Man of Mystery (16 page)

Read Man of Mystery Online

Authors: L.B. Wilde

She giggles softly saying “dido” as his hands cup her butt pulling her into his hardness that is trying to break out of his pants. 
Brandy gasps at feeling his excitement for her dragging her nails down his strong arms as he gets her heart and body racing for more.  They are now all hands on as they reconnect with each other even with their clothes on.  Lucky for her she wore a skirt tonight as his hands lifts it up placing one inside her underwear to cup her flesh. She can’t help but moan knowing her body wants his heat is searing through her in anticipation.  Still kissing her he pulls her underwear off but leaves it on one of her legs as she feverishly unzips his pants to feel his erection touch her.  He pins her to the wall to messaging her sex with his hand making her so wet for him.  This is crazy and so exciting because her body wants him so bad.  Putting to fingers in her he groans as she arches her back begging for more.  She has unleashed his erection from his pants messaging him as she kisses his neck nibbling his shoulder to stifle her groans.  She can’t help her panting begging to feel him inside her.

Lifting her with his strong arms so she is braced on the wall but able to wrap her legs around him he removes his hand as she sinks down into his hardness.  Her back arches again and her moans are so loud she doesn’t think the music in the bar will hide them.  Not caring for all she wants right now is this man and he wants her.  He thrust into her the fullness is crazy good, he so strong and glorious inside her.  He looks into her eyes seeing his passion searing into her as he thrusts several more times.  Not being able hold back anymore as she explodes around him he says her name as he does the same
explosion he bites her lip and then comes so hard kissing her hard.  This moment has left us breathless again as they pant with their foreheads together grinning ear to ear.  Softly she kisses him, he smiles giving her a huge kiss.  They both are reluctant to let go but sure his legs are feeling like jelly as hers do so she slowly release her grip around his waist so he can place her back on the floor.

Never thinking she would ever do something
so crazy like this impressed that she has.  Brandy smiles inwardly trying to rearrange her clothing so she doesn’t look like she just had mad passionate sex in a storage room.  He cups her face bringing her up for a soft kiss.  “Brandy, you are absolutely amazing and that is my judgment, I don’t plan on giving you up for the world.”   Quizzically looking at him then she remembers the yacht and blushes.

“OK, now I know it wasn’t me but I think a lot of what it is when it comes to making love is the person you are with.  I judge you to being the most amazing man I have ever been with.” she states with pride and seriously hopes he is the last man she will ever be with.  She can’t believe anything will ever get better than this!

As if he is reading her mind he proclaims, “I hope I am the last man you will ever want to be with as I feel the same about you.” Sincerely said she can barely see his eyes to read his expression but feels complete, something tells her so does he.  Our meeting was from the soul not just attraction sighing with that comfort.

They get themselves back into a presentable state and head out of the room.  Thinking of a good idea so that our friends don’t think they just did it in closet so she suggests they go dance to make our sweat look good.  He laughs at her saying “You are the smart one!” leading her to the dance floor before they return to the table.  My
,oh my, can this man move.  He has some seriously great moves, she feels like an amateur compared to him but they have fun all the same.  Damn she is going to need lessons from him just to keep up!

When they get back to the table Denny has joined us and Nathan is drawn to what he has planned for the next part of the renovations.  Tiffany asks were we have been?  She tells her that she saw the kitchen and then we danced.  It may be half truths right now but she really doesn’t need for Crystal to knowing she’ll fill Tiffany in later as she grins.  Her body being so satisfied right now she can just drift away.  Nathan keeps glancing at Brandy in between his conversation with Denny, winking giving her a sweet smile.  She loves that look on him.  He is so sweet.

The night is full of a few cocktails and dancing a few more times, Tiffany and Brandy decide to call it a night.  It’s getting really late and she does have to work tomorrow night at Arnolds.  During our conversations we have had tonight she mentions to Denny and Nathan to come check out the place since they have great wings and she thinks they might enjoy them.  The both have agreed to come by and visit since obviously she works there but also they might get a clue in on how to improve their own recipe here at the bar.

Denny is talking to Tiffany and they seem to be having a private conversation, Crystal has already been out and about scooping up on what is happening so she has left us love birds to delve into other conversations.  Nathan buts his hand on
to Brandy’s looking her in the eye.

“May I stay with you tonight; I really liked sleeping meaning it that literally with you the other night.” He inquires so sincerely
of course she wants him next to her too

“That would be great, but of course my home isn’t as luxuries as yours so don’t be surprised ok?”
gosh feeling like a peasant compared to his accommodations but this is her life he is stepping into, she reminds herself.

“It may not be but that is what life is about and I want to be part of your world as much as I want you to be part of mine.  So I take it I can drive you home then?” he implores.  Looking at Tiffany to see what is happening between her and Denny as she glances at her with a devilish smile.

“Tiffany, Nathan is coming back to the apartment with me, what are you and Denny up to?  Would you like to join us?” not sure what her plans are.

“Well, we are going to head out for Mighty Taco and I am going to head to Denny’s apartment.  I will tm you when I get there so I won’t be coming back with you.” She smiles with you know what she is doing tonight and obviously you are doing the same thing kind of look.  We both giggle and tell her “I will tm our favorite friends Mikey and Pete that we will contact them tomorrow so they know we are ok.”  Lucky for her Tiffany drove tonight so she can worry about her car later as they walk out hand in hand.  His warm hand makes her feel solid knowing that she is safe being with him as they exit the bar.

They glance at each other as they walk to his car like grade school kids going out on a first date.  Intimately we know that isn’t the case but he is now coming home with her which is exciting and nerve raking at the same time.  Still look at him in disbelief as to why he is with her and not some super model.  That still nags her at the back of the brain but for now appreciating the fact that this man who is beyond gorgeous wants to spend time with simple Brandy.  Sighing he opens his car door as we head home.

Grimacing as we pull up to her apart, “Well our place is very small compared to yours so don’t expect much ok?” cringing slightly still feeling out of sorts.

“Hey, don’t worry about it.” He says softly “I’m comfortable as long as I’m with you.”   Stepping around to open her door she leads him into their tiny apartment.

He doesn’t make any funny faces and is just looking at her with dreamy eyes.  “Would you like some wine, I have a few bottles that are from my parent’s winery?”

“That would be great; I would love to try out your families wine.” smiling back at her.  Pulling out to glasses, a cork screw and pop open a bottle.  After pouring us a drink showing him to her comfy couch that Tiffany and her sit on often to just watch TV or chat.  It’s worn in but extremely comfy.  Taking off her shoes curling up as Nathan takes a seat right next to her.  He is finally taking in his surroundings.  “This place is adorable; I don’t know why you cringed.  It’s very homey and welcoming.”  As he takes a sip of his wine, pulling the glass away from his mouth he exclaims “This is really good too! It tastes like a Pinot Noir am I correct?”

“Yes it is.  It is one of my favorites that my parents make.  I’m glad you like it.”
She takes a long sip herself letting it warm up in her belly.  Closing her eyes to savor the taste, when she opens them Nathan is looking deeply into them making her giggle shyly.

“You are the most beautiful person I have met since I came here.” Taking is hand he cups her cheek rubbing it slightly with his thumb.  Leaning into it she relaxes absorbing his warm affection.

Slowly he kisses her when the sparks ignite again as she feels the passion for this man searing through her.  She lifts her hand into his hair pulling him in tighter wanting his flavor to stay on her lips.  Nathans groans back at her relishing in the moment he pulls away resting his forehead onto hers. “Shall we take this into the bedroom?” He suggests with a raised eyebrow.

Nodding, taking his hand leading him into her room which is a futon bed.  Not even caring or mentioning that it’s not something luxuries he pulls her in for another breath taking kiss.  “You are so much what I need in my life, thank you for being so perfect” he whispers in her ear as he nibbles it.

Slightly stunned “You’re the one that is perfect, you have everything going for you, I just have a simple life” looking into his eyes holding his face. Knowing this isn’t the time to talk about why he wants her she should be enjoying the fact that he does, but he keeps her puzzled.  Looking back at her ever so sweetly he replies “Your right that I have a lot going for me but sometimes it makes life very complicated.  Your life may seem simple but that is what I crave sometimes.” He says with a slight scowl then brightens up “Someday soon I will explain more and you can see for yourself what you think.  For now let me just enjoy you, ok?”  He asks so sincerely and he kisses her.  She forgets her ambitions just wanting him to unravel the women inside her.

Without another word to be said she starts to undress him wanting every part of his body to touch hers.  He obliges by removing her clothing as they heat up the atmosphere in the room with their longing for each other’s touches.  Her body has an intense need to have him inside her again.  Her body responds to all his caresses as he sucks on her breast fondling the other breast with his thumb.  They harden in response pulling his head up to kiss him hard with her tongue search his mouth.  Her hands trail down his strong arms onto his chest she pulls him into her hips feeling his hardness against her pelvis. 
Brandy squeezes his shapely butt swirling her body around unable to stop the sensation that is going to drive her over the edge.  He is panting and groaning just as hard pulling back on her butt with his hands.  We haven’t even connected our bodies completely yet and she is excited beyond belief.

Pulling him towards the bed she twists him laying him down on his back.  Grunting slight she straddle
s him kissing his neck wiggling on his erection.  Still not connected he slips his hand on her wetness cupping it making her moan in anticipation.  Slipping a finger in slowly she’s gasps with excitement rolling her head back.  Stroking her several times she starts to pant she doesn’t know if she can wait.  Feeling her desire growing stronger, he puts his massive erection into her pulling her down hard on his hips.  Biting her lip trying not to explode on him yet and he is panting just as loudly trying to hold back.  “Oh Brandy, you make me so hard and you are so tight around me.  I can’t hold out much longer!” he breaths heavily thrusting into her several more times her orgasm release is upon him screaming out as she explodes around him as he releases into her filling her with his heat.  He bellows out a large moan and pumps into her as his orgasm comes into her. 

We slow
down; catching our breaths she leans down lying on his chest.  He holds her tight against him listening to hear his heart to slowly relax as does hers.  Feeling so good with him in her she doesn’t want to move.  We stay like this for some time, when he finally cups her face and looks into her eyes.  “As much as I would love to stay like this all night you might find it a rude wakening in the middle of the night when I grow inside you again.  Give me about 20 min and I’ll be ready but then you will never get any sleep.” He toys with her, “Maybe some night I might take you up on that.” Teasing him back slowly roll off him.

We wrap up into the blankets cuddling close since it’s a small bed.  Placing her head on his chest listening to his heart beat.  “This is why I wanted to stay here tonight.” He says, “I really liked
sleeping with you in my arms, it’s very comforting knowing you are near me.’

She smiles
into his chest feeling warm all over thinking how much he just likes her.  Replying sleepily “Me too.” kissing his chest while playing a little with his chest hairs.  Slowly we drift off to sleep.

Nathan sense
d she was at the bar before he actually saw her.  He thought it was strange but somehow he knew.  There short time together has been great and the sex they have had even better than great.  It’s not that he hasn’t been with other women, but something was special about her just like her innocents.  When he did spot her, his body tingled with a sensation he really enjoyed.



She woke with a start, she forgot to tm Tiffany and Mikey last night.  She has never done that before, but obviously she was preoccupied.  Nathan is still fast asleep and we are still leg locked in each other’s arms.  Slipping away as quietly as possible and putting on her robe.  Looking down at him he looks so peaceful and he groans a little feeling the chill of her absence. 
Brandy moves the blanket back up to his chest to warm him with a sigh.  He is even handsome in his sleep; smiling like a school girl she decides it’s her turn to make him coffee with breakfast.  Also first thing is to tm her friends so they don’t worry either.

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