Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha (34 page)

  Pull your shoulder blades back and lift your body until your chest touches the bar.

  Pause, then slowly lower your body back to the starting position.

Single-Leg Hip Raise
10 reps per leg

  Lie faceup on the floor with your left knee bent and your right leg straight.

  Raise your right leg until it's in line with your left thigh, and place your arms out to the sides.

  Push your hips upward, keeping your right leg elevated.

  Pause, then slowly lower your body and leg back to the starting position.

  Complete the prescribed number of reps with your right leg, then switch legs and do the same number with your left leg.


Perform B1–B4 in a circuit fashion, resting no more than 30 seconds between exercises. Perform 4 circuits, resting 90 seconds between each. After your last set, rest 2 minutes and proceed to the next circuit.

Hold as long as possible

Jumping Jack
As many as possible in 45 seconds

  Begin facing forward with your arms at your sides.

  Jump up slightly and spread your legs as you bring your arms together overhead.

  Jump up slightly again and return to the starting position, bringing your legs together and arms back down to your sides.


As many as possible


Perform C1–C3 in a circuit fashion, resting no more than 15 seconds between exercises. Perform only 1 circuit.



Barbell Front Squat
8 reps

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