrapped his big arms around her and around Tim, keeping all three close.


Comfort and safety surrounded her. The smell of male flesh and hot sex still filled the air. Her body ached and she needed a shower. Sticky, she hated being all sticky. Yet she didn’t want to move, didn’t want to leave her cocoon and face the world.


“You’re thinking too hard,” Tim grumbled. “My eyes are closed but I can tell you’re thinking too hard. My rotten luck, stuck with two freaking morning people. No morning snuggles for me.”


Nice to know the blond Adonis had some faults.
Mental note
No talking to Tim before the first cup of coffee
. “Just contemplating movement.”


“Yep, morning person. Long words this early. Morning person. Not working this morning. Sleep late.” Tim scrunched his eyes closed and burrowed forward.


A sigh sounded behind her, ruffling her hair. “That’s my cue,” Julian groaned, throwing his arms above his head and stretching. “Coffee all around. I’ll get it. And breakfast. He’ll be starving once he regains consciousness.”


A blast of cold air swept against her backside as Julian stood. Lisa started to roll over and join him. “No, stay there,” Julian said as he pulled a throw from the back of the couch. He tucked it around the two of them. “Catch a little more shuteye while I get everything ready.”


Tim grumbled, flipping over and pulling her close. His strong thighs bracketed her, surrounding her in secure warmth. Julian snickered. “Not to mention he likes a nice long cuddle in the morning.”


“Don’t we all?” Lisa asked, resting her head on Tim’s shoulder and batting her lashes at her darker lover. It’d been a long, long time since she’d woken up with someone. Even longer since she enjoyed the experience.


“I like a nice long something in the morning, but it’s not a cuddle,” Julian growled with a wink. “It does involve another person though.”


Tim smirked, proving he was more conscious than he’d admit. “Shaddup, trying to sleep here.”


Julian shook his head and smiled down at the two of them for a long moment before turning to pad into the kitchen. Lisa watched his tight ass, now decorated with a bite mark that matched her teeth, wiggle out of the room.


Lisa couldn’t go back to sleep. Instead she basked in the feeling of Tim wrapped around her while Julian started the day for them both. Clangs and soft thuds punctuated his bright whistling as he cooked in the next room. First the tempting smell of fresh coffee filled the air, followed by the mouthwatering scent of eggs and bacon.


As the smells grew stronger Tim blinked his eyes and smiled. “Now this is how I should wake up every morning. One lover wrapped in my arms while my other lover slaves over a hot stove for me. What more could one man want.”


“Or one woman,” Lisa couldn’t help but add.


Tim’s smile grew wider. He tightened his legs around her as well as his arms, rolling on top of her. Lisa threw her head back as pure joy bubbled from her throat, her laughter echoing through the room.


“And who’s starting without who this time, hmm?” Julian asked, hands on hips, now covered in sweats, and bare foot tapping as he stared down at the pair of them.


Tim lay cushioned in her breasts, not a bit contrite as he faced Julian. “I’m alone, naked, with a gorgeous woman. What did you expect me to do?”


“Sleep until I was done slaving over a hot stove for you, you hooligan. Now up, the two of you.” He wagged a finger at them as Tim snickered. “Lisa, I set out a towel and left a robe for you in the guest bath if you want to take a shower. Use whatever you want. We keep extra toothbrushes, razors, you name it, just in case.”


“Have a lot of odd company?” she half teased, feeling out what her place really was.
Please don

t let me sound too needy


“Julian’s brought his work home with him on occasion.” Tim smirked as he ran his hands up and down her bare back, making no move to release her. “Once we had a world-famous model stay with us for nearly a month.”


“That must’ve been fun,” she griped, a touch of insecurity tainting her voice.
What the hell do I have to compare with supermodels
? “Two gorgeous men entertaining a gorgeous woman.”


“Nawh, you’re the first gorgeous woman we’ve entertained together,” Tim answered, finally hopping to his feet. He stood completely comfortable in his nudity while Lisa wrapped the blanket around her, holding it at her neck. Of course, looking as good as he did, Tim had no cause for embarrassment. If the man had an ounce of extra fat anywhere she hadn’t seen it. And lord knew she’d investigated all of him last night, no inch unchecked or unlicked. “You’re the first woman for us, period,” he said, pulling her attention away from gawking at his naked form. “Actually, having a model live with you isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Weird diets, bathroom hogging and continual compulsive exercise are not my thing.”


Lisa smiled at his joke but ran his other words through her mind. First woman? What made her so special? Looking into Tim’s eyes, watching the way he gazed at her, made her feel special.


But why? And why did it feel so natural to be with them? So right? She never let anyone get this close this quickly. At least not emotionally. She enjoyed these two men. She’d opened up to the two of them, talking about her life and sharing stories from theirs.


How did that happen?


Before she let her doubts eat at her confidence, destroying the happy moment, she excused herself to go shower.


She turned the heat as high as it would go trying to steam away her doubts. Thoughts and images of starting every morning here teased the edges of her mind. Tempting but not practical. Staying with these men could fill her life with unprecedented joy. Or it could kill her, take her independence and give nothing back but empty sex.


But she didn’t feel empty.


Lisa turned the temperature down. A blast of cold water shocked her system out of maudlin thoughts.


She leaned forward, bracing her head against the wall and letting the cold water fall around her.


The glass door slid open, followed by a creative round of cursing. “Gods, woman. Don’t you know how unhealthy it is to blast a man with frigid water when he first wakes up? Shit, shrivels all my bits and pieces.”


“Actually I thought it was supposed to be good for you. Polar bear club and everything. Not that I invited you in here in the first place.”


Tim reached around her for a bottle of liquid soap, not so subtly brushing her breast in the process. “Naked woman in my shower. Sexy naked woman in my shower. Sexy naked woman who fucked my brains out the night before in my shower. Blatant invitation if you ask me.”


Lisa snorted but fumbled with the shower knobs until steam started to rise and a satisfied sigh sounded behind her.


“Better. Not as good as it will be but better.” Tim leaned against her back, nibbling at her neck.


“Oh and how much better do you plan on it getting?” she asked, glancing over her shoulder but not pulling away.


“Let’s see,” he said, ticking off fingers. “Gotta sexy naked woman. One oversized shower with handy seat. Already hard. Seems to be a recipe for a good morning wake-up screw.”


“Really?” Lisa gasped as Tim’s hands cupped her breasts, plucked at her nipples.


“Got any complaints?” he asked, taking her earlobe between his teeth, nipping lightly.


She shivered. “Not yet, but you haven’t started, have you?”


“Far be it for me to keep a lady waiting.”


Lisa squealed as he scooped her in his arms and spun her around, water flinging in all directions.


He plopped down on the tile-covered seat, dragging her across his lap. “Now this is even better. Hot water running over my body and warm woman in my arms. Wanna wrap your warm, wet heat around me.”


“Oh really?” Lisa asked, sinking her fingers in his slick hair.


Tim’s fingertip teased her clit then retreated. “Yeah, gotta problem with that?”

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