Read Make A Wish (Dandelion #1) Online

Authors: Jenna Lynn Hodge

Make A Wish (Dandelion #1) (29 page)

“Jules, You do know we aren’t vampires?” Eve giggled, no doubt mentally picturing a half-vampire half-werewolf hybrid.

“Yeah, yeah… Whatever. But seriously, if I’ve been wearing this device since I was six years old, who’s to say that I’ll even be able to change at all?”

“Then we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” Beau responded, standing off to the side of the group holding Gracie. Though he was large and buff, he melted like a mushy gushy gummy bear when he was around her—she already had the poor guy wrapped around her tiny little fingers.

“Can’t we do this another day? There’s always tomorrow!” I pouted but a resounding ‘No!’ came from the group.

“Fine,” I growled. “Seriously though, what if I can’t change back and I’m stuck a hairy monster my entire life? Gracie will have a wolf-mom. No. I’m not doing it.”

“Oh shut up, Juliette. Never in the history of Lycanthropes has anyone ever been
” Eve spoke.

They all laughed as if what I’d mentioned was the most ridiculous thing they’d ever heard, though it seemed like a completely valid fear to me.

“Fine, Obi Wan. Teach me your werewolf ways.” I bowed sarcastically, causing a chuckle from Saylor.

“First you need to breathe.”

“Uh, I hate to break it to you, Beau, but obviously I’m breathing if I’m standing here, aren’t I? And they chose you to be Alpha.” I was in a sassy mood, so sue me.

“Juliette,” Beau warned.

“Oh wait. Saylor, here. Guard this with your life, and by guard it, I mean don’t steal it,” I said, slipping off my engagement ring.

Saylor bust out laughing. “Not to be offensive, Jules, but I’m loving the newfound sassiness. Being engaged and a mother definitely changed you for the better and albeit more interesting.”

“Haha. Glad to be of your amusement. Remember, watch it, don’t steal.” I glared.


“Close your eyes, Juliette, and focus on the air flowing through your lungs. Search within you and find her, find your wolf. When you’re ready to return to your human form, you’ll do the same, but instead of looking for your wolf, you’ll find your human side.”

I did as he had instructed and a small gasp escaped my lips when I felt her. I felt the soul of my wolf sleeping within, almost as if in a sleep-like trance. I reached out to touch her, and in a moment’s notice, my wolf and human had become one. United.

Standing in the place where the human me had been standing now stood a whitish blond haired wolf. I felt the same, actually—in fact, I felt even better. My eyesight and hearing were heightened and I wanted to chase something—anything.

“Holy hell, Jules. That was totally a Twilight moment.” Saylor gasped as I pranced up to her.

“It’s still the same Juliette, no need to be afraid,” Beau assured her.

“Um… My best friend that I’ve known my whole life just materialized into a freaking wolf. I’m not afraid, I’m freaking amazed! I have the coolest bestie in the world!” My crazy friend vibrated with excitement. Since I couldn’t talk as a wolf, I resorted to rubbing my furry head on her pant leg.

“Eve, would you?”

“You don’t have to ask me twice!” She smiled as she took Gracelynn from Beau’s arms.

Within seconds, in Beau’s place stood a sandy colored wolf with a dark brown spot above his left eye.

“It’s official—I’m now calling you spot.” Saylor chortled.

Griffin laughed so hard he clutched his sides. A small growl erupted from Beau’s direction, but Griffin couldn’t stop. It was entertaining to say the least.

I walked up to Beau and ran my head underneath his neck, looking him square in the eye before speeding off. I could feel Beau following closely behind though I was smaller and quicker than he was.

He followed me to the front yard of our house before we both phased back into our human form.

“Crap.” I held my arms and hands over my body parts to cover any exposed areas and rushed into the house and up the stairs.

“You didn’t think that your clothes would stay intact did you?” he hollered after me. “They shredded instantly, love.”

I was pulling a shirt over my head when Beau finally entered the room—completely naked. “Geez, Beau… Wanna know what’s sexy? Modesty. Put on some clothes.” I slapped my hands over my eyes.

“Uh… Jules… Hate to break it to you but you’ve seen all this before, hence Gracelynn.”

“Oh shut-up!” I spun around, my back facing him. “That was only once and it was like ten months ago. So until I ask, keep your junk to yourself,” I all but hissed.

Beau came up behind me, his hands circling my waist.

“You better be wearing pants.”

“I am.” He snickered and I turned around to face him, my hands running over his bare chest. I could feel his every muscle beneath my fingers and it made me crave him in ways that only my soul mate could.

“Being near you, B, makes me desperate. All I wanna do is throw myself at you, and that’s
not like me.”

“Can I say something without you thinking I’m trying to get you into bed?” he asked.


“I got a good look at you when you phased back to your human form—” I took no time at all smacking him on the arm, playfully but hard enough to reprimand him. “Hey! I wasn’t done talking.”

“Sorry, go on.”

“Anyways, I didn’t see any of your burns.”


“We really need to work on your hearing. I said that it looked like the burns from the fire are gone.”

I pulled out of his arms and walked to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me.

“What. In. The. World.” I yelled loudly while I stood and looked myself up and down in the full-length mirror in the bathroom before exiting. “Everything is healed. Not just my burns.”


“Yes. Everything. Every single burn from the fire, but also my injuries from Gracie’s birth. How the hell is that even possible?”

“Werewolves heal almost instantly. It must have been brought on by your phasing.”

“So you’re saying that I will be able to heal that quickly every time I get hurt?”


“Thank goodness.” I sighed, my shoulders relaxing. “All I ever do is hurt myself.” Before I could walk away, I turned to face him. “Put on a shirt, like now please. We have to go find Eve. I’m missing our baby already.”

“As you wish, my love.”


It took us less than five minutes to find Saylor, Eve, and Griffin at the park with Gracelynn. Griffin was holding her gently while the two girls fought over who got to go down the slide first.
Grown adults fighting over a slide, that’s new.

“Can I have her, Griff?” I held out my hands, ready to take my beautiful child from him.

“Juliette, she’s your kiddo, no need to ask.” He smiled down at the little newborn one more time, before handing her over to me.

“I missed you, sweet girl,” I cooed, looking into the face of my favorite girl. A gasp left my lips. “Beau, Look!”

“What am I looking at?” He walked up behind me, glancing over my shoulder at our child.

“Her eyes. They’re—”

“Green,” Beau finished for me.

“Weren’t they always green?” Griffin asked, oblivious to what was going on.

“No,” Beau and I spoke at the same time.

“They were dark blue, almost grey. They’ve changed.”

Eve walked up. “I actually heard about that. The more that newborns eyes are exposed to the light, the more they change and adapt to their true color.”

We all stared at her, surprised.

“What? I used to read a lot.” She shrugged, not thinking anything of it.

“They’re like yours, Beau.” I smiled up at him with pride.

“Okay. So far she has a tiny bit of blond hair, green eyes, and dimples. She’s gonna be a heart-breaker,” Saylor said.

“Over my dead body,” Beau grumbled, and I mirrored his sentiments.






“I can’t believe you’re getting married
mated today. I never thought I’d see the day. My big bad wolf is all grown up.” Saylor wiped away the non-existent tears she pretended to cry. Eve and I laughed at her ridiculous facial expression—a mix between sucking lemons and sobbing.

“Considering I’m a mother to a two-month-old infant and I’ve been in love with this guy for a year, I’m just surprised the day is finally here. It’s been a long time coming,” I said, popping my head back behind the curtain to finish putting on my wedding dress. “You guys ready?”

“Ready!” my two best friends chimed together.

I stepped out from behind the curtain and the mouths of both girls dropped open.

“Wow,” Saylor remarked. “Beau is gonna have a heart attack when he sees you.”

I wore a snow white satin ruched mermaid-styled wedding dress. Small rhinestone beading lined the top of the gown and it accentuated my every curve, flaring out just above my knee.

Saylor had curled my hair to utter perfection and styled it in a half-up half-down hairdo, a small beaded tiara on the top of my head.

Thanks to my werewolf gene, I managed to get back to my pre-baby weight in no time, and I felt like an absolute queen.

“You girls ready?” Laura asked as she entered the room. “Oh Juliette, you’re just gorgeous!”

“Aw, that’s too sweet.” I pulled her tightly into a hug. “Before we go out there, I just want to thank you for raising the man of my dreams. I don’t know where I’d be right now without him.”

My words brought tears to Laura’s eyes and I had to suppress the tears that were beginning to sting in mine.

“Don’t you dare cry. We don’t have time to redo your whole face,” Saylor warned.

“Okay, I’m ready. Lets go.”





I stood in between two tall pillars where we’d say our vows—waiting on my love to walk from the doors out into the bright sunny air.

The wedding march began as Juliette walked down the aisle on my mother’s arm. She looked like a vision of true beauty, and my heart leapt knowing that this was the start of our relationship as husband and wife, soul mates.

The ceremony passed in a blur, each one of us repeating vows and then sealing our fate with one kiss. The crowd erupted in cheers, and before we knew it, we were partying at our wedding reception.

Eve and Saylor had designed the entire thing based on a few small details that Juliette and I had picked out. For our colors, we went with green and blue, the colors of our eyes. Eve and Saylor laughed at the corniness of it, but the colors accented each other perfectly, illuminating the ballroom that held the after party. Dancing and snacking went on for hours before the party was coming to an end.


“I’d like to make a toast, before we all turn in for the evening and return to our normal lives.” I stood. “I know that toasts are mostly given by the maid of honor and the best man, but I’d like to do it a little differently today. Before I get started, I want to thank you all for coming today and sharing in a very special moment for our family.”

I reached down and brushed my thumb lightly over Juliette’s cheek, adoration shining through her eyes, and I knew without a shadow of a doubt I felt the same.

“I’ve tried to explain to Juliette before how much she means to me, but I haven’t been able to fully express the extent of what I feel. I’ve spent the past couple months since Gracelynn was born trying to put all these emotions that I carry inside into words.

“When I first found out I was going to be a father, Juliette shared this wonderful book with me—though it took some coercing—filled with journal entries that she wrote for Gracie to read as she grows up. So with that being said, I’d like to read a letter that I’ve written for her.”





The concept of soul mates is a beautiful thing. To find out there is someone out there who was made specially for you is shocking, if you think about it. Out of the tens of thousands of people walking the planet, we found each other and have created the most beautiful thing in the world, Gracelynn.

When I grew up and joined the pack, I began to see the beauty in a mate. Someone who you can bear all the hard and beautiful moments with. Someone who will test me and reason with me. Someone who I can give my whole heart to and take care of, love until the day we take our last breath.

I thought I had everything figured out, but then, one unexpected day, I walked into a diner and there you were. You shook me to the very core, and I did the one thing that my wolf told me not to do. Something that I have never done before in my life. I ran. You brought me back to you, and I’m so honored and blessed that you did. You have shown me the true meaning of love and sacrifice.

Juliette, you test me in every way. You’re the kind of mate that I never knew I wanted. You’re not submissive and you don’t do as you’re told. You argue and fight back, always thinking you’re right. You think outside the box and have an uncanny ability to come up with the craziest comebacks at the drop of a hat. But on the other hand, you’re fiercely loyal, protective over those you love, you have a heart of gold, and always put others before yourself. You are the greatest mommy to our little angel, and you’re patient with me, even when I don’t deserve it.

I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life showering you and Gracie with love and security. I promise to be true to you and care for you in sickness and in health. I promise to put your needs before my own and protect you both from anything or anyone that threatens to bring you harm. I’m blessed to have you in my life as my mate and other half, and I can’t wait to experience everything together.


Forever and Always yours,




Juliette stood from her seat, tears spilling onto her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me against her.

“How is it possible to love someone so much?” she whispered in my ear, drowning out the clapping from the people around us. It was only us.

I pulled back slightly, looking into her eyes. “I’m not sure, but I’m glad it’s you.”

“Ahem, ahem.” Saylor stood, clanking her butter knife against the champagne glass in her hand. “May I have your attention? That means you two—you crazy puppy-lovers!” She giggled to herself, obviously loving the joke she made on Juliette and my behalf. “As the maid of honor and the bride’s honorary sister, I’m not gonna let the groom take away the maid of honors traditional speech.”

“Uh oh,” Juliette spoke—much louder than she’d intended—which only had the room breaking out into a fit of laughter.

“Juliette and I met in a group home when we were seven years old. She was shy and reserved, and I was, well you know me, loud and opinionated. I remember the first day I knew I liked her.” Her eyes took on a glassy look as she reminisced on their childhood. “We were in the lounge area of the group home. A bunch of kids were fighting over the television remote. Juliette walked right into the room, yanked the remote from their grubby little hands, and turned on Rugrats. They tried to yell at her and complain but she only stuck her tongue out at them and continued watching the TV. I loved her spirit and I loved that she did what she wanted and didn’t let others bother her. After that, we became best friends, inseparable if you must. Even to this day, we’re the same.” She brushed some moisture off her cheek and continued. “I love this chick so so much. I’ve seen her go through some pretty horrific experiences throughout her childhood and adulthood, and each time I’m more and more in awe with how amazing and strong she is. If anyone deserves to find love and happiness, it’s her. I’m so glad that I’ve gotten to see you grow into the amazing person you are today, and I can’t wait to sit back and watch where your life takes you. I love you, girly!”

Everyone clapped as Juliette and Saylor hugged, tears streaming down both of their faces.

“So much for not ruining my makeup.” Juliette laughed.

“Good thing your reception is almost over. The last thing we want is the bride looking like a hot mess.”

“You’re right, we wouldn’t want that.” Juliette winked as she walked over to me where I was holding a very squirmy little two month old.

“She wants you.” I smiled as Juliette grabbed the green-eyed baby and pulled her tightly into a hug, kissing her chubby dimpled little cheeks.

“Whose mommy’s beautiful little girl?” Juliette cooed as the baby smiled, making everyone near them stop and admire the sheer cuteness of the situation.

Laura walked over to them, giggling at the baby’s happiness. “Saylor ordered me over here to tell you that it’s time for you two to leave or she’ll kick you out herself.”

“Her bossiness knows no bounds.” Juliette laughed, handing Gracelynn to her grandmother. “Thanks for watching her for us. It means a lot to me.”

“My pleasure. You know I just love this little peanut.”

“Night, Mom. We’ll pick her up tomorrow morning.” I kissed my mother on her cheek and then bent down and did the same to Gracie.

“No rush, we’ll just be having a girl’s day.”

We said our goodbyes to everyone we passed on the way out, leaving hand and hand. This day couldn’t have been more perfect.





“We kind of live together, so you don’t have to carry me over the thresh-hold.” I laughed as Beau picked me up anyway and carried me inside.

“Well, now it’s your first time being in our house as Mrs. Beau Lancaster.” He winked at me, causing my stomach to do little flips.

Beau led me upstairs—pulling me behind him—walking slower so I didn’t trip over the small train of my dress.

“I really need to explore the rest of this house. It’s ridiculous that I don’t even know where you’re taking me, and aside from Gracie’s nursery and our room, I have no idea what is on each floor.”

“Good thing we have all the time in the world then, huh?”

When we reached the fourth floor, I noticed red flower petals and tea light candles trailing from the very top of the stairs, down the hallway, and into a room on the far right.

Beau followed the flower petal trail down the hall and swung the door open. I stepped through, feeling as if I couldn’t breathe—the site spectacular and oh so magical.

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