Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1) (12 page)

It’s when Malik’s phone starts ringing that I realise I lost track of time. We’d been lying there for over an hour doing nothing but staring at the ceiling holding hands.

“Yeah?’’ he asks. “Oh hi, yes, that’s fine. I’ll stay over here. Okay, does she want to talk to her? Okkkaayyyy then,’’ he says drawing out his response and looking at his phone funny.

“What? I ask, seriously dying to laugh at his expression.

“Your Nan isn’t coming back tonight. Edna has been taken in to the hospital, so she and my Granddad are going to stay with her. They think it was a heart attack. Um... someone... from what Granddad said will need to stay in overnight with her. They’d gone over to sort the gnomes situation out once and for all, but then when Edna opened the door she found all her gnomes back,’’ he chuckles.

“Huh?’’ I ask wondering if Edna’s okay or if this is some sort of joke and I’m missing the punch line. It wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened. He can’t seriously be laughing when an old woman is in hospital.

“Hey, I’m not laughing at her, I’m laughing at the situation,’’ he says, his lips twitching.

“Well... What is the situation then?’’ I ask frustrated.

“They put the gnomes back, but they were all in sexual positions, some having dicks and tits drawn on them,’’ he laughs, then I can’t help it, I burst out laughing. How the hell does my Gram’s know her? My laugh gets louder and louder, I can’t help it I snort, which has me laughing harder. I’m not laughing that she’s in the hospital, that’d be disrespectful, but I’m laughing over the garden gnomes. Whoever did it didn’t mean any harm. I will have to admit though, the thought of someone doing that to her gnomes is funny as fuck.

“So she’s not coming back?’’ I ask wiping away my tears still chuckling.

“No, they’re going to stay there until they know more on her condition, then they’re going to head back to Edna’s to get her some clean clothes and shit. That’s all I know. In the background I could hear your Nan telling Granddad to put the moby thingy away,’’ he chuckles.

“Sounds like Gram’s. Hold on, you said you were staying. Staying here?’’ I ask suddenly, my mouth dry.

“Yeah, Granddad said to come around to take you back to ours, but you’d never get any sleep at ours, trust me, so I said here.’’

I want to tell him that I hardly sleep anyway, but then I’d have to tell him about the nightmares which I don’t fancy doing.

“What do you want to do then?’’ I ask looking at the time. It’s getting late now, usually I’d be getting ready to go to bed, read for a while and then go to sleep. With Malik here though, I don’t know what to do.

“What do you usually do now?’’

“Um... I need to take a shower and get ready for bed. I usually read or watch a movie before falling asleep,’’ I shrug.

“Well you go take a shower, I’m going to head home to take a shower, grab my school shit then I’ll be back. I’ll grab a film while I’m over there,’’ he grins.

“Malik?’’  I call, stopping him from leaving.

“Yeah,’’ he says as he gathers up the McDonalds rubbish.

“Where will you be sleeping?’’ I whisper my face flushed.

“Here with you,’’ he says like it’s no big deal. I mean, yeah, we slept together the first night I really met him and had an anxiety attack in front of him, but this is different. My breathing escalates rapidly, my palms sweating from nerves of the thought of being alone all night, in a bed, with Malik Carter. Strange thing is I like the sound of it.

“In my bed?’’ I squeak out.

“Um yeah,’’ he says looking at me confused. “Don’t worry Harlow, I don’t bite,’’ he grins.

“What if I do?’’ I blurt out, then groan once I realise what I just said.

“I’d probably like it,’’ he says hoarsely, his eyes a shade darker than they were a moment ago.

A noise comes from the back of my throat, its in-between a groan and a-humph sound. Malik just grins giving me one last wink before he turns leaving the room.

“Hurry up Harlow; I’ll be back soon,’’ he shouts from the stairs snapping me out of my haze.

Finding myself grinning I jump up off the bed, moving to the bathroom to take a shower.


Three quarters of an hour later I emerge from the shower. Drying off, I wrap a towel around me before wrapping another one around my hair.

I say to myself when I realise I never brought any clothes inside with me. With Malik consuming my thoughts, everything else went out the window. Sighing I grab my toothbrush, making quick work to brush them so I can go get my clothes.

Making my way quickly tiptoeing over to my drawers, I grab a fresh pair of knickers, bra, and my comfy pyjama set. Turning to head back to the bathroom I scream dropping all of the items along with my towel to the floor when I see Malik sitting on my bed wearing a smirk. That soon vanishes and his eyes widen with surprise and desire. That’s when I realise the towel just dropped in my stupidity. I should have guessed he would already be here.

“Shit,’’ I squeak bending back down to grab my towel. When I stand back up Malik is standing in front of me, his eyes hooded and his expression intense. He keeps his eyes looking into mine, not straying to look at my body like any other teenage boy would have done by now.

I make sure the towel is tightly secure before I try to take a step back, but my feet land in a tangle in the clothes I dropped, making me fall back. I close my eyes waiting for the pain to come from the fall, and the humiliation of making a fool out of myself twice in the span of five minutes. The pain doesn’t come, instead strong arms wrap around my waist bringing me flush against a rock hard body. When I open my eyes, he’s staring down at me with so much emotion I have to swallow back the lump in the back of my throat.

“You’re so beautiful,’’ he tells me huskily, making my stomach flutter and my skin tingle from where he’s touching me. “You don’t even see how beautiful you are,’’ he says, but it doesn’t sound like he’s talking to me anymore but himself.

“So are you,’’ I choke out, my eyes never leaving his.

“So soft,’’ he says as he lightly grazes his fingers down my cheek. My head automatically leans into his soft touch, my body purring like a cat for him. I’ve never felt like this. My mind is screaming silently for him to touch me, to press his body against mine, but like the scared cat I am, I stay silent.

His head bends forward slowly, giving me the chance to stop what I know is about to come. I don’t move though, I want this more than anything else right now.

I feel his breath first before I feel his lips; the touch is light and quick before he looks back at me. The look he gives me makes me catch my own breath. This isn’t my first kiss, but I feel like it is. His hand tightens on my hip, the other on my neck, and then his soft lips lock with mine.

When I feel his tongue demand access, I cling to his t-shirt, my body swaying into him. The kiss starts off slow, sensual, like he has all the time in the world to explore my mouth and my body.

He deepens the kiss and a part of me hates that he stopped kissing me like I’m the only girl in the world, but the other half loves the fact he’s kissing me like there isn’t a tomorrow. For some unknown reason I’m thrilled that he’s lost control with me, that I’m the one to have done that to him.

The way his hands run down the side of my body, then back up, staying just below the sensitive part under my breasts. My body sways closer; our bodies now flush against each other. His body is hard, muscular as I press up against him.

My hands are now grabbing the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling it slightly when he deepens the kiss. My body feels hot, burning with something I’ve never experienced before. Another moan escapes my mouth as the kiss heats up, neither one of us separating for air, which I like.

It’s the moment he picks me up and my legs go around his waist that something in me changes, something in both of us changes, and something that can never be reversed. He carries me over to my bed and I know I should tell him to stop, to slow down, but all I can do when he pulls away - apart from gasp for breath – is to cling to him. I grip on to his shoulders so hard that I’m surprised my nails aren’t drawing blood.

The soft mattress hits my back when his hard body presses against my front, his hardness down below pressing into my sex. I’m no prude, don’t get me wrong, but this is all new to me. The farthest I’ve gone with a boy is talk and that was on a really good day.

“Malik,’’ I moan sounding coarser as he rains kisses down my neck. Through all the kissing, carrying, and touching, my towel has thankfully stayed locked in place.

I hear him groan above me as my hips move on their own accord, rubbing against his hardness. Tingles spread through my belly as my body flushes from my boldness, but also from the tingles it’s causing.

“God, you feel so good,’’ he tells me hoarsely, looking down at me. “You should go get dressed.’’

He looks pained as he says it, but doesn’t move to let me up. My body and mind are fighting against each other. A part of me wants to lay here, remove the towel from my body and feel him against my naked skin, but the other part is telling me to go get into my pyjamas.

“Yeah, I should,’’ I whisper, but my head lifts up so I can press my lips against his for another kiss. He doesn’t make a move to deepen the kiss at first, not until I scrape my nails down his back. His muscles flex under my touch making me feel giddy. He doesn’t have a body like any other seventeen year old boy I know; he has more of a man’s body.

His hands rake up my sides to where I tucked the towel in to keep it together. I feel it come apart exposing my body to the cool air in the bedroom causing a shiver to run across my stomach.

His denim jeans rub against my exposed skin, the feel of the rough material making me bite out a moan. He’s making me feel so good, something I can’t explain. His touch bringing me to the point that I want to cry out.

When his hands touch my bare breasts, I shiver with nerves and excitement. No one has ever touched me there, and I know I wouldn’t have let anyone else do this to me except Malik. Malik has had me wanting him since the moment I had noticed him the very first time in registration class. I may not have known to what extent, but I had been drawn to him straight away. Getting to know him this past week has felt like I’ve known him for years, but it still doesn’t stop me from feeling nervous and jittery and wanting to know more about him.

“We really need to stop,’’ he whispers, his lips at my neck while his hands play with my nipples, twisting one between his fingers before he pulls it making me cry out with pleasure.

The sensation is not lost on me, I feel it all the way down to my toes, pulsating through my whole body from the bolts of pleasure he’s giving me.

“Please don’t stop,’’ I find myself begging, although I know we should. I’m not ready to have sex, but I’m also not ready to stop this, whatever this is.

“Do you want me to make you feel good?’’ he asks, nibbling against my neck below my ear. My whole body is on fire, my core tingling with pleasure that has me arching up into him, making him groan.


He holds himself up above me, resting on his forearm while he lets his other arm snake down my stomach, sending shivers all through me. It feels good. His touch is so light against my skin it feels like torture, but it’s so pleasurable.

Although the whole sex thing is new to me, I’m not lost on what anything is; I know what I’m begging for. I’ve just never experienced it before. I’ve read so many books, some erotica novels I know my mom would have grounded me for if she ever found out I had read them. Sexual acts are also something I’m aware of yet never experienced.

When I finally feel his soft fingers run through my slit, I find myself ruined by all those novels I’ve read in the past because nothing can compare to how Malik is making me feel in this moment. My body arches upward, as I cry out with pleasure.

“Fuck, you’re so wet for me,’’ he says huskily, swirling two fingers around my clit making me lose hold of all my senses. My Gram’s could walk in right now and I’d never know because my body and mind are all completely consumed by Malik and his magical fingers.

His fingers explore lower making me tense for a second before I relax. When he inserts one inside me, I let out a startled cry, my body begging for him to continue yet trying to fight away the intrusion of it all.

“Relax babe, I won’t hurt you I promise,’’ he says, and he’s right because when he starts pumping his finger in and out, my body starts to relax and I feel myself become wetter. The sting that had been there before has now gone, making the pleasure from before intensify.

“Ohhh,’’ I moan, my whole body jerking slightly below him. It feels so good.

“Does that feel good?’’ he rasps.

Not able to talk I nod my head confirming it feels good. Scratch that, it feels more than good, it feels explosive. Like nothing on this earth could ever feel as good as this.

He looks at me with hooded eyes, which I’m sure are mirroring my own. I know he’s turned on, I can feel the evidence pressing up against my leg. I know I should be doing something for him, like I said, I read a lot of books to know what stuff is, but I’m too scared to make that move. The thought of him rejecting me is one thing, but the idea of not pleasing him holds me back the most.

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